Interest Check: Warhammer Fantasy Campaign

Yes. Barring some unforeseen development, we begin May 20 at 6PM Central. I have two versions of the enemy army prepared, depending on if Sage's game is re-cancelled/we get someone else.
I bugged hado about finishing his army, he said something about "it'll get done before next Tuesday".
It's actually done now. Master Engineer + Handgun (82/85pts) for the Hero, banking 3pts for later use, then an Organ Gun (120pts) and a unit of 10 Warriors (80pts) round out the rest. Master Engineers are SCARY on Organ Guns.

Sage: Don't worry about it. I hope you end up having fun despite the players
Have you considered putting your wizard in one of the gunner squads instead? A lot of your power stems from being able to snipe things out of combat, so it seems odd to put your character on the front lines in your tank group.
You could go hang out in Hado's Ironbreaker unit. They're even tankier meat shields. Of course, you're pretty safe with the Greatswords anyway, so "go where it's coolest" is a perfectly legitimate approach.
That IS why I upgraded them to greatswords, after all!

Increase them to WS4, give them 4+ armor, make them S5 and armor piercing at the cost of ASL.
I will be a bit late to the game this week. Probably about 30 minutes, maybe up to an hour. Game is still on though. Sorry for the delay.

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