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Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e IC

With the bindings now broken on the ghost of Cadence Raff, the party makes its way outside to begin building the funeral pyre, leaving the body behind until the pyre is ready to receive the remains. Now outside, with the help of Antonia and Silent Glade, the party begins to gather wood to burn the body. Thanks to the two giving direction, it only takes a few minutes to gather enough wood for the fire. Moving back into the tower, you gently and reverently try to move the withered body outside, but the body is so desiccated that it starts to break apart no matter how gentle you are with the remains. With all the care possible, the party moves the remains out to the wooden pyre and gently places the remains there to ignite.

As the sun is setting down over the horizon, the fireflies begin to flicker as the cicadas buzz in the trees as the Circle begins to form a semi-circle around the woodpile. With night coming on, the spirit of Dunbar comes walking out of his tower to join the group, slipping a comforting arm around Antonia's shoulder and gives her a friendly squeeze as he stands there. He says, "I must thank you once more for risking yourselves to free the bindings on Cadence. I can already feel the cold discomfort of his rage fading away, bringing peace to this glade once more. I knew Cadence; he was a dedicated man, always seeking the best for all Creation, offering his sage advice to the Solars of the Deliberative. Cadence, I hold no hatred in my heart for you, and I forgive you for your trespass against me here. Looking back, I can see that the Deliberative was growing . . . corrupt and decadent. Perhaps what he did was the right thing, but only the Celestial Incarne might know the answer to that."

Antonia takes a moment to look at the assembled Exalts, then says, "Lady Delilah, you are of the same host as Cadence Raff. Do you have anything that you wish to say before we let the fire consume this body?"
Del nods, then says, "I did not know him personally, but I do know that Cadence Raff was a Sidereal in the service of Mars, the Maiden of Battles. He stood against the enemies of Creation in the high First Age, and even when he turned against the Deliberative, he was acting in what he thought was the best for all of Creation as he saw it. He was a dedicated member of the Fivescore Fellowship, having served for many years before he met his end at the hands of Dunbar. In his last moments, he was able to show that he was honorable and kept his word to not strike out at the Exalts that came here seeking refuge. Cadence was able to acknowledge that he may have erred in his effort to bring an end to the rule of the Solars, showing his wisdom did not end with his death. May we all have the same wisdom as he showed in the end."

She looks around at her comrades and says, "I believe that is all I have to say. Is there anyone that has something to add before we light the fire and consign his spirit to Lethe?"
With no one else coming forward to say anything, the torch is placed on the bier and the wood catches fire quickly. As the fire burns, a quiet lassitude can be felt as the body is consumed by flame, and all that is heard is the sounds of the crackling of the wood as it burns.

While you watch, the familiar shape of the ghost of Cadence shimmers into view. He is silent for a moment, watching the fire consume his body. He looks over at Delilah and says, “I have heard what you said about me, and I thank you. You are showing more courtesy to me than I deserve. For your kind words, I give you a warning in the short time I have left. The Sidereal Order has been destroyed by the Empress and her demon husband, the Ebon Dragon. She is now the tool of the Primordial, and the Demon Queen seeks to free her husband from his prison to rend all Creation once more. You and perhaps three others of the Fellowship are all that remain.”

He eyes the Exalts stand next to Del and says, “Gather your army and fight to save all Creation. There is no more Wyld Hunt, just the Demon Queen purging those that might stand against her. The burden lies on you now. I wish you luck. You’ll need it.”
Chowlett Chowlett Eonivar Eonivar jaydude jaydude Psychie Psychie Rykon Rykon Sherwood Sherwood - just to be sure no one else like me is missing out on this fun! =)

Mercy sheathed Black Wind and turned and looked at Fat Cat. Something had been bothering her.

"Fat Cat, I know you promised Blessed Luna that you would return the Spellbreaker, and I am all for keeping that oath, but could we not perhaps ask Luna if we could use the artifact to fight the Empress? She had commanded some very powerful sorcery. Such an artifact would be a valuable asset in our fight, which right now the odds are definitely in her favor. I am not saying to just take the artifact, no, I am just asking if we could somehow ask Luna to use it for this fight which is affecting all of Creation."
O Mighty Fat Cat considered his friend's request deeply. Searching himself, he could only come to one conclusion. "Mercy? Me Blessed Luna knows all tings worth knowin'," he grins with the deepest confidence. "If Luna wantin' me to use it, She will tell me. Won't be no reason for me to ask."

