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Realistic or Modern ► Insignia: Quests ◄

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Jasmine Bermout
Jasmine didn't really get how anyone could be making jokes after being swapped in another person's body. Uriah Kershaw never ceases to amaze her. While her reaction to his joke remained a dry, "Are you serious right now?" and her answering her own question with a sigh, "Of course you aren't." she was still impressed to see him come up with fifteen mimicries in one go. During Jasmine's first time in summoning, she could barely manage three. If Jasmine had to guess, his level of anima control was almost on par with her own.

"I should probably tell him that the more you summon the more your stamina gets eaten away," she thought to herself, but seeing how Uriah was an active person to begin with, he should be fine in her body.

When he suggests that it was her turn to activate his anima, Jasmine was quick to refute.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no. I am not getting naked," Jasmine answered, arms crossing defensively over herself. It was funny to see Uriah's body in such a "Jasmine-like" pose. He almost looked as indignant as her.

"We're going to search now. Come on," she huffed, rolling her sleeves up and entering the forest.

Zan, Bobbi, Jens, I hope you two get here soon.

Bobbi Brown
Interactions: Jas Aster Aster , Zan Elenion Aura Elenion Aura , Jens@Finalizer
Status: In progress
"Bobbi. Bobbi!" She startled awake when a hand shook her shoulder, sitting up quickly when she registered the urgency in Jasmine's voice. The girl was standing beside her, slightly crouched and staring off at - wolves. The four of them were frozen for a moment, before Zander suddenly let out a yell and recklessly charged forward to the nearest one. The other boy followed right behind him moments later and beside her, Jasmine was beginning to craft one of her mimics. Bobbi scrambled to her feet, but found herself just watching helplessly, not knowing how to help. The two wolves were focused on the boys, ignoring her and Jasmine for the moment. Then another one appeared, heading straight for Jens who had his back turned. She finally moved, not thinking of what she was doing as she lunged forward -

They had been shit scared then -even if Zander had denied it vehemently afterwards. But somehow they had managed to pull through, scaring off the three wolves though ending up a bit worse for wear. They had chattered about the encounter all the way back, excitedly recalling all the best parts and riding the high of their first actual quest like thing. From scaring off three fully grown wolves with their anima -together. Bobbi had always considered it one of the defining moments of their friendship that linked their 'quad squad'.

And now they were back here, full circle, this same orchard with just the four of them. And the wolves. Except they had a couple more years of experience. Zander stepped in front of them immediately, always protective, when the largest wolf stalked towards them. The other three were getting up as well, growling and snapping their teeth, and Bobbi quickly yanked Zander out of the way when one of them sprang forward. Moving away from her friends so they wouldn't get affected by her anima, she tried to lure some of them away by tossing an apple at them.

It bounced off the head of brown one, drawing the gaze of the one next to it as well. The two wolves charged her, only to stumble over their own paws once they entered the field of her anima. She dodged out of the way with ease, avoiding their slowed movements. The other two were focused on Jasmine and Zander, but she trusted that those two could handle it. Evading sharp fangs and claws, she finally managed to get a firm hold of one, exerting the full force of her anima to make it fall asleep promptly. Unfortunately, that meant the other one was no longer affected by sleep. Jens stepped in quickly at that point, sending a burst of flame to stop it in its tracks. Together, they chased it away with only a couple minor scratches for their efforts.

Bobbi turned to Zander and Jasmine, checking that they were both okay. "Can we have that picnic now?" She asked, smiling and hoping they weren't too mad at her for getting them into this. A soft snuffling sound distracted her and she looked down to see the adorable cub nosing at her feet. It was way too cute. Crouching down she stroked its head softly, coaxing gently until it yawned and curled up with the remaining sound asleep wolf. They wouldn't wake for an hour or so.



Interactions: Bobbi Skryx Skryx Zander Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Mentions: None
Quest: Starapple Orchards
Status: Completed
Location: Tref Forests

Jasmine Bermout
It happened like a flash of deja vu more than a blast to the past. They were in the same positions against the same number of wolves back when they were freshmen and new to their anima. This time, things were different but the nostalgia pangs still brought in similar feelings of adrenaline and panic. Jasmine couldn't help but twitch a smile.

With a wave of her hand, she managed to swathed away two wolves like rag dolls as giant magma ball rolled them over. Jasmine took care in making the flaming ball more earth than fire to keep the orchard from burning down and immediately dispersed it once the wolves were down. On her right, Zander took out the other two with his bare fists.

Take it from Zander to go for the most reckless approach. She recalled him doing the same years ago, only this time Jasmine didn't have to pull him back and the victory was won solely himself.

When the situation was handled, Jasmine stifled a yawn; an aftereffect from Bobbi's anima. She tossed the trio a sleepy smile.

"Yeah, we deserve to have our picnic now," she laughed, joining the three and linking her arms between Bobbi's and Jensen's, "But first, let's finish delivering these apples."
Uriah Kershaw


Interaction: Jasmine Bermout Aster Aster
Quest: Jack-O-Turn
Status: In progress
Location: Baile Cornfields

Jasmine's insistence to not use Uriah's anima made him slightly disappointed. He did want to see the Genesis president try to transform into a Namean Lion. He might also wanted to see how others saw him naked but. He shurgged before making his way into the cornfields.

"Let's look around here just to kill the time. We might find something that will be-" Uriah said whilst still looking at Jasmine in his body, doing a Jasmine stance before feeling himself meet the ground. He was caught up in this situation that he didn't see where he was going. He found him sprawled on the ground with Jasmine's dress armour almost in a compromising state. They reached just below her waist and he was bared with her extremely fair thighs.

