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Fantasy Infinite Gear CS

Name: Vega Talion

Age: 15 (though actually has only been alive 7 years.)

Gender: Male

Race: Genetically Engineered Human

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 170lbs

The tattoos aren't entirely tattoos and will be explained later.

Personality: Vega is a pretty big trouble maker. He likes to break things, cause mayhem and ultimately? Have a good time. He's very brash and bold with his actions and words. Lacking much more than combat training and pushing himself beyond his limitations since birth has left him heavily unrefined. He does have a soft spot underneath the wild and uncontrolled exterior, but it takes a lot of work to get there. Vega doesn't respond well to being told what to do, but understands that his position doesn't allow him to argue about them.

Vega was created as an experiment to create a perfect monster hunter. A human that could surpass any limitation if it pushed to said limits. However, what was created was a child that seemed ordinary save for abnormal reflexes and agility. This didn't make the doctor in charge of Vega's creation to deem the experiment a failure. She instead devoted more resources into the child, so far so as to nearly go bankrupt in the process. However, one of the experiments produced results for the good doctor's efforts.

On one day, Dr. Talion put her "son" into the wild and left him out there for three months. This was supposed to be her way of saving face, if Vega died during the test, then there was no need to further invest into him. It was a last ditch effort to produce tangible results. Upon returning, Vega was covered in tattoos that hadn't been on him when she left. When questioned, Vega only responded that his "pets" were now one with him. Unsure of what he meant, Dr. Talion returned home with her child, stating that his survival was proof that he surpassed the human limits.

Before a later exam, while Vega was thirteen, she discovered a large Haze Wolf in Vega's room, but unlike the wild monsters that attacked anything, the beast was acting more like a dog. Talion asked Vega where the wolf came from and he responded with it being one of his "pets." Talion also noticed that one of the tattoos had faded from his skin. By the end of the day, the wolf was gone. By the next day, the tattoo was back in its original place on his right arm. Talion became intrigued by the tattoos and decided to take a sample from them. Upon evaluation, it turned out that the five tattoos on his body, had the DNA of five increasingly deadly creatures.

The next day, Talion took Vega out to the wilderness once more and had him bring out the Haze Wolf once more. Watching the tattoo "bleed" from his arm was disturbing to say the least. Talion watched as the ink rolled down his arm, dribbled off his fingers into a puddle. The puddle then began to bubble and boil and slowly emerging from it came the Haze Wolf. Talion had realized something. Vega had a power that made him able to synchronize with monsters, though it seemed that he had to have the space on his body to compensate for them. Talion immediately came up with a hypothesis, but it was rejected by the scientific community. How could a human have somehow had developed an unstable aura? It was preposterous to say the least.

Talion didn't press the issue, but instead trained Vega to control his creatures as best he could for two years. Unable to tutor him further she has decided that he could improve his studies at Myra's Gear School, and possibly learn more about himself, but due to his highly dangerous ability, he's to be monitored and have regular check ups that are reported back to Dr. Talion's supervisors as well as the one in charge of Myra's Gear School to deem whether he's unable to control his monsters and become a danger to the school and civilians.

Vega's speed and reflexes are at the peak of human ability, but that's about it for himself. However he can summon five fairly wild creatures from the tattoos on either of his arms, his chest, his shoulders, and the rest of his back: A Haze Wolfe, A Velga, A Raijin, A Staahg, and a fiery beast that Vega has named "Volga". These creatures have unique abilities, and timeframes that must pass before being able to summon them again. Vega can also only summon one of these creatures at a time and must dismiss the first before summoning the next.

Haze Wolves are large wolves that exude a black mist from their pores. These wolves tend to average around 5'3" from paw to shoulder and about 6' from snout to tip of their tail. The average weight for a male Haze Wolf is 105 pounds while the female weighs around 94 pounds. They are as strong as body builder humans, fairly fast in comparison to a human and agile, but are easily injured. Thus why the wolves tend to use pack ambush tactics. The average pack ranges from 5-10 wolves, excluding elders and pups. Vega only has one he can summon and it takes four hours for his tattoo to reappear. Vega has complete control over the Haze Wolf, treating it more like a dog than a wild beast.