If Mercy were another friend of his, Da Chonk might consider placing his hand on her shoulder in a gesture of reassurance. But he doesn't. She has never given him permission for such a thing. Her body is her own. O Mighty Fat Cat knows quite well he has his own shoulder to place his hand on if he wanted to do so that badly.

While you watch, the familiar shape of the ghost of Cadence shimmers into view. He is silent for a moment, watching the fire consume his body.
O Mighty Fat Cat says nothing - he had already had his say when he last saw the ghost of Cadence. He had meant every word.

Here, he simply places his large muscled hands together, closes his eyes, and nods in a gesture of peace and prosperity to the slain and word-keeping Sidereal.

He eyes the Exalts stand next to Del and says, “Gather your army and fight to save all Creation. There is no more Wyld Hunt, just the Demon Queen purging those that might stand against her. The burden lies on you now. I wish you luck. You’ll need it.”
"'Army?'" Da Chonk shakes his ebony head. "Ain't got no army." He chuckles and glances heavenward as he speaks the dearest truth. "Luna give me de powa to be an army. Everyting of armies and dat sort of ting? I best leave to me Circle here."

Having mentioned his friends, O Mighty Fat Cat turns, takes a deep breath from his powerful body, and speaks in a serious and friendly tone. "Me Circle? It is time for me to deliva on me promise to Luna. I go now to Rathess, to de Tomb of Mor'du, to meet wit de Celestial Lion, an' do right by Luna. Were it not for her, Cadence would still be chained to dis world, Antonia's realm and Dunbar Kirk's mind would not be at peace. I mean to return as soon as I can. Wish me well?"

O Mighty Fat Cat holds out his arms for hugs or handshakes from any who would have them. He looks once to Antonia whom he believe he owes a hug, for it was his tales that the wood elemental seemed to take to the core of her very being, a moment O Mighty Fat Cat was likely never to forget.
O Mighty Fat Cat holds out his arms for hugs or handshakes from any who would have them.
"Good luck with your endeavors in Rathess," Grey Stone replied, shaking the Lunar's hand and giving him a warm smile.

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 11/16
Peripheral Essence: 40/40
Anima: Dim
Committed Essence: 5 (Faith's Pillar)

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0
Mercy walked over and took Fat Cat's big hand in both of hers and gave it a squeeze.

"Be safe Fat Cat...come back to us when and if you can. May Blessed Luna light your way."
Del looks at the ghost and feels a deep chill go up her spine. Why would Cadence say such a thing, when it can so easily be disproven? Maybe it’s not a lie…. Maybe he’s right. One way to find out for sure. “Cid, how many Sidereals are currently alive that have not Exalted in the past year?” She is in dread at the answer, but she has to know.
The little Pattern Spider looks up at Del and says in a sad voice, “Only five. The rest are waiting to re-Exalt after losing their lives.”

Cadence nods. “See, it is as I said. The Order is gone. You must do what you can to stop her, or all of Creation will suffer when the Ebon Dragon is loosed from his prison. Do not fail, child.”

With that, the ghost fades away from view.

Filial looks at Del and says, “You may be good in a fist fight, but in order to face such an enemy, we’ll need more than just a few tricks up our sleeves. What is this wondrous secret you know that can supposedly help us, little girl?”
Del is numb from the revelation that nearly the whole Sidereal order was wiped out. Even those of the Bronze Faction that she would bitterly argue with were still people that she considered colleagues. So many good men and women - gone.

But now is not the time for grief. That must be bottled up and released later, but that is easier thought than done as Del can feel the tears flowing down her face.

She is barely aware of speaking as she says, “There is a great fortress in the sky, capable of holding thousands as it travels across Creation. Its storehouses are filled with weapons of the First Age, capable of equipping an army with the finest of gear to be had. Only a few knew of its existence, and even fewer have the command codes to operate it. I have those codes and its exact location.”
Grey Stone turned to look at Del. "And where is the location of this fortress?" he asked her gently, aware as he was of her grief.