Shocked, his ears seemed to have tuned out Jasmine's screaming as the male has somehow come to a realisation.

Blinking, he looked up at Jasmine in his body before staring dead in her- his eyes, saying, "I think I'm gay." Somehow, seeing Jasmine's thighs made him realise he actually loved men.

In the midst of that, a small figure, the mimicry he conjured up, made its way to Uriah before pointing towards the forest.



Interactions: Uriah Makomin Makomin
Mentions: Zander Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Bobbi Skryx Skryx
Quest: Jack-O-Turn
Status: On going
Location: Baile Forest
Mood: Find the twice damned pumpkin on legs

Jasmine Bermout
The Genesis president has been seen stressed, angry and more stressed but rarely caught losing her composure and screaming outright. What Uriah was witnessing should not be allowed the in bounds of reality. The shock and horror was so incomprehensible that even Aster was at a lost for words. They literally don't know what to write right now but Jasmine was in such a state of vehement anger that her composition became 2D, black and white and jagged like this image:

His comment after looking up from her bare legs only added oil to the growing inferno hot enough to match hell.

"U-ri-ah~" she hummed sing-song in his voice, clapping her hands as she slowly approached him, "I do hope you're not implying anything vulgar or rude about me, hmmm?" her smile, pressuring if not daring the male to say otherwise. Her hand fell on his shoulder like an iron grip, pulling him up with a hand. Uriah probably didn't know he had that strength in him til now. Maybe if Jasmine really tried, she could pick him up and throw him off a cliff.

"You saw nothing," she said, looking him dead in the eye. The mimicry which waddled back, fortunately took her attention off skewering the male (the only reason she hasn't yet is because he's in her body. He has the pumpkin beast to thank for that.)

"Let's go."

She pushed Uriah forward, walking behind him at close distance. A shove was thrown at him every so often when he slacked or tried to divert paths. It was a strange sight really, to see Uriah push around Jasmine. If Zander or Bobbi were to witness it, they'd have an aneurysm. Jasmine could only hope that they arrive here soon enough.

Jack-O Turn
Interactions: Persephone Makomin Makomin
Status: In progress

‘People just don’t seem to appreciate my jokes.’ Lance thought to himself as listneed to the plan. Josh who was actually Eleanor talked about wanting the creature alive, which was a good thing they reminded him. Otherwise he would have destroyed it. While that would have been a little on the humorous side, he knew that it was better to help the people then to have them stuck in each others bodies for the rest of their lives.

“We will get the beast, don’t worry.” Lance finally said moving to start looking around the field.

Persephone and Lance split up trying to cover more ground and finding this ghost like beast or whatever it was. Lance wasn’t sure. His eyes scanned the area trying to note if anything seemed out of the ordinary. Which it didn’t, not really. He frowned, that was odd though. He should have found something right? Some kind of left overs of the corn husks? Yet nothing.

After a little more wandering he decided to head back retrace his steps but that was when he saw it. Husks of corn littered where he knew for a fact he had been. Now it was getting interesting. Lance looked around hearing a sudden rustle from nearby bushes.

“Persephone, heh if you are trying to scare me it isn’t going to work!” Lance called out preparing himself for whatever it was that jumped from behind the bush.

What he wasn’t prepared for was the sudden flash of light. It almost felt like something hit him upside the head. Whatever it was had hit him quickly knowing the exact place to get him on his hands and knees. He groaned holding his head his eyes shut. A child like laugh could be heard in the distance, a sound he wouldn’t be able to ever forget.

“What the hell..” Lance grunted his vision completely fading away.

The moment he finally could open his eyes once again he knew something was wrong. First off his arm felt naked. Weird, and second there was a weight on his chest. Nothing like he was used too. “What the fuck happened..” He grunted looking over to the side he saw something he wasn’t sure he was ready to see.

His own body.

“By the all knowing mother!” He cried but his voice wasn’t his own. It was feminine.
”Seeing people change isn’t what hurts the most. It’s remember who they used to be.”

The Pumpkin || Baile || Ajax, Octavius Axel || In Progress

If there was something the crazy flying bird mascot of Pandora and Ajax had something in common, it would be their quest for money. The platinum blonde, with his black hoodie, was night itself, blending into the darkness as he left the walls of Requiem, sneaking out for another quest to pay rent. He whistled softly to himself, hummed tunes reminiscent of the better days with fingers comfortably tucked in the pocket of his hoodie. Ajax walked against the strides of the midnight wind and was rather comforted by the deafening silence. The stars embedded against the midnight sky were awfully astounding. They were the only constant variables in life in juxtapose with the every so changing personalities and train wrecks in Requiem. Time flew by gifting him with gusts of wind every now and then. It was only several hours later that Ajax decided to take the train for the remaining of the way. He drifted off to an unsettled sleep, rising from slumber every ten minutes without Kai there as an alarm.

Once the trained made to its last stop, the final destination, Ajax slid away from his seat, noticing that dust almost made its presence. In just a couple of hours, the sun would peak from the sky. He made his way to the village, meandering and taking his time. It wasn’t like he was expecting anyone there on the same day. The road paved a way to a tiny homely house past the cornfields and he could only hope that his quest was going to take a couple of hours because this was way past his usual bedtime (which was all day, everyday but still). As Ajax got closer, he realized noticed three silhouettes but two had disappeared before he found another male sitting on the porch of the house with his hands deeply sunk into his hairlines as if he was to pull it out any moment now. “Hey, where can I find Eleanor?” he asked the dude who looked up with bright glassy teary eyes. Oh lord, what has he stumbled upon?

