Innocent v.s Bad (Miki_Zyraka and Captain Caramel)

"W-wait! I was wondering, I-If we can...have lunch tommorow..? I-I mean, I felt that I've annoyed you..and stuff but I wanted to...make it up to you..." The towel slipped out of my hand; I had to hurry and pick it up and cover myself once again. I'm being extremely clumsy right now. I'm blushing hard to the point I slipped and fell.....on my front side.
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When Ryn spoke, I turned to look at her. She looked brighter pink than my face felt. Before I could answer her though, her towel slipped. This time, I didn't get a chance to avert my eyes, because she grabbed the towel again, then she immediately tripped. I reached forward to catch her, and fell on my knees, holding her body against mine. She was hot, and I felt like I was overheating as well. "Uh, are you okay?" I asked lamely.
"I..I...I..I...I....I.." I couldn't even finish my sentence. My body was heating up even more!! We're so close our faces are touching! We both blushed. Our bodies was touching and we both was breathing hard.
Ryn and I were so close I think it was messing with my head. I glanced at her lips, but looked away. "Calm down," I said, "I won't do anything to you." Honestly, I wasn't sure that was true. I needed to get away from her but I knew if I pushed her away she would probably lose her towel again. I didn't know which was less bad in this already-awkward situation. My hormones were pumping and I couldn't seem to catch my breath to calm down.
We both looked at each other in the eyes for a little bit. This felt really awkward...just then, me moving pulled us to move; he was now on top of me! Oh we're breathing harder than ever!
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I had to admit to myself, when Ryn moved, I leaned forward subtly so I pushed her down, my hand now behind her head so she wouldn't hit the ground hard. I caught myself with my other hand, but let my body press on hers. Though we were in nearly the same position as the day before, today was different. Today I was attracted to her and was losing control. I leaned forward just a bit so our lips touched. As I kissed her, I thought to myself how bad it was, right after saying I wouldn't do anything... But right now I didn't care.
He...he kissed me....It..felt...good. We stopped for a second, then we kissed again. The kiss deepened a little and it became more passionate. I couldn't control myself for a little bit. In between the kisses, I whispered Kai's name.
Brought back to reality by Ryn's whisper, I paused. What the hell was I doing? I didn't want to be close to people, right? And here I was making out with a shy and clumsy - and beautiful - girl while she wore nothing but a towel that was slipping again, and it was afternoon and soon someone would come around making sure the dorm was clear of males. I was sure Ryn would regret getting caught like this, and I probably shouldn't as well...

I sat up and got off the girl without quite looking at her. "I'll see you tomorrow for lunch," I mumbled, slipping out the door. After stopping to catch my breath, I pulled out a smoke and lit it up as I returned to my own dorm room.
As soon as left out of my dorm, I finally calmed down. I decided to get dressed then make myself dinner. I need to look for a job tomorrow; I have to get money so I could get Shiro a little home and extra things.

The next day, I woke up, took a shower, and fed Shiro. It was a Saturday and I need to look for a job. I petted him and placed him on the bed. Kai words echoed In my head:

I'll see you at lunch tomorrow

Lunch...but where? I went out of my dorm with a tight white shirt, sky blue jeans, and white shoes.

