Infection [Inactive]

"Heh. It's easy, all you gotta do is get comfy or be really tired! Besides, Han is right, those things are so loud they could even wake me up." Shunsuke shrugged, taking the jacket off his shoulder and draping them onto of them instead without putting his arms through the sleeves. "And beliiieeevve me. I'm no light sleeper. Fhew." He looked at the opening where all that cold breeze was flooding in, the werewolf froze and then sneezed. "Ugh..." He patted his nose and allowed himself to morph a bit, hair grow on his cheeks, over his arms and other places. He sprouted two ears and a rather fluffy tail. Shunsuke sighed with delight. "Nothing better than a nice fur coat, am I right, Han?"
"Well." She chuckled. "A fur coat might be nice, but to be naturally cold-blooded and not even feel the cold is much nicer." She said, trying to brag, but failing. "In about another hour we will need to jump from this train. So get comfy while you can." Kiyomi breathed, leaning against the car's walls and moving someones foot out the way so she could settle in better. Her eyes looked up, watching the moon as it seemingly traveld with them. "Oh, by the that whole Ordeal, I figured out the infected...well..Infected werewolves anyways, hate the smell of vampire blood. She retracted to it instantly, making it easier for me to slit her throat."
Shunsuke let out a snort and then some soft chuckles, catching onto Kiyomi's drift of trying to brag. "You're funny." He said, lightly spatting his softer knee cap. A part of Shunsuke really didn't want to leave this train, but it's better to get a move on anyways. He didn't respond or protest. He wrinkled his nose when he listened to Kiyomi. "Ew, not sure if I like it either. It's so thick, rich and overwhelming. It's tolerable though. This nose hates really bad smells, and ya'know, me scent is strong as ever~" He said, pointing his index finger upwards as he talked. "Blood over all is a gross smell when it gets all hard and whatnot. Yuck." Shunsuke stuck out his tongue, fanning himself with his hand. He paused for a moment, then bowed his head slightly. "Sorry if that offends you, seeing as you're a vampy and all."
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Hannako leaned against the frame of the box-car opening, chuckling slightly at the partially furry Shunsuke. "I couldn't agree with you more." she said, her grin turning into a sly smile. She was quite cold herself, but she preferred to stay as a human, feeling rather insuperior when she was a canine. She listened to Kiyomi intentively, raising an eyebrow as she became intrigued with her words. "Vampire blood, eh? That's no surprise, seeing as we are supposed to hate you." she murmured, her voice monotone as she indicated to the ancient rivalry between vampires and werewolves. "The scent was so revolting that she stunned herself, making it easier for you to kill her." she paused for a moment, turning to Kiyomi.

"Say... How did you figure that out anyway?"
Seeing them go on about how revolting vampire's blood was, she couldn't help but feel offended, though she didn't take it to heart, she just let it pass. "Its the blood of royalty, of course its rich." She tried to joke but then slowly let her smile fade into a smirk. "I cut my wrist...probably idiotic of me, but I had to get some answers..." She said, looking down at her wrist. It'd stopped bleeding, but the blood was still there, so she licked it off, thinking nothing of it.
"Some vampires are really cool, y'know. One of my besties was a vampy. He was the best." Shunsuke said, running a furry, hardened paw through his tangled locks, memories flooding into his brain. Sadly, he didn't know if the vampire was infected, dead or alive. It scared him, thinking of the fate his friend is going to meet or had met. Of course, he didn't show any sign of discomfort, his mind drifting elsewhere effortlessly. "Can I have some too?" The green eyed werewolf joked to Kiyomi. "Hah." Shunsuke was sure he had a grandmother who was indeed, a vampire, and a few close cousins that were vampire mixed. He did get a taste of some fancy blood that his bestie got him into, and due to it being top notch and high quality, he developed some taste for it. He soon quit, it got him a little uncomfortable drinking something that made him confused. Shunsuke's family had the racist background, seeing are wolves and vamps weren't technically ones to get along like other species could have. Though, that was in past, and in some cases, they were even mixing. Times are moving on, huh?
"Well....any idea where your friend might be? We may run into him on our journey." She said, looking at him strangely. "You're kidding right?" When he asked about the blood. Though she soon realized he was joking and again, there was the smile. "Oh stop making me smile, baka." She turned her face away and ran her fingers through her hair, pushing the front of it all off to one side, trying to get comfortable.
"I hadn't really gotten to know others outside my pack. Often we'd get in the occasional scrap, but never had I met a Vampire beyond a fight. It's obvious I've been missing out, though." Hannako stated with a small wink directed at Kiyomi. Another gust of wind burst through the open door, causing Hannako to shiver. Skin was so useless, but she really hated transforming with others around. With a sigh she dragged herself to a darkened corner of the box car, spending a moment in the corner. She emerged as the big white beast she had been before padding back to her spot beside the opening. She sat down, her long fur blowing in the constant breeze that came through the door. She let out a soft grunt and curled up into a ball of fur, covering most of her body with her over-sized tail.
Was she just given a compliment? She looked at Hannako, feeling her lips tug into a much wider smile. "Thank you...Werewolves aren't so bad either. And I'm not just saying that because three of them are surrounding me right now..." She said, a little nervously, but she meant what she said. They weren't all bad. Just as vampires weren't all bad.