“I’m Eleanor!”

“Excuse me, I’m not following?” Ajax frowned, was this some new trick? A bug? Should he come back another time?

“Joshua and I switched spots because of a pumpkin monster. Oh please, you have to help me! Please find it and kill it. Please kind sir, you have to help me. I can’t look at myself in this state, it’s just so hideous. I think I’m going to faint.”

Son of a fucking gun, this looks like trouble. He wasn’t even sure if NPCs are allowed to faint.

“Calm your shit, just hold on,” mental calculations ran through his mind. His hesitation subsided once Ajax knew he wasn’t going to get his train money back and let’s be real, he has no money. “Alright, where can I find this pumpkin?”

“He’s somewhere around here,” the female pretending to be male waved his her hands around, indicating that it could be anywhere in this town.

…You’ve got to be shitting me. Ajax withheld a sigh and went off to find a pumpkin. He wasn’t even sure what the hell he was looking for but Ajax was going to destroy all the pumpkins in this town and hopefully one of them will reverse the curse.

After murdering three innocent pumpkins on his path, Ajax swerved around to a corner only to bump torso to shoulder into a rather familiar looking male. “Shit, sorry,” he said, taking a step back only to wish he could take back his words. “Motherfucker.” He really could never escape this blonde, how is he everywhere?

“Octavius,” he greeted the escort with a curt nod. "Are you here to babysit?" I hope you're getting paid for it because this fucker is batshit crazy.

s e v e n s e v e n Makomin Makomin
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Uriah Kershaw


Interaction: Jasmine Bermout Aster Aster
Quest: Jack-O-Turn
Status: In progress
Location: Baile Cornfields

There was a first time for everything, everyone knew that.

But Uriah Kershaw was certainly not expecting to be a witness to Jasmine's break of character. At the sound of her calling his name, he instinctively flinched before he felt goosebumps travelling up from his- her arm all the way up to the back of his- her neck. The blond had never heard of the female speaking in such a manner before. He could only pray that his own limbs were in tact.

That's right.

His limbs. Uriah knew that Jasmine would not do anything to hurt her body- merely threaten him in it. He was more worried for the safety of his body that was in Jasmine's literal hands.

"A-Ah, saw what? I didn't see anything," the male said with a nervous laugh before the duo made their way into the forest to follow the mimicry that had spotted the blasted pumpkin beast. He then stood up before following the mimicry. Ever so often he felt Jasmine pushing him forward- an attempt to make sure he didn't start any nonsense up. She legitimately would kill him there and then if she could.

"Okay, look. I'm not saying your thighs are ugly. I'm just saying that I prefer some with more muscles-" He commented after awhile of silence, as though his clarification would make the situation any better for either of them when the mimicry stopped in its tracks before pointing straight as an object that was next to the river's bay.

Uriah kept quiet as they watched the pumpkin beast- more like a pumpkin cat drinking water. If he wasn't eager to change back into his own body, he would actually consider it cute. Its ears perked up a bit at the slight noise but seemed to have been settled down after awhile.

"Okay. We go in separate directions." He said before nodding to the other end of the river where he would go. But then again, was it really a good idea separating at this time?

Persephone Vandegraft

♭Lance Baytas Sasil Sasil

Persephone disliked wasting time the most, especially when it came to looking for something that even she had no idea how it looked like.

Kicking the loose stones that were on the ground, she found herself staring at the cornfields that were surrounding her. The country side has never ceased to amaze her at its beauty. However, when it came to staring at the same plants for who knows how long, she would gladly go back to the hustle and bustle of Requiem, even if she was forced to befriend people whom she probably will fail to do so.

Oh well, as least there's Lance-

Speaking of the metal arm male, where was he?

The redhead was about to push away the thought of him smoking one of his leaf rolls when she heard him call her out for trying to surprise him.

She narrowed her eyes at his voice.

When have I ever tried to scare anyone?

Suspicious, she made her way to find the male standing across a number of bush. She was about to respond to him when the rustle of leaves were heard before a big, orange thing jumped right out of it.

She was about to pounce on it when a blinding light met both Lance's and Persephone's eyes.

She fell back with a thud and soon enough, her eyes adjusted to the sudden burst of light and she was met with the sight of leaves on the tree above her.

"What happened-" She spoke out but was accompanied by not her voice but a man's voice.

When did her voice go down several octaves?

She tried to move herself to sit up when a sudden weight was felt on one of her arms.

She looked down to find herself staring at a metal....contraption stuck on her arm. Not to mention, Persephone felt more...built than she was before.

She was going to focus on the pumpkin beast that had escaped when she found herself staring at herself who looked equally as confused. "What?" She asked herself and again, was accompanied by a male voice that sounded almost all-too familiar.


Wait. Where was he?

As though a sudden epiphany had hit her, she realised she was Lance.

Looking down, she found herself staring at his muscle-upped legs before screaming.


Octavius Harred


Interaction: Axel s e v e n s e v e n and Ajax Polaris. Polaris.
Quest: Jack-O-Turn
Status: In progress
Location: Baile // Cornfields

The large male was one for expressions and emotions but his inability to display them always made him look as though he was mad or unhappy at something at all the time. Octavius was used to having the people they help rather approach Axel or whoever he was on a mission with. It made them feel more comfortable and as such, more information could possibly be given, compared to having them timidly tell him what was going on.