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 11/16
Peripheral Essence: 40/40
Anima: Dim
Committed Essence: 5 (Faith's Pillar)

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0
Grey Stone turned to look at Del. "And where is the location of this fortress?" he asked her gently, aware as he was of her grief.

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 11/16
Peripheral Essence: 40/40
Anima: Dim
Committed Essence: 5 (Faith's Pillar)

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0
She sniffs a bit and wipes at her tears, saying, “You probably know of it already. It is inside Mount Metagalapa, buried under tons of dirt and rock with thousands living on the slope that can be the nucleus of an army against the Demon Queen. They would just need a skillful leader to train them. The fortress is what makes the mountain fly, not some Wyld energies twisting the laws of Creation asunder. It will take some work to prepare the fortress to be used, but it can be done.”
Aredin grunts as he mulls over the accelerating developments. "Who's to say those people want to be pressed into our service? I'm all for gearing up, but I think we should take great care in how we go about assembling supporters. Everything's happening so incredibly fast, it'd be just as hasty to think ordinary folks aren't either terribly conflicted themself, or possibly even relieved to see the Mask of Winters brushed aside so easily."

"Even still, we'll need much more than a mere mountain's worth of people to hold fast against the cultivated might the Empress has managed over the last near millennia. Especially if we hope to keep things from devolving into slaughter like at Futile Blood. There's little purpose in seizing our gods' given authority back if it's to shepherd a dead world."
As the sun takes its final dip of the day into a sunset drenched richly in the colors of a burning rose, O Mighty Fat Strix (OOC: a giant forest owl with a 15 foot wingspan capable of snatching up human-sized prey), begins his flight from Antonia's wood and Dunbar Kirk's tower. Back to Rathess, he soars, and the countless sleeping dead resting there. Or so he hopes they are.

The lone Lunar speeds across and above the trees as not to be seen just as the other forest owls do. As the hours pull the moon across the sky and drench the land in mixes of lush purple and mysterious ebony, O Mighty Fat Strix ruminates over his time with his Circle. How lonely it was sometimes to be between work as The Lucky Fat Cat express, delivering these precious items here or these far-more-precious people there. The work itself was always rewarding in one way or another. Long trips like these feel where he could stretch his wings at will feel something more akin to a vacation. Especially when teamed with the knowledge that they had lost the Wyld Hunt!

Praise be to Blessed Luna for that!

There was only one way Da Chonk thought such a force could be lost and that was by the power of time. To outlast the Wyld Hunt was to outlive it. This was one reason the Lunar felt endurance to be the key in so many areas of survival - to go longer was to live longer.

Inside his mind, the lone Lunar sang praises to Luna. Praises learned in the Celestial Wildlands, his second home after he had so terribly lost his first. With those praises came joy and immense satisfaction that the deeds he had set out to do had been done. And here he was on his way to fulfill his promise to Luna, to Mor'du, to himself. This was the way to steel the soul. Just do right by one's own heart and mind regardless of outside influences of any kind.

To be your own person. This is true love.

Upon finally arriving in Rathess, O Mighty Fat Cat re-becomes his human-looking self. Once done, he presents himself proudly in his handsome Silken armor with the colors of the moon to any he might recognize, particularly the remaining Celestial Lion if that dutiful creature comes before Da Chonk's watchful eye.

To the Tomb of Mor'du he walks with Spellbreaker hidden along his arm underneath his robe lest prying eyes see the enchanting chain and wish it for themselves. O Mighty Fat Cat pauses on his trek only if he is paused. Otherwise, he does his best to retrace his steps back to the destiny Luna has bade him and the promise he made with his own lips to her ears.

To serve someone you care for willingly and wholeheartedly.

This too is true love.
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Aredin grunts as he mulls over the accelerating developments. "Who's to say those people want to be pressed into our service? I'm all for gearing up, but I think we should take great care in how we go about assembling supporters. Everything's happening so incredibly fast, it'd be just as hasty to think ordinary folks aren't either terribly conflicted themself, or possibly even relieved to see the Mask of Winters brushed aside so easily."

"Even still, we'll need much more than a mere mountain's worth of people to hold fast against the cultivated might the Empress has managed over the last near millennia. Especially if we hope to keep things from devolving into slaughter like at Futile Blood. There's little purpose in seizing our gods' given authority back if it's to shepherd a dead world."