Velga are a mixture of reptilian, feline and carnivorous plant. They grow up to 3'4" from paw to shoulder, and are 4'8" long from snout to tail. Their weight is similar among both genders ranging from 60-85 pounds. The creature lacks strength, but has a higher speed and agility than that of a haze wolf. It's a solidary predator that latches itself onto its prey with barbed tendrils at the end of two appendages that act like octopi tentacles. The Velga often attach themselves to their prey with these and proceed to kill them by tearing them to pieces while the creature cannot fight them.Their scales are hard enough to fend off several large predators, but are still susceptible to large scale forces, bullets, and aura based abilities. Vega has to wait two days between summons and has solid control over it. The Velga tattoo is on his left arm.

Considered one of the more monstrous cave dwellers, the Raijin is a species of spider known for its brute strength, slow speed, and vicious sonic attacks. The spider stands in at an impress 7'2" on average and weigh roughly 400 pounds. These creatures are heavily territorial and claim entire cave networks for themselves, devouring most prey that enter. They are nocturnal and fair poorly in direct sunlight as it greatly lessens their vision, nearly blinding them until darkness falls. They are roughly the size of a truck but move at fastest, the average human's walking speed. Vega has enough control over the Raijin that it will only attack his enemies. It takes four days for the Raijin tattoo on his chest to return.

The Staahg is a malicious, carnivorous beast that only knows to hunt and kill. It is considered an apex predator with incredible speed and strength. These creature grow to be roughly 8-10 feet tall when standing on hind legs. No recorded weight has been given for a Staahg, but it is estimated to be somewhere around three quarter ton or 1500 pounds. Without eyes, the creature relies heavily on its sense of smell and hearing to hunt down its prey. These beasts are lone monsters that are relentless seeming to never cease until either their prey is caught or new prey intrigues them. Neither of which is a good option. A Staahg's greatest weakness is the exposed under belly of the six legged beast. It's soft and highly susceptible to all damage types, though the only known way to stop a Staahg is to kill it. This beast is the tattoo on his back and although Vega could summon it, he has so little control that it would be considered a danger to himself as well as others and thus he chooses NOT to; other than the one time he did for his mother per an experiment. It was then that Vega learned that it takes 10 days for the tattoo to fully reappear.

Volga is in a class all his own in comparison to the other beasts. A monstrous 15' high from claw to shoulder and 30' long per Vega's rough estimation, this fiery devil nearly killed Vega on his first encounter and has never been summoned since. Volga's weight has never been determined nor has enough evidence come in to even begin hypothesizing. The beast is savage and even puts the Staahg to shame in terms of brutality. Between its fire breathing, colossal strength and incredible flight speed it is a true predator. So far, only one of Volga's species has ever been seen by someone who lived to tell the tale. Nobody is sure of its weakness though many presume heavy rain or large amounts of water could weaken the beast severely, though none dare test the hypothesis. Dr. Talion has hypothesized that it would take well over a month for Vega's shoulder tattoo to return after summoning Volga.

Strengths: Vega is as fast as humanly possible and has honed his reflexes to their peak. He is able to adapt to situations quickly and solid at improvising solutions. Along with his wide array of creatures that he can summon, he is a one man army. Vega also has an incredible amount of focus for a fifteen year old boy. Being able to command and control his beasts while still managing to be aware of his surroundings. Vega also has two more available tattoo locations to add creatures to his collection of "pets."

Weaknesses: Vega is generally powerless if he isn't able to summon his creatures and often tries to deny this or prove it wrong, to no avail. The only thing he's got going for him then is his average human strength and great speed. He also is a little hot headed and often will storm into a fight just because he thinks punching his problems will solve them. As was most often the case during his training. He also is terrified of the two beasts that he has no control over and can completely freeze up if someone tries to force him to summon them. His lack of control over these beasts also leaves him frustrated and insecure about himself often weakening his control over the three that he has managed to tame.

