Symbolic Animal of Gallifrey
- One on One
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The detective gave a slight smile when Kay said the sight of the unconscious Noah brought out the maternal instinct in her. There was a sadness to it though as he thought of Noah's own mother and the accident, wishing (not for the first time) that she was still around. She would have been able to keep Noah on the straight and narrow and would have stopped him getting involved with the gangs and by extension with John. Though on a more personal level Singh missed his friend and colleague.
The hurt edge in Kay's voice didn't go unnoticed and Singh, out of habit, filed it away in his head. He saw straight through Kay's diplomatically worded in 'the last few days we've not really been in sight of each other' knowing what she was really saying was that John had been isolating himself from everybody as he drowned himself and his sorrows in an entire distillery's worth of booze. Singh knew about Elliott's murder, Nat had told him earlier that day after he'd made a 'dragged backwards through a hedge' comment. So reading between the lines, Kay had been in the building ever since the murder. There was no way John was taking visitors, his best mate wasn't around and it had taken thirteen calls from Nat for the phone to be picked up. Which meant Kay had been there when the murder had happened, maybe she'd even witnessed it. She was obviously important to him in some way, John wouldn't just let some random stranger stay in his weird magic house while he grieved. Was she some close friend he' never heard of? Couldn't be. John was shutting those out while he grieved. Family? Not by blood, his sister was blond, parents dead (he'd found that particular detail out when he pulled John's police file, along with a many other..... unsavoury details). Elliott had been an orphan with no past. That only left one real possibility, John and this woman had some kind of relationship, meaning the baby was his. Which was, well, he didn't know what to think of it. John was hardly the 'settle down with a white picket fence, a dog and two and a half kids' kind of guy. Shag around and have fun, but no lasting deep connection was more his style. hardly the type to hang around afterwards either. John was reckless yes, but surely not reckless enough to accidentally knock somebody up as an adult? There was something else going on.
As he mused, he listened to the rest of what Kay had to say and couldn't help but let out a slight 'huh' of surprise at what she was saying about Nat, though he didn't elaborate. His eyes narrowed slightly at the phrase 'open book to a certain extent'. That confirmed his suspicions, there was something else going on, something bigger at play. Something this woman felt she couldn't talk about without John's express permission, which meant it was ether illegal, supernatural or both. He'd seen this caginess before when interviewing suspects- a sure sign whatever was going on warranted further investigation. "I'm a police officer, it's my job to have questions" he replied with a smile. She was willing to answer him, which made his life easier, but the joke would ease her into it. "I suppose the obvious ones are how do you know John and how long have known him." A pause then casually, as if it had only occurred to him at that moment "and how much John has told you about myself, Noah and Nat. Might need to set the record straight if he's been talking shit or add some context if he's doing his broody and mysterious bullshit wizard act." He smirked slightly, though not maliciously at 'bullshit wizard'.
The hurt edge in Kay's voice didn't go unnoticed and Singh, out of habit, filed it away in his head. He saw straight through Kay's diplomatically worded in 'the last few days we've not really been in sight of each other' knowing what she was really saying was that John had been isolating himself from everybody as he drowned himself and his sorrows in an entire distillery's worth of booze. Singh knew about Elliott's murder, Nat had told him earlier that day after he'd made a 'dragged backwards through a hedge' comment. So reading between the lines, Kay had been in the building ever since the murder. There was no way John was taking visitors, his best mate wasn't around and it had taken thirteen calls from Nat for the phone to be picked up. Which meant Kay had been there when the murder had happened, maybe she'd even witnessed it. She was obviously important to him in some way, John wouldn't just let some random stranger stay in his weird magic house while he grieved. Was she some close friend he' never heard of? Couldn't be. John was shutting those out while he grieved. Family? Not by blood, his sister was blond, parents dead (he'd found that particular detail out when he pulled John's police file, along with a many other..... unsavoury details). Elliott had been an orphan with no past. That only left one real possibility, John and this woman had some kind of relationship, meaning the baby was his. Which was, well, he didn't know what to think of it. John was hardly the 'settle down with a white picket fence, a dog and two and a half kids' kind of guy. Shag around and have fun, but no lasting deep connection was more his style. hardly the type to hang around afterwards either. John was reckless yes, but surely not reckless enough to accidentally knock somebody up as an adult? There was something else going on.
As he mused, he listened to the rest of what Kay had to say and couldn't help but let out a slight 'huh' of surprise at what she was saying about Nat, though he didn't elaborate. His eyes narrowed slightly at the phrase 'open book to a certain extent'. That confirmed his suspicions, there was something else going on, something bigger at play. Something this woman felt she couldn't talk about without John's express permission, which meant it was ether illegal, supernatural or both. He'd seen this caginess before when interviewing suspects- a sure sign whatever was going on warranted further investigation. "I'm a police officer, it's my job to have questions" he replied with a smile. She was willing to answer him, which made his life easier, but the joke would ease her into it. "I suppose the obvious ones are how do you know John and how long have known him." A pause then casually, as if it had only occurred to him at that moment "and how much John has told you about myself, Noah and Nat. Might need to set the record straight if he's been talking shit or add some context if he's doing his broody and mysterious bullshit wizard act." He smirked slightly, though not maliciously at 'bullshit wizard'.