[Interest Check] The Land that Time Forgot

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
As the Balorian Crusade swept across Creation, the lands at it's edges were either dissolved back into the Wyld, or cut off from the rest of Creation. Some of those were found by Lunars, who did their best to protect them, but at least one such land stands beyond the edges patrolled by the Lunars.

For hundreds of years this land has remained stable, the remnants of the Solar's still keeping the Wyld at bay, but those things are slowly losing power, and no one knows how to fix them. The future seems bleak, and the options dwindle...

Will this land be finally swallowed by the Wyld?

The Terrestrials who rules this land would assure the populace that it is not so, but can they keep their promise?
I am in too many games. I should not apply for this game.

I really shouldn't.

But on the other hand....
I can see people playing either as Celestial Exalts who suddenly appear among the population, or as DBs, or maybe a combination of both. if it's a combo, then i'll have to change some things so DBs are not left behind too much.
Darnit as I saw the subject line in the forum I thought at last someone had the bravery to GM a Rakasha game.
I'll freely admit that playing or ST Raksha will be hard for me. I have never had the chance to really read GWM, or the errata.
The Rakasha, even errata'd, can still be easily defeated by starting Celestials or a cautious DB. They really only pose a threat to mortals and unwary Terrestrials. I have access to both GWM and the errata and I still dont really understand how their different types of artifacts work.
I am down with this as well. I have a need to play a lunar, so ill come up with something. Which lunar chargen rules will you be using?
I actually have a Twilight crafter in mind too, so we might have to compare notes there. No such thing as too much crafting, though, right? :D

I have questions about the setting that will greatly affect my character concept, but the biggest is one I'm sure will affect everyone, so I'll ask it here:

What's the situation with the Dragon-Blooded and other Exalted? After all, this place was lost during the Balorian Crusade, which means this all took place after the Usurpation. At the same time, this place was clearly close to the Wyld and, therefore, could have been affected by Lunars or changed simply out of necessity after it was enveloped.

This will be a big factor in determining my character's concept; either an Anathema Pirate who loathes the Dragon-Blooded, or a Wyld-wandering savant that maintains what little is left of the First Age infrastructure.
If we play a Lunar, do we start with our tatoos?
Axelgear said:
What's the situation with the Dragon-Blooded and other Exalted? After all, this place was lost during the Balorian Crusade, which means this all took place after the Usurpation. At the same time, this place was clearly close to the Wyld and, therefore, could have been affected by Lunars or changed simply out of necessity after it was enveloped.
This will be a big factor in determining my character's concept; either an Anathema Pirate who loathes the Dragon-Blooded, or a Wyld-wandering savant that maintains what little is left of the First Age infrastructure.
That remains to be seen. While these Dragon-Bloods will likely view you as Anathema, they will not have an Immaculate Order, and knowing that it's the Solars' remnants that keep their land safe from the Wyld, they might be more inclined to not go "Arg, Anathema, Kill them Allz!", but that also depends on how you view them in exchange.

They will certainly not be automatically hostile, though still wary.

Sherwood said:
If we play a Lunar, do we start with our tatoos?
I'd say probably not at first, though I'd probably provide a Lunar retrieval pack. just how the party deals with it can be a great source of material.
I'd like to try playing a Lunar, though it will be my first 2E Lunar. Is anyone interested in being a Solar mate?
Well, that's a complex little situation... Still, I think I know what to go with.

How well-defined is the Wyld in this place? Are we in this stable bubble and then just walk into roiling chaos? Or is it more staggered, like in Creation?
Axelgear said:
I actually have a Twilight crafter in mind too, so we might have to compare notes there. No such thing as too much crafting, though, right? :D
Eh, no worries. I thought up a Dawn concept as well, so I'll go with her instead.
I've got two concepts in mind. One is a Full Moon Lunar who makes his living as a dark creature hunter, mostly out of revenge.

Another is either a Zenith or Eclipse Solar treasure hunter-type.
I'd love to play a Lunar. I've always been a Lunar fan. :D
Hello! I'd be interested in joining myself, should there still be room?

I'd quite probably be playing as a Night Solar, myself; I have a few ideas for her, but haven't fully fleshed out her backstory and personality yet!
Wouldn't mind more setting info. How the centuries of separation have affected things especially. Imports? Dogma? Town guard? Technology? I'm guessing there's enough safe land to farm, but are there forests? Do they even dubiously remember what an ocean is? Where's the water supply come from? Info on major threats (fair folk? (un)natural Wyld-tainted flora and fauna?) would be awesome too, but probably less important for backstory. That said, what info I have seen so far is extremely provocative.

Very much interested as well alongside Hoshi.

Got an idea for a Twilight - because you can never have too many mad scientists! - who's more of the perky offbeat type with a zapwand, which is like a firewand except it zaps things. Not as big on the creation-spanning savior thing, more of a mechanic than a scientist; likes to tinker with things and figure out how they work, but has more of a background in entirely-mundane fixes than building essence cannons. Which didn't stop her from rigging a more-or-less functional zapwand together from shit she found and some essence pack doohickey, but it WAS all mostly just sitting there. Not amoral but a bit fuzzy on exactly how terrible a sin it is to "borrow" things when she really needs them or just happens to really want them or really just wants them. We're not talking kleptomania, more of a "well I need a coil of conductive wire and thirty-twelve gallons of bacon grease NOW... for the project of course." Looks the part of mechanic still, mostly pragmatic clothing, probably not as big on the actual armor/normal people weapons thing, though electric death is arguably cooler than a daiklave if a little less reliable.

For what it may be worth, I suspect she'd be pretty ambiguous on the whole Anathema/Lunar devils/whatever thing and completely alright with working with whoever as long as it was interesting. Can't really get too far into background without knowing more about the setting though, I think, since I like to see how the environment would have influenced a character before finalizing anything other than very broad brush strokes. Not hard to figure out quotes though! "Plan B is always twice as much electricity as plan A!"

Mechanically, I dunno. Probably crafting, quick-ish... probably a shop or something if we need resources or contacts? More focused on the personality and backstory for now though.

I was going to ask about a fairly-decent-dude Infernal but the freaking charm cascade gave me a migraine. How in Malfeas's name anyone can read and comprehend all that...

Failing all that, I still have an old Infernal Fiend lying around (who in keeping with my tendencies... also a pretty decent dude, as Infernals go, and not likely to cause much party friction beyond the facts of his exaltation), a Solar Eclipse-caste town guard-type dude gradually coming into shape, or could cook something up if you're not too hot on there being multiple Twilights. Hurm. I might just aim for the Eclipse regardless of Twilight friction; too much fun with social gloriousness and Fair Folk malarkey to just ignore him.

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