Octavius looked in awe as Axel bent down to place a kiss on the male's--who claimed to be Elanour--hand. But as usual, the only things displayed on his face was his usual expression. The only noticeable difference was a twitch on an eyebrow and his mouth opening slightly. Before long, the duo made their way to the cornfields whereby Joshua and Elanour had been attacked by the pumpkin beast.

The male had a hunch that the beast was not more than the size of a regular pumpkin, if not, at the most, slightly bigger. However, he wouldn't push away the possibility that it could be bigger than the both of the males. "We need to be patient." The burnet said as he made his way to the tenth row of cornfield that he had covered. The only thing that he found were empty husks and some corn plants that were eaten up. Or destroyed.

Though, he could understand the frustration of the other male. Octavius hoped that he didn't need to spend more than a few days looking for this pumpkin beast. "You know, I have an idea of who to dress up as tonight. I even brought an extra set of costumes for you. We could wear a matching set." Octavius suggested as he seemed to be brimming brightly (again, not displayed on his face obviously). He actually did look forward to Halloween quite a bit. In fact, he had always wanted to dress up every year but he preferred going along with his friends rather than himself alone. He had hoped that Axel would even give him a reluctant 'yes'.

Maybe he'll come up with an dramatic excuse.

He should've brought Rex. Rex could've dressed up with him.

Just as he reached the blond male, they bumped into someone that had a black hoodie on. Maybe another teenager?

However, it was someone he least expected- Ajax.

After their exchange one day when Octavius shared him his chips, they became best friends.

The male nodded back at the male before giving him a pat on the shoulder (a signature greeting gesture of Octavius). "We're looking for the pumpkin beast. What about you?" He asked. He wanted to tell the two no foul language when he was there but even ducks would still attack and chase people.

Jack-O Turn
Interactions: Persephone Makomin Makomin
Status: In progress

Persephone seemed to be in just about as much shock as Lance was about the whole ordeal. At least he didn’t scream though. It was highly undignified to see himself scream like a little girl though. Scrambling to sit up Lance panting before looking at his two very fleshy hands. Dainty even. It was weird to have two hands again, was this how it had always felt?

“Don’t scream I look like an idiot when I scream.” Lance spoke grunting. He looked down noticing his body, much more curvy, and light. This was all very weird.

“We just..need to keep a straight head on.” he spoke trying to be some kind of voice of reason. That was what he was going to be, serious that was until he placed both hands on his-or more appropriately--Persephone's breasts. “I have boobs. This damn things are heavy. Soft though.” He spoke patting himself down before clearing his throat. Looking to Persephone ignoring her held up a hand. “Sorry! Sorry!” Flinching slightly at her reaction he tried to gather his wits about him.

“Do you remember anything from what happened? I just saw a light, I hit my head and...well then I had boob city!” He explained rubbing the back of his head. “If this wasn’t a pressing matter before it really is know. Though, I could get used to your body.” he admitted shrugging abit before he looked to the side seeing the corn husks seemed to be leading deeper into the woods. “There's a trail come on, let's get going! Maybe we can catch that little bugger.” Lance stood to his feet, rather ungracefully looking to himself. “Hell this is weird seeing myself through someone else's eyes…”



Defend Don Cielo's
Interactions: Curtis Aster Aster
Status: In progress

Kaye concentrated on the world around her, the movements of her figments minds and moves, what needed to be done when it happened. Soon both Curtis and her worked as one, having each others backs and aiming to keep Don Cielo’s restaurant free of the crazed gunman and women. The blood and gore seemed to pile up and when the two of them seemed to have the battle undercontrol Kaye realized just how much destruction they had caused.

Panting Kaye took a step back running a hand through her bangs before allowing the wolf beast dissolve back into what it was all along. A picture. She didn’t seem to need it anymore. Plus it was taxing to control two of them at once, her mind wouldn’t be able to take much more of it.

Hearing Curtis speak she turned to him, returning the smile he showed towards her. While Kaye hated killing, it had to be done. Sometimes smiles just didn’t work to keep the peace as much as Kaye wanted to think that a positive attitude could do just that. Sometimes it didn’t. When that happened bloodshed and force had to be used.

“I’m fine how are you-” Kaye was caught off guard when her eyes finally noticed the redhead again. She was too slow to react as the gun was directed at Curtis head, the look of hate on the women's face.

Kaye swallowed looking towards her remaining beast. The Falcon sat perched on an upturned table shifting its weight, ready to take the orders from Kaye. But she couldn’t. The moment she had the bird move even the slightest bit Curtis would be dead. Kaye would have to find a way to get either the gun or Curtis out of the way.

Listening to the women Kaye slowly rose her hands to the air watching with grim expression on her face. “No one else needs to die.” Kaye said soothingly, trying to coax the women either to speak or to calm her down.

“Ha! You have a pretty face but indeed are stupid.” She sneered shoving the tip of the gun into Curtis’ head.

“Enlighten me then.” Kaye spoke, her eyes watching Curtis’ more than the women. They would have to work together to get out of this situation unscratched.

“You don’t deserve that kind of treatment.” The women hissed once more but her grip on the gun tightened. Kaye swallowed trying to relax her mind, come up with a plan. “I hadn’t thought you would murder everyone.” she bit back Kaye heard that emotion and she tilted her head.

“It was either them or us. You hired both of us to help protect the Don Cielo’s, didn’t you?” Kaye asked. If Curtis could move quick enough while Kaye distracted her with talking they could get out of this easily, once he was out of threats way Kaye would send her falcon to knock the gun from her hand--or Curtis would kill her. That was his decision Kaye supposed.


