Innocent v.s Bad (Miki_Zyraka and Captain Caramel)


Junior Member
Like any other normal school day in Omnisha Academy, the bad boy student (your character) is always causing trouble with no care in the world. He doesn't have any friends since he trusts no one. He'll have a new student in his class Ryn Sharizawa ( The innocent one. And also my character)

Ryn Satako

Age: 17

Height: 5'4

Hair color: Violet

Eye color: Aquatic Blue

Bio: She is a shy, clumsy girl with Long violet hair with a long bang to go down to her shoulders as her hair goes far down her back. She is also a great cook, but she become clumsy in the process.

My first day in the Academy....I'm very nervous. I'll have my own dorm and everything. Now I already know how it feels to live alone. I miss my parents already. I looked at my paper that said "Class C-3" and "Dorm 120-A". I slowly opened the door and shyly walked in.

"Uhm....excuse me..I-I'm the new student you're this room C-3...?"

The teacher gave a welcoming smile "Why, yes it is. Please have a seat in the back of the third row"

I timidly walked to my assigned seat. While walking, a couple of people was talking. Some girls was talking about my beauty and such...I...I don't really pay attention to my looks. But I did take over from my mother who looked like a celebrity. A few boys was normal boys would talk about girls...

I sighed and sat down. About twenty minutes into the lesson, a man had walked in with a boy by his side. He was explaining to the teacher about how he intended to skip class and he caught him fighting. The boy's face looked like he didn't care. After the man left, the teacher told the boy in a aggravated tone to have a seat. I'm guessing this isn't the first time happening....I looked at him until he made eye contact with me. I quickly turned away.
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Name: Kaito Matsumiya

Age: 17

Height: 5'8"

Hair color: Naturally dusty blonde, dyed black

Eye color: Hazel (amber around edges of iris, greenish near pupil)

Bio: Kaito was raised in a traditional and religious family, but found himself disagreeing with their demands of him. He dyed his hair black in rebellion and began slacking in school, getting in fights, and smoking. His parents passed him by, letting the second son inherit the family and all but disowning Kaito. Feeling betrayed, Kaito no longer trusts others.

I pointedly did not look at the teacher as my captor explained how he found me. This time, I actually had a reason for fighting, but I knew none of the adults would care. As I looked around the classroom, I met the eyes of a girl I didn't know. She had intense blue eyes, and quickly looked away when I scowled at her. She was sitting in the previously-empty seat next to mine. I wove through the rows back to my seat, where I leaned back and began ignoring the teacher as normal. Glancing at the new girl sitting on the next row over, I decided not to bother asking her name. Knowing my luck and the teacher's fondness for having us do "group work", I was sure to get paired with her sooner or later.
An hour has passed and class is over for lunch. I grabbed my things from my desk, picked up my bag and begin to make my way out. I realized that during class I saw him looking at me a few times. Was it because he saw me staring at him? I feel like an idiot...I suddenly dropped my bag and my things fell out. I sighed, being a klutz isn't anything new...I went on my knees and began to pick up my stuff that fell out of the bag. Another hand was picking up my stuff as well. That boy! He's....helping me...

"Uhm...T-thank you"

He sat there in silence. After helping me, he stood up, and walked away as if nothing happened. The look on his face didn't change though....
I don't know why I started helping that girl pick up her stuff. Reflex, maybe. But kindness was a reflex I didn't want to have, because it was something that drew people to you. And I don't want anyone near me; I want to be alone. The cute girl thanked me, but I made sure not to reply. Instead, I turned and left before I could do anything else wrong. I think I forgot to keep my scowl on my face, but at least I had made sure not to smile. That was easy enough, I rarely smile.

Opting out of the gross school lunch, I left campus to grab a burger from a nearby fast-food joint. Then I stopped by the park across the street from the school to have a cigarette. The park was a common place for students to go during lunch break, even though it was technically against the rules to leave school grounds.
I sat there in the courtyard eating my lunch by myself. I couldn't stop thinking about that boy....but why...?

Lunch was over and it was time to go to class. Everyone was here except him...he must be late. I was taking out my books and begin to follow through the lesson.

He came in the class twenty minutes later. The teacher had spoke in a aggravated tone "You're late again. Please take a seat."

He looked like he didn't care. Does he even care that he get in trouble or spoken to like that? I guess not..
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I leaned back in my chair, half listening to the teacher drone on, and thinking about the girl sitting next to me. All the other kids in the class ignored me, and I don't know why the teacher even bothered to waste her breath lecturing me... But this new girl didn't know any better. She kept looking at me, judging me probably - not like I cared. But it was disconcerting knowing I was being looked at. I needed to set this girl straight.

