Interest Check: Mechwarrior, Exalted style.

Tabby said:
I can feel myself going weak in the knees at the thought of how win this is going to be
I can't but share the feeling... any slots still open ?

I'm gunning for the young lunar rebel with the mechanimal :mrgreen:
cyl said:
Tabby said:
I can feel myself going weak in the knees at the thought of how win this is going to be
I can't but share the feeling... any slots still open ?

I'm gunning for the young lunar rebel with the mechanimal :mrgreen:
Ah, is there anything more pure than the love of a nerd for his/her giant stompy robot?
Technically, I've not accepted any characters as yet. I'm wondering when a good time to open a thread for it will be, there's still a lot of work to be done on the Warstrider Combat mechanics.
I'd be willing to help, mechanically. Always good to sharpen ones crunching capacity.

Although I'd damn near re-write it for steamlining the process, if left unchecked.

I like the timeline. If I get to play, could I get away with a Hellstrider? If I play an Infernal with the right Urge I can easily get away with being in a mercenary company. Malfean would be the simplest - I BLOW SHIT UP, IN HIS NAME! STOMP STOMP STOMP
Just out of curiosity, what happened to the sideral exalted. The timeline doesn't seem to mention them much. Are they still the omniscient concil of vagueness or are they active participants in the whole thing ?
The Siddies're still out there. I just couldnt really decide where I wanted them. So, for now, omnicient council of vagueness.

Additionally: Any spare brains may get in touch with me at AIM username LeastInsane221, or MSN Just lemme know who you are when ya send.
Also you can use the temple courtyard to exchange ideas about mods... other people not interested by the game may have valuable opinions :)
Ok. Some preliminary Musings for you guys to chew on.

Mechxalted Combat.

OK. First and foremost, need to create a system where more stats affect warstrider combat.



Strength: Not much can be done here. Mechs can amplify strength...though it could be used as a base for melee and reduced recoil.

Dexterity: Obvious use is as base for mech speed calculations, as well as for mechs with fully opposable hands. Which I'm probably gonna make standard, cause it's Exalted.

Stamina: Heat resistance, knockdown withstanding, extended operations.


Perception: Blind fighting, target acquisition.

Intelligence: Tactical assessments.

Wits: Tactical Assessments


Charisma: Communications, the like

Manipulation: Communications, bluffs.

Appearance: Publicity.



Archery: This'll probably be significant, as all ranged weaponry seems to be lumped here.

Athletics: Probably will factor into mech speed calculations.

Awareness: Blind Fighting.

Dodge: Obvious, though mechs're a bit unwieldy.

Integrity: Dont think it'll be too important, unless Sorcerers come by or Shaping effects.

Martial Arts: Barfights, and/or bare-fisting a target (Ill advised)

Melee: Using melee weapons, Parry DV.

Resistance: Heat resistance, knockdown withstanding, extended operations.

Thrown: Thrown stuff. May come in handy.

War: Tactics, lance commanding.


Craft: Doubt it'll be needed, but good for custom weapon/mech designs.

Larceny: Good for forging other units uniforms and the like?

Linguistics: Understanding peeps.

Performance: Dunno what's up with that. Contract Grabbing?

Presence: Morale affecting.

Ride: Useless.

Sail: Also useless.

Socialize: Contract grabbing.

Stealth: Obvious.

Survival: Fuel Conservation, extended operations, your mech gets blown up.


Bureaucracy: Contract negotiation.

Investigation: Intelligence gathering, analysis.

Lore: Knowledge about units and tactics.

Medicine: Dont think that'll be too necessary...hopefully.

Occult: Sorcery. May put directed-energy weapons under here.

Ideas for better Mech Combat.

The current system for warstrider combat sucks. Why does it suck? Because one can apparently wipe out a mech in a single shot, it's just a matter of who shoots first.

So we need a means of extending battlefield longevity. I propose to do this in two fashions. Battlefield Longevity is counted by two primary factors, Essence Pools, and Health Levels. Soak and the like slow the bleeding of health, and Essence is only curbed by the judicious use of powers. Naturally, problems begin to arise when not only do Charms and the like require essence to be used, but some of the staple weapons of combat require a per-use charge.

So essence and Health levels. I'm proposing we resolve this longevity issue with two systems.

The first, is a plot element I've already introduced in the Mexalted Timeline. The Solar/DB joint “discoveryâ€/Reverse Engineer of their respective “Reactorsâ€. The systems in question are The Resplendent Fountain of Brilliance, for the Solar Clans, and the Stirring of the Elemental Dragons for the Dragonbloods. Functionally, they are identical, (Dragonblooded outright stealing some schematics and making some alterations most likely) in that they provide a very large boost to essence regeneration. Fluff-wise, this is drawing the ambient motes of creation into its attuned user. Mechanically, it will allow fights to go on for much longer, as essence use can only temporarily drain a character. I desire this to be able to replenish an Exalt that's completely tapped dry of motes within enough of a timeframe that they can re-enter the battle and still make a difference, provided of course they can find a place where they can recharge unmolested. This system also allows me to more explicitly dictate what a destroyed mech is. The Reactor goes, so does the Mech, usually in an impressive fireball.

