Infection [Inactive]

Before Kiyomi could even react, Hannako had already taken the two down, sending them to the hell they belong in. Her arm retracted. "Well then." She stiffened, placing her knife in her bra this time for easier access. "Good job.." She coughed, wanting a chance to show what she was made of. Though she supposed she could hold off for a little while.

When everything settled, a slow clapping came from the back of the car, in the darkness. An average height girl with long black hair and violet eyes came form the shadows in the corner, a sly smirk on her face. "Well done...well done indeed." She chuckled. "I came here to get to New Jersey expecting to be alone...guess I was wrong." She looked at the group. "Uh...Alexis. I'm Alexis. Shapeshifter...and I will kill if you if needed with no mercy." She stated right off hand.

"Well, hello there." Kiyomi said, turning her back to look outside the car, watching the landscape quickly run before her as they rode the train. "Any more members and I'll have to push someone off for the sake of room..."

"Thats the spirit." Alexis said, bright eyed.
Caraline snorted at their pathetic chitchat and shifted, crossing her arms.

"Sweety, you'll need all of s to get through this. I'm Caraline, Werewolf High Beta and I don't need a weapon like you," she gestured to Kiyomi with a flick of her hand. "Some of us just have natural talent to be able to rip someone in half without remorse," she smiled wickedly, shooting a look at everyone around her.

"Sleep with one open," she winked and leaned against the wall, bored.
"Maybe I don't want to risk getting infected by touching them and clawing at them with my bare hands, smart alec." She sneered toward Cara. "And I KNOW you're not talking to me. You aren't infected, I'll rip your throat out with my natural talent." She mocked, rolling her eyes. "I suggest you get control of your High and Mighty personality before it gets you killed." Kiyomi said. "I second that notion." Alexis said, raising her hand.
Hannako wasn't really in her right mind. Whenever she had to deal with those who were infected she got a little 'worked up', which was often an issue. The voice rung from the back of the car, causing the beast to pin it's massive ears. Her burning gaze shifted to get a better view of the girl, her vision allowing her to see the girl fine in the shadows. Once she had noticed that the girl was not an issue she backed off a bit, cussing something under her breath when Caraline made the sour remark. "Keep that goddamn trap shut before I shut it for you." the massive canine snapped, stepping off of the mangled corpse that lay under her and shoving it off the moving train with a hind leg. "I won't tolerate idle threats, especially not from the likes of you." as if on cue Kiyomi chimed in, which allowed her to ease up. With a sneer she sat, wrapping her massive tail around her paws.
She rolled her eyes and looked down at her fingernails, resisting the urge to yawn.

"Listen, I'm not here to make enemies; I'm here to survive. I'm sure that's what we're all doing here, so let's try to get along. Sometimes, killing gets me worked up and I apologize for my behavior," Cari sighed and stood at a less aggressive stance to prove her point.

"Name's Caraline," she blinked, trying to change the subject.
"I....really don't think I ever stated my name. Kiyomi." She said, taking a deep breath, forgiving Caraline for her words. "I'm not here to make enemies either. Really. Lets just ride this train to New Jersey, should be there by tomorrow, and we can jump off, and start walking." She said, letting out a yawn. Her eyes shifted to the group. "Someones gotta keep watch tonight...Who knows what other infected on are the rest of this train will smell us and try to come after us. I say at least two people should be awake at a time." Alexis only turned to look at her. "And who made you leader? This was my train car." "And this is my group....I guess." She stated. "If you have a problem, you can kindly leave." "Don't tell me what to do, Punk!" She balled her hand into a fist, shaking it at her. Kiyomi only looked at her fist, her expression unchanged. "Whatever. Just stay awake, or sleep. I'm up for now."
"Let's just try to be friendly. I don't want any throats slit during shifts. Nobody's taking anyone's leadership role," she tried using her Beta voice on the others to sooth them. "I can take first watch, if you two don't trust each other."

She shifted to her wolf form and sat toward the center, trying to separate them.

I better not turn into the peacemaker again; there's only so much I can take from an Alpha.
Hannako looked up to the group that surrounded her. She wasn't into introductions, but she would introduce herself nonetheless.

"I'm Hannako." she stated blandly, before walking away from the group for a brief moment. When she emerged from the darkening shadows she was back to her abnormally tall human self, who had completely rid themselves of the blood that had stained them only seconds ago.

"I have insomnia." Hannako stated abruptly, shrugging her shoulders as she made her way back to her perch. "I don't sleep anyway, so keeping watch would be pretty damn normal for me."
Caraline shrugged and laid down.

"Your call," she huffed as a wolf and settled for the night. She kept her eyes on both on them as best as she could, not wanting any fights breaking out.

