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Fantasy Inhumanity: Cries for Sanity

TeaMMatE11 said:
I'm waiting for someone to save me at this point...anyone?
Sorry for the late reply.

Currently, Noelle accepted Elena's offer to see what's the commotion about in the streets. ヽ(〃・ω・)ノ

Please be patient, @SilverBlack will reply back early tomorrow.

We're coming to rescue you! ε=┏(・ω・)┛
@Kiroshiven and @Quark

Both characters from both of you accepted. Feel free to now jump into the roleplay.

@TeaMMatE11 Definitely, I'll reply by today to help you so the story can progress as I'd wished. Thanks for coping with us so far! Things are going as planned for now.

My next post will be an event that should affect everyone within the city.
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SilverBlack said:
@Kiroshiven and @Quark
Both characters from both of you accepted. Feel free to now jump into the roleplay.

@TeaMMatE11 Definitely, I'll reply by today to help you so the story can progress as I'd wished. Thanks for coping with us so far! Things are going as planned for now.

My next post will be an event that should affect everyone within the city.


Greetings everyone!

This is a post directed to everyone. The other administrators and I will like to address a situation concerning the conflict-based nature of this roleplay. Currently, there is a conflict going on in this roleplay (the cafe scene) and there will bound to be more in the near future, so it's the best if we mention the problem early on. Godmodding in roleplay is where an individual is overpowering another opponent in battle. However, there are also situational godmodding. For instance, when a character is learning a skill too quickly, or a character seemingly having too much control of a situation.

After careful consideration, it seems that Hunters in the cafe are exemplifying the latter case. With the whole situation in the cafe, serveral roleplayers have presented their arguments and reasoning in-character regarding the whole Species situation. Nevertheless, the Hunters are not looking at and addressing all the points of their argument, but instead continues to pressure the characters to reveal who they are. This doesn't mean they are inconsiderate or pretentious whatsoever, these Hunters are just doing their job as Hunters. However, this can be seen as a form of godmodding, wherein the character takes too much control. They are favorably pushing the situation towards the Hunters' side despite the logical and sentimental arguments from the Species. Those arguments should at least let them back down even a little bit, but as the scene goes, that doesn't seem to be the case.

To give an analogy, it will be like if Character A and Character B are both engaging in a battle. Character A is putting a fierce fight, but Character B doesn't get hurt at all, and instead is able to cut off Character A's escape routes and all communication to his/her allies. In this case, Characer B isn't leaving any options for Character A except to lose the battle. In other words, the Hunters doesn't seem to be allowing any options for the Species except to reveal themselves.

For further clarification, we're not patronizing anyone with this since this should have been explicitly explained before the roleplay even started. This is just a little friendly reminder to everyone that all characters need to have the chance to let a situation in their favor (not completely of course) once in a while and that the advantage doesn't always lie on one side. Due to the special characteristics of this roleplay, this is an important point to make. We don't want one side to be winning and lose the whole point of this roleplay. Also, forcing the Species to reveal themselves will take away the original intentions of those characters (for example, trying to coexist with humans).

With that said, the cafe scene seems to have hit a stalemate, so the other administrators and I would like to speed things up a little bit in order to keep the roleplay going.

I hope everyone will continue to enjoy this roleplay! (。・ω・。)ノ♡
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Ugh, sorry guys, I said I'd post by today but workload seriously lagged me down. Definitely posting by tomorrow.
SilverBlack said:
Ugh, sorry guys, I said I'd post by today but workload seriously lagged me down. Definitely posting by tomorrow.
All the best with work! I probably won't post for a day or so after this.
@Collie Faxroux

You don't have to change your character! I think the two of them being injured in an opposite way could create an interesting dynamic between them when they interact, so don't worry about the similar bio.
[QUOTE="Collie Faxroux]I read through the IC up to this point, but it is still rather difficult to design an entrance. I also wouldn't mind a bit of a summary perhaps if many posts are made again. Either way, I'll always read through all the posts.

Likewise. I've stationed my hunter near the restaurant in helping out, but I am not sure whether that's going to add onto the chaos with that many characters there.

Perhaps it'd be better for me to stay put until the scene is over?
Hold on guys I'd been seriously busy! ><

@gogojojo331 @Yuuki Kagami @PoPcOrNXDaNcE @Robyn Banks

Please confirm your interest in this roleplay.

@Collie Faxroux @Quark Your entrance and your reply is fine, there's always an advantage or a solution in your replies.

@pokemariofan64 You had wished for someone to interact with you--Noelle (@Eimi ) has interacted with Solomon, tagging Taylor (@TeaMMatE11 with you as well. Just letting you know since you didn't seem to notice.