The next issue here is Health levels. I'm gonna completely chuck the existing warstrider mechanics out the window here, and try to implement a location-based damage system. I'm going to assign a few token health levels to various mech critical subsystems, and give armor plating types varying amounts of health levels based on total tonnage. They'll also provide soak and other bonuses. I'll also rule that once the armor's health levels are destroyed, the armor is for all intents and purposes, gone, leaving subsystems exposed and vulnerable.

As for the location-based part of it, I'm gonna be significantly reducing the penalties for called shots, and even those that aren't called will hit a logically placed portion of the target's armor, based on relative orientation and the like.
A few problems here.

Attunement costs are hefty. This is part of why you do not want to attune to warstriders unless you have tons of motes available. Granted, this can be negated with judicious use of Skinmount Hearthstone Amulets and high rating hearthstones. Multiple of them.

Attunement costs also eat into available motes. If you have little to no motes available, this does mean that even if you have infinite mote regen... it's still useless.

Also, martial arts is a sweet thing when used with styles that -allow- armor and have decent atifact signature weapons.... such as 5 dragon style with daiklaves, Solar hero style with smash-fists, Snake style with hooked daiklaves and so on. I'm not going to touch upon the Immaculate Dragon styles because those are horrendous on their own. They would also provide PDV.

Integrity is a must. Shaping combat can happen. Also a number of -stealth- charms are designed to interact with integrity.

Craft... not needed in a mech game? How do you THINK upkeep occurs? Or quick and dirty repairs? or... Battle-field manipulation?
One thing I want to check, too. Exactly what variety of combat are we focusing on? Mechwarrior is overwhelmingly ranged-only, to the point that anyone stupid enough to try to martial arts or sword their way into victory is guaranteed to die very quickly - even if LRM and ER PPC fire doesn't take them out at 600 meters, concentrated dual-AC20 fire point blank will destroy them in less time than it takes to lift a sword. I think that there's only even been one mech with a legitimate melee weapon in the actual mechwarrior series, and that one was a LRM-focused one that just had some energy battleaxe in an absolute worst case scenario; remember, it was a long range mech, so... getting in close range pretty much means that it automatically loses, especially since it didn't really have anything else short-range.

Additionally, ranges are... immense. ER PPCs can fire 600 meters downrange and LRM20s can track nearly that far; I forget the exact warstrider mechanics for moving, but I'm pretty sure that's still 2-3 ticks even for faster 'striders. Two to three ticks in which superpowered range weapons are essentially guaranteed to tear you apart unless you have cover. When you're twenty feet tall, towering over trees and buildings with plenty of engagements in more or less flat areas, that just spells absolute rape. Essentially, short of god-tier tactics or subterreanean abilities, any melee-specced mech is going to die, regardless of how good the pilot is.

Is that cool? Or do we want to go more of a, say, Gundam route, where ranged weapons are (for MOST mechs) just a tool for softening up the opponent en route to chopping them in half with some unholy bastard beamswordsaberaxehalberdpoleaxemaul crossover? I'm not particularly biased towards either approach, but I think it definitely the issue definitely needs addressing before we talk too much about skills. If we do end up with a Mechwarrior-style combat, it might not be a bad idea to remove or replace the various Melee/Martial Arts skills and replace them with something else as needs be (perhaps an additional Luck stat that acts in conjunction with accuracy/dodge or something, or a normal-ish Cooldown ability that enhances heat sink efficiency), and just as importantly, changing stats to boot; Strength to provide bonuses against kickback and add to total tons available for loadout, Stamina to provide bonus dice to ammo explosion checks and heat sink efficiency, Wits adding a minor bonus to dodge and ammo ejection (reacting faster and redirecting shields or body parts as needed), Perception adding bonuses to checks to figure out exactly how damaged your mech is (if you don't have a high-end AI), etc.

On the ability side of things, regardless of whether we go more Mechwarrior or Gundam, I'd like to see Archery split up into more thematically appropriate abilities; beam, projectile, missile. I don't really see how a vaguely-described 'Archery' ability helps you equally with all of the various major weapon types; it might help with projectiles a bit (leading the opponent to hit), but missiles and beams in particular have no need of that and in the case of beams, might be actively detrimental. So on and so forth

I won't give more suggestions until we have any idea which of the two extremes we're aiming for or if we're headed for some kind of middle ground, but completely regardless, I hate the idea of 'archery' covering all ranged attacks, despite the immense differences between the holy trinity of ranged combat between giant mechs.
Longevity happens when a big hit destroys a subsystem and not the entire mech.

I agree with Tabby, ranges must be defined, and I'd be for heavier long range than melee, otherwise is warstriders and not mechas.

What about heat?

Or shall we just have some essence batteries that discharge quickly and reload quickly?

Awareness is used for tracking and therefore for weapons such as the LRMs and SRMs.

Sail is used for mech navigation and travel when not dropshipped.

