Interest Check: Multiple ideas

I'm not sure when you're starting, but... things haven't been going well for me recently, so I may not be able to write up a more detailed concept soon. I guess just consider what I posted to be my application, even though it's not much. Don't worry about waiting for me.
Sorry for the delay, folks. Just letting you know that I'm all still here and intend to run this but will not be finishing judging before Friday evening, at least. It's my finals week for college and, all things hopeful, I'll be graduating in a few weeks and work comes before play.
Xarvh and I'd like to join the queue with a Daybreak and a Day, should 2 Abyssal slots become available.
Hell, I would love to get into an Infernal game, or maybe one where I could play a Jadeborn. Mostly I just miss playing at all. Things have been so slow lately and I need to game.

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