Files from the desk of Dr. Maria Talion:
Vega shows promise as an effective weapon against the monsters. His ability to bond with and control them is as ever perplexing as it is exciting to hypothesize about. I believe that the extent of his control over the creatures influences how long it takes for the tattoos to reappear on his skin. As if the more control he gains, the more the animals become a part of him. I have no conclusive evidence regarding this, however, the more time he spends with the haze wolf, the more his canines grow. Currently his little fangs could be mistaken for a vampire's, but I digress. I'm truly curious to see whether or not Vega will be able to control the Staahg or Volga. Currently, I doubt I'll live to see that day. After all the cancer will get me at some point......Vega, I know I put you through a lot and that you deserved better from a mother. But I'm proud to see you willing to work hard to find your place in a world that you were thrown into by chance. Now just live your life the way you want it. I'll protect you from those fools that see you as no more than a tool.
Sonya Markov.jpg

(P.S. I don't expect this to be accepted as is.)
Name: Vega Talion

Age: 15 (though actually has only been alive 7 years.)

Gender: Male

Race: Genetically Engineered Human

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 170lbs

View attachment 323394
The tattoos aren't entirely tattoos and will be explained later.

Personality: Vega is a pretty big trouble maker. He likes to break things, cause mayhem and ultimately? Have a good time. He's very brash and bold with his actions and words. Lacking much more than combat training and pushing himself beyond his limitations since birth has left him heavily unrefined. He does have a soft spot underneath the wild and uncontrolled exterior, but it takes a lot of work to get there. Vega doesn't respond well to being told what to do, but understands that his position doesn't allow him to argue about them.

Vega was created as an experiment to create a perfect monster hunter. A human that could surpass any limitation if it pushed to said limits. However, what was created was a child that seemed ordinary save for abnormal reflexes and agility. This didn't make the doctor in charge of Vega's creation to deem the experiment a failure. She instead devoted more resources into the child, so far so as to nearly go bankrupt in the process. However, one of the experiments produced results for the good doctor's efforts.

On one day, Dr. Talion put her "son" into the wild and left him out there for three months. This was supposed to be her way of saving face, if Vega died during the test, then there was no need to further invest into him. It was a last ditch effort to produce tangible results. Upon returning, Vega was covered in tattoos that hadn't been on him when she left. When questioned, Vega only responded that his "pets" were now one with him. Unsure of what he meant, Dr. Talion returned home with her child, stating that his survival was proof that he surpassed the human limits.

Before a later exam, while Vega was thirteen, she discovered a large Haze Wolf in Vega's room, but unlike the wild monsters that attacked anything, the beast was acting more like a dog. Talion asked Vega where the wolf came from and he responded with it being one of his "pets." Talion also noticed that one of the tattoos had faded from his skin. By the end of the day, the wolf was gone. By the next day, the tattoo was back in its original place on his right arm. Talion became intrigued by the tattoos and decided to take a sample from them. Upon evaluation, it turned out that the five tattoos on his body, had the DNA of five increasingly deadly creatures.

The next day, Talion took Vega out to the wilderness once more and had him bring out the Haze Wolf once more. Watching the tattoo "bleed" from his arm was disturbing to say the least. Talion watched as the ink rolled down his arm, dribbled off his fingers into a puddle. The puddle then began to bubble and boil and slowly emerging from it came the Haze Wolf. Talion had realized something. Vega had a power that made him able to synchronize with monsters, though it seemed that he had to have the space on his body to compensate for them. Talion immediately came up with a hypothesis, but it was rejected by the scientific community. How could a human have somehow had developed an unstable aura? It was preposterous to say the least.

