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Realistic or Modern Institution of Super Human Advanced Research & Development (I.S.H.A.R.D)

What do you want to be in roleplay ? (If you haven't read the plot, go and read it)

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I'm interested!
Though... I'm not looking for a... conventional super, if you could call it that. Gimme a sec (or an hour, because of my schedule. :/) to gather my thoughts to explain.
This looks like an excellent RP, BTW.

Alright. Lemme explain now.
I want my character to basically be a cyborg. There. I said it.
Imagine if you mixed Cyborg, Winter Soldier, and Wolverine.

Now, that I got that crude overview done... here's the specifics.
So: Imagine a character that is, well, the seamless blend- or not so quite seamless, I dunno if it's that extreme- between man and machine.
He has mainly flesh, but he has metal bits all around- that metal feels like skin, however. That's one example, though probably a bad one.

Anywhoo... his brain has the electronic enhancements, making him superior than just either than either just machine or mental.
Instead of the normal veins and other areas where neurons and cells and whatnot can flow, he has wires and tubes- though in the same fineness and complexity as regular veins.
Furthermore, his muscles-more specifically the fibers that make it up- are metal as well, thus meaning he can use them to a higher degree. Super strength and speed and whatnot.

And this is where the Wolverine bit comes in- he has retractable blades on his arms. No, not coming from his knuckles in a triblade manner. No, no. I'm not that plaugeristic. No, One long blade, around the length of his forearm, coming from some area in the underwrist of base of the palm.

Now, you might be wondering, how can he repair himself? Simple. This metal of his is a, well, I call it, a living metal. It can regrow, though it has to be connected to, well, living tissue in order to do so. Now, don't worry- this isn't some sort of super hard metal like adamantine or vibranium or anything like that. (I would say it's stronger than bronze, and almost as strong as iron. Something like that.)
-cough cough- Now that I'm done extolling the virtues of my idea, let me take a second to wash my mouth of all this enthusiasm and too many pros. I know this might seem overpowered, and quite frankly, it might be. I'm trying to think of weaknesses to give this concept, so, please, bear with me. Anywhoo, another problem I see with this concept is that this is a modern world setting, not futuristic. That might be a problem. The thing I was trying to get at was how someone could get up to super strength (not literally..) without actually being super.
To refer to Japanese Manga, how to be a Hero, with all the OP stats and all, without actually receiving the ritual or whatever is needed to be a Hero.
Almost done. This last section is just final thoughts and stuff I should've probably added on in the original part, but I can't find a good place to put it.

This character is also like Wolverine in that he got his mind erased. I would call it a "mind wipe." Oh, and that happened to him twice. Poor sucker. ;)
He's like the Winter Soldier in that he can go into a..soldier mode, so to speak. The computer in his brain can activate a protocol that increases his speed and strength even more, but at the cost of, I guess basic humanity? Oh, I guess I could explain it better.

Thank you for reading this wall of text, to all who are currently reading this last line!
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Two boys with superhuman abilities (Shadow manipulation and able to turn into a beast) who were raised and work for Phoenix.
everything sounds perfect... except there is a character with shadow superpower at the moment. So maybe you should discuss with her owner. But for now you can start doing your character sheets and take a look at our thread (I suggest take a look at the lore thread for more information for your character background). And also feel free to join our discord group for discussing ideas.
I have a few, but I'd like to start with just one. Tell me which sounds more needed/appropriate:
1. A superhuman with animalistic tendencies. Enhanced senses, strength, speed, agility. He would have a berserker rage-type mode where he would feel no pain during combat, but would be unaware of his actions while in that state.
2. A Phoenix operative who has lost his left arm and eye to a superhuman attack and had them replaced with bionic implants. He hates super humans of any kind and will try to kill any of them he encounters.

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