Interest Check: Multiple ideas


General Wontwit
Howdy folks! I'm fairly new to this Exalted thing but I've poured over the books at least two dozen times by now and feel like I would like to try and run my first game. I've DMed my fair share of stuff but I've never STed an Exalted game before. I can assure you I have well-thought out stories and interesting designs in store but, just to be sure, I'm going to be asking if anyone feels like being my co-ST. You'd not be doing anything in terms of storytelling, I'm afraid (except in one idea); simply making sure that things like combat flow smoothly. Not that I know how much combat there'll be but, I assure you, there will be.

Now that the boring stuff is out of the way, let's get down to the juicy goodness. I am tossing out three game ideas and whichever I get the most interest in is probably the one I'll run. I say probably because I have a reputation of being whimsical and, if I end up generating more ideas for one game than the other, that'll be the one that gets my hat thrown into it.

Idea 1 (Marching On Heaven): This game involves a group of Abyssals embracing their part as world-ending destroyers. Doing what, you ask? Why, stealing from Heaven itself. You will be a part of a joint venture between The Dowager of the Irreverent Vulgate in Unrent Veils and Eye and Seven Despairs, tasked with stealing a little-known-of group of scrolls which, if properly used, can unleash terrible destruction upon Creation, up to and including releasing the Greater Elemental Dragons. However, stealing from Heaven is no easy feat, and simply getting there is a task in and of itself, meaning you will have to complete a long journey leading into your Circle raising an army and marching on Heaven itself. Of course, you could try and be stealthy and all but, honestly, where's the fun in that?

Idea 2 (Damnation's Prize): A Solar Exalt has uncovered some potent First Age artifact that has allowed him to instantaneously traverse all of Creation and beyond, and bring others with him. In doing so, he has launched surprise raids against enemies everywhere, rapidly proving a thorn in the side of countless factions. In this game, you would be a loose alliance of all sorts of odd Exalts dedicated to preventing the return of the High First Age. This includes Sidereals, Abyssals, Infernals, Dragon-Blooded and, yes, perhaps even Lunars. However, you don't need to hate the Solar's ambitions to want to get your hands on an artifact like this...

Idea 3 (The Ends of Eternity): This game would involve a circle of renegades, Abyssals or Infernals, maybe both, fleeing from their ex-Primordial masters. They must fight Creation's foes, either seeking atonement or at least some way to preserve themselves, while being hunted by a group of their former compatriots, now hungering for their blood. Perhaps they might have Solars or other Exalted with them, but the story's theme would be redemption, so any other Exalts there would need to work that into their own story as well.

So, those are the ideas. Just shout out your interest if you like one.
+1 for the idea 3. I'd love to play a renegade abyssal right from the moment he chooses to desert.
Ooh I like them all. And considering my sudden desire to play an abyssal fits with all but two of those ideas. ^^ So ya in this order: 3, 2, 1 (Odd line up ne?)
Ooh I like them all. And considering my sudden desire to play an abyssal fits with all but two of those ideas. ^^ So ya in this order: 3, 2, 1 (Odd line up ne?)
Same here, though I've been wanting to try an Infernal as well.
All three are good, but I'm going with one. Though I was wondering if Lunar's might be allowed in one, if their reason for going along with something like that fits well.
Alright, three votes for The Ends of Eternity, two for Marching On Heaven. Just keeping tally.

Personally, I'd prefer if everyone played one type of Exalt in 1 and 3 (that is, all Abyssals/Infernals/whatever) and, to be honest, I'm leaning towards Abyssals. I've had a love for them for a looong time.

However, I would allow a Lunar, you'd just need a very good reason as to why a Lunar would want to help wreck Creation.
Just a suggestion, A Lunar with a high enough Solar Bond might not need any other incentive to want to crush creation... They may just be compelled to assist their Mate.
Yeah, I'd prefer Abyssals as well. The character I have in mind is too human to work as an Infernal, but entirely willing and able to be an Abyssal - Infernals seem a tad one sided to me, since they lose all their humanity by definition.
great ideas' date=' though I'd toss my hat for 1. always wanted to play an abyssal who stormed heaven itself.[/quote']
Bonus points if we then turn it into a vast Shadowland by the sheer amount of butchery and number of sacrifices.
I would totally be down for two. Mixed Exalted games, while tough to balance the inherent conflicts, make for tons of fun and diversity in gameplay. Plus, interparty conflict is always fun in itself. The first option sounds pretty good as well though, though my lack of knowledge of Infernals leaves me disinclined for option 3.
Well, I repeat that I'd prefer a unified party and Abyssals for three. I just said Infernals because some people like them and, if more people wanted Infernals than Abyssals, I'd run that instead. Still, if you prefer option one, I'll add your vote to that first.

Also, as far as shadowlands go, no, Heaven could not become one. Shadowlands are where Creation and its dark mirror cross over, but there is no Underworld copy of Yu Shan... That is known of, at least. Perhaps, though, on the other side of the Void...

Either way, though, you're gonna get to do a lot of fun carnage if idea 1 comes up, so don't worry.

So, current tally: 3-1-4 for them, in order.

Edit: Oh, and, at this point, I'm more than willing to run one of these games, so this is less an interest check and more a decision-making time. I'm gonna close voting either by Wednesday or as soon as I get 6 votes for any one of them.
Well nº3 has also a great potential for carnage, it's not like "running from your boss" meant "being a good guy". Once they are far enough from their former Liege's grasp (gotta go pretty far), I would think that the abyssals would settle and try to do their own thing.

Now you really gotta think about why they would be running away. IMHO there is a loooooot of potential with the Eye as a liege :wink:
Interesting ideas all. As if I didn't already have enough on my plate... but I think I'd have to at least create a character for whatever you decide to put forth.

Hmmm... that said, I think I'll throw my vote in for 3. Antiheroes are fun, when played properly.
Hurm. I didn't vote did I?

Three, perhaps.

Rorschach inspired Abyssal just hit me as priceless.
That's about 7 votes for option three, I believe.

Whether we end up playing Infernal or Abyssal, I'm going to be playing some sort of Fool - As in a jester. In full motley, of course.

Repent, Harlequin, Said the Tick-Tock Man.
Idea 3 (The Ends of Eternity)

Sounds fun to me, although I will have to read the 2nd Edition Abyssal book, which to date I have not.
If it ends up with option 3, I'd like an Infernal Mozes, who will conveniently be called "Moh-Zys". Old prophet wandering out of the desert, preaching something very similar to what he preached in real life. Only more focused on himself.
Well, it seems idea 3 has won out the votes, with Abyssals a general favourite. I'm sorry to the Infernal fans but I've never been a huge fan of them either. They never felt... Demonic enough, if you can believe it.

So, it seems that, for now, I will be going with The Ends of Eternity. Those who voted otherwise, do not despair. I most certainly want to do Marching On Heaven another time but I feel it's best if I restrict my STing efforts to one thing for now.

I'll get to work plotting out the board and will be accepting applications as soon as you like them, really. By the speed of the reactions I've seen here, I don't think I'll have long to wait. I expect I'll be taking 5 or 6 but I may take more, if I like the concepts enough.
We would need a more details to submit char drafts I think :)

Starting location ? / do we have to flee the same DL ? / do we really have to involve siddies in this story ? :lol:

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