Interactions: Kaye Sasil Sasil
Mentions: Quinn Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Quest: Defend Don Cielo's
Status: In Progress
Location: Requiem City

Curtis Laucron
"Hah!" the woman laughed in scorn, locking a slender arm around the base of Curtis' neck. For someone like her, she sure had a vice-like grip but even then, due to Curtis' height, she had to awkwardly drag him down to her height in order to keep her hold. It wasn't too hard given how she had a gun pointed to his head but that was not the point.

"Don Cielo is my cheating ex-husband, who deserves to be dead. I was the one who hired these guys," her hair flicked over her shoulder as she gestured with her chin, the pile of bleeding unconscious or dead men. "I was just here to make sure they did their jobs. I clearly underestimated you two," she tutted, glaring at Kaye scornfully.

"What the fuck did you do with Don Cielo then?" Curtis growled.

"Oh that sleezy dirt bag? I tied him back in the cellar. He can burn to death along with his precious diner," the woman laughed, kicking over a bucket of liquid. It seeped through the floor and the pungent smell of gasoline hit their noses.

"You bitch," was all Curtis could say as he was used as a meat shield for the redhead as she maneuvered close to the door. She was so focused on making sure Kaye didn't make a move that she miscalculated her step, tripping on one of the dead men behind her.

Curtis wasted no time in this Goddess-given opportunity. Twisting his body, he quickly turned around, punching the lady below the rib before holding her arms back from behind her.

"Kaye, now!" he shouted, having yet to remove the gun from the woman's hands.
QUEST NAME x protect the boss
quest status x in progress
interactions x sette durante ( Nano Nano )

Lavender eyes looked at the castle looming in the background, then to the young woman whose attention was fixated on his partner. Beside her, the father spoke with fidgeting hands and worry in his voice. The task seemed simple enough - escort the young lady to her betrothed's house for her ceremony. Did Caelan agree with this? No, not really. Was it something he wanted to intervene with? Again, not really. If she found a way to escape after she'd been dropped off, then good for her and bad luck for this Lord Jamar person. By that point neither he nor Sette would have anything to do with it.

Provided with horses and supplies, he waited until the Duke lead his daughter right next to the horse she would be mounting. She looked expectantly towards Sette, and both of them simply stared back. It wasn't until one of the guards not-so-subtly gestured to the horse that he realized she was expecting the black-haired male to assist her. With his elbow, he nudged Sette forward. "Sette, you should assist Lady Jasmine onto her mount. I'll distribute the supplies between our horses."

The moment they were all on their mounts and their supplies attached, the princess waved a petulant good-bye to her father, and they were off. Caelan kept an eye on her; the Duke had warned of her attempts at escape. She'd been well-behaved so far, and he had a feeling he knew why, but that could all be a ruse to let their guard down. That being said, the almost excessive way she was staring at Sette's profile was starting to make him uncomfortable, and he wasn't even the subject of her gaze. He slowed down his own horse, looking at Sette and trying to figure out if there was anything was on his face. Was there some sort of ghost hanging over his shoulder?


Defend Don Cielo's
Interactions: Curtis Aster Aster
Status: In progress

“Clearly.” Kaye muttered looking towards the redhead, as she talked Kaye noted her slow moving towards the door. How could someone think that this was the best kind of revenge? Why would death always be the best kind of revenge when someone wronged you. Kaye didn’t really understand it and she surely never would. But that was the last thoughts on her mind. Instead she watched Curtis closely, being used as a shield probably wasn’t what he was used too normally would would be her--the smaller female.

That was what it was in the books that Kaye read as a child. Now she was feeling the pressure to be ready, to be ready when Curits made his move. How did she know he would? Because Kaye knew he would they had worked together enough to know what the other would be thinking, or planned. This was just like any other time.

But why then was her heart beating so fast in her chest?

With the smell of gasoline seeping into the floorboards below a unconscious man seemed to be waiting for a death that would be brought from a fire of an old love. But if they acted fast that same fire wouldn’t be lit and it would save a bit of hassle.

Curtis made his move, the crack of his fist hitting the women's ribs in a quick movement was a distant thought as Kaye reacted. The waiting was over and whatever they had planned was about to be placed.

“What the hell!” The women cried getting her arms taken from behind, how she had any breath left from that shot just proved that she was one tough bitch. Kaye’s Falcon moved silently from its perch, cutting the air with its quick wings to land it talons around the gun of the women snapping it from her grip effortlessly but not before a shot was fired.

The ring of the shot echoed through the air. In that moment everything stood still. Where had the shot fired? Kaye didn’t have to wait to know instead she felt the seething pain in her own shoulder the blood trickled down her shirt. It burned but she pushed the pain aside. In her craft pain was nothing. Show no pain--otherwise you show your weakness.

“I should have aimed just a little lower.” The red haired women sneered struggling in Curtis’ arms.

Kaye panted moving towards the women, her falcon passing the gun to her own hands. A cold expression passed across Kaye’s expression for a moment before her sweet smile replaced it. “Here Curtis, I’ll go and get free her husband.” Holding the gun out towards him with one hand while clutching her wound with the other.

Better to save the old man before a fire was accidentally started.



Interactions: Uriah Makomin Makomin
Mentions: None
Quest: Jack-O-Turn
Status: On-going
Location: Baile Forest
Mood: Find the twice damned pumpkin on legs

Jasmine Bermout
Fortunately for Uriah, the mimicry had distracted Jasmine enough to prevent her from clobbering the male--er, female. Upon spotting the pumpkin beast, fueled by her initial anger towards Uriah's careless comment, Jasmine made quick but precise charge, following the blonde's instruction to split. While Uriah moved in one direction, Jasmine moved in the other, going behind the pumpkin beast.

