[Interest Check] Crafting Madness


New Member
Running with the following quote from the "[interest Check] The Land that Time Forgot" thread:

Miashara said:
You know what would be hilarious? An all Twilight party.
Who else would be interested in playing in a game with all Twilights? And is there an ST out there crazy/awesome enough to take this on?

Sounds amusing... like an all White-Mage party. :lol:
What about the No Moon Lunars? Where's the love for them?
Sherwood said:
What about the No Moon Lunars? Where's the love for them?
In another game, possibly. But this is supposed to be about know-it-all healbot-Sorcerers who can MacGuyver anything into anything else while knowing your deepest darkest secrets. Or something like that.
Let me refer you to this game: http://patternspider.net/pbp/viewforum.php?f=204

The later parts involved the adventures of a pair of twilights (and some others), a techpriest martial artist and a "magitech macgyver" (also MA). It was lulzy good times. Highlights include forging some corrupted essence thing into a weapon as a means of extracting it from a god... while stabbing the god with said weapon, to save him of course. (don't judge us we didn't have medicine!)
Feantari said:
Let me refer you to this game: http://patternspider.net/pbp/viewforum.php?f=204
The later parts involved the adventures of a pair of twilights (and some others), a techpriest martial artist and a "magitech macgyver" (also MA). It was lulzy good times. Highlights include forging some corrupted essence thing into a weapon as a means of extracting it from a god... while stabbing the god with said weapon, to save him of course. (don't judge us we didn't have medicine!)
Didn't we punch the essence out of him too or something? MAN but that was good times. I gotta reread that.

I'm slightly less than satisfied that Chao never got to craft said orb of the Neverborn into her armor as a supplementary power source, though. I mean, really, what good is an endlessly-powerful, endlessly-evil magic sphere if you don't abuse said power in the name of SCIENCE!

that said

I do uh kinda have an extra Twilight idea and a burning urge to craft (ridiculous bullshit) along with a couple others, so against my own better judgement about maximum concurrent games... I'd probably be up for this. As either hextech Lux, or Chao. I dunno. Either way.
Oh, yeah I forgot to mention that I'd certainly be interested. Had a healer type worked up.. probably needs some tweaking.

Tabby said:
I'm slightly less than satisfied that Chao never got to craft said orb of the Neverborn into her armor as a supplementary power source, though. I mean, really, what good is an endlessly-powerful, endlessly-evil magic sphere if you don't abuse said power in the name of SCIENCE!
:-P That was going to be pretty awesome. No, it's evil, but oo what if? As the non-twilighty/convitiony people stand back in horror.
Sticking the orb into the Sword of Creation would have gone swimmingly too I'm sure.

The irony that First Age Twilights had to die because they were basically doing the same shit Chao wanted to has not been lost on me, but instead of colossal disregard for the common folk and a total lack of common sense, Chao had - well, yeah, pretty much that.
Feantari said:
Let me refer you to this game: http://patternspider.net/pbp/viewforum.php?f=204
The later parts involved the adventures of a pair of twilights (and some others), a techpriest martial artist and a "magitech macgyver" (also MA). It was lulzy good times. Highlights include forging some corrupted essence thing into a weapon as a means of extracting it from a god... while stabbing the god with said weapon, to save him of course. (don't judge us we didn't have medicine!)
Now that's more like it. Unfortunately I can't read the link, it links me to a page saying "You are not authorised to read this forum." :?

So thats.. Uh... 3? 4 including Haku?

I think 5 is a good number if we want to effectively cover both Twilighty and non-Twilighty skillsets, though we could probably do it with less.

We do still need someone with balls of steel and a twisted mind to ST us, though. Is there a soul out there brave enough to take on this challenge?

EDIT: 4 or 5 with Feantari in. It would probably be good for us all to come up with at least one non-Twilight area for each of our concepts to involve in addition to Crafting lulz or whatever else we might do.
cover both Twilighty and non-Twilighty skillsets
Are you insinuating that there is such a thing as a problem that cannot be solved by gratuitous magictech and/or crafting things that should not be crafted?

Tabby said:
cover both Twilighty and non-Twilighty skillsets
Are you insinuating that there is such a thing as a problem that cannot be solved by gratuitous magictech and/or crafting things that should not be crafted?
Uh.. Ye- I mean... Mayb-.. I mean..

Yeah, an ST would be useful...

