Innocent v.s Bad (Miki_Zyraka and Captain Caramel)

I blew smoke in Ryn's face to shut her up, "I've heard that one before. If you don't like it, don't look at it." I leaned my head back, blowing more smoke up into the sky and closing my eyes as I relaxed. I only smoked a few cigarettes a day, and it wasn't like I was addicted or anything... I just liked the calming effect.
"I-it's the truth!! Can't you do something else? L-like go on a date with girls. Or hang with friends?" As far as I seen, he's knowing for getting in trouble a lot so I guessed he might be popular.
At Ryn's suggestions, I started choking on my own smoke. After I caught my breath, I gave her a look that said 'you're crazy'. "I don't have any-" I guess I had to correct myself, "-many friends. I like to be alone." I explained. Friends were just people that made you change who you were to fit in, and I felt they were useless. Except those who claimed I was their 'friend' when all we did was fight each other on good terms when we wanted to vent frustration.
"Why do you like to be alone? I hate being alone.....what is good about being alone?" Being alone is the worse feeling for me, that's how bad things happen to me. I always feel safe when I have someone. So, why does he don't want to have anyone to turn to? I filled my head with the same questions just rephrased. I looked at him in curiosity.
"People suck. Those who are supposed to support you turn around and stab you in the back, and those who are supposed to love you don't accept you. It's better to be alone than with..." Why didI just answer her question?! I was spoiling much more than I normally would - why was it so hard to keep my guard up around this girl? Frustrated, I changed my next sentence, "It's none of your business anyway, Miss Nosey."
"I-I'm sorry." He was right, I was getting into his business. I guess I'm annoying him...I stood up and said "I'll leave you alone now....I-I don't want to be a stupid burden to you than I'm already am. I'll just keep my distance now so you won't have to deal with me..." I walked towards the door to leave the rooftop. He said so himself that he likes to be alone. Sitting here talking to him is just making myself feel stupid.
I watched Ryn leave, wondering how to stop her, then berating myself for wanting to do so. It's better that she leaves, right? Though her parting words irritated me more, where the hell did she get the word 'burden'? After a few more puffs, I put out my cigarette and dialed a number in my phone.

"Hey jerkwad," I said, leaving my friend a message, "today, after school, in the trees in the back of the park like normal." As I hung up, I noticed the time and decided to go to class on time for once, since I had nothing better to do.
The bell had rung, and Kai is...on time? Why am I worry about it anyway. I said I'll keep my distantace from him and I will. I chose not to say anything as he passed by; I didn't look at him either.

The day had ended. I sighed, grabbed my things and started to walk out the classroom. I left campus so I could explore the area more. I saw a park by the school so, I decided to walk there. I sat on the swings until I heard a noise from the back of the trees. I called out, "I-is anyone there..?" There was no answer. I walked over to the back of the trees to see what was making the noise. I saw an injured grey bunny. It must've hurt it's foot. I picked up the bunny and examined its foot. It was a peice of glass- someone with a glass bottle was here. I held onto the bunny, wondering if I could find the owner; if there is one. I held onto the bunny in my arms and was about to leave until a figure merged from the trees. It was some guy with red-orange hair and yellow-orange eyes. He looked like he was waiting for someone until he noticed me.

Damn, I thought to myself as I scrubbed down a chalkboard under the teacher's watchful eye. I come early on time for once, and she decides I need detention for the other million times! Right now, all I wanted was a good down-to-earth fistfight, which this was not. And with my luck, Justin would leave if I took too long to show up!



"Hey gorgeous," I said flirtily, "what are you doing out here?" As I waked closer to the girl, I saw her holding a bunny that looked injured. Not only ridiculously beautiful, but one of those kind souls that picks up hurt animals? What a find! "Aw, that doesn't look good. Can I do anything to help?"
"N-no...I-I'm fine. Thanks for offering though..." He sounded like a huge flirt; I decided to walk away. The sun was setting anyway. "I-I have to go now...I-I'll--" I tripped on my foot and fell backwards with the bunny still in my arms.
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I laughed a bit a the adorable girl fell down, obviously pretty clumsy. I came forward and grabbed her arms, gently pulling her up. "Are you sure you don't need any help?" Maybe I could impress the shy girl by being gentlemanly. "My name's Justin, by the way. What's yours?" Based on her small stature, I guessed she belonged to the high school across the street -the school I graduated from last year, in fact.
"R-Ryn. Nice to meet you" Once again, my hair was covering my eyes. To be honest, I don't really like to show my eyes. Sometimes, one of my eyes would show. My head was hanging in shyness this time. I looked up, noticing he was staring at my breasts for a second; this isn't anything new. My breasts was the number one thing that attracts boys; after all they are huge. I blushed a little and turned around. "I-I need to go--"
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As the girl turned away, I mentally berated myself for looking at her breasts. Well, for getting caught, at least. I grabbed her shoulder to stop her from leaving, "Wait, where are you going to take that little guy? I can drive you to the vet." If she'd accept my offer, I could try to make up for making her uncomfortable.