Her murderous intent was probably sensed because as Jasmine neared, the pumpkin monster perked up and made a beeline.

"Oh no you don't!" Jasmine roared, feeling her body shift in her will as she visualized one of Uriah's famous beast transformations. She felt clothes rip and tear at the seams as they grew far too small for her long, reptilian body. In her basilisk form, she lunged forward, snapping the pumpkin beast inside her jaws, but taking care not to chomp down on the orange fruit (vegetable? Pumpkins are fruits right?).

After successfully capturing the pumpkin beast in her mouth, she wasn't quite sure what to do. She didn't want to risk letting the beast escape by opening her mouth, especially while she's lacking hands to grab the monster, so she decides to nudge her head in Uriah's direction.

"I'm going to open my mouth. You catch the damn beast, okay?" Jasmine thought, using Uriah's mental telepathy powers for the first time.

Interactions: Kaye Sasil Sasil
Mentions: Quinn Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Quest: Defend Don Cielo's
Status: Completed
Location: Requiem City

Curtis Laucron
"Kaye!" Curtis shouted if not roar, anger pulsating him as he saw her get shot and injured. While the threat was removed, Curtis blamed himself for not destroying the gun sooner. Kaye was all tones calm while he was seething with hurt and anger. There was guilt in his eyes when he watched her leave, nodding as he agreed with her decision to free Don Cielo.

Once she was gone, Curtis jerked the woman's arm further behind her back. A cruel snapping sound followed by a loud shriek indicated that he had successfully dislocated her arm from her shoulder. Another sharp blow to the back of her neck had her scream cut short and the redhead passed out in his arms. An eye for an eye and a arm for an arm. The bitch had hurt Kaye and Curtis only served to repay that in full.

With Don Cielo freed, the two Magisters-in-training proceeded to call the officials and the cops handled the rest. The goons and the mastermind was put behind bars and Curtis focused his attention on making sure Kaye was properly treated before anything else.
Persephone Vandegraft

♭Lance Baytas Sasil Sasil

To say that Persephone wished this whole mission was just a ridiculous nightmare she was having was an understatement to say that described her exact thoughts of what was happening. She wished she was anywhere else, doing anything else except for this. She especially hated the fact that she was here with Lance of all people.

Don't get her wrong, she wouldn't admit it but she enjoyed having Lance Baytas as a friend but being stuck in his body was not something she agreed to. To add onto that, the metal head was....very open. Or a more crude word she would have used to describe him (in her head, of course) was a pervert. That was evident when she noted how he begin to...explore frontiers whilst in her body. Before she could say anything, he must have known that she would freak out even more over this nonsense as he held his- her own hand up to silence her.

Gripping her- his head, she tried to steady herself and calm down. It wasn't the end of the world, was it? They could easily switch back. It was no biggie, right?


The thought of being stuck in Lance's body was a horrific one, opposed to Lance's own indifference of having being stuck to hers. Flash forwards of what her future might be if she was Lance begin to appear in front of her eyes. A cowardly Lance dropping all the plant substance that he rolls up to a joint. Heavily-inked thugs throwing a cowardly Lance against the wall as he preferred staying at home rather than going out with them.

She despaired at the thought before hearing Lance, in her own voice, say 'boob city'.

Persephone couldn't help but grit her- his teeth before looking at Lance, or rather, herself.

"I will unscrew your arm with a screwdriver if you...." She struggled with a word to describe herself, "if you do anything with my body."

She then made a beeline towards the forest, determined to not let him see her freak out even more even though it was obvious he already knew. Persephone found herself awkwardly trying to walk properly as she found herself trying to accommodate to his body. She begin to follow the trail of corn husks, leading them deeper into the forest and away from the cornfields itself.

As they made their way deeper into the forest, it became for evident as to why the Pumpkin beast would prefer hiding here. One could barely see anything if it wasn't for the sunlight piercing through the spaces between the leaves from the trees. Her frown hadn't disappear. If she wasn't stuck in Lance's body, she would've laughed at the almost pouting sight of him.

Immediately, without warning, she turned to face him- her body before folding her- his arms across her- his chest.

"I think it's better we stick together. Just in case we run into it and it shoots us again."

Uriah Kershaw


Interaction: Jasmine Bermout Aster Aster
Quest: Jack-O-Turn
Status: Completed
Location: Baile Cornfields

Uriah Kershaw needed to think this plan through, especially since Jasmine would probably fly off the handle if they didn't catch the beast this time. He didn't think she could bear another moment stuck as the Naked Sunshine Glory of Pandora any longer. "Okay, so maybe we could-" The blond male begin to mouth to the female before he was met by the sight of himself tearing through his own clothes and transforming into a very large snake.

His mouth gaped open and maintained that way even when Jasmine had successfully captured the Pumpkin Beast. He didn't realise how terrifying his transformations would look to a freshman at Requiem Academy or any non-Magister. He always assumed his transformation process was more quiet than he always thought and less....impactful. At the sound of Jasmine's telepathy, Uriah snapped out of his own thoughts before joining the both of them in the open.

If it wasn't for the fact that Jasmine and Uriah just spent a day filled with many emotions due to switching bodies, Uriah would have been more welcoming to the sight of the Pumpkin Beast. Like its name, the beast was as big as a slightly-oversized pumpkin and body movements almost like a cat. The male nodded at the female before Jasmine opened her Basilisk mouth and let the creature go. Instantly, Uriah grabbed at it, holding it close to his- her body, almost cradling it. The beast seemed to be whimpering at the fact that it was either caught or terrified at Jasmine's form.

