Infamous: Repercussions

Mist Demon

A Broken Frame
[/Character Sheet\]

Name: (Your character's name, as well as any alias he goes by)

Age: (You're character's age)

Gender: (Male/Female)

Appearance: (What your character looks like. Pictures are fine.)

History: (What all has your character been through?)

Personality: (How does your character think/act?)

Inventory: (Whatever your character keeps on them)

Faction: (Who does your character work for? Optional of course)

Powers/Abilities: (What your Conduit character is capable of)

Goal: (What does your character strive for?)
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Shard and Null, I'm just doing what I had oringially, not much has changed

Name: Shard

Age: ???

Gender: Female

History: Always had a fascination with rocks and ores. Always loved to watch them glimmer in the light. Her family died in an accident after her powers came. She was angry and she screamed causing crystals to fly everywhere.

Inventory: unbreakable crystal sword

Faction: Co founder of Mind army

Alignment: Chaotic good


  • Can make very solid crystals out of the earth. Shard focuses long enough, they will eventually become harder than diamonds.
  • Can make swords or shield out of earth.
  • Can make crystal domes
  • can change transparency of crystals.
  • Can go into crystal form to protect herself (makes her almost invincible)
  • incredible defensive and healing abilities

Name: Null

Age: Unknown


Appearance (Images are Allowed): almost nothing is known about this man's appearance other than him often being seen with a suit. Due to his power, no one can describe his appearance.

History: all that is known about Null is that he is a master at chess, seems to have a endless amount of resources/money, and his main goal is trying to create world peace.

Personality:only works for himself. Will not hesitate to kill someone. Very prideful. Avoids direct confrontation for the most part. When he is directly confronted he tends to try and outsmart his opponent rather than using his powers immediately.

Inventory (Optional): can use his powers to disarm foes and call their sword/gun/other to him.

Faction (Optional): Mental Army



Mind wipe: this causes the target to forget anything that the user wishes. Null tends to use this to keep his identity secret.

AbsoluteObedience: causes the target to follow any command given to them by the user. This includes committing suicide, or fighting their best friend. This is Null's main power yet no one lives to tell about it because they usually die after witnessing it. There are limits to this power, the main drawback is that it requires eye contact to affect someone. It also must be used within 100 meters of the target. It can be reflected off mirrors, and it can go through any glass no matter how thick. This can affect beings other than humans. After being affected, the victim can go any distance to fulfill the order. (If null used this and told a guy to walk 150 m away from him, he would not stop at 100 meters.)

Will you hand me your weapon? Involves minor telekinesis and this ability disarms his opponents, and gives null their weapon.

In case this seems somewhat familiar, yes, I am referencing Lelouch from Code Geass. I thought it would be a interesting power to have.
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[/Character Sheet\]

Name: "The Demon" or "The Demon of the Mist" are both aliases Zabuza Momochi goes by.

Age: While he looks in the prime of his life, somewhere in his mid-twenties, he is actually only three years old. Despite this for all intents and purposes he seems to actually act and think like any twenty year old.

Gender: Male



History: When the blast occurred, the Demon was only a child still within his mother's womb. However his Advanced Cellular Regeneration power quickly speed up his aging massively. It was only days later he was born, killing his mother, and he never knew his father. From the very start he was forced to fend for himself, as his body rapidly aged. It was only weeks later that his body became grew to the prime of it's life and he stopped aging from there.

He would at one point eventually ally himself with the man named Shadow. The alliance was shaky and did not last long, as the two ended up betraying each other in the end. Felix, a conduit that had been murdered by Shadow and brought back by Zabuza as a backup plan, was then temporarily an ally to help fight against Shadow and his army.

However even this alliance was broken when the Demon sired Jacob, Dante, and then Xavier.

Personality: For the most part, the Demon is a cold and rather sadistic individual. However, on occasion he can still show plenty of human emotions and qualities.

Inventory: The Executioner's Blade is always strapped to his back, a massive blade who's origin is unknown. Zabuza does not speak of how or where he acquired the blade.


Faction: He is the leader of the Sires, as he sires conduits to create more and then is able to control them whether he gives the orders vocally or mentally.


