Infection [Inactive]

"Oh no, I wouldnt dare. Of course I am clean. Do I look like a flesh hungry maniac to you?" He said folding his arms against his chest.
She snorted.

"You can never be too sure, darlin'" she spoke with a southern drawl.

This man might prove to be trouble if he keeps up this sarcasm skit. She raised an eyebrow.

"Oh and what makes you think that you arent clean love?" He said in a serious voice.
"Wolves have trouble shifting when they're bit," she shot back, smiling slyly.

Her eyes shown amber then back to brown just to spite him.

"Okay then. Fair point." He said grudgingly accepting her point. "Well angels would start to loose feathers. Do I look like I am missing feathers? He said pulling out a wing to show her.
Hannako raised her head to look at those who surrounded them. The presence of many people flooded her senses, and caused her to grow rather hostile towards them. She allowed a snarl to escape her clenched fangs, cussing something under her breath.

"Eh, infected or not, people are a nuisance that I'm not sure I can deal with." she grumbled, rubbing a hand behind her neck as she spoke. "The entire lot of you don't really seem to be taking things seriously. We're in serious danger and you act as if it is some sick joke. We could be the last of our species and we need to be cautious. Those we come to trust can turn their backs on you within seconds, so don't expect me to immediately entrust you. I have faith in you, but at the same time I am uncertain." she said, her voice growing softer.

"I'm in, nonetheless, just don't expect us to become companions. If I have to I will kill you, please keep that in mind." she spoke, her voice cracking slightly. She wasn't a good person to travel with, but she was straight forward, which would be helpful in the long run.
She stared at his wings, never being this close to an Angel. She balled her fists, wanting to touch the long feathers.

"They look fine," she growled, staring him down. I might need to run this one off.

"Told ya." He smiled and pulled back in his wing. "Do you care to tell me why you hate me so?" He asked her curiosity.
"I don't hate you, I'm just...intrigued by your interesting sense of humor," she rolled her eyes and unfolded her arms, staring into his eyes. Am I really being that bitchy? She showed no emption on the outside but inside she was reevaluating her attitude.

"Is that so? Well then I guess I will have to tone it down a bit." He said winking at her. "Sorry about the wolf joke." He said rubbing his head.
"What wolf joke?" she looked up at him, eyes both confused and angry. She balled up her fists and backed a step, ready for a fight. Can I really fight an Angel?

"The one about wolves and their noses. Hey I dont want a fight! I just wanted to apologize." He said quickly at the sight of the girl balling up her fists. He put up his hands in a symbol of surrender.
All this nonsense side conversations were making her head ache. She put her hands to her head and pulled at her red locks, even ripping out a few of them. "CAN WE SHUT UP?!" She finally screamed, looking at them all. "Listen to Hannako!" She pointed to her. "We can trust no one! NO ONE." She breathed. "We can travel together, but getting buddy-buddy with anyone is at your own risk and I HIGHLY suggest against it." She snarled. "The infected can and will attack at any moment at any given time. So if you guys DON'T mind, I'll be taking my leave now. Follow behind me if you're still interested in Tokyo. Keep in mind it will be a long journey, and most of you probably won't survive the next three days. So...With that said." She paused, turning her heels, putting her hands in her pockets, close to her knife, and began walking, assuming they would follow her. Time to get out of this Hell hole... 
(Ooc: Um...guys. No one liners, I clearly stated that in my rules. And follow the story please, I really dont want any side stories in this. Thanks.)
She looked him up and down and took his surrender.

"Fine. So what's the green stripes for? I mean, they're cool in all though," she rubbed her neck.

Ash shrugged. "I dont know. They have been on my face ever since I was born." He said nonchalantly to the wolf girl. 'Anyway we should follow her." He said pointing out the girl who was yelling. He began to walk after her. I am up for a challenge, but this is going to be serious. I need to get that other girl to trust me. He thought while walking behind the girl who was walking towards tokyo.
Hannako snickered, allowing an almost evil laugh to erupt from the pit of her stomach. It was silent, but audible, and seemed to break the silence followed by Kiyomi's outburst. She placed a hand on her hip and shifted her weight, her bright gaze surveying those around her.

"Finally, someone who knows what they are talking about." Hannako gestured, a wry grin spread across her tight lips. "You fools will end up getting killed. Hostility is the key. You know not where your priorities lie, and your lollygagging might just be your demise." she said silently, smirking at her own little riddle. Finally with a shrug she followed behind Kiyomi's lead, allowing her pace to quicken as she neared her.

"They'll catch up if they change their minds." she whispered, reassuring herself.
Kiyomi heard a few footsteps following behind her, knowing that Hannako was one of them without even turning around. Though she did turn to see who the other was. Ah, that Ash fellow. She let out a small grin. "Glad you two are smart at least. I hope." She said, looking back towards the front. "Come. There's a train that passes by everyday here. I don't know who drives it, for what reason, or where, but I know it does lead all the way to New Jersey. Thats a good chunk of land covered just by getting on this train." She said, pointing at it, watching it go by. "But you're not gonna like this." She smirked, taking her hands out her pockets, beginning to pick up her pace, jogging, running, eventually sprinting. "We have to jump on a car with an open door!" She laughed, loving the adrenaline that flowed through her. Finally she saw a car with it's door open, and with a final leap, she caught the handle on the side of it, and stepped her feet into the train.