Uriah couldn't help but bite back his smile at it before saying, "You need to change us back, okay? You've been a bad pumpkin."

Obviously his words probably worked no wonder to the creature but as Uriah stood up, the beast decided to try and distract them in hopes of escaping again, by flashing another beam of light at them. In an instance, Uriah felt his body size enlarged exponentially before opening his eyes and finding himself back at his Basilisk form. He looked up to find that just as he did before switching back, Jasmine had the beast locked in her arms and the beast groaned in frustration.

After Jasmine got up, her stress level obviously deteriorated, Uriah used his telepathy power to convey to her, let's head back to the village and check the others back.

He figured he would transform back to his usual self when they almost reach the entrance of the forest. Though, one thing he was sure of, seeing Jasmine's bare thighs was going to make for a very good gossip-curse for the freshmen. Uriah grinned to himself as they walked back to the village.

Octavius Harred

Jack-O-Turn | s e v e n s e v e n | Axel​

The time soon passed by faster than expected with the Elite members walking around the cornfields and the surrounding wood areas nearby. Quickly, Octavius realised that the only 'clue' they would really obtain from monitoring the large fields were probably empty husks and remnants of corn. Not to mention, the occasional wasteful once-bitten corn.

It was starting to get hotter as soon, the morning sun begin to shine more intensely down on them, signalling a close start to the afternoon. The only signs of life Octavius discovered were a few squirrels running up and down the trees and a deer who he nearly jumped at, thinking it was the pumpkin beast. Sighing, the male called out to his partner, "Any luck finding it?"

He leaned his broad back against the trunk of a tree, grateful that in the wood areas, shade was provided. If there wasn't any, he'd probably get a bad sunburn like the field trip they had taken to the beach before. He was contemplating retreating for a few hours but the rustling of leaves caught his attention. He pushed himself forward from the tree and begin to eye his surroundings.

Soon enough, another sound accompanied- the sound of something being ripped, similar to that of a corn husk being pulled off. He eyed Axel and gestured towards the source of the sound, hoping it was the beast itself and not just another animal.


Quest: The Treasure
Mood: Nervous
Interactions: Khione Aster Aster
In a rare show of initiative, Bob had decided to take on a quest. In a not-very-rare show of nerves, he was getting cold feet.

"Come on, come on," he muttered trying to hype himself up. The walk over to the beach had been fine, but the moment he had climbed over the rocks and seen the ship, the usual fear had kicked in. So here he was, standing on the cliffs overlooking the ship and having second thoughts. Tonight's full moon shone through the gaps in the clouds and cast an eerie glow over the wreck. Long, twisted shadows, strange lights and was that a faint wailing carried over by the breeze?

"Fuck my life." It looked like something straight out of a horror movie. And he would be the dumbass kid going in there. Why did he think going over here at night was a good idea? Actually when was it night? He was quite sure he wanted to come here when it was daylight and it had been pretty early when he set out. It was almost like this quest could only happen at midnight or something.... He shook his head. No excuses! In four years [[?i forgot how many years they have lol]] he was going to be a fully qualified magister. He was going to ace this quest all by himself and make Jasmine and zandaddy Zander proud!

Just then he noticed someone was beside him and jumped, screaming a little.

Oh. It was just Khione. The elite girl had helped him more than a few times in Elemental class. Wait had she been here the whole time? Oh shit did she hear him talking to himself? Fuuuuuuck.

"Hi- ahem," he cleared his throat when his voice came out a little too shrill. At least his heart was calming down from the scare."Hi Khione. I didn't realise you were doing this quest tonight too." Then he had a sudden moment of realisation. If they paired up -which only made sense- then he wouldn't have to do this by himself! Yes! He had seen first hand how powerful she was during class. This quest would be a breeze for her (pun intended) and he wouldn't be so terrified. And he might actually be able to do something useful. "Actually," he asked hopefully. "Could we do this one together?"


Interactions: Bob Skryx Skryx
Quest: The Treasure
Status: In Progress
Location: Miasto Bay

Khione Silverblade
It was the odd mumbling which drew Khione to where Bob was. At first, all Khione could see was the young boy's silhouette, almost crouched over in a stance of fear (one which she was familiar with, only because two years ago, that had been her. Sometimes, it still is her.) Against the quite calm of the night, his soft murmurings stood out stark, though Khione could not make out a word he was saying. Curious and worried that the boy had been in pain, Khione had approached.

Unlike her usually meek and almost elderly demeanor, with her sword in her hand, the wind whipping against her ashen locks, Khione looked the most composed and at ease she's ever been. It was only on the battlefield that her emotions of fear and anxiety were cut off, unneeded in the heat of battle. In a life or death situation, Khione's survival instincts kicked in strong. Of course, poor Bob probably did not realize he was standing amidst the battle or more importantly.... within an illusion type Tenebrae.

The darkened skies were proof of which, given how the moon was out despite it being 3 PM. Even the air around them felt unnatural which made Bob's self pep talk more prominent. Judging by what he had said, perhaps Bob did not realize this fact yet? Better not scare him... Khione wisely chose to keep this information to herself.

With a small smile, the silver head nodded. "Sure. Brendan right? Were you asked to retrieve the treasure from the Andromeda by a noble or stationed guard?" Khione asked, confirming the tale to be true. It seemed Bob was not the only person to have gotten this request. There were a few others before him who had as well but none of them had returned. Some speculated they took the treasure off for themselves and ran off, but a few inspectors have noticed that there have been no sight of them since. Khione was one of the elites tasked with investigating the situation.