"Hey new kid," I whispered, leading towards her desk, "it's not polite to stare at people." It was not like she had actually been starting, but I didn't like her looking at me at all.
I looked down in embarrassment. I guess I have been looking at him enough.

"I-I'm sorry." I whispered back. I feel like...some sort of stalker...a creeper, or even just an idiot.

At the end of the day I grabbed my things and left the classroom. I kinda forgot where my dorm was. I'll find it eventually. I came across two boys who looked like they was waiting for me. Maybe they're waiting for a friend.

One began to speak, "So you're Ryn...the new girl right?"

"The others weren't lying. Ha! You're a total hottie!" The other added. I was beginning to get uncomfortable. I had to get past them.

"O-oh...w-well, I need to go now. I have to find my dorm and--" One of the boys had pulled my arm, causing me to drop my bag. He said with a smirk, "Where are you going? Come has some fun with us. You'll have a reaally good time with us hehe"

I tried to break away from his grasp, but he was just too strong for me.

"L-let me go!" Just then, he threw me over his back. I wish someone would come help..
The girl's apology made me smile to myself. She must be the timid type, so she'll definitely leave me alone now. I dozed off through class, but woke instantly with the bell. I was smoking outside when I saw those that jerk, Mike, that sometimes lurked around. He was good to fight with, since it was so easy to provoke him. And he was a bully. I tried to be cold and rebellious, but I never was quite a bully.

Ah, Mike had brought a friend... Which definitely meant he was up to no good. I stomped out my cigarette and moved a bit closer. Yup, there they go, Mike had picked up - really? The new girl. Can't help running into her now, I guess. "Hey Mikey," I called out in an annoying voice, "two on one is no fair. Introduce me to your friend." As I spoke, I strolled towards them casually, but Mikey knew better. He tried to take off with the girl, but couldn't make it far before I threw a few well-placed punches and took out the other boy. "Your turn," I said, running to catch up with him.

He dropped the girl, but I overtook him quick enough. Once he fell to ground, I stood over him, leaned down and threatened, "Come back again and I won't be so nice." I gave him a last kick to the ribs before strolling away. Maybe I can avoid the girl... I hoped as I walked in a different direction.
"W-wait!" I called out. I ran up to him, with my head hanging and my hair covering both of my eyes. "T-thank you...again..." And I grabbed my bag and took off past him sobbing a little. After today I should just avoid him. I don't want to be anything worse than a neuisance than I'm already am.

After finally coming into my dorm, I sat there by the door. I needed to call my parents. I promised them that I'll call them on my first day. I reached into my bag and-- "Oh no! My cell phone is gone!" I must've dropped it outside. Great, I think that guy probably took it or left it sitting on the ground...I decided to get undressed and take a shower. I have to get this stress off of me.
When that girl called me to wait, I stopped automatically. She thanked me then ran off... crying? I wanted to hit Mike again... or was it my fault? Pausing, I went over what happened - I decided I probably hadn't done anything to make her cry. Still felt terrible.

As I turned to leave, I noticed a cell phone on the ground near where the fight began. It could have belonged to that girl, Mike, or his new buddy.... So I picked it up and tried to see if I could figure out who the phone belonged to.

((You'll have to tell me what, if anything, that he can see/find. If it's a ton of info, just send it in a message.))
As I was in the shower I was thinking about all that happened today. What happened between the boys and I. It kinda brought back bad memories....I continue to stand in the shower then got out. I stood and looked at myself in the mirror.
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The phone obviously belonged to someone boring. It had a bland background, only one number - labeled "Home", a few lame pictures, and... What's this note? Dorm 3 - that's one of the girls' dorms, so this must belong to the new girl. I thought about bringing the cell phone to the lost and found, but kept remembering her tears... I decided to go take it to her myself, that way I could find out why she had been crying and stop worrying about it.

I headed up to Dorm 3. During the day, it wasn't uncommon for males and females to be in dorms of the other, it was only in the late afternoon that teachers and Dorm Leaders cracked down on the "no mingling" rules. I checked the phone again - Room 27, so second floor. Knocking on the door brought no answer, and the door was unlocked, so I let myself in. "Hello?" I glanced around, looking for the violet-haired girl.
I wrapped my towel around myself and walked out the bathroom. H-him! Why is he here?? Freaked out, I was about to scream until he quickly dashed to me and covered my mouth. He didn't want to cause a scene. My second reaction was blushing. My face turned red as soon as he touched me. In the process, we both fell. He's on top of me! Oh no! My face is getting redder and hotter! Why is he even here in the first place??

I had to ask, "W-what are you d-doing here??" He was still on top of me which made things more awkward. Mmmnnn~ my towel is slipping off!
I heard a door open and looked to see the girl come out of the bathroom in a towel, looking surprised. She opened her mouth, and I lunged at her to cover her mouth before she could scream and get me in trouble. Unfortunately, I jumped with a bit too much force, and pushed her onto the ground. I pushed myself up with my left hand - my right still covered her mouth - and looked at her for a second, our faces maybe six inches apart. With her long hair out of her face, and her cheeks getting red, she looked pretty cute... and she smelled fresh and clean... and her skin was soft and moist...

