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Fandom Inheritance Cycle ~ Rebellion


confused yet bemused
If there's one thing that Silas hates to do, is to admit that he's scared. Usually he's more on the calmer side of things when it isn't as hectic or crazy, but now he doesn't feel up to anything. His confidence is lost and to admit defeat in front of the rows upon rows of people watching him would be an utter and complete loss of self dignity. His mother stands near the front alongside her lover watching him with hopeful yet guarded eyes that don't reveal much to him despite the sun that shines above them. The air seems colder with every breathe that he takes and his back itches from the wool that scratches it. He doesn't dare raise an arm or even raise his eyes as he stands in front of the crowd facing towards them alongside the other potential Riders. The eggs--or so he hopes--are covered with a thick blanket as the Riders had at first bound their eyes shut as they revealed the eggs to the crowd, but not to the young ones who were tasked with hatching one.

The young people beside him are silent as they stand in a row with expresionaless faces yet Silas can see out of the corner of his eyes the trembling of lips and the sweat that's marked on their brows. He hopes he doesn't look as sick as he feels. A Rider--a REAL Rider-- stands in front of them. His Dragon is no where to be seen and wasn'r seen all day at the festival except for the huge thunder of beating wings that came from the north and stopped just far away from the village that no one could hear of see it.

The Rider is tall and has a stocky sort of build with clipped blonde hair and cold piercing eyes that stare them all down with slight disinterest. "Good to see your young ones look nice this year. I would say that about two would be chosen, isn't that right mayor?" Silas tries to hide his contempt. There are twenty kids and nineteen eggs, but he still trembles at his words. Maybe he's right?

Mayor Linheart swallows and nods his head eagerely and casts a dark glance at the teens. "I-I would say so! Surely our group of--fine young ones would be acceptable towards the...uh--" He guesures towards the eggs behind them. A girl to the side yawns and Linheart casts her a dark glance.

The Rider, Rin, raises an eyebrow and says nothing. "Let's get this show on the road shall we? I have some things to do back the guild and I expect to have one of two of these....children with me." Rin says darkly with an added glance towards the girl who yawned. Maria was her name is Silas remembers. "Alright, then. Behind you are ninteen eggs. There are twenty of you, but don't put your hopes up. Sometimes only one child is chosen." He smiles at them before continuing. "You may have heard that there have been rumors of an initiation ceremony of some sort. That's wrong. The only thing you have to do is be picked by a Dragon who deems you worthy enough to be a partner for them. Doesn't sound too hard, huh?"

Silas looks down at his body for a moment before feeling a cold sweat break out. Not him. Not me, he thinks sourly. Too small, too quiet, and too scary to do anything. Hell, he doesn't even know why he's here and not something better like the Blacksmith's son Jacob...He looks down at his body and his eyes go over the dark marks and bruises covering his brown skin due to his accident of scaring a horse. Brown eyes look towards his mother only to see her whispering to Jackson, her lover. Not his father. Never his father. He scans the crowd to look for him, but finds nothing...not even the familiar build of his body is here.

Taelan Erynion scowled slightly as Vildarr made her way steadily through the skies high above Alagaësia, her mighty wings beating in time to the thuddings of his heart. The meeting with his Queen did not go as planned, which was expected, but he had allowed himself a brief moment of foolish hope. The scowl tightened for a moment before he dropped it with a sigh. He could see where Her Majesty was coming from, but he thought she would at least have her interest peaked about the ongoings of the Dragon Riders, but she held firm to the neutral stance no matter how he cocered.

Well, he was proven wrong about his assumptions, all right. Apparently the centuries of firm alliance founded and built from the time of the legendary Eragon had finally came to a stone, cold end. Or indifference. It all depended on how one wished to view it, really. He is old enough to remember a time when elven-folk would willingly step into human territory, interacting with each other without care nor worry. Not anymore. In the past, he had not bothered to listen in on rumours and gossips, not caring about the little ongoings in various cities and towns, more concerned with the bigger picture, the bigger responsibility bestowed upon him that came together with his Rider status.