I finally escaped from the Devil! As I approached our fighting spot, I saw Justin harassing a girl. Nothing new there, he tried to be nice, but was pretty obviously a player. Wait, is that...? Ryn - seriously? She's everywhere! As I got closer, I could tell she looked uncomfortable. Coming up behind Justin, I punched him in the kidney, so he let go of Ryn as he winced in pain, "You look like a creeper, dude. And sound like one, too, offering to give her a ride.
What is Kai doing here? He seemed to know Justin. We quickly left the area then I asked with my head slightly down, "K-Kai.....w-what ate you doing here?"
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"I should be asking you that!" I replied, "I was meeting Justin here. What were you doing?" Pesky girl. But it's a good thing Justin hadn't done anything to her. Not that I cared, right? I growled a little to myself, irritated at my confusion regarding her.
"I....I came here......because I got curious about the park.....then...." My voice trailed off before I could finish. I looked down at the bunny I was holding; he probably thinks I'm stupid or something...
I hadn't noticed what was in her arms, but I looked now. A rabbit, it looked hurt. "Really?" I thought with a sigh, no wonder Justin was being all nice to her. Well, besides her hot body. Then it dawned on me, "That's why he was offering to drive you. You should have said something before I dragged you away!" I grabbed her arm and started walking back the way we came.
"I-I didn't know...I-I mean..I didn't know what to do...I-I just--" His frustration tone and the aggravated look on his face kinda scared me...
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"Don't you pay attention? Pretty much all guys look at girls like that." I didn't, because I never thought of getting close to girls, and had never really been attracted to one physically... Well, besides last night in Ryn's room... I quickly banished that thought. "What's more important to you, then?" I asked, stopping, "helping that thing or being shy because some guy thinks you're cute and flirts with you?"
"I....I-I have to go!" I ran off once again. This time I didn't cry; I was a bit angry though.

I came into my dorm, with the bunny still in my arms. I have realized that I left my bag in the park. With my phone in it this time. Sigh why am I so careless..? I decided to give the bunny a bath. I washed it up and wrapped its small foot with a bandage. It doesn't seem to have a collar, so I guess I could keep it. I decided to name it Shiro. He looked hungry. So I decided to cut up a few vegetables for Shiro and make dinner for myself later after I take my shower. I put a plate of vegetables onto the floor beside him and went to take my shower.

(( The next day is going to be the weekend just so you know ^^))
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Ryn ran off, leaving me confused. Had I said something wrong? Probably. But it didn't matter, because I was trying to get rid of her. I didn't want her around anyways. As I turned to leave, I saw something on the ground - Ryn's backpack. Of course. Since it was there, I glanced through it. Upon seeing her phone, I acted on a whim and looked up her number. I added her number to my phone, but left hers untouched so she wouldn't know I had done anything. Then, I headed back to her dorm.

Like last time, Ryn didn't respond to a knock, so I let myself in. I heard the shower running, apparently I had bad timing... I took a minute to decide either I should leave the backpack and go, or wait for her to get out. Then I noticed the bunny on the floor, munching on some veggies. It looked like Ryn had treated it herself. That explains why she didn't want to take Justin's offer to go to the vet, I guessed. I tried petting the rabbit gently, but I did something to scare it away into a corner. I had never had pets, so I didn't know how to deal with them...
I finished taking a shower. I heard a noise. I think it's Shiro moving around. I had to check up on him. I walked out shower wiping the towel on hair so I could dry it off. I looked up and-- "K-KAI?! Ah!" I quickly covered my body with the towel. Oh no...this is embarrassing! I noticed my bag from the corner of the eye. He must've came to drop it off. I forgot to lock my door....great, now what is he going to say now....?
At Ryn's yell, I quickly spun around on instinct. But when I caught a glimpse of nude skin as she covered herself with a towel, I s spun back around. "You know, if you are gonna walk around like that, you ought to lock your door." My cheeks were getting red, but luckily she couldn't see it because I was facing the other way. I told myself I shouldn't react like this, but my body didn't listen. "You left your bag at the park," I explained, pointing at the bag next to me without turning.
"T-thank you. Y-you d-didn't see anything d-did you?" I asked while blushing madly. I was blushing so hard my body started to heat up. Oh no...
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"No," I said, still trying to get the blood to leave my face. It wasn't entirely untrue, since I had only got the slightest glimpse of skin, it wasn't like I saw anything private. I still felt bad. I knew I should have l left right away... "Sorry for intruding," I mumbled, heading for the door. "I'm glad your rabbit seems fine."

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