Upon seeing the Tenebrae there, Khione concluded that the treasure was merely a trap set for greedy individuals to walk in, only for the Tenebrae to keep and drain their life force. "It's a good thing we found each other Brendan," Khione slipped with a slight sigh. She would not want one of her juniors to end up like the other prey.

"Come on, let's go. Stay close to me and be on guard." Khione instructed, deciding the best way in would be through.

Quest: The Treasure

Status: In Progress

Location: Requiem City

Team: Quinn & ??? ( Aster Aster s e v e n s e v e n Sadistic Sweetheart Sadistic Sweetheart )
The Treasure
Quinn closed her eyes.

After all this time, she wondered if there was still anything left of her. What could she offer? Her hands closed into fists, and she felt the strength in them still. It was the answer she needed.

Her eyes opened.

"One of us should question the locals. Someone must know where it is."

She deferred the task of parley to one of her other companions. Quinn had never been much for small talk. Nor had she ever given much credence to the phrase, “more with honey than vinegar,” or however it went. Whoever said that probably wasn’t creative enough with their vinegar, she thought.

They were in Miasto. The trip had been bearable, if long. Made longer, no doubt, by the company Quinn kept.


Interactions: Quinn Elenion Aura Elenion Aura ??? s e v e n s e v e n Sadistic Sweetheart Sadistic Sweetheart
Mentions: None
Quest: The Treasure
Status: In Progress
Location: Requiem City

Ophelia Sinclair
The Sinclair family was by no means poor or as one would call---middle class. With roots hailing from nobility, wealth is not something Ophelia ought to worry for; that is, if her family was content in keeping what they had. Greed ran deep and there were multiple motivations in gaining the treasure rumored to be aboard on the Andromeda. Whether it was out of obedience to her parents in their demands to seize the hidden treasure or for personal incentives, Ophelia had somehow found herself grouped up with people she would least expect.

With a small, ever present smile, she sneered internally at her companion's earnest determination. For no reason whatsoever, Ophelia doubted Quinn was as noble as she seemed. Surely everyone must be hiding something dark and twisted, though only time would tell.

"It's funny how such a laaaarge ship could be missing after being spotted on the bay. Seems pretty fishy doesn't it?" Ophelia mused aloud with a hum, her hands folding neatly upon her lap. "It's funnier still how only the locals know where it is. You don't think it's some sort of trap right?"

Though her questions were said aloud, the paranoia was woven in for curious fun---mischief in other words and curiosity to how others would react. Humanity's skepticism was something she found fascinating, though Ophelia highly doubted her words were the case. How fun would it be if it were! The thought of such a ploy being planned by such... ordinary people must be quite cute.

"But no worries," Ophelia chirped in once more, voice sweet as honey, as the carriage which they sat in slowly rolled to a stop. "I'll do the asking. I don't think they'll lie to little ol' me~" The insignia in her eye glowed faintly as she giggled.

As the carriage door opened, Ophelia glanced at her companions to get off first, being one who sat across Quinn, away from the door.

- Axel -​
The Treasure xxxx♢ xxxxMiasto xxxx ♢ xxxxIn progress xxxx

It seemed almost out of character, though it may seem like an excuse the author was using for they had comletely forgotten how to properly type him up, it was also entirely justified. Well, at least they got breaking the forth wall right. Axel had been on missions with the most unlikely of sorts, be it a genesis first year, Ajax, someone whom he nearly fought once, did he mention Ajax? This time, however, Axel found himself stuck in a carriage of four, with people he very least preferred, that being said, his list was not a very long one.

Occasionally, he found himself stealing glances at the dark haired woman, Daphne Quinn. He knew her deal, or at least he knew she had a bone or two to pick with him. It baffled him how she still haven't said anything in regard to him, in which the corner of his lips rose subtly. Playing detective, and all that sort, it never ceased to amaze the blonde how insistent she was to finding out his, in quotation, "dark past". It was not to say she was not interesting, at least, and the thrill of excitement is what really drives him at this rate.

Next in line was this- this little blonde girl. A freshman, he think, he couldn't be too sure, and just from the gaze of her eyes, the way it twinkles when she speaks- Axel could tell he did not like her. There was something terribly off about this sugar-coated maiden, and looking at her made him feel uneasy. Could it be a haunting feeling of the reflection of his sins? Then again, sin is something Axel never liked to think about.

Then finally, at the end of the line, was Kai. That Kai. Ajax and him- things are easy. He hated him, and in return, Axel hated him, too. It was mutual, it was simple, and it was what he convinced himself to this day. Kai was different. Him and Kai never had a settle on things- everything just hovered in midair, the elephant in the room untouched. One day, they simply don't talk. He was an Elite 10, no longer a Syndicate. Speaking of which, everyone here is a Syndicate, or somewhat affiliated. What a fantastic trip.

He scoffed when he heard Ophelia speak, his arms crossed, head leaned against the side of the carriage. "Cute," he muttered shortly, shooting a smile at her. As per usual, even at the rose of his lips, his eyes laid dormant. Passing the gates of Miasto, rolling deeper in the city, gravels crackling underneath the wheels, the carriage stopped into a halt. Axel shifted in his seat, stepping down and took a deep breath, glancing around the streets. It really has been a while since his last visit, everything has felt so foreign, despite its familiarity.

A mischievous smirk crossed over his face. He turned, extended his hand towards Quinn. "Need a hand, mademoiselle?"


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