Oh how he wished he paid a little more attention to the common-folk. Now, when tensions ran wild and high during unpredictable circumstances within the guild, he felt as though he was missing something important. As though an unofficial argument or dispute erupted that involved everyone when he wasn't looking but none refused to air aloud. Nevertheless, he was not blind to the small fractures forming between the Elder Riders and spreading down the line, slowly affecting even the new recruits. Taelan was lax, unmotivated and half-dead to the events occurring around him whenever he wasn't on a mission or working towards an objective, but he can be observant when he wanted to be. And what he had began to deduce and piece together did not sit well with him. It stank of treasonous thoughts and selfish desires. Allowing the situation to head further down that path would bring a dark future, of that he was certain.

Vildarr dipped, pulling him out of his thoughts and allowing his sharp eyes to pick out the form of a dragon crouching on its hunches in the distance. Peering further behind the bonded being, he could make out a small town and immediately understanding dawned upon him.

'Ah, it must be another selection ceremony. Vildarr, is there enough space for you land beside the other Dragon?'

'Is there ever. Lucky for me, I'm rather acrobatic, hmm?'

Taelan grinned and stroked her dark crimson scales - a shade lighter than his own unique hair and eyes - with a chuckle. Leaping out of the saddle as soon as she was settled firmly on land. Inclining his head to the other drowsy looking Dragon in greeting, he hefted his longbow securely on his back and decided to go for a walk to stretch his slightly stiff muscles. The Guild wouldn't be expecting him back until dusk tomorrow, so he had plenty of time. With that in mind, he headed for the Village, hoping to catch the hatching of the dragonlings. The process never failed to entertain him no matter how many times he has seen it occur.
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The first ten people seemed to have happened in a matter of seconds. At least that's what it seemed like to him. Girls and boys from his childhood flocked towards the Dragon eggs one by one waiting for a period of ten minutes with their hand softly touching the Dragons eggs. Silas watched with apprenshion as their faces switched rapidly to hopefulness, fear, and bitter disappointment within a few short moments before stepping back towards the crowd and vanishing. Each person touched each egg one after the other and yet no one egg hatched for them. Ten gone ten more to go. Silas was the second to last and watched as Jeffery Gord, the towns favourite stepped up and stomped away cursing that the eggs weren't worth it. Silas could see the slight brimming of tears in his eyes as the sun flashed on his face before he vanished within the thickness of the crowd.

Taking a deep breathe as each person in front of him slowly slowly walked off, he watched the skies and blinked as his mother turned her head and whispered into someone's ears whilst looking at him. A cold feeling settled within the pit of his stomach as he tried to wipe off the shame within him. Rin looked bored and slightly amused at the entire situation which made Silas dislike him even more. The girl next to him, Maria, seemed to be watching each person with interest and smiled crookedly as each came and went.

It took almost a good hour before there were five left. Silas turned his head to look at the eggs. Nineteen eggs of various colors stretched out on the table before them. Red, gold, blue, green, and so many other colors glittered in the bright light of the Sun and seemed to dazzle even more beautifully than anything else he had ever imagined. He swallowed with awe and felt the rhytmathic pounding of his heart in his chest. He eyes settled on the long Dragon egg towards the end of the table set apart from the others, but still just as perfect and beautiful as the others. It's colors were a deep gold with webbings. It was as if drawves had come and crafted it themselves.

Jolting out of his stupor he saw that he was nudged by Maria as she stalked towards the eggs and left him alone standing in front of the crowd, who each in turn looked as raptured as he did with the eggs. He could see the smiles on their faces as Maria laid a smooth hand on the first egg and seemed to caress it gently. Nothing. The next three proved the same results and with each turn, Silas could see her frustration beginning to unfold. Finally it happened with a simple gasp from her and then the crowd became wild. A green egg, larger than the others, began to rock underneath her hand and in a small puff of fire and smoke a green a small hatchingling came from it. Silas couldn't see it mainly due to her back shielding his view, but he could see her movements become frantic and suddenly still as she laid a hand on the green hachling. Silas turned his body and tried to catch a glimpse before he was shoved away by Rin and the mayor and Maria was ushered into the nearest empty building before Silas could see anything else.