War is used to take advantage of the terrain (hull down positions, water to cool heat sinks etc)
The issue with longevity is that with super-boosted essence regen, spamming higher-end weapons becomes easier and the inevitable custom-built, munchkin'd out wave motion cannons will just do enough damage, whether piercing or splash, to blow the hell through that subsystem and rip a hole in the mech or take it and everything in the vicinity out with a flurry of explosions; even without counting exploding ammunition (which, honestly, I would really rather avoid, except for reactor meltdowns), very few attacks are going to just cleanly damage one minor subsystem and ignore everything else. Even for those that do, melee is still gimped - arguably even worse so; ER PPC x2 against someone's legs completely fucks melee mechs in a single round with decent accuracy at long range, making melee even less desirable.

Basically, all I'm saying is that we should either make melee viable a la Gundam, or remove the focus on it a la Mechwarrior. I'm an admitted Mechwarrior fangirl so I have no problem with the exclusion of melee, but the current system - as described so far - seems to be taking the worst of two worlds in a poorly-defined combination that just kinda screws everyone who doesn't go with a pure ranged build with no lube, but without even revamping the system or alerting people that it does so.

Rant aside: Heat dissipation. If we assigned each weapon a Heat rating that it generates per firing (or per tick of continuous fire, especially for autocannons and LRM spam), had Stamina be a heat sink and let people upgrade it either via an ability or a combination of ability and equipment, we could keep a relatively simple form of it in without too much effort; having weapons generate heat equal to half their raw damage (4-12-ish heat per shot) with a 'cap' (aka automatic shutdown) at say... 20 for common mechs, +10 for each following class, would strongly encourage people aiming their shots a bit rather than LOL BULLET SPAM; alternatively, you could go for a build with few weapons but lots of heat sinks, trading versatility in many/all areas for reliability in a few areas. To counter that heat buildup, one could rule that all mechs would have base Heat dissipation equal to (pilot's Stamina + mech's Stamina + relevant ability + heat sink rating) per action, ignoring possible charms/double heat sinks/Clan heat sinks/Clan double heat sinks, etc.

On that note, I think that Essence costs should be downplayed somewhat, though still a viable source of concern (perhaps having weapons auto-powered and only mech powers + charms require essence, or having weapons each have a base essence cost to fire in the 2-6ish mote range), with heat buildup and dissipation being the other of the two dual major issues to overcome. Numbers can be tweaked to allow more beam spam/less beam spam if ST has a preference for one or the other, whatever. Just some base numbers I thought up.

EDUT: and maybe we can rename 'sail' to 'piloting' so my brain hurts less? -_-
I think I'd prefer Melee to have some use, since it would just make the game seem more... Exalted that way, but, eh. I'd be fine with focusing on ranged, and I don't know how much of the typical Exalted feel was going to be exchanged for Mechwarrior anyway.

...If that makes sense. It's rather late, so
Tabby: I think I love you.

I can see clear routes to solving all of this issues also, giving Ride a use - advanced movement systems.

While I love the clunky realism of Mechwarrior, this is Exalted - I fancy a slide towards melee is logical.

Why not have three ranges of Mech? Long range, medium range, and close range? None specced for pure melee, but the short range Mechs have it for emergencies.

Effectively, Long Range Mechs are deadly at a distance, but can be countered by a fast-moving Close Ranged Mech. Medium Range Mechs can't mount hardware as heavy, but are a middle point in durability, firepower, and maneouvrebility between the fast and fragile SR mecha, and the heavy bomabardments of the LR mecha.

You have a logical deployment pattern, here - LR provides artillery, long range fire. They have an escort of MR which can fulfill a range of battlefield roles. Finally you have SR to attempt to take out enemy heavies.

Remove attunement, keep fountains of tasty essence, and use heat dissapation to counter heavy weapon spam.

Performance could be used for publicity - a custom mech, worthless for combat, but highly agile, used for fancy acrobatics to advertise.

Of course, I just want my highly visible, custom built melee Hellstrider out of all this. :)
Grey: I think I love you too.

Also, just as a random thought to maybe help balance out the classes a bit; have some of the heavier (aka, artillery) weapons require the user to either not be moving, or actively implanted, like with shock absorbers or something. Keep them from being able to 'kite' or whatever, which makes mid-range more attractive; they don't have nearly the raw firepower, but they can move pretty freely and still do a fair bit of damage.
Tabby said:
... Mechwarrior fangirl ...
Sorry, this is taking me some time to compute...

*Pokes Tabby with a stick...*

Ok, the awe rush has passed...

What's wrong with bullet spamming? ACs and machineguns are made for that!


Can't we just stick as close to the original MW as possible and just adapt the background and as few mechanics as possible (like just the dice rolls and such?)

Tabby said:
EDUT: and maybe we can rename 'sail' to 'piloting' so my brain hurts less? -_-

Mech will be fitted with sails and helm wheel.

@Grey: I don't think constraining us to 3 classes is a good idea.

A big part of the MW fun is custom designs.

There's not point in discussing rules if we don't decide what we want.

I'm setting up a named poll for deciding what we want.

Up to the ST decide what use to make of the poll.

Once we agree, we're all nerd enough to make rules that fit well. =P

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