"I've never been with anyone who's not a wolf, so your scents are new to me. Forgive me if I sneeze a bit in my sleep," she sighed and curled her tail.
Kiyomi shook her head. "No..I'm awake for now." She said, feeling restless, though her body was telling her otherwise. She looked at Alexis. "You can sleep..." "Gladly." She sneered then went back into the shadows. The Sun finally set, and only the moonlight kept the car aglow. A silence fell over, and Kiyomi had to break it. She shifted her body to Hannako. " you really think what Cara said is true? That its cowardice of me to use a knife on the infected?"
Caraline kicked her hind paw in her sleep, grunting softly. She dreamt of her Pack, of her Alpha. All of them were lodt to the infected and she could do nothing but run. If there was anything of cowardice, it was that night.

She grunted agin but settled for the night, the nightmare subsiding.
"Does it matter what others think?" Hannako questioned blandly, keeping her gaze firm on the ever changing landscape that passed the group that had stowed themselves away on the train. "We are here to survive. We are placed on this planet only to survive until our fate is decided. Our goal in life is only to live, and the only thing guaranteed in life is death. If we can prolong the time we have on this god forsaken planet then you're damned right i'd use a blade on my own kind. It's not cowardly, it's simply instinct." she suggested coldly, leaning back slightly on her palms as she watched the moon with a grief tinged gaze.
"If you're on first watch, maybe you should allow the others to actually sleep," Cari teased and moved to her other side, shifting.

"Sorry about the coward comment. I was just trying to seem badass but really, I think we're all scared inside. And fear is seen as weak, so we cover it up with something ese," she sat up and looked at Kiyomi.

"Don't take anything I say when I'm angry personal. I'm really just an angry person at heart. The wolf not helping."
With a deep breath, and a hint of relief coming out as a smile, she leaned back on her palms, her head looking up to the ceiling. "I...suppose your right." She breathed. "And something tells me we aren't alone on this train...we can't get too comfortable." She said, pushing herself back up and standing, leaning against the side of the car. "You cousin Damien is a scientist." She said, a little randomly, but she made it relevant. "Hes working on a cure for this virus, but he wants to give up...perhaps along the way before attacking the infected, with them." She smirked. "Find out what repels them...what makes them want to leave. There's gotta be something. And if we find out what that something is...maybe we can help Damien." She said, hearing some claws on metal from above. Her eyes looked up. "Here we go..." She sighed, jumping out the car, hanging onto the handle, climbing up the train, now on top of it. There stood another werewolf, clearly infected. Such a shame...

"L-...L..Let me handle this, Hannako!" She yelled before she did anything to stop it.
"Ehehe. Deep down we're all cowards. Deep down we are all terrified. Deep down we are the exact opposite of what we wish to be, and that make us bad people. Everything we do is basically an act, some are just better actors than others." Hannako said in response to Cari's comment. "If we were all to act who we truly were, we'd all be dead." she said finally, before shutting up at Kiyomi's words.

"Have fun." she said, her voice soft yet dark. "Holler if you need me."
Caraline rushed to the door, hanging on so she wouldn't fall.

"Oh, but I won't worry either!" she shouted above the wind, nervous to lose another teammate. "Be careful! You know what we'll have to do if you get infected!" Her wolf pressed inside of her, her instinct to protect her pack. She got ready to jump in at anytime to help her.

"I understand where you're going here, but its not a good idea to 'play' with them!"
Kiyomi listened to their words of warning, but she stuck them in the back of her mind. When she was on the roof, she saw the wolf, snarling. Though she could tell it hadn't gone completely insane yet, for it spoke to her. "You MUST be stupid!" She laughed, throwing her head back then looking back at her with a sly grin, baring her teeth. "Your blood...its...awful...." She said. Kiyomi took a stance, pulling out her knife, though she wasn't planning on attacking. Not now. This one could talk...perfect play time.

"Wolves don't thirst for blood." Kiyomi commented. "This one does..." The wolf said, inching forward, licking its chops. Kiyomi only backed up a step. "Ohh? How pathetic..." "Oh really? Not as pathetic as your blood smells. What are you, a vamp?" The wolf hissed. "I'll suffer through the stench." "So my blood is re vaulting to you...neh?" The wolf only snarled, and lifted her paw, extending her claws. "Damn you talk a lot!" Then Kiyomi did somthing highly....stupid. With her knife, she sliced her wrist, making her own blood poor out. "O-oh...Oh GOD." The infected wolf repelled, holding her paw over her nose. "Vampire blood..." She smirked, and had her answer. "Ah...well it was fun." She chuckled, then lunged at the wolf, slicing its throat, and then kicked it off the side of the train. She was a clean killer.