The crowd was absolutely frantic with Maria's parents yelling with exclamation of honor and happiness and soon Silas was left to stand awkwardly alone while everyone praised and jolsted each other to see inside the window. No one took any notice of him which was fine...It was perfect even. Not even a full two minutes had passed before Rin came out proudly and with a small grin on his face. The crowd quieted before him and took their places before looking at Silas and some not even hiding it began to snicker. Silas felt a cold wave of embaressment leap onto him. Rin closed his mouth as he seemed to take Silas in and with a dark smile and sarcastic laugh he addressed him and the crowd. "Looks like we have on more child left don't we? Well, let's get this over with and send him back home before darkness breaks.....What's your name?"

Silas gritted his teeth and tried to ignore the whispers behind him. "S-Silas." Rin cocked his head. "Silas." he repeated it louder.

Rin sniffed and glanced at the eggs behind him. "Go on then." he said with a jerk of his head towards the eggs. "Touch them. I want to see this."

The streets and houses were empty, devoid of all life even as he made his way slowly towards the centre of town. He was aware of how seriously everyone took Dragon Riders, and the discovery of beings worthy enough to be bonded to a Dragon was a cause for much excitement, delight and celebration. On the other hand, it also caused more resentment, hate and jealousy. He himself had been witness to many a fall from grace.

Nobles who thought their child was gifted, only for their servant's own child to be selected instead, could be driven to hate the servant and child, citing dark magic and all too willing to smite them in public. Mothers who bore countless children, wishing that a special child is delivered from her womb for an instant ride to glory. Siblings driven apart by jealousy when one was chosen and the other left behind. The list went on. Then again, darkness exist where there is light. That was the one constant of any world.

The silence was broken by a tremendous roar, so loud and abrupt that he winced from the onslaught of noise. Just as he thought, it came from the town square, and it seemed they found a Rider amongst the youths. Picking up his pace, he took advantage of his enhanced agility and speed, stealthily making his way towards the edge of the crowd. The myriad of shimmering Dragon Eggs were a sight to behold, and he quickly scaled a large oak tree close by to get a better view, crouching upon its highest branches.

He could see the hollow remains of a green egg and as another figure returned, the crowd fell silent and retreated back into orderly rows. Once again, the absolute authority of the Riders among common folk spoke clearly. The tall, heavily muscled blonde Rider the elf vaguely recalled turned to address the crowd, and the lone child standing before the other eighteen eggs flushed. Taelan's interest was peaked at this point. Usually, they got no more than one potential candidate per town annually, but this other Rider thought to allow the youth - Silas, he called himself - a shot. Did he see something unusual? Taelan could only hazard a guess, wait, and watch the proceedings.
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He stood frozen briefly wondering what in the gods names had he done to deserve this. The sun seemed to grow hotter and brighter as he caught his breathe, and tried to calm the frantic beating of his heart. It almost seemed to want to burst out his chest with every breathe he took and he gave a small and unwelcome smile towards himself. "What are you waiting for? If you don't want to--" Rin exasperated breathe jolted him and Silas panicked.

"No! I-I'll do it...I just need a moment." Silas was proud of how steady his voice felt in the beginning, but wilted near the end when he heard the slight laughter from the crowd. He furrowed his brow and gritted his teeth against the jokes that they thought he couldn't hear and steadied himself as he stood as straight as he could without wilting under the pressure. He could do this. He
Could do this. He repeated this mantra for four times before turning and approaching the eggs. As he stood before them he could see just how big they seemed in comparison to himself. They were large and foreboding and seemed to almost mock him...especially the bright red egg before him.