It's been an hour since I walked around the shopping center and no luck...I eventually came across a place called the 'Lucky Café' I went in and applied. The manager said that I can start tomorrow. I left the café and decided to walk around a little bit. My phone suddenly rang. I looked at it and it was a number I didn't know. I answered it anyway, wondering who it is.
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The next morning, I sleep in again. Once I finally got up, I took a shower then threw on my favorite pair of ripped and worn jeans and a black shirt with skulls. Then I went down to the shopping center near school and dialed Ryn's number. "Hey, where are you? You better be ready," I said, not bothering to introduce myself. She'd either recognize my voice or ask if she didn't know, and I didn't want to waste the effort if I didn't have to.
This random caller happens to be Kai. How did he get my number? I responded, "K-Kai? Uhm...I'm by this Jewelry shop. Where would you want me to meet you?"
Jewlery store? Why the hell would I know where that is? "The burger joint in the food area," I explained. Their burgers weren't spectacular, but they had dang good milkshakes.
I hung up the phone. About ten minutes later I arrived at the food area. I saw Kai in the burger place, sitting there waiting for me. I came and took a seat across from him. "H-hi Kai.." This time, my hair wasn't covering both of my eyes. One of my eyes was actually noticeable; a couple of strands was In the way though.
I watched Ryn as she approached the table. She looked good today, and being able to see at least part of her face was an improvement. When she said my name, I started to recall last night, and had to look away. "Took you long enough," I said, picking up one of their little paper menus to place in front of my face, as I pushed another towards her.
"I-I'm sorry. I got kinda lost. The shopping center is kinda big so yeah..." I found myself having a warm smile on my face. I noticed that he handed me a menu so I figured that we're eating here; I also noticed that I don't have any money to pay for my own food. "Uhm...I-I don't have any I can't order anything. I don't want to be a burden by asking you for any money.." The food on the menu did looked good, and I skipped on breakfast since I was rushing to look for a job.
I was hating her word, 'burden'. "Then I won't let you ask. Order something," I commanded tersely. She was smiling, which made her look more beautiful. Her shirt today was also very... flattering. I pulled the menu in front of my face again. A few days ago I wouldn't look twice at a girl's chest, but after being so close to Ryn my hormones were making it difficult to ignore her.
"Uhm....I would like..." I said as I began looking at the menu once again. "French fries...and uh..a Vanilla Milkshake,"I never really had a thing for burgers anymore since my clumsiness cause me to make a mess of myself with a burger. "I guess...that will be it...." I placed the menu back on the table and I noticed that Kai was covering his face with the menu. Out of curiosity I asked, "A-are you alright Kai..?"
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"I'm fine," I said, dropping the menu and cursing myself for being suspicious. A waitress came over and took our order. I'm not a fan of beef, so I ordered chicken strips and a chocolate milkshake. "Actually I'm not," I corrected myself, "get your hair out of your face so I can talk to you." I reached across the table and swept Ryn's hair behind her ear, my fingers lingering for a second too long before I pulled my hand back, trying to act casual.
I blushed a little when he moved my hair out of my face. "" I asked as I shifted my shoulders up and down.
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"Just your hair," I said nonchalantly, "so I'm fine now." Then I noticed a few locks of hair hanging in front of her other eye. It really wasn't that distracting, but if I moved it I could touch her again... I think my body moved on its own before I had even finished the thought - again I reached across the table to swipe the last few hairs back, hesitating instead of pulling my hand away.
"W-what is it about my hair that you like so much Kai...?" I asked as I blushed even more. He seemed to be attracted to my hair sort of. Now that I think about him touching me, thoughts of last night flashed through my mind. Mmmmnnnn~ that was too much. Great, now I'm blushing more than ever! Once I hung my head a lot of strands of my hair fell back to my face.
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Ryn blushed and put her head down, and all her hair fell back in her face. I slid my hand from her cheek down to her jaw and tilted her head back up. "It's pretty, but I like to be able to look at who I'm talking to, so I'd prefer if you kept it out of your face." I replied as I used my other hand to sweep the hair back again.
P-pretty? Great, now I defiantly can't stop blushing, which made it easier for him to see. "O-okay...I-I'll do it for you Kai..." I said nervously. Did I really say that?! Now he's gonna think I'm weird; maybe crazy for saying that. The waitress finally gave us our food and we began to eat as I sat there with my face red.
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A slight blush rose to my own face when Ryn agreed to my request. Luckily, our food arrived momentarily to break the awkwardness. I started eating my chicken and fries, then realized how little food the fries Ryn had got were. "You sure that's enough food? Have some of this..." I said, pushing my tray to the center of the table so she could reach. I had a small breakfast, so wasn't hungry enough to eat all my food anyway.
I had thanked Kai for giving me some of his food, although I didn't expect it at all. I thought while we're sitting here, I could maybe ask him something about his life, "W-why are you a trouble maker Kai...?"

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