[Interest Check] The Sand, The Dust, and The Sky (RIFTS)


Superluminal Rodent
"My pistols, however, I always kept by me." -Jesse James



SMALL CREW, four to eight with room for negotiation if response is good, for fun, profit, and mayhem in Post-Apocalyptic American Southwest, specifically retrieval of RARE and VALUABLE ARTIFACTS, MERCENARY work, and light MONSTER SLAYING.

Possible contract extension and hazard pay based on performance.


Hallo. Most (that is, everyone besides, like, four people) of you don't know me, but I am Maus. Shocking, yes? Anyway, seeing as how CW and I have been munching on it constantly now, I finally decided to get off my lazy duff and see if anyone was interested in a RIFTS game. As anyone who has actually PLAYED a Palladium system will tell you, the rules are a bit...okay, A LOT confusing, but I'm willing to be flexible on interpretations and mechanics. Mostly, this an excuse to break out my collection and start slinging power armor and dragons around. :P

Region emphasis will be on the New West, but who says we can't broaden our horizons if necessary?

Anyway, lemme know what you think.


"Great fluff, awful crunch." -Every RIFTS player ever.
I don't know why I'm so tempted, but I am. I'll need some help navigating the system. (Who doesn't?)
Macross... Macross Missile Barrage with nuclear missiles is the answer to EVERYTHING.
I'm in. Any mention of RIFTS and I'm in. Even though the system leaves alot to be desired at times, theres' just nothing else like the setting.

The hardest part to any RIFTS game is the 'what RCC/OOC do I want to play' question. What sourcebooks are you emphatically ruling out?

Probably stuff like Phaseworld or Wormwood:D.

Are you running a game focused on SDC or MDC? You mentioned dragonz and power armor , I wouldnt mind playing a Xaayr Crystal Dragon Hatchling from Psyscape. Is lack of books any problem?

Ty! Ty!
Heh, I'm seeing visions of a Veritech fighter transported to Rifts and retro-fitted with a TW powersource instead of protoculture :mrgreen:
Must say I'm also tempted by this. Got the manuals, but never played before. Will figure the concept a little later.
Would need more detail from Maus on game and allowed books/char types before I come up with anything like a character concept.
Yo dawg I herd you liek RIFTS so we put more RIFTS in yo' RIFTS to RIFTS wif, yeaaaaaaaah.

...yeah, I'm in. :P *cracks New West*
Mr. Srs is correct: Ruling out any non-Rifts Earth books. Besides, Wormwood really isn't FUN unless you're on Wormwood.

The less said and done with Naruni the better. Kidding, kidding, they make great hardware, just don't miss a payment.

I'm going to encourage players to draw from the New West books for primary setting details, however, I am not definitively ruling anything out except dragons, mostly because dragons make for a fairly convenient party 'Oh Shit' button, and I'm not about to make this easy for you.


Juicer Uprising is IN, but please check with me first on your selection. (Wannabe Mega-Juicers, I'm looking at you.)

Psyscape is also IN, same shtick as JI.

Other than that, feel free to throw just about anything up. As always, I invoke GM-fiat on any OCC/RCC I'm not cool with, but I'm not unreasonable: The cheese must flow~
You woudn't consider a hovertank pilot from Southern Cross, would you?
MrSerious said:
Heh, I'm seeing visions of a Veritech fighter transported to Rifts and retro-fitted with a TW powersource instead of protoculture :mrgreen:
Oddly enough, if you go with the original source materials (all three different anime), they don't use plot-based fuel, and more mundane fusion type reactors/engines...
Maus said:
Mr. Srs is correct: Ruling out any non-Rifts Earth books. Besides, Wormwood really isn't FUN unless you're on Wormwood.
The less said and done with Naruni the better. Kidding, kidding, they make great hardware, just don't miss a payment.

I'm going to encourage players to draw from the New West books for primary setting details, however, I am not definitively ruling anything out except dragons, mostly because dragons make for a fairly convenient party 'Oh Shit' button, and I'm not about to make this easy for you.


Juicer Uprising is IN, but please check with me first on your selection. (Wannabe Mega-Juicers, I'm looking at you.)

Psyscape is also IN, same shtick as JI.

Other than that, feel free to throw just about anything up. As always, I invoke GM-fiat on any OCC/RCC I'm not cool with, but I'm not unreasonable: The cheese must flow~
/me gusta

*goes to get his robe and Mega-Juicer wizard hat*
With my two front runners of Crystal Dragon Hatchling and Mega Juicer (and probably Dragon Juicer as well) ruled out, I am again faced with the conundrum of 'What OCC/RCC do I really want to play?' There are just soo many possibilities. :mrgreen:

I heard mention that someone was looking to bring in a Robotech universe character. While I have never actually playing the Robotech RPG, I'm a big fan of the Harmony Gold anime (the Zentradi and Invid bits :P ). If the GM permits and has the rules (and Veritech statblock), I'll play a Robotech pilot with one of the first generation Veritechs (you know, the ones with 20 year protoculture matrices)

Other options:

Cyberknight using the improved OCC listed in War on Tolkein 4.

Phaeton Juicer (Juicer Uprising)

Regular Juicer

Psi-Tech (Psyscapes)
Is Rifts Japan open? This my be my only chance to play a class entitled Cyber-Samurai in any context.
So, dibs on Glitterboy. Any twilight vampire jokes and I'll use my boomgun next to your head with no warning.
I've seen no reply to my question on having a VHT from Robotech. I take it that it's a no? :cry:

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