Taking a deep breathe and glancing down the row of eggs, his eyes landed on the golden one. Seemingly smaller than the rest yet just as if not more beautiful than the rest. The egg was warm underneath his fingers and seemed to pulse with a strange throbbing. His head cleared and his mind raced as he waited for a minute and with a small signal from Rin, he lifted his hand and frowned knowing the outcome of the event. His heart seemed to drop further as the six next eggs did nothing for him and so on and so forth. By now the crowd had forgotten their manners and were openly speaking with each other. Even then he couldn't hear them, as his heart seemed to beat heavily and louder than any whisper. Rin had said nothing only checking the clock on the wall occasionally.

Feeling lower than before and wishing to leave right then and there, he seemed to want to dig himself a hole where he stood. The last eighteen eggs had provided nothing whatsoever and he wished for nothing more than to run away out of sheer embarrassment and shame. Looking behind him briefly he looked for his father only to find nothing in his place, but the mocking crowd and the occasional encouraging smile from a select few. Turning back he looked down at the egg in front of him and sighed, placing a dejected hand on it.

It was far warmer than the others and the even though the sun had gone down, it still shimmered brightly. He smiled to himself as he thought of the lucky person who would be bonded with such a pretty creature who would surely be hatched from the egg and for the next few moments nothing happened. Taking his hand from it and turning around, he paused at the gasp from the crowd and narrowed his eyes as a few people began to point and the shocked looks on their faces and turning his head to see a surprised Rin and the mayor who had come out looking at him with mouths open. Blinking and feeling his heart freeze in his body and unable to contain the smile on his face from sheer nervousness, he swallowed and turned back to see the golden egg rocking back and forth and hearing tiny clicks.

"What are you waiting for? Go help it!" Rin's voice prompted him out of his shock and he went back to stand before the egg and feeling as if nothing could help him, he put his hands the sides of the egg and steadied it. Finally a crack appeared and one after another began to grow before a small puff of smoke broke through and a small gaping pitch black hole opened up. As Silas leaned forwards after he looked left and right nervously before jumping back with a small yell as the rest of the egg broke apart and shells littered the ground before him.
A small smile surfaced as Taelan got to witness another bonding occur before his eyes. The cracking of the golden shell - such a similar shade to Glaedr - bringing back memories of his own discovery, the surge of wonder and indescribable joy that filled his soul still fresh in his mind as though it occurred only yesterday.

'A healthy hatchling.' Vildarr's soothing voice flowed over their mental link, finally voicing her opinion as they continued viewing the scene. Taelan's reply was a distracted hum. His Dragon chuckled, well used to his quirks and all too willing to simply read the thoughts that circled within his mind.

Truth be told, his attention was split between the hatching Dragonling and the boy who bonded with it. As far as he could see, Silas had potential, untapped and concealed by his introverted behaviour, but present nonetheless. The elf had caught the brief glimpses of steel within the boy, evident when he stood firm against the Rider and the crowd that seemed to mock him - or at least, a select few within the assembly, for one reason or another. Taelan could tell he was insecure, the constant darting of his eyes to the masses, the resigned slump of his body and the utter disbelief on his face as the egg hatched for him.

No matter. The Riders will train that insecurity out of him in no time. Taelan, having seen enough, leaped off the branch and silently made his way over. Though the crowd instinctively parted for him, his presence went relatively unnoticed as everyone's attention was on Silas and his golden Dragon. In addition, his pointed ears were covered by his loose hair. The elf's feet ghosted over the ground soundlessly until he came to a stop before the other Rider. A quick once-over of the taller male - Taelan was unusually short and slender for one of his race - was given before he greeted the other.

"Well met this day, Rin." Taelen said, eyes flickering to the blonde man before going back to the youth. "To discover two young Riders within as relatively small town such as this is rather unusual, is it not?"
Rin grunted in reply, not taking his eyes off of the boy who watched as the young Dragon began to poke its head out from the egg remains. It was a small, rather delicate looking dragon with fierce orange eyes that glinted in the sunlight and seemed to hold the boy in slight wonder. Looking back and sighing in slight irritation and wonder, he turned towards Taelan and forced a smile on his face. "Well, at least one of them has potential. What are you doing here, Taelan? Shouldn't you be off somewhere?" He didn't hide the contempt in his voice.