Talion didn't press the issue, but instead trained Vega to control his creatures as best he could for two years. Unable to tutor him further she has decided that he could improve his studies at Myra's Gear School, and possibly learn more about himself, but due to his highly dangerous ability, he's to be monitored and have regular check ups that are reported back to Dr. Talion's supervisors as well as the one in charge of Myra's Gear School to deem whether he's unable to control his monsters and become a danger to the school and civilians.

Vega's speed and reflexes are at the peak of human ability, but that's about it for himself. However he can summon five fairly wild creatures from the tattoos on either of his arms, his chest, his shoulders, and the rest of his back: A Haze Wolfe, A Velga, A Raijin, A Staahg, and a fiery beast that Vega has named "Volga". These creatures have unique abilities, and timeframes that must pass before being able to summon them again. Vega can also only summon one of these creatures at a time and must dismiss the first before summoning the next.

Haze Wolves are large wolves that exude a black mist from their pores. These wolves tend to average around 5'3" from paw to shoulder and about 6' from snout to tip of their tail. The average weight for a male Haze Wolf is 105 pounds while the female weighs around 94 pounds. They are as strong as body builder humans, fairly fast in comparison to a human and agile, but are easily injured. Thus why the wolves tend to use pack ambush tactics. The average pack ranges from 5-10 wolves, excluding elders and pups. Vega only has one he can summon and it takes four hours for his tattoo to reappear. Vega has complete control over the Haze Wolf, treating it more like a dog than a wild beast.

View attachment 323395
Velga are a mixture of reptilian, feline and carnivorous plant. They grow up to 3'4" from paw to shoulder, and are 4'8" long from snout to tail. Their weight is similar among both genders ranging from 60-85 pounds. The creature lacks strength, but has a higher speed and agility than that of a haze wolf. It's a solidary predator that latches itself onto its prey with barbed tendrils at the end of two appendages that act like octopi tentacles. The Velga often attach themselves to their prey with these and proceed to kill them by tearing them to pieces while the creature cannot fight them.Their scales are hard enough to fend off several large predators, but are still susceptible to large scale forces, bullets, and aura based abilities. Vega has to wait two days between summons and has solid control over it. The Velga tattoo is on his left arm.

View attachment 323396
Considered one of the more monstrous cave dwellers, the Raijin is a species of spider known for its brute strength, slow speed, and vicious sonic attacks. The spider stands in at an impress 7'2" on average and weigh roughly 400 pounds. These creatures are heavily territorial and claim entire cave networks for themselves, devouring most prey that enter. They are nocturnal and fair poorly in direct sunlight as it greatly lessens their vision, nearly blinding them until darkness falls. They are roughly the size of a truck but move at fastest, the average human's walking speed. Vega has enough control over the Raijin that it will only attack his enemies. It takes four days for the Raijin tattoo on his chest to return.

View attachment 323397
The Staahg is a malicious, carnivorous beast that only knows to hunt and kill. It is considered an apex predator with incredible speed and strength. These creature grow to be roughly 8-10 feet tall when standing on hind legs. No recorded weight has been given for a Staahg, but it is estimated to be somewhere around three quarter ton or 1500 pounds. Without eyes, the creature relies heavily on its sense of smell and hearing to hunt down its prey. These beasts are lone monsters that are relentless seeming to never cease until either their prey is caught or new prey intrigues them. Neither of which is a good option. A Staahg's greatest weakness is the exposed under belly of the six legged beast. It's soft and highly susceptible to all damage types, though the only known way to stop a Staahg is to kill it. This beast is the tattoo on his back and although Vega could summon it, he has so little control that it would be considered a danger to himself as well as others and thus he chooses NOT to; other than the one time he did for his mother per an experiment. It was then that Vega learned that it takes 10 days for the tattoo to fully reappear.