You didn't miss out too much--everyone's replies so far have been similar.

After Dysis's insistence on removing hoods, there's an outburst in the restaurant as two people transformed into Inhumans on that spot, causing a complete chaos as they began their attack on the customers, turning more into their Kinds while people panicked, escaped, evacuated, or stayed on the spot to take pictures/post on social media of the situation.

Solomon, Quark, Megumi, Taylor, Noelle, Elena who could come soon, and maybe other Hunters if I'd failed to mention one, gathered to the restaurant to eliminate and help evacuate the people. Shui was originally telling people to get out of the restaurant too but Euli took the chance to grab him and they exited from the window.

Ginger was attacked by one of the Inhumans, however Taylor, returning from the streets along with Elena and Noelle, killed it, and Caspian saved her, leaving her to Shui and Euli's care.

Taylor was wounded though, and Noelle suggested Solomon drove them back to the hospital.

That's about it before my next reply.
SilverBlack said:
Hold on guys I'd been seriously busy! ><
@gogojojo331 @Yuuki Kagami @PoPcOrNXDaNcE @Robyn Banks

Please confirm your interest in this roleplay.

@Collie Faxroux @Quark Your entrance and your reply is fine, there's always an advantage or a solution in your replies.

@pokemariofan64 You had wished for someone to interact with you--Noelle (@Eimi ) has interacted with Solomon, tagging Taylor (@TeaMMatE11 with you as well. Just letting you know since you didn't seem to notice.


You didn't miss out too much--everyone's replies so far have been similar.

After Dysis's insistence on removing hoods, there's an outburst in the restaurant as two people transformed into Inhumans on that spot, causing a complete chaos as they began their attack on the customers, turning more into their Kinds while people panicked, escaped, evacuated, or stayed on the spot to take pictures/post on social media of the situation.

Solomon, Quark, Megumi, Taylor, Noelle, Elena who could come soon, and maybe other Hunters if I'd failed to mention one, gathered to the restaurant to eliminate and help evacuate the people. Shui was originally telling people to get out of the restaurant too but Euli took the chance to grab him and they exited from the window.

Ginger was attacked by one of the Inhumans, however Taylor, returning from the streets along with Elena and Noelle, killed it, and Caspian saved her, leaving her to Shui and Euli's care.

Taylor was wounded though, and Noelle suggested Solomon drove them back to the hospital.

That's about it before my next reply.
Sorry I'm just finishing up my character it will be posted soon.
SilverBlack said:
Hold on guys I'd been seriously busy! ><
@gogojojo331 @Yuuki Kagami @PoPcOrNXDaNcE @Robyn Banks

Please confirm your interest in this roleplay.

@Collie Faxroux @Quark Your entrance and your reply is fine, there's always an advantage or a solution in your replies.

@pokemariofan64 You had wished for someone to interact with you--Noelle (@Eimi ) has interacted with Solomon, tagging Taylor (@TeaMMatE11 with you as well. Just letting you know since you didn't seem to notice.


You didn't miss out too much--everyone's replies so far have been similar.

After Dysis's insistence on removing hoods, there's an outburst in the restaurant as two people transformed into Inhumans on that spot, causing a complete chaos as they began their attack on the customers, turning more into their Kinds while people panicked, escaped, evacuated, or stayed on the spot to take pictures/post on social media of the situation.

Solomon, Quark, Megumi, Taylor, Noelle, Elena who could come soon, and maybe other Hunters if I'd failed to mention one, gathered to the restaurant to eliminate and help evacuate the people. Shui was originally telling people to get out of the restaurant too but Euli took the chance to grab him and they exited from the window.

Ginger was attacked by one of the Inhumans, however Taylor, returning from the streets along with Elena and Noelle, killed it, and Caspian saved her, leaving her to Shui and Euli's care.

Taylor was wounded though, and Noelle suggested Solomon drove them back to the hospital.

That's about it before my next reply.
Mmmm...I'm still extremely confused, let me try and find a place to post.
In that case, would there be any species characters that like to interact with my character?

If you act like a normal human, she will evacuate you to somewhere safer since dealing with inhumans are top priority.
Collie Faxroux] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33540-quark/ said:
Maybe, if you or someone could consider hiding a fairy in a bag or coat or something, haha?

Otherwise I think I was going to have Elka turn around, get to the ocean and attempt flying AROUND the wall XP

Because if I'm thinking correctly, the wall has heightened security now, does it?
Hiding in a bag might be a bit too obvious to the hunter LOL.
Would it be okay if I joined? I haven't roleplayed in a while, but it won't take me long to get used to it again.

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