The mayor Linheart appeared from behind him and cast a worried look between them before coughing loudly and gesturing towards the boy. Rin sighed and took his eyes off of Taelan and frowned.


Silas swallowed down the last of his fear as he stared unseeing at the small creature in front of him. Bright orange eyes seemed calm and peaceful as they watched him. Golden scales glinted in the sunlight and seemed to cast bright lights on every corner of the small town and Silas felt slightly better since his Dragon looked a lot prettier than Maria's. The Dragon stretched out his head towards him and sniffed the air as began to crawl closer towards him. Silas froze and began to take a step back before watching as the young Dragon whined and edged closer. Silas took a deep breathe and held out a slightly trembling hand and without pause the Dragon thrust it's neck towards him and at once he felt the smooth wetness of his scales as the tiny wings furled and unfurled.

A cold shock went through his body from his hand to the top of his head and a seething fire seemed to start in his belly. His breathe caught in his throat and for a moment he couldn't breathe, nor could he think and as he tried to bring his hand back he found that he was stuck and the Dragon seemed to hum underneath his hand before stepping back and leaving Silas to almost trip and bring up his hand unconsciously to check it. A bright red mark was on his palm that seemed to spiral and befofe he had a chance to do anything else a spark of something flashed in his mind. A sofr flicker of life had unfurled in the back of his mind and seemed to consume him and suddenly he felt a barrage of emotions that almost wanted to hurt him before a calming sensation went through him and peaceful feeling of love and trust shielded him from the pain.

Rin stepped up as the crod began to roar with excitement and held up a hand to silence then and took the boy by the shoulders and ushred the Dragon in his arms, ignoring the growl the Dragon gave him, and led them both towards the tent where the dazed boy would have a moment to recuperate with his newly found partner. Passing Taelan he growled, "You talk to them. I have work to do." He glared at the mayor and rolled his eyes as he stalked towards the crowd and began to speak.

Talen made a non-committal sound at the back of his throat at Rin's question and hostile tone. The taller Rider had always been on the prickly side, and Taelan's lax attitude had always rubbed the other wrong. Sure, they would most likely trust the other to guard their backs during a fight, but beyond that? They tried not to converse more than a sentence or two in greeting before going back to ignoring each other. If he were to admit stalling his return to the Guild, it would serve no purpose other than igniting Rin's fury.

'He really needs to lighten up sometimes.' He grumbled to Vildarr, who mentally rolled her eyes. 'Maybe when you quit lazing around the guild whenever you have spare time on your hands.' In other words, never. Ah well.

'Oh my, such pretty colouring. Haven't had one quite like this youngling in a while.' His Dragon shifted in interest, conveying her urge to see the Dragon with her own eyes rather than through his. 'Patience, Vildarr. I'm planning on hanging around. You'll get to see the little one soon.'

Vildarr harrumphed, but let the matter drop. Taelan strolled along leisurely behind Rin as the other Rider ushered the boy and dragon duo into the tent and growled at him to entertain the two new Apprentice Riders within. He merely quirked an unimpressed eyebrow at the retreating back and lifted a shoulder in a shrug. Sprawling gracefully - because elves' actions are never undignified - onto the unoccupied bench opposite the girl and her green Dragon, he gestured for Silas to be seated.

Taelan sat observing them indifferently for an entire minute, gauging both their reactions and that of their dragons, trying to determine which of the pair had already established a stable and working bond.

'What do you think, Vildarr?' He asked, knowing full well she was studying them too through his eyes. What I think is I would like it if you finally do take on an Apprentice. I'll recommend the boy with the golden hatchling.' Taelan scoffed aloud, ignoring the looks he got as he shot back a feeling of exasperation.'You just want to stare at the pretty one all day long. No thanks. Apprentices are too much trouble.'