View attachment 323398
Volga is in a class all his own in comparison to the other beasts. A monstrous 15' high from claw to shoulder and 30' long per Vega's rough estimation, this fiery devil nearly killed Vega on his first encounter and has never been summoned since. Volga's weight has never been determined nor has enough evidence come in to even begin hypothesizing. The beast is savage and even puts the Staahg to shame in terms of brutality. Between its fire breathing, colossal strength and incredible flight speed it is a true predator. So far, only one of Volga's species has ever been seen by someone who lived to tell the tale. Nobody is sure of its weakness though many presume heavy rain or large amounts of water could weaken the beast severely, though none dare test the hypothesis. Dr. Talion has hypothesized that it would take well over a month for Vega's shoulder tattoo to return after summoning Volga.

Strengths: Vega is as fast as humanly possible and has honed his reflexes to their peak. He is able to adapt to situations quickly and solid at improvising solutions. Along with his wide array of creatures that he can summon, he is a one man army. Vega also has an incredible amount of focus for a fifteen year old boy. Being able to command and control his beasts while still managing to be aware of his surroundings. Vega also has two more available tattoo locations to add creatures to his collection of "pets."

Weaknesses: Vega is generally powerless if he isn't able to summon his creatures and often tries to deny this or prove it wrong, to no avail. The only thing he's got going for him then is his average human strength and great speed. He also is a little hot headed and often will storm into a fight just because he thinks punching his problems will solve them. As was most often the case during his training. He also is terrified of the two beasts that he has no control over and can completely freeze up if someone tries to force him to summon them. His lack of control over these beasts also leaves him frustrated and insecure about himself often weakening his control over the three that he has managed to tame.

Files from the desk of Dr. Maria Talion:
Vega shows promise as an effective weapon against the monsters. His ability to bond with and control them is as ever perplexing as it is exciting to hypothesize about. I believe that the extent of his control over the creatures influences how long it takes for the tattoos to reappear on his skin. As if the more control he gains, the more the animals become a part of him. I have no conclusive evidence regarding this, however, the more time he spends with the haze wolf, the more his canines grow. Currently his little fangs could be mistaken for a vampire's, but I digress. I'm truly curious to see whether or not Vega will be able to control the Staahg or Volga. Currently, I doubt I'll live to see that day. After all the cancer will get me at some point......Vega, I know I put you through a lot and that you deserved better from a mother. But I'm proud to see you willing to work hard to find your place in a world that you were thrown into by chance. Now just live your life the way you want it. I'll protect you from those fools that see you as no more than a tool.

(P.S. I don't expect this to be accepted as is.)

I do like the backstory and character. Honestly you have your strengths and weaknesses pretty set. If someone complains then we'll deal with that. It's approved.
Life ain't what it seems. Contemplated what a savior demon is !


Name: Michael Baros

Age : 21

Gender: Male

Race: Demi Human - Verun

The Verun race is not a kind of living being that look disgusting or badass like in a typical blockbuster movie, but a humanoid creature that contained powers aligned with what the humans feared the most. Their personality, tainted with hatred made them hard to sociabilize with the other during the past. However, there was few exceptions, like Michael's father who used their powers for the greater good.

Height: 5"9 feet

Weight: 155 lbs

Appearance: Michael is a tall man, possessing a well build body. His face is rectangular, containing a constant sarcastic facial trait that scare the weaks. His black jacket is what he usually weared.

Personality: Although Michael's body contained demonic genes, his personality is more turned toward his human part, being a sociable guy. His most remarkable trait would be his righteous acts and his undeniable courage, acting for the greater good despise his broken heart. Even so, Michael hate when someone pointed out a mistake he had done. He will not hesitate to defend his ideal until his last breath.

Backstory: His story is not that interesting. After all, everybody knew that a hybrid between a human and a demon would have a dark and dank past. Growing up like any others child, Michael thought that he was like any kids until his first power decided to shown abruptly.

Years and years later around his teenage years, it was in no time that is Father was killed by an old comrades, a Verun. His last wish was to gave his armament toward his son, considering that he raised him well. Taking both of the revolvers, Michael took the path of his father, working on what he couldn't finished : Eradicating the world evil that are killing the population, and maybe revenge his dead dad if he have the time.