"There is Lookshy. They have proven capable of protecting the Scavenger Lands against the Empress's ambitions of expansion there for centuries," Grey Stone replied. "That said, I imagine it will take a fine degree of persuasion to convince them to knowingly and willingly work with Celestial Exalted.

"As for swaying others to our cause, well, I would say that is something I can handle, at least according to the wisdom of the Unconquered Sun," the Zenith continued. "Though I do not know where we could find them. Even with all my years, my knowledge of the East is far from complete."

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 11/16
Peripheral Essence: 40/40
Anima: Dim
Committed Essence: 5 (Faith's Pillar)

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0
"Lookshy would be an amazing ally in these troubled times... Provided we can get them to not attack or incarcerate us on sight. That said, I'd be a poor Crowned Sun if I were to shy away from a challenge like that. I'd be more than happy to back you up on negotiating that alliance. I think what we find at this floating mountain will serve as good leverage when it comes time to help them see our side of things."

Aredin shuffles through his belongings and withdraws a map of the east to unfurl on a table before the circle. "Since we've nigh on a week before Da Chonk, who is also our primary means of air travel, returns we might as well take a moment to get our bearings and that of our chief candidates. Since I suspect we don't have a suitable means of reaching a floating mountain without him before he gets back. Unless I'm missing something."
In Rathess....

Purr Purr
Using the Key once more, Fat Cat is able to pass through the gauntlet of spinning blades without harm and is soon inside. Walking through the dark passage to where Mor'du's body is waiting for you, you see that you are not alone in here. There is a woman standing next to the elaborate open tomb, looking inside the sarcophagus at the remains. As you get closer to the woman, she turns and looks at you and you realize that this is Blessed Luna Herself, standing there in the flesh and not just as a spirit animating a statue! She smiles as she slowly walks towards you. "You have returned with Spellbreaker, just as you promised. I am not surprised; you have always been an honorable one, my Chosen for a reason. Please, rise and face me."

Luna looks up at the big man, saying, "You know what has happened in Yu-Shan to the Sidereal Order from the shade of Cadence? I would then place a heavy burden on you. The Ebon Dragon would destroy us all if he is freed from his prison. It must not happen. Stop his bride, the Demon Queen, from breaking the prison doors open and freeing him. But I would not have you do this alone, facing off against the forces of Malfias without aid. Take Spellbreaker with my blessing, and use it to protect yourself and your friends." Luna steps forward and places her hand upon your arm, and says, "You will be tested on many levels, tests that I am confident that you will rise up to face with courage and strength. You will overcome your trials, because I believe in you."

In the glade....

Sherwood Sherwood Rykon Rykon jaydude jaydude Chowlett Chowlett Eonivar Eonivar
When Del reveals the location of the floating fortress, Filial perks up with undisguised interest. "Ey, a flying castle? Hidden away in the heart of the mountain? Sounds like it is either the perfect fix or a pile of hogwash. How do we know that this mountain really has what you claim? And if it does, how do you plan on getting to it, if it is buried under all that rock? Humph. If you want First Age tech, there was plenty of goods left behind in Rathess that could be tapped into. All we would have to do is clear out the lizard folk that have taken residence in one of the giant towers in the city along with the Fair Folk in another. That would be easy enough with all the people that followed me before you sent Han Tha running away to be hunted down by the Celestial Lions."

Antonia offers Delilah a sympathetic hug. "I am so sorry, my dear. You have a true burden placed on you now, one that I wish I could leave this glade to help you with, but I am bound here by my very nature as the spirit of the glen. But if you ever need to, you are always welcome to come here to find a bit of peace from your struggles. You all are welcome. You helped to release Cadence from haunting this place, offering him some peace for the first time in thousands of years, giving me and Dunbar freedom to enjoy our time here."
Glade looks to Filial Wisdom. "I had no knowledge that Mount Metagalapa was a First Age Titan; and yet I believe it. The tales I safekeep about its powers and its history... they make sense, if viewed as the legacy of such a construct. The Titan is there, that much I believe. If we could secure it, it would be a mighty asset. But perhaps there are easier options, as you say."

