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Infinite Amount of Plots. All I Need is You! (Updated 9/6)

Amora Aurora

Professional Hippie

I Have Way Too Much Time on my Hands

Hey, Love! I hope today is the best day of your life!

You can call me Amora (or whatever you want, honestly, as long as it doesn't make me cry. Amy's got a nice ring to it.)

Anyway, I'm here for the same reason you are, searching for some wonderful partners to roleplay with. I'll get to the about me and preferences and junk soon enough. Just know that I'm super chill, and even if you don't find anything you like, you can message me and we'll figure something out together! I don't have many fantasy plots but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in them! I've got open ears for whatever your current craving is.

About Me

About Me

I'm twenty years old, and peace is my best friend. Life sucks unless you adapt a positive attitude towards the suck. Then life is confused and might stop bullying you for a while. #wisewords.

Anyway, I love all things romance and drama. The more creative you are with torturing the characters and throwing around dramatic situations and ideas, the more I'll love you, which is surprising given that I already love you a lot. I spend a good amount of time on the internet, and an even more amount of time wishing I had something interesting to write. So if that sounds like you, let's get to cooking!

About You


Details are the bee's knees. I'm not going to yell at you for only posting a paragraph or two, but I'll be disappointed and make sure to reply to all of my other, more interesting roleplays first. I'm sorry, that's just the way my mind works. If I'm not excited, or I don't love the characters, the game goes on my back burner pretty quickly.

Do not be afraid to play a male. I will play the male, I don't mind. I usually double to make things fair, but I don't want to write with someone who refuses to be lenient. We are writers. We are writing. We are not acting. You do not have to play your own gender all the damn time. Ease up. I'll post the gender I want in each plot though most will be open for discussion unless I get bombarded with male roles and have to change some to female preference to preserve my sanity.

I don't have a reply time clock. I'm not calculating how many times a day or week you're replying. We all have lives. Go do your own thing, and don't blow up my inbox when I'm doing mine.

I've had a decent few pieces published. I'm not a professional, but I'm distinguished in the craft, so please invest in some sort of spell check if you don't have adult level grammar. I'm not asking for big fancy words, I'm just asking not to feel like I'm writing with a pre-teen.


Current Uber Cravings:

(fxf) When Muse A develops a fear that her husband is cheating on her, she hires Muse B to seduce him. She never expected to fall for the beautiful escort herself.

(fxf) Muse A and Muse B have been best friends for years. They're close friendship often surprises others, as they would go to any ends to make the other happy. When Muse A begins a sexual relationship with Muse B's older brother, though, Muse B's jealousy causes the two to fall apart. Never one to define her sexual orientation, even at such a young age Muse B just sort of assumed Muse A knew of the romantic feelings between the two of them, while Muse A has been completely oblivious, and is still trying to convince herself that she's heterosexual.

Destiny Watch

In a world where everyone is given a watch at the age of 18 that remains useless until their soulmate is in close proximity, Muse A doesn't believe in fate or destiny, and has given up on finding their soulmate, who could be around the world for all they know. Muse A settles down in a serious relationship, gets engaged, and at their bachelorette/bachelor party in a club, their Destiny watch finally goes off.

Love the Way You Lie

Muse A and Muse B are pretty sure they're in love. Most of the time they're absolutely sure. Some nights, that changes. Neither are model citizens. He drinks too much, stays out all night and comes home smelling of perfume and booze. Has punched multiple holes in the walls of their trailer. She got him hooked on drugs, loves making him jealous though she'd never cheat, and lives for the thrill of their fist fights when she's high. Neither of them are particularly good to each other. But they've got a baby and a history together and there's just too much there to give up on. This story will follow their initial meeting, through the process of their falling in love, and then grow darker with mutual domestic abuse, unplanned pregnancy, cheating, etcetera. I assume this story wouldn't be for the faint of heart so if you have triggers, pass over this one.

The LoveBirds

Muse A and Muse B are very popular, professional wedding singers who advertise as being deeply in love, but they're actually broken up and seeing other people, though everytime they're forced to perform together, it's difficult to deny their feelings.

Snowed In

The organized, responsible Muse A (female) and polite, kind Muse B (male) have been best friends their entire lives, but it's been strictly platonic despite teasing. Muse A meets Muse C (female) in college and the two become inseparable. Muse A even introduces Muse C to Muse B and they quickly begin dating. During winter break, Muse A invites the two of them and her long-term boyfriend, Muse D, to her parents ski cabin in the mountains, where the group eventually gets snowed in during a blizzard. When it surfaces that Muse C and Muse D are sleeping together behind everyone's backs, there's no escape, and the group must deal with the drama head on until they can escape the torture.