My concept's a fairly investigative one- a bard and loremaster who wandered the North dispensing Justice based on Precedent from the Epics of his people. Motivation: Judge the balance of guilt for the Usurpation.

And he's not necessarily going to judge in the favour of the Solars of the First Age...

Also, not all Twilights are Crafty!


... Just a lot of 'em.
Just because he's investigative doesn't mean he can't be crafty on the side! Maybe he made his own clothes. Or Essence Cannon.

Also, I'm thinking of a Smith/Sage-type who dabbles in diplomacy/performance, dealing with Gods, Fair Folk, and the like while seeking to uncover ancient crafting methods, special materials, and the like while dazzling them with her sword dances.
Progress said:
Just because he's investigative doesn't mean he can't be crafty on the side! Maybe he made his own clothes. Or Essence Cannon.
Also, I'm thinking of a Smith/Sage-type who dabbles in diplomacy/performance, dealing with Gods, Fair Folk, and the like while seeking to uncover ancient crafting methods, special materials, and the like while dazzling them with her sword dances.
Staff, actually. Ideas for the character include some sort of custom Wrackstaff of Coolness...
Feantari said:
Oh, yeah I forgot to mention that I'd certainly be interested. Had a healer type worked up.. probably needs some tweaking.
Have you looked into the Wood Dragon Martial Arts? For a solar healbot you cannot beat it, the biggest drawback that the DBs have is that after awhile they go iconic and end up doing more damage than they are healing. Think about it, take the damage upon yourself... heal it over time... rinse... repeat. Dragon Succor with Dragon Form, and industrial Celestial BS. The only way I can see pulling it off though is to have allied with the little god of the Celestial Martial Art or a deeply entrenched Compassion god of the East that would have the Martial Arts under their panoply because of it's healing aspects. Enjoy looking over and tweaking to your heart's content.
I hadn't really worked it into a combat ready character. The first game I was looking at for it had the allowance for that at start at least. I think it used an ultimately useful tube as primary weapon. :-P I'll take a peak at the style though. Seems like it might be hard to work in all the charms you would need to pull it off... one will investigate
Nice combo. I'm hoping to mix some Solar MA and Melee myself, there's so many awesome things you can do with Martial-keyworded Charms that I want to try.
I have an ascetic Combat/MA Twilight in mind if slots are not full.

Edit: Actually I have a second Twilight in mind as well already made up for a game that took place in the Chiaroscuro (how the hell do you spell that) but petered out after 2-3 weeks, a zealot determined to bring the city back to its' first age splendor.
You spelled it correctly. :P

And that looks like five players to me. We still need an ST though...

I know someone is out there is crazy enough to take on a game with five Twilights. Anyone?
Damn, one player late. Well, if there's room I'd be a sixth twilight. Pretty Please?

I have a twilight who thinks we should all just give up on creation and start over, in some island in the wyld..... And he wants out of my head. Mercy, fair storyteller, and let me in?
MrSerious said:
This is a game with players in need of an ST
Yah, but the post just above mine was all "Oh, we have five players now, guess we are full up." sounding, so I figured why not act like there was one.
That'd probably be up to the ST to make that call, if there was one. At this point, seeing as there's a complete lack of one, who's to say we don't already have too many players in the first place for our theoretical ST. However... if you were to find one willing to run this idea, then there would be no question that you'd be in. :wink:

Good luck with that, though. I'm guessing this probably won't happen here any time soon, and I've had even worse luck elsewhere. This forum is probably the only place on the web hosting multiple Exalted games at any given time, at least as far as I've found.

It's disappointing, really. A game's concept doesn't have to revolve around the fact that the circle is wholly composed of Twilights. In fact, that could merely be something that adds flavor and an interesting twist to any normal game. (ex: the Mask and Walker are scheming against one another while constantly trying to one-up the other and heading towards open war, the East is about to get caught up in the middle of it all while the Realm fights a Civil War - oh, and you're all Twilights)
I've always wanted to play a game involving Mask of Winters, significantly rather than incidentally - I'm still pretty much a noob at Exalted, but he seems freakin' cool, and the idea of bargaining/social combat-ing with him seems so awesome. Fuck daiklaving the dude, there's so retardedly much RP potential there it hurts.

I mean, doing it as a perky 16yo with a zapstaff isn't a bad way to do it, but it's the basic idea that counts.

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