Powers :

Shadowsteps : Only trails of shadows will be seen by the commoners when Michael use this power although he is just abusing his speed, dodging what he can until his body can't hold on anymore, which is about a minute for a hour. Of course, dodging won't nullify all the damaged and can still hurt him.

Shooting stars : Michael's revolvers are stronger than what it look like. They both are capabled to marked his target, dealing more and more damaged as more and more bullets are being shot until he break the defense of his opponent. That being said, if his opponent just stay there receiving the bullet more and more, his loose is unevitable. His bullets are made of his own essence, which are creatures he had killed.

Furthermore, his revolvers create a lot of noises, making stealth mission impossible.

Equipments : A dagger, his revolvers, head, arms, legs and of course, his balls.

Extra II : My edgiest character so far
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Life ain't what it seems. Contemplated what a savior demon is !

Name: Michael Baros

Age : 21

Gender: Male

Race: Demi Human - Demon

The demonic race is not a kind of living being that look disgusting or badass like in a typical movie, but a humanoid creature that contained powers aligned with what the humans feared the most. Their personality, tainted with hatred made them hard to sociabilize with the other during the past. However, there was few exceptions, like Michael's father who used their powers for the greater good.

Height: 5"9 feet

Weight: 155 lbs

Appearance: Michael is a tall man, possessing a well build body. His face is rectangular, containing a constant sarcastic facial trait that scare the weaks. His black jacket is what he usually weared.

Personality: Although Michael's body contained demonic genes, his personality is more turned toward his human part, being a sociable guy. His most remarkable trait would be his righteous acts and his undeniable courage, acting for the greater good despise his broken heart. Even so, Michael hate when someone pointed out a mistake he had done. He will not hesitate to defend his ideal until his last breath.

Backstory: His story is not that interesting. After all, everybody knew that a hybrid between a human and a demon would have a dark and dank past. Growing up like any others child, Michael thought that he was like any kids until his first power decided to shown abruptly.

Years and years later around his teenage years, it was in no time that is Father was killed by an old comrades, a demon to be exact. His last wish was to gave his armament toward his son, considering that he raised him well. Taking both of the revolvers, Michael took the path of his father, working on what he couldn't finished : Eradicating the true demons that are killing the population, and maybe revenge his dead dad if he have the time.


Powers :

Shadowsteps : Only trails of shadows will be seen by the commoners when Michael use this power although he is just abusing his speed, dodging what he can until his body can't hold on anymore, which is about a minute for a hour. Of course, dodging won't nullify all the damaged and can still hurt him.

Shooting stars : Michael's revolvers are stronger than what it look like. They both are capabled to marked his target, dealing more and more damaged as more and more bullets are being shot until he break the defense of his opponent. That being said, if his opponent just stay there receiving the bullet more and more, his loose is unevitable. His bullets are made of his own "essence".

Equipments : A dagger, his revolvers, head, arms, legs and of course, his balls.

Extra II : My edgiest character so far

If his bullets are made of his own "essence," can he run out of ammo?
If his bullets are made of his own "essence," can he run out of ammo?

Before, i removed the next part of it because it was like a magical power. Consider the last sentence a really badly explained thing by me. Basically, it mean that the bullets are made from demons he had killed. So yes, he can run out of ammo.
Before, i removed the next part of it because it was like a magical power. Consider the last sentence a really badly explained thing by me. Basically, it mean that the bullets are made from demons he had killed. So yes, he can run out of ammo.

Ah ok. Well I need to make lore for demons due to it's immense popularity. I think you should also change it to creatures he had killed because well it may as well works better.
dark and dank past.
My edgiest character so far.

[ "This suit cost more than your school fees." - Mark Winters ]
Myer's Gear School survivalist teacher


Pictured: Mark Winters, rethinking some of his life decisions.


Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 185cm

Weight: 80kg​

Personality: Winters has a rather cold (pun unintended) sense of humor, and won't hesitate to make sarcastic remarks at passing students whenever they enter his head. Toward otherworldly beings, his stance is tolerant, even if a little stereotyped. Habits include... well, the guy's a walking chimney - although even his tobacco addiction isn't strong enough to warrant him lighting up while Headmistress Yura is around. While he might not share his employer's tightness on rules, Winters has no problem demonstrating his authority to students that push their luck.

Backstory: Before his career as a teacher, Winters worked as a detective, putting common criminals and even a few A-Classes behind bars. He hit a roadblock in his line of work, however, and decided that working under someone with better experience would get him back on track - which eventually led him to Myer's. Despite his Gear license, Winters felt dissimilitude between working with Gears and teaching about them. Instead, he opted to mentor something that came more naturally.

Winters' past before his work as detective remains a mystery. Well, not really. It's in his teacher file. But apart from that - it's a mystery...

Abilities: An unbeatable chainsmoking record isn't the only thing Mark is capable of. It was the very years before becoming a detective that have forged his steel nerves and hungry eyes. Not a single thing breathes in Winters' vicinity unnoticed. No details of his scene go unchecked. No students' cigarette pack goes unconfiscated. Still, he keeps a tight leash on his feral nature, and hasn't had a slip of character in over a decade.

The promised teacher CS YoungX YoungX
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Name: Aurora Sundew

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Dryad

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 180 pounds (wood holds weight.)


Personality: Aurora is a fairly soft spoken and kind individual. She has always tried to be the supportive and friendly kind of person, helping people get back on their feet in their time of need. She often forgets about herself though when it comes to taking care of others. If she has any kind of temper nobody has seen it as she always remains smiling often to the point that some people believe her face is permanently stuck in one.

Backstory: Born into a small migratory group of dryads, Aurora was never one to still by while others were in danger. Whether it be an animal, a human, a demon or anyone for that matter. She would rush off from the safety of her Grove, the name for a group of dryads, and help them. This direct deviation of the ways of the dryads eventually left the girl isolated within her Grove. At the young age of ten, she left the safety of her grove for the last time, she wanted something more from her life than just safety. She wanted to help and do good.

Aurora explored the wilderness for years, using her natural ability to use Aura to heal those around her along with her vast knowledge of plant life to their greatest effect. At the age of fifteen she met a young man from the city and saved his life. It had been a student from Myra's that brought her back telling of her abilities. Aurora wasn't expecting a warm welcome as a non-human into this world, but the headmistress made Aurora feel right at home, setting her up with her own greenhouse that she could live in. Aurora took advantage of this and turned it into a vast storage of rare medicinal plants and fungi so as to provide for the school. After graduating form Myra's only a fair bit ago, she was given the option of sticking around as the school's nurse. With no other plans she readily accepted.

Aurora has a truly vast knowledge of rare plant life and their medicinal uses. She also knows how to manipulate Aura to accelerate the healing process on any being, though this still takes time depending on how severe the would is. She can also mask her existence by melding into other plants, making her undetectable and basically invisible.
Name: Aurora Sundew

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Dryad

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 180 pounds (wood holds weight.)

View attachment 327910

Personality: Aurora is a fairly soft spoken and kind individual. She has always tried to be the supportive and friendly kind of person, helping people get back on their feet in their time of need. She often forgets about herself though when it comes to taking care of others. If she has any kind of temper nobody has seen it as she always remains smiling often to the point that some people believe her face is permanently stuck in one.

Backstory: Born into a small migratory group of dryads, Aurora was never one to still by while others were in danger. Whether it be an animal, a human, a demon or anyone for that matter. She would rush off from the safety of her Grove, the name for a group of dryads, and help them. This direct deviation of the ways of the dryads eventually left the girl isolated within her Grove. At the young age of ten, she left the safety of her grove for the last time, she wanted something more from her life than just safety. She wanted to help and do good.

