Interest Check: Warhammer Fantasy Campaign

When deploying, you will all be treated as belonging to a single army for all purposes. The only difference is who controls the actions of the various units. For building your list, you each have 85 points to spend on your Hero, and an additional 200 points to spend on your army. You may completely ignore the points restrictions for each type of unit (e.g. the 25% point cap on Rare units), but may not take any Heroes or Lords other than your character at the start of the game. As you fight battles and complete objectives, your character will gain levels, which allows you to either increase stats or gain skills. Additionally, you will have access to additional Character-Only points and army-points. There will also be a point in the game where your character can upgrade to a Lord equivalent.
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Lord- because we're likely starting a few hours late Today, mind giving me some help figuring this stuff out, and helping me get a choice hammered out?
Hrm? Oh, no. Lord of Chaos is just helping me set up the Army... and two more peopel joined. xD

So it's...

Me- HIgh Elven Mage

You- Lizardmen

Hado- Dwarven Engineer

Melissia- Imperial Mage

Unbridled- Bretonian Knight.

SOund's like a Solid Party to me. xD
... You where the "you". We're not doing anything today, other than me putting together my Army. You said you where going to be Lizardmen... right? xD

An RP I /THOUGHT/ Was dead, on Tuesdays, is being revived. Ergo, due to past promises I REALLY THought would never come up, I can't do this Tuesdays. SO Fucking Sorry.

And Kinda Pissed, I don't like the RP that I'm being forced to attempt the Revival /of/.
...Yeah. Well, it's not that I didn't like the RP. And I /really do/ like the DM. It's just... alot of the players in it. Alot of them. Are just..
Outright Assholes who tend to leave me in a /really/ bad mood. At least one TKing Asshole. Not a TKing Fucktard, cus he's a /cunning/ man. He intentionaly fucks over the other PC's for his own advantage. I feel accomplihsed for not yet dieing.
Well, I guess it's up to Kaza if we have one more slot. But that means I hope that Hado puts some infantry in his army because otherwise my forces are the only ones with infantry.

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