Wanting to change topic, Taelan finally flicked a few loose strands of long crimson hair out of his face and regarded them lazily. "This silence is rather stifling, don't you think?" He questioned idly, directed towards no one in particular. "Well then, seeing as we'll be enjoying each other's company until Rin finishes dealing with the crowd, why don't we introduce ourselves, hmm? I'm Taelan. As long as your questions don't diverge from the topic of Dragon Riders, I'll answer any questions you have for the time being."
Silas, looking down at the squirming hatchling in his arms, made a movement to speak, but closed his mouth instead choosing to glance at Maria. Maria cast an unimpressed look towards him and his Dragon whilst her Green sat comfortably on her lap occasionally flicking a forked tounge out. "Ummm, right. What happens now? I mean, I didn't exactly plan for this, you know?" he laughed nervously and quieted down before coughing to himself. His Golden one peered at him silently and without trouble before cocking it's head and observing him. Silas felt uncomfortable with it's keen eyes watching every movement and tried to ignore it. It. Gods, he didn't even know if it was a male--A slight hum interrupted his thoughts and at once he shut his mouth and focused on the intelligent eyes seeming to grin at him.

"You're a guy aren't you?" He posed the question to himself ignoring the others in the room. His Golden one twitched it's lips and revealed a row of unnervingly sharp teeth and Silas shivered. Looking up, he glanced at Maria only to see her watching him with an amused expression on her face.

"A guy?" He voice was smooth and interested. Silas nodded and silence fell between them as she turned towards her own Dragon with a thoughtful expression.

Seeming to ponder over something, she made a movement towards Silas, but instead stopped and looked towards Taelan. "I'm going to assume you're a rider...like us." she cast a meaningful glance towards Silas. "What does happen now? I mean what do we do? I admit, I'm a bit...nervous, but what happens next? Do we leave?"

Silas swallowed back a reply. "I-I think so...I mean we can't just stay here forever now that we have--" he gestured towards the two Dragons. Turning away and frowning, he glance at Taelan. "Where's your Dragon? Is he here?"

Maria furrowed her eyebrows and looked slightly shocked, but decided not to say anything. "Silas, I think we should ask that later. I mean we haven't even
named these two yet...." Silas blinked before nodding. Looking down at the golden creature in his arms, he shifted to get comfortable. "I don't even know if mine's a boy or girl..." Maria trailed off, looking slightly jealous and dejected. Silas flinced and turned away only to feel a slight arrogance coming from somewhere and looked down to see his Dragon peering at Maria. He tensed and tightened his arms as he flushed in embarrassment.

Looks like the two Apprentices before him shared an interesting relationship. The girl was more outspoken and confident in herself, unlike Silas, but both couldn't hide their nervousness and anticipation. Judging from the interaction between the golden hatchling and the boy, the emotional bond had more or less solidified. Now he would be able to tell what his Dragon was feeling. A frown worked its way on Talen's brow. That was unusually fast. He remembered the emotional bond between himself and Vildarr took a little less than an entire day, and that was already faster than most. To have it solidify within a couple of hours...either this boy was something else or the uniquely coloured dragon was the cause of it. But who knows, it could be both, seeing as the Dragon chose their Riders.

"To answer your question, yes, I am a Rider." Taelan drawled, moving his gaze to the girl. "As for what you do? Well, that all depends on what Rin wants to be done. Sometimes the Riders choose to stay and wait until the younglings mature so they can fly back together. Other times, they simply place both Chosen and hatchling on their own Dragons and transport them back to the Guild. I'm not here to make a decision, it's all up to him. I just happened to pass by on my way back and took an interest in the proceedings."

Deep crimson eyes turned back on Silas. "My Dragon is a she. And she's together with Rin's. They are both on the hill a fair bit away. Couldn't have landed safely anywhere closer if I didn't want to flatten any citizens or houses that so happen to be in the way. They do get rather large, as I'm sure you know."