With that done, she climbed back into the car.

"There sure are a heavy abundance of you werewolves..." She commented, smoothing out her shirt, though her own blood stained it.
"It would only make sense if the strongest of the species had the most residents, yes?" Hannako questioned with a wry grin plastered upon her cheeks. "There may be a lot of us..." the girl started, continuing to stare at the moon as she spoke, "But our species is dying out the quickest." she finished, her tone becoming rather serious. "Since we live in packs the infection spreads that much quicker, and will soon wipe us out. We can only rely on the loners to keep the species alive." she stated coldly, finally turning her head, allowing her bright gaze to greet the pair.

"It's a shame."
Kiyomi only listened to her. It must be a shame to see your own kind die out so quickly. She sighed, looking outside and watching the city roar past them as the train went along. "Then, if this passes, the loners will have to form a pack again to keep the species alive still, therefore taking away their character. Their wishes to be alone....quite the shame." She said, looking back over to the two wolves that were in front of her. It was odd....normally vampires and werewolves wanted no contact with each other.
"In life we don't get what we want." Hannako stated coldly, turning her burning gaze to look over at Kiyomi. She brushed her bangs out of her face to get a better look before finally she just shrugged her shoulders. The girl leaned back on her palms, staring back out toward the sky as the rhythmic clacking of the train tracks lulled her. A large gust of wind burst in through the train door, coming from the city. The air was tinged with the scent of blood and infection, which caused Hannako to wrinkle her nose slightly. "Fate is a cold-hearted bastard." she stated simply, bringing one knee up to her chest and allowing the other to dangle off the edge of the train.
Shunsuke had, to maybe everyone else's surprise, fallen asleep after recent events. He didn't seem it, but this guy was tired, and when he slept, he slept long and hard. He let out a small chortle in his sleep, sprawled out on his back. He no longer had his stop sign weapons, due to the fact that they were becoming rather dented and covered with infected blood. Shunsuke had very soft snores, sleeping like there wasn't any type of care in the world. Like he could just sleep whenever he wanted to or without any type of worry. This often made people very annoyed with him, seeing as there was a huge epidemic to the worlds most dominant species, be it humans or even demons. Shunsuke rolled onto his side, running his tongue over his sharp werewolf teeth and scratching behind his ear. It seemed almost what a dog would do in his sleep, but, without using his feet to scratch instead. His eyebrows narrowing and softening repeatedly, hair sprawled out in it's usual mess, with his thin jacket threw over his shoulder. Shunsuke stirred quiet a bit, ready to awaken. Popping open one emerald eye, he stretched out on his back to spurr out a growl like grunt. He laid up, starting to pop his joints and work out kinks, starting from his knuckles, to his shoulder, his neck and back. Entwining his fingers together and raising them over his head, he groaned again. Spotting his nearest allies, his broke broke into his traditional goofy grin and his tilted his head. "Mornin'! ... Is it morning?"
Kiyomi soon averted her attention from the girls, and looked at the male who was looking like he was about to awaken. Ahh...It was the boy who enticed her to come out the window. She watched him wake and roll around and stretch like there wasn't a care in the world. She wondered what it felt like to feel like that again. With a soft smile she shook her head. "Not even close. But it has been a few hours...Its probably two in the morning or something like that." She said. "So...Morning, I suppose." She chuckled, tilting her head to crack her neck.
Shunsuke raised an eyebrow at Kiyomi's soft smile. A few hours? Eh, he shrugged. Not a surprise. He wasn't a light sleeper, for sure. "What's that?" He asked, pointing at the vampire's smile in her face. He was joking, of course, he knew what a smile was, but he liked pointing it out to people who were usually stoic or more emotionless.
"Eh...?" She flared her nostrils and then raised a brow, wondering what on earth could he be pointing at. The blood on her shirt maybe? No...he was pointing too far up. Then she noticed and it made her smile even wider before she tried to hide it. "What? I can't smile every now and then? It might be my only chance, since we are on the train. Once we step off heaven knows that smile will enjoy it." She teased, though tried to sound serious and temperamental. She pulled her knees to her chest, hugging herself. "How on earth can you sleep? The infected could be anywhere..."
Hannako stretched herself out, twirling herself around to crack her spine. She let out a soft snicker towards Kiyomi and Shunsuke's conversation, before standing. The hours of the AM brought cold winds with them, but Hannako quite enjoyed it, even if she was chilled to the bone. Hannako perked up at Kiyomi's statement, shaking her head. "Oh tsk tsk, I could kill those infected in my sleep." she joked, allowing a toothy grin to spread across her cheeks. "Those idiots aren't the sneakiest, if you haven't noticed. You could hear them coming from a mile away."

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