Infernal spoilers.

MrMephistopheles said:
Holden spoiled an Infernal Monster Style expansion and it's identical Solar Hero Style charm.
Basically you punch someone..and they go into Mountain Crossing Leap Technique..with the "falling from a great height" caveat.

you have to love that...
All of Infernal Monster Style is total fucking win. No other fighting style lets you grapple someone one-handed, use him as a weapon, and then tear his arms off. And throw him over the Imperial Mountain. WITH YOUR MASSIVE GLOWING GREEN HELLBOY HAND.

I'd sort of burned out on Exalted, been running it too much, had moved on to other games. Infernals has me right back in there. They're glorious.
Now I like this:

So powerful was [the Yozi] thirst for revenge and re-conquest that they even seared its like onto the face of time. Whether the inhabitants of Creation realize it or not, all of their history has been nothing more than an endless cycle of ascension, usurpation and chaos, with the usurped wanting nothing more than to change the world back to the way it used to be when they were ascendant.
Now we know why history is fucked in Exalted.
It's a cool sounding sentence, but for and "endless cycle" it's had very few iterations. I can think of ... 2?
So Creation is truly doomed, since the world looses a part everytime a cycle ends and another one begins. Unless the cycles begins anew with the return of the Primordials.
Hmm, I can't help but think the comic concerning the Infernal Night and Harmonious Jade is far from the end of the story Ses's kid. Just seems rather anti-climatic. I imagine either the Malfeas book or the Autobot book will once more continue this story. With an Alchie saving the boy :o
Yeah, it's just kind of weird. I mean, some of the other long running comic strains have dramatic endings. If this is Seriously, what kind of end is that? Jade's a moron who wants to kill the Infernal, not rescue the kid she's been trying to save for who knows how long? So very crappy.
Well she failed her compassion check... killing a GSP is more important than saving one scaly son of a snake... she might have forgotten who Ses truly is... because I'd have let the GSP go :|
I dunno. From what I've seen of all my PCs in most games, they follow the corrupt Solar kingship deal without really realizing it sometimes. Now, this isn't always the norm, but alarmingly so. It's kind of neat.
I dunno. From what I've seen of all my PCs in most games' date=' they follow the corrupt Solar kingship deal without really realizing it sometimes. Now, this isn't always the norm, but alarmingly so. It's kind of neat.[/quote']
I'm not talking about being good guys stuff. I'm talking about Grabowski pretty much saying what the default ending of the game line is and that PC's generally alter this.
On the vast accounts of prehistory sorcery in Demon City libraries:

Most of these conclude their endless chapters of mindnumbing and soul-maiming occult formulae with a single stanza from The Broken-Winged Crane, in which deer-footed Mara narrates the legend of the Mother of Spells. That this myth should appear in epilogue rather than prologue has always disturbed the Exalted who pondered it.
Yay. :D
Yes' date=' but Grabowski's vision isn't necessarily the guiding light anymore.[/quote']
Grabowski's vision got dragged out into the middle of the street, savagely beaten, and pissed on several times for good measure when 2nd Edition came out. Many of the core elements of the game were the same but the execution was thankfully different and the whole end of days for the Second Age scenario has changed drastically in the time since.
Yes, but Grabowski's vision isn't necessarily the guiding light anymore.
He doesn't have to be for that to be true.

Grabowski's vision got dragged out into the middle of the street, savagely beaten, and pissed on several times for good measure when 2nd Edition came out. Many of the core elements of the game were the same but the execution was thankfully different and the whole end of days for the Second Age scenario has changed drastically in the time since.
I've seen this bitchfest on alot. Yet you don't actually see the evidence for it.
MrMephistopheles said:
Grabowski's vision got dragged out into the middle of the street, savagely beaten, and pissed on several times for good measure when 2nd Edition came out. Many of the core elements of the game were the same but the execution was thankfully different and the whole end of days for the Second Age scenario has changed drastically in the time since.
I've seen this bitchfest on alot. Yet you don't actually see the evidence for it.
The simple fact is that the setting has changed drastically in 2nd Edition. Lunars are no longer all "Me smash Creation, RAAARRRGH!" and Sidereals are no longer portrayed as just the Exalted equivalent of maniupulative politicians and bureaucrats.