When she spoke, I sat up quickly, pulling my face away from hers. The movement made her towel slip at the top... I looked away and got up off her so she could fix it. Running a hand through my hair, I sighed irritably, "Gosh, what do you take me for? You try to scream before asking that?" I held out her phone, still not looking directly at her, "You dropped this outside."
"M-my phone! T-thank you..." Still blushing, I sat onto my bed and asked. "W-why even bother...getting my phone back...?"

I knew I was an annoyance to him, so why did he even do this for me? I really didn't want him to look at my face now, so I hanged my head with my hair covering my face. He'd probably would thought that I would look ridiculous, or stupid.
"What, should I have kept it?" I said sarcastically. Yeah, I like to get in fights, and ignore everyone with authority, and smoke, and say mean things to people, and... okay, I could see how she might expect me to do something mean like that...

Figuring she had covered herself again, I turned to face the new girl. Her hair was in her face again. I don't know why, but that irritated me. Stepping towards her, I reached over to push the hair back. "Dammit," I snapped, "at least look at the person you're talking to!"
The way he snapped scared me. His face looked like he was going to punch a wall. I knew I somehow pushed him to the limit. I had nothing but a bit of fear in my eyes. A tear slowly fell from my eye, then I began to cry...again. I couldn't help it. I'm a very sensitive person. I spoke as I cried, "I-I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you angry. I'm sorry for--"
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"Enough apologizing," I said roughly, stopping her in the middle of her sentence. I felt terrible, because this time it was obviously me who had made her cry. I let her hair fall back in front of her face and took a few steps back. "And stop crying, you didn't do anything wrong."

I did't even know why I was still here. I did what I came to do, she had her phone. At this point, sticking around was only making her more scared and making me feel worse for hurting a girl. I turned and walked towards the door.
I wiped my eyes after he told me to stop crying. He turned around and made his way to the door. I wanted to know who he is.

"W-Wait! W-what is your name?"

I don't know why but I somewhat feel that we might have some sort of connection. I took a few steps forward towards him.
I turned around, somewhat surprised. Why would someone I just made cry care about my name? Eh, probably to complain to her friends or something... "Kai..." I hesitated a moment before asking, "...what's yours?" Not that I really cared or anything, but it would be nice to not have to think of her as "that new girl".
"R-Ryn.....Ryn Sharizawa. I-it's nice to b-become...Uhm..somew-what friends with you." I did I slight smile. After that he turned around once again and left out the door.

The next morning, class had already started. Kai came into class 20 minutes later. He looked like he didn't care. I gave him a small smile whispering, "Good morning"
I left her - Ryn's - room, somewhat perplexed. 'Friends?' Really? That's not something I was used to, nor was it something I thought I wanted...

In the morning, I accidentally slept in. Well, I don't know if it counts as an accident because I don't even bother to set alarms to wake me up! I jumped in the shower for a quick wash, then jumped out, got dressed, and ran a hand through my hair so it was adequately messed up. I really need to dye it again, my blonde roots were starting to grow out.

I sauntered into class, and this time the teacher just ignored me. Sweet, progress! As I sat in my seat, Ryn greeted me. I had forgotten to watch out for her, and didn't have time to think of a reply. "If you say so..." I said lamely.
After class, it was time for lunch. Kai was leaving the classroom while I was still getting my stuff. "K-Kai w-wait up!" I was running to catch up to him but then, I tripped and fell and my papers and books fell out of my bag. "Ow~ S-Sorry you had to see that." I said as I quickly pick up my stuff. He sighed and insisted to pick to help pick up my things. "T-thank you. S-sorry. I-I'm such a klutz.
I sighed as Ryn tripped and spilled her stuff everywhere... again... I stooped to help her pick it all up, shooting a glare over at a few girls that were staring at us and whispering. They fled, but I knew the damage had been done. I didn't care much for rumors, but how was I supposed to keep people away from me if I suddenly started being nice to this one girl?

"You don't have to hurry all the time, especially if you can't walk right," I said meanly. Though I meant to be teasing, I didn't have much practice at any tone except harsh.
"S-sorry. Uhm....w-where are you headed?" I asked as we picked up my stuff. He told me that he was going to the rooftop of the school. I decided to follow him since I didn't want to eat by myself again. We went to the rooftop, I sat down as he leaned against the wall. He pulled out a cigarette and began to smoke. I had a shocked look on my face. I asked him,"Y-you smoke?! It can kill you slowly if you keep this up--"
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