Infernal spoilers.

MrMephistopheles said:
what should I care?
I never intended to make you care, I just wanted to point out why some people would think Exalted has metaplot. :P

No matter what anyone does, some people will still love to hate. Rationalizing why they would think such at least decreases the likelihood of a "lol w/e ur a I'm uncultured" response happening.
Kkat said:
Back to the spoileriffic original topic...
I notice a lack of mention of Kimberry. Do we learn much about her or her Infernals in this book? We know she has at least one...

She has an Akuma. No Infernals. They're different things.

She'll be mentioned more in the Malfeas book.
MrMephistopheles said:
Currently ONE Deathlord's previous Solar identity is known, with one other strongly implied because of his connection to that Deathlord.
It hasn't been absolutely nailed down that Walker in Darkness is one of the Solars Larquen Quen killed in the Invisible Fortress? Daveg Chlurion, iirc?
Er, if I recall Time of Tumult well enough, yes, he was one of the one's who died there. Don't know if MASK killed him or not. I think he did and fears WiD getting his memories back.
I never intended to make you care, I just wanted to point out why some people would think Exalted has metaplot. :P
No matter what anyone does, some people will still love to hate. Rationalizing why they would think such at least decreases the likelihood of a "lol w/e ur a I'm uncultured" response happening.
And damn those people and their black hearts! j/k :P

Bah it needs to be April. Holden's cryptic hints and talk of major stuff still not hinted at is driving me batty, apparently there is something significant about the nature of the perfect defense weaknesses of Yozis charms. ... tcount=393

In the Heavenly City of Yu-Shan there is an institution that endures from the early days of the First Age. It is a humble but prestigious building, dome-roofed, stretching over a mere several acres. The Jade Kitchen predates the coming of the gods; once, its specialized high-temperature furnaces and pressure-controlled chambers prepared viands for the delight of the Primordials themselves. Now it stands as the greatest culinary wonder in Creation. Overseen by the weak but greatly influential god Robed in Splendor, Chairman of Fine Cuisine, the Jade Kitchen has long stood as the foremost authority and innovator on the topic of fine dining in Creation or beyond.
More than simply a banquet service for the wealthy of Heaven, however, the Jade Kitchen also has a long history as a battleground. It happened that in the early days of the First Age, one Solar lord was heard to boast to another that his Dragon-Blooded head chef prepared the finest food in Creation. This boast made its way back to the proud Chairman, who issued a letter of challenge to the Solar, daring him to send his chef to match recipes with Robed in Splendor's own kitchen, in Yu-Shan. The Solar proudly accepted, and was shocked when the Jade Kitchen's cuisine humbled what adorned his own table every night. Word of the story spread, and soon Creation's greatest culinarians prayed nightly for a chance to challenge the Jade Kitchen. Most failed; those few who walked away triumphant had their fortunes assured, paid princely sums to deliver majestic meals to the Exalted or the very gods themselves.

History has lost the birth name of the greatest hero to emerge from the Jade Kitchen. It is known he was one of the Solar Exalted, a relative culinary unknown invited in the hopes that the Kitchen's prestige would be increased by defeating one of the Sun's Chosen. Instead, the man who would come to be known only as the Orichalcum Chef dazzled Heaven with his culinary masterpieces, moving with the formless grace of a bodhisattva of the epicurean arts. In the wake of his victory he took a small number of students under his wing, teaching them the ways of true culinary excellence. They were terrors in the kitchen and beyond it, beating all challenges into shape like dough. This miracle was lost in the Usurpation; the feast-tables of the Shogunate and the Second Age have been dull and bland in comparison. But the Solar Exalted are returning now; perhaps memory of the Orichalcum Chef will return with them. The Jade Kitchen is still open, and spoiling for a rematch.
MrMephistopheles said:
That's not a spoiler. That's HLS sharing some fan made stuff when I mentioned a type of Twilight concept I was interested in.
But it's still amusing ^_^
Infernals can now monologue to reduce limit like true villains. Of course, was there posthaste to write up one. This courtesy of Nexus:

"What do you think I am, Master Wise Owl? Some villain in a bad anime? Would I have told you about my plan to summon a 3rd Circle demon in the middle of Gem if you had any chance to stop me?

I did it 35 minutes ago."

Er' date=' if I recall Time of Tumult well enough, yes, he was one of the one's who died there. Don't know if MASK killed him or not. I think he did and fears WiD getting his memories back.[/quote']
Yes Larquen whacked another solar in the fortress who later became the Walker.

Daveg Chlurion was the most probable choice (affinity with making automatons) at the time of E1, but MoEP: A sets that Walker remembers being of the Zenith caste... and the only one who now fits the profile is Meherin.
cyl said:
Yes Larquen whacked another solar in the fortress who later became the Walker.
Daveg Chlurion was the most probable choice (affinity with making automatons) at the time of E1, but MoEP: A sets that Walker remembers being of the Zenith caste... and the only one who now fits the profile is Meherin.
I think Walker is supposed to be one of the ambiguous Deathlords. Some are pretty easy to figure, some aren't.
Not really. We had narrowed him down to Meherin or one other by the time we'd finished reading the book. We'd fingered him as a Zenith. And I swear to God, the first one of your to make a perverse comment dies in seven days.
Well yeah, his style matched a Zenith more than a night caste, but... there was the whole necromachinery thing, and necrotech wasn't out before loooong after that.

I personnally stated he was Chlurion when I STd the Fortress with a group of abyssals.
:evil: You know, I'm going to help CW just because you used all of that Infernal 'netspeak.
Holden spoiled an Infernal Monster Style expansion and it's identical Solar Hero Style charm.

Basically you punch someone..and they go into Mountain Crossing Leap Technique..with the "falling from a great height" caveat.

you have to love that...
Yeah I was privy to that. After some searching I found a gaming store not but 9 miles from the house. Gave em a call, they are going to have copies tomorrow, got one held. Ten bucks more than Amazon but those wanks wont have a copy until the 20th.
Gorol has a truly nice background and is also "linked" to the Invisible Fortress as his last exaltation, Vaznia, was part of the Kal Bax's chosen.

What broke him in the first place according to you ?

I think a cool reason could have been he somehow felt the curse, and knew that only a Primordial could remove it, realizing the exalts have trespassed the order of the world, and sought to fix their mistakes by his actions.
It's been explained that when he killed the Primordial who would become Abhorrence of Life, all of his circlemates died and this made him think that all this war against the Primordials will eventually put an end to everything.

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