Taelan's eyebrow rose slightly as Silas flinched a little from the girl -W was he scared of the fairer sex or something? - when her expression drooped. Sighing, he shifted a little so his quiver did not dig any further into his back and addressed them both. "If you cannot determine the gender of your Dragon, wait until the mental link is fully established, meaning you heave to wait until they are fully mature. However, that has never occurred as far as I know. You would be able to figure it out sometime soon."

He was about to say more, but the muffled thuds of footsteps reached his ears and he closed his eyes and tipped his head back, not wanting to look at Rin any longer than necessary, or wait for his acknowledgement. His other senses worked just fine if the taller male required any assistance from him.

"So? Are you heading back immediately? Or are you going to wait?" Taelan asked instead.
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Growling low in his throat and glaring at the Taelan as he passed he brushed his shoulder against the other man's purposefully and grinned at the two children. The mayor only a few heartbeats away seemed to cower in his shadow as he surveyed the boy, Silas, he believed and the girl. Maria, he remembered, met his gaze unflinchingly and Silas seemd to stare at him with hooded eyes and a slight smile on his face. Nevertheless both children glared at him with the exception of their Dragons who both blinked up owlishly at him. The golden one cocked its head to the side and sniffed the air before settling his wings in Silas' lap.

"Well, have you named them?" Both children blinked before glancing down at the floor. Rin smiled and turned back to look t Taelan. "Didn't even go over the basics, huh?" Snorting he put a hand on his hip lazily and raised an eyebrow. "You both can't have a Dragon without a name. Silas. Have you established a connection yet?"

Silas looked up with a slight blush as Rin addressed him and coughed in hisn throat. "I-I found out he was a boy, but other than than I haven't...um, given him a name. What kinds of names do Dragons even have?" He furrowed his brows and frowned to himself. Glancing at Maria, he made a motion for her to speak.

"Well...Our connection or whatever it is...hasn't exactly...connected." Her voice was calm yet unsure as she spoke slowly. "But Silas is right...What do you name your Dragon?"

Before Rin could answer, Silas broke out in a small chukle and a shy grin. "I don't think the name 'Goldy' would work well, huh?" Maria looked at him for a moment before smiling as she shook her head and considered Silas a bit differently. Rin felt a spark of annoyance and sighed.

"Very funny. Now why don't we stop with the jokes because trust me, it ain't gonna be easy making jokes as a Rider."
Rin's condescending tone irked Taelan enough that he bothered cracking an eyelid open and glaring lazily at the blonde. The elf may be a hard person to offend at times - quite unlike most of his race - but having his abilities and knowledge of his duties as a Dragon Rider questioned was not something he would tolerate.

"You forget that the teachers are the ones responsible for imparting their knowledge and training upon their chosen Apprentices. Basics included. Seeing as I am not a Teacher, I don't see why I should have done so." He waved a dismissive hand at the two children, voice deliberately pitched low so only Rin would be able to hear it. "If you are planning to depart now, whether they have named their Dragons yet or not doesn't matter. Besides, their bonds are already more or less established."

He fell silent after that, knowing that he can't get any more jabs in, especially when what Rin said was true. Being a Rider and shouldering the responsibilities that came with it was no joke. People would be looking to them for guidance and the decisions they made could sometimes tear nations and communities apart. Not that Apprentices were usually handed these sort of missions and the period spent under their Masters spanned decades at times, however, the sentiments were the same either way.

'Ah, whatever, this is getting rather dreary. Vildarr, I'm heading back.' And not surprisingly, his Dragon whined in protest. 'No, stay for a while, I want to see the little ones! Taelan...'

The elf heaved a sigh as he stood. Despite her age, Vildarr could be quite childish at times. Pausing a step from the tent's flap, he addressed the room in general, but his words were more directed to the two children.

"I'm heading back now. However, if you wish to tag along and meet someone who is dying to see you..." he trailed off meaningfully.

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