Remember too that things twisted and changed throughout 1st Edition. Lunars used to be shapeshifting trickster illusionist until the actual book came out. People were surprised when Sidereals didn't end up like what they expected and don't get me started on the Fair Folk. Alot of this simply wasn't Grabowski himself and now that he's not a part of the development team his influence over how the game is has waned considerably.
The simple fact is that the setting has changed drastically in 2nd Edition. Lunars are no longer all "Me smash Creation, RAAARRRGH!" and Sidereals are no longer portrayed as just the Exalted equivalent of maniupulative politicians and bureaucrats.

On the Lunars:That is a good thing. 1st ed Lunars was universally reviled for it's poor portrayal of the Lunars and crappy charm set. 2nd ed is a vastly superior to it. If someone wants to bitch about that...yeah ok.

Sidereals weren't portrayed in 1st ed as just manipulative politicians and bureaucrats so yeah.....

Remember too that things twisted and changed throughout 1st Edition. Lunars used to be shapeshifting trickster illusionist until the actual book came out.
So what edition are you bitching about then? 1st or 2nd? Lunars actually got some of that back in 2nd edition. The original plan when first edition was being planned was for them to be NPC only Exalts who were allies of the Fair Folk. I think I prefer what we got now.

People were surprised when Sidereals didn't end up like what they expected and don't get me started on the Fair Folk.
And? Sidereals being Heavenly 007's of the Bureau of Destiny was certainly a surprise. That I can at least understand be surprised about. For the most part from what I heard, 1st ed Fair Folk was praised for it's unique and new shaping combat, but disliked in that the book had a confusing layout and didn't explain or give examples when it really needed to. So on that, I can understand.

Alot of this simply wasn't Grabowski himself and now that he's not a part of the development team his influence over how the game is has waned considerably.
Unless you are a WW Exalted development insider, I can only take this as hearsay, understandably.
MrMephistopheles said:
So what edition are you bitching about then? 1st or 2nd?
I think you're are misunderstanding my post. I am not complaining about either edition. I was merely pointing out that 2nd Edition has made major changes to the setting and mechanics. If we can think of 1st Edition as Grabowski's "vision" since he was heading the creation of Exalted at the time then we can see 2nd Edition as a departure of that vision as many things have changed setting and mechanics wise. My message was meant to be humorous though I will be the first to admit that my humor can be caustic and can come off as antagonistic.

For what it's worth I vastly prefer 2nd Edition to 1st. My disappointment started with Lunars, rose with Sidereals, and peaked with the Player's Guide for the following reasons:

1. Lunars is an abortion of a book. Singular purpose, bad/speed bump charms, horrible storeytelling section all make it the worst hardcover of 1st Edition.

2. Sidereals never gave me any inspiration or urge to create a Sidereal character. They were protrayed as the secret puppet masters of Creation who knew almost everything and the only thing that kept them from ruling the entire world was that the Great Curse made them arrogant dicks that couldn't work together. It didn't help that this was my first exposure to Borgstromian mechanics design leading to much confusion.

3. Infernals were hinted at through the latter half of 1st but we never got to see them until now, and they are glorious. Infernals is probably the biggest addition mechanics-wise to the world of Exalted in 2nd Edition.

4. Power combat was a stupid waste of time. Speed based on a weapon's reach? I'm sorry but there are some aspects of physics you simply can't alter and have things make a lick of sense.
"Murder is Meat" is my new favorite Charm of all time, just for the name.
Adorjan's are fun but I'm partial to those of Malfeas and the Ebon Dragon. You can cause plenty of problems with those, even the lower essence ones.

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