When Did We Stop Pretending

Muse A recently broke up with her boyfriend, who is obsessed with getting her back. Muse B was recently dumped by the love of his life, and wants to try to win her back over. Muse A and Muse B decide to pretend to date in order to get Muse A's ex off of her back, and Muse B's ex back into his arms.

The Cure

During the zombie apocolypse, society fell apart. People are sanctioned off into three groups: the rich and privilidged politicians and such who received excellent protection and care, along with larger rations of food drop offs, the poorer sections who work as solders and guard the borders who get just enough food rations to live, and then there are the sanctionless, people who either choose not to sanctionalize, or were kicked out of society for whatever reason. These people get no food rations, and die off very quickly without shelter or nutrition. The sanctionless tend not to band together, but instead fend for themselves.

Muse A has been sanctionless since the day he was born, raised by a father who refused to join the military ranks and risk his life for the safe and comfortable upper class, so his family was kicked from the sanctions. Muse A's best friend, Muse B, chose to be sanctionless when politicians killed her parents for supposed treason. She sleeps with rich boy, Muse C, for free food, practically acting as a prostitute, though Muse C is ashamedly in love with her. During a freak accident, Muse A is bitten, but doesn't turn. Muse C's father, the leader of the upper class, sends Muse C and a group of other fighting civilians (including an active nurse, Muse D) on a journey to the capital to have tests done on Muse A to find a possible cure.


I got this idea from someone else. Literally every piece of it. But they had also gotten it from someone else, so Idk who to give credit to, but it's not mine.

When Elsa was a child, locked away in her room, she created what she believed to be an imaginary friend, Jack Frost. He has magical ice powers as well, and although he was a teenager while she was a child, they bonded over their outcast statuses. Elsa is the only person that's every been able to see Jack, and he grows very attached. But when her parents died as a teenager, she told Jack to go away, claimed she didn't believe in him anymore, and wanted him and her powers to stop, so he left her alone.

After all the mayhem from the movie, when Elsa's once again locked away, this time in her ice castle, she's once again embracing her powers, and gives her mind the power to once again be able to see Jack Frost, who's been watching over her for quite some time, and appears as soon as he can. We'll take the story from here.

Heaven on Earth

One day, on Muse A’s way home, they come across Muse B lying in the middle of the road. They appear hurt, but are unresponsive when Muse A tries to rouse them. Not having a phone on them to call an ambulance, Muse A carries Muse B the short distance back to their home and tries to revive them.

After several minutes of rest, Muse B awakens with the most excruciating scream of pain. They jolt up, and immediately start drawing sigils on the walls of Muse A’s home with their own blood. Terrified, Muse A demands that Muse B stop and explain themselves. Muse B removes their shirt, revealing where their angel wings have been clipped and states they used to be part of God’s Army.

Muse A has never been particularly religious, and needs plenty of convincing that Muse B isn’t a lunatic. Muse B explains that they have been banished from Heaven and they need to hole up with Muse A because they have no where else to go and the world is unsafe for them. Muse A reluctantly agrees to let Muse B live with them, and over time, helps to teach Muse B how to pass as a human.

After the Muse's have developed feelings, Muse B's life comes back to haunt in a major way, and they are needed back in heaven immediately.

Intertwined Souls

In a world in which people are born with soul-mates, distinguished by identical marks on their forearms, Muse A was born with no such mark and therefore destined to be alone. Ashamed of bringing an outcast into the world, Muse A’s parents abandoned them when they were just a few weeks old. A compassionate couple brought Muse A into their home and nurtured the unfortunate child as if Muse A was their own flesh and blood (though there was no official adoption). Muse B was the only child born to the couple before they took Muse A in. Muse A and Muse B were instantly inseparable, even as infants one would cry if the other wasn’t beside them. As a child, Muse B happily shared all they possessed with Muse A and was always there to comfort Muse A whenever they were sad about not having a destined love. They lived like siblings, but even more like best friends, in the same home until Muse A turned 18. Though Muse A grew to love their foster family, they felt that it was time to move on and see the world, even if there was no one waiting out there for them. Though Muse B has met their soul-mate by this time, they are adamant about taking this journey with Muse A, who they haven’t been without for so much as one day of their young life. They set off to explore the world with Muse B’s parents’ blessing with the condition that Muse B will return home in 3 weeks time to marry their rightful soul-mate, whether or not Muse A returns home with them.

On The Run

Muse A is on a day-long drive to an out of town business meeting. They couldn’t ask for much more in life, being blessed with a loving partner that supports them, a beautiful home, and a well-paying job that leaves them happy and fulfilled. They are the eternal optimist, always trying to find the best in everything and everyone, even strangers. When they spot a hitch hiker at the side of the road, Muse A is compelled to stop and give them a helping hand, offering to take them along on their route to the hotel where their meeting is taking place.