She tucked a piece of her hair back behind her ear, and watched as Hannako transformed. "Your fur is so white. Like snow." She smiled, wanting to reach out and touch her fur, wondering how soft it was, but then quickly retracted it.
"Nah... Last time I got to talk to him, I had this small little pack of survivors and we were trying to survive the harsh winter cold~ He said he was going to hang about Tokyo for a while, so he could still be there." Shunsuke frowned slightly at the thought of that pack. Sadly, they weren't as lucky as he was. He shrugged. "Maybe I wasn't kidding. I'm pretty diverse y'know, I'm not picky about my treats unless it smells~" He listened to Hannako and raised an eyebrow. "Really? You're that type of werewolf, huh~ Vampires are alright, unless they get all vicious when they're hungry or something." Shunsuke walked over and pet her on the head. "Wow. You're a big ball of fluff." He said in a very serious tone. It was almost laughable the way he said it. "Patpat. Scratch scratch scratch. Do you like being scratched behind the ears, Han? I do." He said, doing so as he talked.
Hannako brought her tail up to flick both Shunsuke and Kiyomi, grinning under the mound of fur that covered her body. "Do I look like some sort of pet to you?" she asked, leaning into the attention she was receiving. Usually she would try to act like she didn't like it, to keep some of her dignity, but it was obvious she did. "I'm supposed to be a big, ferocious monster..." she started, allowing her tongue to lull out of her mouth as she attempted to speak. "You're supposed to fear me." she stated with a friendly growl, trying her hardest to stop her hind leg from doing that leg thingy dogs do when they get scratched. She gave up and allowed her massive hind leg to thump behind her, her tail smashing hard on the floor as it wagged. Hannako was well aware of her pup like behavior, but at this point she didn't care.
Kiyomi watched as Han's leg thumped the floor and she couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, you're big and scary alright. I had to quit my tough act, so do you." She joked. "Though it looks like you already have." She smirked, reaching out to pet the top of her head, softly. It was comforting to her, for she felt like she was back at home with her uninfected parents and her uninfected brother living in an uninfected world, petting her live dog. Sad to think that was only a few short years ago. With a sigh she pulled her hand back, and quickly stood up. "I'm tired of this damn train..." She said firmly. "I'm jumping now." She said, and with that, she backed up a bit, and jumped out, landing perfectly on her feet, just as she did when she jumped out the window for Shunsuke.
Shunsuke chuckled at Hannako's slight resistance. "You're acting like a pet, though." He said, smoothing down her fur. "Besides, since I'm a big ferocious monster myself, I don't think you're all that scary..." He chipped in a friendly tone. He watched Kiyomi leaped from the train, landing in a graceful way as she did back then. "Already? So impatient. You want to get a move on, then?" He asked, raising his hand from Hannako and sliding off the train instead of jumping. He landed on his feet a bit clumsily, seeing as his legs were weak from sitting and slumber. Shunsuke poked his arms through the jacket and zipped it up.
Hannako's tongue flopped about in her maw as she shot up. She sucked it back into her mouth and held it there firmly with her jaw, peering over the edge. Kiyomi had leapt from the train, and now Shunsuke, and she really didn't know what to do. The unnecessary evacuation had caught the girl off guard, and she didn't know where she should go. Reluctantly she stood back, before leaping through the door of the train. She hit the ground hard with a large thud and flipped forward before rolling a few meters, pretty badly beaten by the fall. She coughed as she stood in the cloud of dust she had created, weakly and slowly dragging herself over to the pair, praying they hadn't witnessed the embarrassing ordeal.

"What was that for?" Hannako asked, her voiced cracked and tinged with audible pain.
"I was starting to feel....claustrophobic.." She lied. What she really wanted was to just get moving already, she wanted to stretch her legs and fight off the infected and find a cure as soon as possible. That way when they made it to California, they'd have something to give to her cousin. Some information to stop this virus. She smirked, seeing how uncoordinated Hannako was. She covered her mouth with her hand, and proceeded to walk in the direction the train was going, but she was in no hurry anymore. She'd let the two catch up. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving.."
"Then from the train we go, then~" He murmured very gently to Kiyomi. Shunsuke heard a loud thump and whatnot, watching Hannako tumble and stumble about. "You remind me of a clumsy pup... Just like, larger... And louder ..." He paused for a minute and sneezed into his forearm from the dust. "Fhew! That dust cloud." Shunsuke sniffled, starting to walk, slipping his hands into his pockets. The breeze combed through some of his hair. "Hungry, as in blood hungry?" He asked Kiyomi calmly.
"Oh shush." Hannako grumbled with a huff, falling into place beside the two as they walked. When compared to them in height she was just above their waistline as a dog, the height difference bothering her, but not that much. The gentle breeze removed the dust cloud along with the dust that clung to the large wolf's fur as she listened to the pair's conversation, her ears unintentionaly swiveling towards them. "I could use something to eat." she stated simply, allowing her tongue to swipe across her ivory fangs. She heard what Shunsuke asked and pinned her ears slightly, looking at the ground. She had forgotten Kiyomi was a blood sucker, which meant finding food might be an issue for the trio.
Kiyomi had forgotten she was the only one that actually drank blood. She shivered, but then looked at the two. "I could try and eat whatever it is you guys eat. It won't kill me I'm sure...Human food" She made a face of disgust, but she was only trying to make it less difficult on them. "Actually I have tried pasta isn't too bad, I suppose. Maybe there is a city nearby that hasn't been hit with the infection too hard, and still has some operating restaurants...doubt it though." She suggested.
Shunsuke shrugged. This guy had the abnormal height of 6'7, he was heavy, rather buff and had a huge appetite. He wasn't that hungry, because he ate so much that it kept him at bay for a while. "Human food is pretty good~ But I doubt it too. We could fish or something, with spears~" He said, chuckling at the idea. He couldn't imagine these girls with big prides tried fishing in a body of water. Maybe Hana would use her wolf form so she wouldn't be so embarrassed trying to catch one.
Kiyomi looked at him, shrugging her shoulders. "Fishing is perfectly fine with me. I've never eaten fish they have blood in them?" She asked, kind of curious. As she walked, she looked down, watching her feet, kicking some rocks that got in her way.
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