Ink Monkeys

When you "govern" you criminal network, plan your next big heist, treat your contacts and restock your supply of makeup and fake noses for disquises.
skafte said:
When you "govern" you criminal network, plan your next big heist, treat your contacts and restock your supply of makeup and fake noses for disquises.
Beating the crap out of people who got in your face, establishing control over new gangs, and so on. There's a few examples in fantasy fiction of "heroic" characters effectively running crime networks from behind a layer or two of clever acting and plausible deniability.

I was musing on the idea of Night Castes and organised crime just the other day, actually. Made me wonder if a crime syndicate is enough of a Bureacracy for Speed The Wheels to work...
Huh. Storyteller expansions. I can see nothing but good coming from this - already, the Abyssals are feeling the love.
Dawn Solutions, parts I and II.

Impressions -

Blind Impulse Strike. Corona of Radiance. Cast Down Stars Condemnation. Sky Breaker Throw.

Sky Breaker Throw.

Also, it really shows that Morke is a fighting games player. I can almost see which games he liked from the Charm concepts. >_>
Man, I thought Infernal Monster was the last word in throwing people around. Obviously, I miscalculated - it's not enough until the charm text says you can throw them an "Infinite" distance.
You know, these last two Dawn updates have really enhanced the Solars, to me. They've suffered for a while from lack of attention, but with this... with this, we see why the Solars are considered the ultimate Badasses. I just can't get the image out of my head, of shoryuken-ing someone into Malfeas with Sky Breaker Throw.
I'm planning on firewalling these new Charms behind a plot device, cos I can't introduce them without some kind of explanation as to why the circle's Dawn Caste wouldn't have taken some of these Charms already. Particularly the new War Charms.

Once my players find and break the plot device (figuratively), then they can start throwing people bodily into Malfeas using motes they gathered by being cunning in battle. Seems fair to me.
I don't know how much I like the new chargen rules in the Dawn Appendix. I haven't actually played Exalted yet, but I've watched others play and argue about the system.

Removing the requirement for starting Caste/Favored Charms? Giving what's essentially free Willpower (with 5 starting Willpower, the most BP you'd need to spend on it is 5, and that's pretty much nothing with the newly increased BP)? Those don't sound like good changes to me.

Removing the Caste/Favored charm requirement only helps minmaxers, despite what Holden and hatewheel said in the comments, because it means that getting absolutely zero Caste/Favored charms at chargen and getting those later is a much more economical option that spending any starting Charm slots on Caste/Favored Charms. People who create characters based on a concept will follow that concept regardless, so this change doesn't do anything for them. It only makes minmaxing (or rather, the worst kind of minmaxing, the kind that tries to outright ignore or subvert the fluff) easier.

And I'm just philosophically opposed to the idea that everyone absolutely needs 10 Willpower as soon as possible. Yes, 10 Willpower is an eventual necessity, but it shouldn't be the main concern of a starting character.

The Charms are mostly good though.
Solarn said:
I don't know how much I like the new chargen rules in the Dawn Appendix. I haven't actually played Exalted yet, but I've watched others play and argue about the system.
Removing the requirement for starting Caste/Favored Charms? Giving what's essentially free Willpower (with 5 starting Willpower, the most BP you'd need to spend on it is 5, and that's pretty much nothing with the newly increased BP)? Those don't sound like good changes to me.

Removing the Caste/Favored charm requirement only helps minmaxers, despite what Holden and hatewheel said in the comments, because it means that getting absolutely zero Caste/Favored charms at chargen and getting those later is a much more economical option that spending any starting Charm slots on Caste/Favored Charms. People who create characters based on a concept will follow that concept regardless, so this change doesn't do anything for them. It only makes minmaxing (or rather, the worst kind of minmaxing, the kind that tries to outright ignore or subvert the fluff) easier.

And I'm just philosophically opposed to the idea that everyone absolutely needs 10 Willpower as soon as possible. Yes, 10 Willpower is an eventual necessity, but it shouldn't be the main concern of a starting character.

The Charms are mostly good though.
Having run three and played in two 2E exalted games, these character creation rules are a huge improvement re: Willpower and Virtues.

Previously, if someone didn't want to upgrade their virtues and were fine with a (2,2,2,3) spread, and wanted, say Willpower 8, it would cost them 6 freebie points. Now, that same combo only costs 3 freebies. It really will allow for more flexible and "organic" characters created rather than dumping 9 or 12 freebies into virtues for willpower 9/10.

At the same time, if someone just wanted Virtues, and didn't want ot upgrade their willpower, well, that just wasn't an option. Now, someone can have all virtues at 5 for 11 freebies and still have Will 5. It really makes for more versatile PC's.

With Willpower costing x1 instead of x2, it's also much cheaper to upgrade in play. Most exalts need Will 10 eventually. It's just a necessity in 2E.

As for Charms... I agree. I think 5 non favored/caste charms is plenty.
At the end of that story, the Shining Answer was shown as something that the Primordials aspired to, calling it something greater than even the Titans. From what we know, though they weren't as addicted to GoD, it was something the Primordials thought was the best thing to be doing all the time. What would you like more than something that cures despair?

Also its abbreviation is GoD thats important guyz
Quchu said:
At the end of that story, the Shining Answer was shown as something that the Primordials aspired to, calling it something greater than even the Titans. From what we know, though they weren't as addicted to GoD, it was something the Primordials thought was the best thing to be doing all the time. What would you like more than something that cures despair?
As magnificentmomo mentioned, Gaia is still looking for it, so it's unlikely the Games are the Answer.
In addition, that's simply not where stories like that go. This is mythology, and more important than that it's Exalted mythology. What the Primordials did was go out looking for Ultimate Spiritual Happiness, get bored and tired, and then decided to give up and build a House of Despair because working for your happiness is, y'know, work.

They didn't all stop, because that would be boring and dumb, but many of them made what can fairly be called the "wrong" choice, and it ended up with them either dead or in prison. It's unlikely that the Shining Answer could never have resulted in anything remotely as bad, but the important part is that they stopped trying to find it and they "settled."
~~~Necro-Thread Technique ~~~

So were are the new character creation rules listed? I saw them the other night, but now I can't find them any were. Not in Scroll of Errata or in the PDF compiled by Plague of Hats. I can google all sorts of discussions about it, but not a working link. Looks like it was discussed in volume 35, but the WW forum update broke all the links.
They're in the most current Scroll of Errata (released November last year), linked in my signature. They're at the start of the General Errata, Chapter One, just after the Introduction.

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