Muse B is on the run, having escaped from the state prison during a transport three days prior. They have shed their orange jumpsuit for civilian clothes, and changed their appearance the best they could, thanks to an abandoned farm house near the penitentiary. Muse B is desperate to get as far away from that hellish place as possible. They’ve evaded the state police for this long, there is no way they will ever go back to that dark, stifling, awful cell.

Muse A is exactly what Muse B has been hoping for - a one way ticket out of town. They share a few stories and generally enjoy each other’s company during the long, uneventful drive. Unassuming Muse A has no idea that there is a dangerous felon on the loose, but when they finally approach the state line to find a waiting police roadblock, Muse B suddenly pulls a weapon on Muse A and demands they get them through without incident. Once they’ve successfully passed the road block, Muse B reveals the truth, and Muse A is hit with the sudden frightening realization that they are now subject to Muse B’s plans.

Joy Ride

Muse A has been sheltered for most of their upbringing, coddled by loving but overprotective parents well into their teenage years. They’ve yet to experience most of the milestones that their same-age peers take for granted, like attending a school dance or getting their driver’s license. The only time that Muse A isn’t under the watchful eye of their parents is when they’re at school and even then, they’re under strict orders to come straight home once that dismissal bell rings. Muse B hasn’t resided with a parent/guardian since they were legally able to live on their own. They didn’t come from a nurturing environment, not even close, but they’re not looking for a pity party about it. Muse B fends for themselves in this world and they’ve earned a bit of a reputation for snubbing their nose at authority at every opportunity.

Muse A encounters Muse B one afternoon as they’re making their way to the bus.Muse A can’t help but stare with envy as Muse B mounts their motorcycle—able to ride off whenever and wherever they please. Muse B catches Muse A staring and they offer Muse A a ride. Muse A accepts, hastily snatching up their first little taste of freedom.


Muse x Married Muse

Recovering Drug Addict x Drug Dealer

Outed Lesbian x Closeted Lesbian

Pen Pal x Pen Pal (or online dating characters)


Babysitter x Child's Parent

Finnick x Annie

Band Member x Fan

Band Member x Band Member

Boss x Employee

Good Boy x Bad Girl

Presidents Daughter x Delinquent

Country x City

Reunited Loves

Star Crossed Loves

Settings and Situations

Plane Crash Survivors

Love Triangles

Bank Robbers

Teen Wolf Universe (with all OC characters)

Harry Potter

The Last of Us


Gossip Girl

Boarding School

Game Show Setting

Camp for troublesome Celebrity Children

School of the Fine Arts


Foster Kids

War between the elements

Black Magic vs Good

Disclaimer: I'm playing a shit ton of males in one x one's right now, so if I'm not into it, there's a chance I'll turn down male roles unless we're doubling and making it fair. At least for a little while. I just really want the opportunity to play a female for once. Sue me. <3

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Hey there, Amy! I really love your ideas - especially This Can’t Just Be Summer Love! If you’d like, I can be your partner; however, I don’t exactly know how to PM someone, so - uhm - can you PM me instead? Haha. :3
Who we are is a good plot and some of your other darker themes ^ ^ if you want to rp still I'd be happy to rp with you ^^
[QUOTE="Amora Aurora]Bump! Completely updated with new plots and such! <3

I absolutely love the Destiny Watch plot and I would love to do it with you!
I find your Heaven on Earth plot quite interesting (I've been having a huge fixation on angels recently) and I'd love to participate in it c:
I would love to try out Love the Way You Lie or I'll Be There for You! If we could find a way to double that would be even more amazing.
I love your plot "love the way you lie"!

Are you available for it? :) could you PM me? (My forum notifications are wonky and haven't been notifying me).
Hello! For Disney's Sake looked really cool and I'd love to play the male in that role. I actually did a semester of school training at Disneyland and found out that all the Costumed Characters are in fact mostly huge jerks or at least think they are the most important people in the parks. I stayed away from them as much as possible. I'm still a huge Disney fan though and reliving a little of those memories sounds like a blast if it's still open.
@Inritz it indeed is open! I've heard some stories about the face characters being uppity because you have to fit a certain beauty standard to work there, that's actually why I assumed that plot would be exciting. Playing not-so-likable characters is always fun! PM me for some brainstorming?

@9forgotten I am! Let's start a thing!
You seem pretty swamped! (Not surprising, because this was amazing and interesting.) But if it's at all possible, I would kill to rp with you! I liked many of these plots, and if you're not too full by now I would love to discuss with you!

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