(Since in-game time is a bit wibbly-wobbly right now...): While Fat Cat is away "returning" Spellbreaker, when discussions in the manse aren't actively going on, Glade will disappear quietly into the surrounding forests, sit cross-legged, and speak with the local birds (due to Flight of Separation as his control spell). He's looking for intelligence on any movements of Realm-aligned peoples; as well as any nascent resistance groups forming that the circle could help bring together into a united force. He also explains to the birds what the Empress said, and what it would mean for them, stirring up nature to be ready to stand against her as well, when the time comes.
Chowlett Chowlett Eonivar Eonivar jaydude jaydude Psychie Psychie Rykon Rykon Sherwood Sherwood (because... reasons!) =)

Please, rise and face me."
Luna has to tell O Mighty Fat Cat to do this lest he remain humbly prostrated before her for the entire conversation. =)

The Ebon Dragon would destroy us all if he is freed from his prison. It must not happen. Stop his bride, the Demon Queen, from breaking the prison doors open and freeing him.
O Mighty Fat Cat is serious to the core of his being when he announces, "Blessed Luna, dis Demon Queen is as good as done. But first, she must be found. Would you please recommend to me a way to know where she is?"

But I would not have you do this alone, facing off against the forces of Malfias without aid. Take Spellbreaker with my blessing, and use it to protect yourself and your friends." Luna steps forward and places her hand upon your arm, and says, "You will be tested on many levels, tests that I am confident that you will rise up to face with courage and strength. You will overcome your trials, because I believe in you."
"I believe in myself in part because of your faith in me. You helped make what I am today."

Holding Spellbreaker in his hands, Da Chonk's ever-moving mind springs forth an idea. "You wish for me to use Spellbreaka against de Demon Queen. Dis I would do wit my utmost ability. But... my way of fighting knows nuttin about usin' chains in combat. For all you have done for me, I would change meself to further your aims." Da Chonk thinks hard. "But... how?"

(O.O.C.: Psychie, I'll go into further detail on ideas in our O.O.C. channel if that's all right?)
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When Del reveals the location of the floating fortress, Filial perks up with undisguised interest. "Ey, a flying castle? Hidden away in the heart of the mountain? Sounds like it is either the perfect fix or a pile of hogwash. How do we know that this mountain really has what you claim? And if it does, how do you plan on getting to it, if it is buried under all that rock? Humph. If you want First Age tech, there was plenty of goods left behind in Rathess that could be tapped into. All we would have to do is clear out the lizard folk that have taken residence in one of the giant towers in the city along with the Fair Folk in another. That would be easy enough with all the people that followed me before you sent Han Tha running away to be hunted down by the Celestial Lions."

Antonia offers Delilah a sympathetic hug. "I am so sorry, my dear. You have a true burden placed on you now, one that I wish I could leave this glade to help you with, but I am bound here by my very nature as the spirit of the glen. But if you ever need to, you are always welcome to come here to find a bit of peace from your struggles. You all are welcome. You helped to release Cadence from haunting this place, offering him some peace for the first time in thousands of years, giving me and Dunbar freedom to enjoy our time here."
Del gives a sad smile to her spirit friend and returns the hug. "Thank you, Antonia. Your compassion and kindness means a lot to me. I may take you up on your offer to find solace from my burdens in the future."

Turning to Filial, she shrugs, saying, "I don't speak for the group; I am simply offering up a possible way to gather an army and equip it with weapons from the high First Age. Having a flying city at your beck and call would certainly draw out a large host of people, including Exalted of all kinds. Yes, it is true that Rathess has many secrets to it that could prove to be valuable, so it is up to all of you which lead you'd like to follow. Or find another plan of your own."
Chowlett Chowlett Eonivar Eonivar jaydude jaydude Psychie Psychie Rykon Rykon Sherwood Sherwood (because... reasons!) =)

Luna has to tell O Mighty Fat Cat to do this lest he remain humbly prostrated before her for the entire conversation. =)

O Mighty Fat Cat is serious to the core of his being when he announces, "Blessed Luna, dis Demon Queen is as good as done. But first, she must be found. Would you please recommend to me a way to know where she is?"

"I believe in myself in part because of your faith in me. You helped make what I am today."