Aurora explored the wilderness for years, using her natural ability to use Aura to heal those around her along with her vast knowledge of plant life to their greatest effect. At the age of fifteen she met a young man from the city and saved his life. It had been a student from Myra's that brought her back telling of her abilities. Aurora wasn't expecting a warm welcome as a non-human into this world, but the headmistress made Aurora feel right at home, setting her up with her own greenhouse that she could live in. Aurora took advantage of this and turned it into a vast storage of rare medicinal plants and fungi so as to provide for the school. After graduating form Myra's only a fair bit ago, she was given the option of sticking around as the school's nurse. With no other plans she readily accepted.

Aurora has a truly vast knowledge of rare plant life and their medicinal uses. She also knows how to manipulate Aura to accelerate the healing process on any being, though this still takes time depending on how severe the would is. She can also mask her existence by melding into other plants, making her undetectable and basically invisible.
[ "This suit cost more than your school fees." - Mark Winters ]
Myer's Gear School survivalist teacher


Pictured: Mark Winters, rethinking some of his life decisions.


Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 185cm

Weight: 80kg​

Personality: Winters has a rather cold (pun unintended) sense of humor, and won't hesitate to make sarcastic remarks at passing students whenever they enter his head. Toward otherworldly beings, his stance is tolerant, even if a little stereotyped. Habits include... well, the guy's a walking chimney - although even his tobacco addiction isn't strong enough to warrant him lighting up while Headmistress Yura is around. While he might not share his employer's tightness on rules, Winters has no problem demonstrating his authority to students that push their luck.

Backstory: Before his career as a teacher, Winters worked as a detective, putting common criminals and even a few A-Classes behind bars. He hit a roadblock in his line of work, however, and decided that working under someone with better experience would get him back on track - which eventually led him to Myer's. Despite his Gear license, Winters felt dissimilitude between working with Gears and teaching about them. Instead, he opted to mentor something that came more naturally.

Winters' past before his work as detective remains a mystery. Well, not really. It's in his teacher file. But apart from that - it's a mystery...

Abilities: An unbeatable chainsmoking record isn't the only thing Mark is capable of. It was the very years before becoming a detective that have forged his steel nerves and hungry eyes. Not a single thing breathes in Winters' vicinity unnoticed. No details of his scene go unchecked. No students' cigarette pack goes unconfiscated. Still, he keeps a tight leash on his feral nature, and hasn't had a slip of character in over a decade.

The promised teacher CS YoungX YoungX

Both approved. Forgot to say that for Winters.
Full Name: Ripley Quimbus Bolt
Nicknames: The Mosquito
Profession: Owner of Boltworx Textile Factory
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Weapon/Magic of Choice: A Flintlock and a cane concealing a rapier.

Eye Colour: Charcoal
Hair Colour: Purple
Age: Early 40's
Birthmarks or Scars: NA
Predominant Feature: His nose, which protrudes in such a way that he has earned the nickname "The Mosquito"
Build: Lanky
Skin Quality: Ghastly White
General Appearance: Ripley wears a black top hat with a large steam whistle attached to the top. His ensemble consists of maroon, with the majority of his thin torso framed in a suede trenchcoat emblazoned with the logo of a mosquito. A pair of goggles rests around Ripley's hat, and connected to them is a nosepiece with a straw, to further display his nickname of "The Mosquito. It resembles a Venetian plague doctor.

Influences: Where to start? Ripley's tongue is as silver as the pocketwatch clasped to his waistcoat....
Likes: Women, predominantly. Wealth, of course.... Slave labor... Ahh, and the tortured screams of those who defied him.
Dislikes: Not receiving what he wants....
Goals: To enslave humanity
Strengths: Silver tongued, very persuasive, able to bribe many.
Weaknesses or Flaws: Falls in love rather easily, has a queer distaste for magic.
Habits: Gloating
General Personality: Manipulative

Father: Deceased. Ripley poisoned him to obtain the fortune.
Lover: Many at a time... currently single.
Other Family: NA
Companions or Pets: A mosquito kept in a small molasses jar.

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