"Come on!" She yelled to the others.
Cari nodded and followed. "You know this girl?" she whispered, seeing the girl was a bit hotheaded. This girl doesn't know who she's talking to. I can survive anything!

"So, my name's Caraline but my Pack calls me Cari. What's, uh, your name?' she tried to making small talk but the train sped by and she shifted, using her wolf power to sprint ahead and leap onto the car.
"Nope not a clue she just seems to know where to go." He said running towards the train.Perfect I have to jump into a moving train cart. He thought mentally rolling his eyes. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ash." He said jumping into the air to get a lift off and to unfurl his wings. He then beat his wings for a few seconds to get a good momentum in the air. Here comes the difficult part. He thought bracing himself to jump into the train. One, two, THREE! He mentally counted and flew into the train.
Hannako burst forward as a massive white beast, swooping under Kiyomi and making the girl sit on her back. She knew Kiyomi was fully capable of getting on the train herself, but she decided she would assist because the girl had done so much for her already. With powerful hind legs she galloped foward, her masive paws stricking the dirt as she quickened her pace. In a quick gesture she leaped through the open train car door, skidding hard on the wood when she landed. Splinters pierced the sensitive skin on her paws but she didn't mind it, and allowed Kiyomi to get off of her before she padded over to a secluded corner and transformed once again. She walked out of the darkness, shooting Kiyomi a nervous smile when the whole ordeal was over.

"Sorry." she murmured, leaning against the train car door. "I couldn't risk losing you and being stuck with them." she said, her tone sarcastic and obviously joking. When she finished speaking, as if on cue something crashed behind her. She flinched, reluctantly turning around.

They had company.
She pressed against the back of the train cart, panting. She bristled slightly at the animal, not knowing them by scent. She shifted and stared at the group around her. She looked up at the shifter, raising her eyebrows.

"You allow her to ride on your back? That's uncommon among most self-respecting animals," she spat, immediately disliking the girl for acting as someone's personal mount.
"WHOA!" She certainly didn't expect THAT. Before she knew it , she was in the train car, and she slipped off of Hannako's back dusting herself off. She shook her hair out and looked at the group. "Heh...I have to admit, I'm impressed with all of you." She smiled at Hannako as she emerged from the darkness. "I could have done that myself, thank you." She said, but with a smile. Though her grin didn't stay for long. She heard a clicking noise, then tapping...then the sound of snarls and growls. "F...fuck." Her eyes widened, taking out her knife and holding it out in front of her. "Everyone...we have some...guests." She gulped.

Just then, two of the infected showed themselves. Another vampire, and a Lycan. She braced herself, and the vampire jumped out at the group, foaming at the mouth, his eyes wide, blood shot and he was insane.

Hannako quickly shifted again, becoming the bright eyed beast she was only moments ago. "I have no time for childish nonsense, kiddo, I've got some ass kicking to do." she spoke, her voice loud amongst the snarls. In a quick move she snapped to the side, bounding towards the Lycan without hesitation. She leapt up into the air, ivory fangs bared and snapping as she nailed the creature in the chest and got it to the ground, snapping teeth in it's expressionless face. "Go to hell." she said darkly, before snapping her mouth around his bottom jaw, tearing it clean off.

When it came to killing, Hannako wasn't clean.

She allowed the tart bitterness of the crimson liquid to fuel her forward, the girl inside the beast rather enjoying the blood lust. She lunged forward and snapped her jaws around the man's tongue, tearing it through his throat out of his body. She spat the tongue on the floor, allowing her eyes to lock on the infected she was about to kill. Though it didn't seem like it, it pained her to kill those like her. That was once a living being with a family, with a personality, and most of all with a life. Reluctantly she brought her eyes down, quickly dealing the final blow by burying her jaw into the man's throat, tearing without mercy.
Nicayta's feed pounded against the floor as she tried to keep her breathing under control, the growls and hisses behind her told her she was still being chanced.

"Da*n it!" Niccy huffed, she was tired seeing as how she'd been running for the past 2 hours. She had an entire group of infected, she was getting tired of using her elements. She was down to at least 5 infected and even though she knew she could take them down, she didn't like taking chances with the infected. She had seen her closest friends go through the stages of turning into an infected. She had to kill them all, not wanting her friends' bodies to be used as a soulless and mindless monster.

To the side of her Niccy could see the out lining of a cliff and she couldn't help but let out a satisfied sigh. Making a sharp turn she gasped as her senses blared around her, dunking forward and didn't miss looking up to see that one of the infected had managed to catch up to her. She hadn't been paying attention. Running toward the cliff she grinned before throwing herself off. No screams left her lips as she closed her eyes and focused on changing the shape of her body to the comfortable skin of her Dragon. The moment she felt she was in her true form she spread her wings flapped, quickly soaring through the sky.

"Bye bye," Nicayta mumbled toward the infected, not like they would be able to respond anyways.
Caraline wrinkled her nose at the girl's messy way of dealing with the infected. She then shifted and launched herself at the Vampire. She plunged her big clawed paw through his chest, snarling in the utmost terrifying way possible. She ripped her paw out and dug her muzzle into the cavity, ripping his stone cold heart out. She flung it away in disgust and closed her giant jaws around his neck, her long canines ripping his neck off cleanly.

"There," she panted, spitting its blood out of her mouth.

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