Holding Spellbreaker in his hands, Da Chonk's ever-moving mind springs forth an idea. "You wish for me to use Spellbreaka against de Demon Queen. Dis I would do wit my utmost ability. But... my way of fighting knows nuttin about usin' chains in combat. For all you have done for me, I would change meself to further your aims." Da Chonk thinks hard. "But... how?"

(O.O.C.: Psychie, I'll go into further detail on ideas in our O.O.C. channel if that's all right?)
Luna says, “Your adversary spends much of her time in the Imperial City on the Blessed Isle, solidifying her hold on the bureaucracy of the Empire. She also travels back and forth between Creation and Malfias, the demon realm, bringing more of her husband’s forces along with her. Be ready to face the hordes of Malfias, my brave Fat Cat. When you stand with your friends you will find the strength you need to be victorious.”

She steps forward and places her hands on either side of your head. “My time here is running short, but I can give you one last gift before I go. You have asked for the greatest gift I can give: knowledge. I share it with you now.” A heavy almost painful pressure can be felt inside your head, then she releases you.

[OOC of you are going to change any Charms, here is your chance.]

With the pressure now gone, you find yourself alone in the burial chamber feeling a bit light headed but otherwise you are fine. Spellbreaker is still wrapped around your wrist, and it feels warm, almost as if it were alive. What do you do now?
Purr Purr

Eonivar Eonivar are you ready to start with your Sidereal character?
With the biggest possible grin on his face, O Mighty Fat Cat's great body trembles, shudders, and then he weeps with pure joy, clear tears trickling down his beautiful ebony skin. His goddess's blessings are his, her faith in him is brought to light, a superb challenge that threatens all is laid before him, and her very hands are upon his being with her power.

What more could a Follower of the Great Moon Goddess ask for?

His voice shaking with emotion, he says. "My Blessed Luna! White jewel in de sky! Keeper of my heart! I swear upon dis life dat you have given me dat I shall see dis through - one way or anotha! If only me Circle knew of your greatness as I do - dey too would long to love and honor You, our Beautiful Moon!"
Turning to Filial, she shrugs, saying, "I don't speak for the group; I am simply offering up a possible way to gather an army and equip it with weapons from the high First Age. Having a flying city at your beck and call would certainly draw out a large host of people, including Exalted of all kinds. Yes, it is true that Rathess has many secrets to it that could prove to be valuable, so it is up to all of you which lead you'd like to follow. Or find another plan of your own."
"While we wait for our friend to come back, let's see if we can come to a consensus on our plan then." Aredin muses as he shuffles through his effects for his canteen. "First things first... What do we know of the people already living on this floating mountain of yours? Are they aware of what lies beside them?"
Del says, “They are only aware of the mountain that they live on and know nothing of the fortress before their feet. There are a few thousand people that have made the mountain their home, and as the descendants of the legion that was trapped there, they have a larger than usual population of Outcaste Dragon Blooded for a community their size. There is plenty of room for them all inside the fortress, and that includes their war hawks that they ride. Their lives are not easy, but they have managed to eke out a life on the slope of the mountain. Do not think them as weak, as they have survived this long on their own.”
Del says, “They are only aware of the mountain that they live on and know nothing of the fortress before their feet. There are a few thousand people that have made the mountain their home, and as the descendants of the legion that was trapped there, they have a larger than usual population of Outcaste Dragon Blooded for a community their size. There is plenty of room for them all inside the fortress, and that includes their war hawks that they ride. Their lives are not easy, but they have managed to eke out a life on the slope of the mountain. Do not think them as weak, as they have survived this long on their own.”
"War hawks that they ride? Interesting..." Aredin muses. "Assuming we want to build connections with them as a group, it'd help to know more. Not just of their culture, but also of any political or trade relationships they may have with neighbors. Anything we can leverage for making a good first impression is useful."
Del looks over at the group and says, “I’m sorry, but my head is so not here right now. I have to go to Yu-Shan to know just what happened. I have to see what happened for myself. When I come back, I’ll have more of the answers you seek, and hopefully your friend Fat Cat will not be long behind. Give me . . . a few days at most. I should have what we need by then. Antonia, thank you for the use of your glade to be able to relax in. Your hospitality has never been wanting.”

She grabs up her satchel and tosses it over her shoulder and looks at the Circle with an expression showing the full weight of Creation’s woes on her shoulders. “I’ll return here soon.”

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