  • Extreme Cellular Regeneration: His body is able to mend itself back together and heal itself at an unbelievable rate. This is what caused him to rapidly age to his prime and then no longer age. However, this also requires him to drink blood in order to keep it working.
  • Fangs: His mouth is filled with row after row of sharp deadly fangs that he uses to drain the blood of others.
  • Heightened Senses: All fives of the Demon's senses are extremely heightened to their max potential
  • Super Strength: A side effect of his Extreme Cellular Regeneration, the Demon is extremely strong despite not necessarily looking strong. This is how he's able to carry around such a massive blade and still use it so effectively.
  • Distorting Mist: He's able to create and form mist that is capable of massively distorting the senses of those within it, as well as any technology that is within the mist.
  • Siring: The Demon is able to sire anybody that he excessively fills with his blood. This gives them a weaker version of some of the Demon's powers, changes their eye color to Crimson, and puts them under his control.

Goal: The Demon wishes to take control of the planet from the hands of the Humans, in order to create a perfect utopia for all conduits.
Name: Sphinx/Sapphire. Known by many as The Sapphire Succubus.

Age: 19

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.654b0d972348143e9021c0c6afe60cf3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38061" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.654b0d972348143e9021c0c6afe60cf3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Except her skin is blue.

History: Sphinx doesn't remember much before the extreme pain of her shoulder blades being torn apart by wings and her skin becoming blue. What she does remember is that she was a preschool teacher. She was given a sapphire necklace. That's all that she remembers. A while ago, she joined the Freedom Fighters, who are somehow able to maintain Sapphire, her evil second personality, who seduces guys and kills them, then eats them.

Personality: Sphinx: Sphinx is a slightly shy girl. But she's a good person. She only wants everyone she loves to be happy at all costs and only wants to help people. She is very nice.

Sapphire: Sapphire is an evil whore. She seduces men and kills them for food. She loves seeing pain and loves humiliating Sphinx. She loves being the center of attention and is a bit of a trickster.

Inventory: she carries two katanas.

Faction: Freedom Fighters.


  • Seduction Powers
  • Strength
  • Speed
  • Flight

Goal: just wants a new world.



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Name: Felix Shane


Gender: Male

Appearance: He has brown hair that falls flat around his head. He has light blue eyes and darker white skin

History: Felix has... been through a lot since the blast. Rejected by society for being a conduit, and having accidentally killed his parents and sister when he lost control of his powers, he resided in a warehouse. He worked for a vigilante corps until one day he heard tell of a "demon in the mist" On DUP chat. He met a conduit named Jacob and together they tried to stop the demon. However, in a last ditch effort to save his friends, his power overloaded creating an evil clone of himself named Shadow. Shadow then killed him.

When Felix woke up, he was chained to the ceiling by the Demon, who had brought him back to life to be used as a bargaining chip against Shadow. He was later released, only to find out that Jacob had died, and his house was filled with strange conduits, who would later become the beginning of the FFA.

Since then, he has fought to protect innocents from the wrath of the Shadow Army and the Sires, both being led by someone he knows. Not much important has happened to him since, however at one point his emotions overloaded and he blacked out. When he woke up, he learned he had gone into a rage and killed over 200 people, a fourth of which were innocents. This will haunt him for the rest of his life.

The story opens with him and the FFA in an apartment waiting for Vlad to cool the heck down.

Personality: Felix is secretly a sad and confused boy. He hasn't had a father figure in 3 years, and has been killing for that long as well, though he prefers not to kill. He regrets many of the things that he's done, to a debilitating degree. However, her covers that up with a cheerful, joking side of himself that he usually lets have control. However, sometimes the veneer breaks.

Inventory: He used to keep his favorite book, but that was lost over time. Now all he has is a blade made out of shadows, and so much regret.

Faction: FFA

Powers/Abilities: Shadowmancy: Fight using shadows, make things out of shadows, temporarily become shadows. He can also take a person's emotions and make a clone out of them that is influenced by those emotions, but he very rarely does that. He calls it making a shadow, as the creature is a shadow of their former self.

Goal: Peace between Humans and Conduits

Name: Shadow

About a week, though he is about 17. Whichever you prefer.

Gender: Male

Appearance: Almost the same as Felix, but black hair and his eyes have black yokes and white irises.

History: One day, an overload of Felix's power caused him to be created, and he killed Felix. Driven by hate of everything, he began to plot domination, teaming up with the Demon himself. However, the demon later betrayed him and released his worst enemy... himself. Basically, Felix. Since then, he's learned how to make shadows of people. He's made Shadows of members of the FFA, formerly of course, and of Civilians.

He is making an army to take over the world. His numbers now add up to about 500 and counting.

Personality: He acts like Felix, but more sadistic. He takes pleasure out of causing pain, and loves to psychologically torment the members of the FFA, as well as the Sires. He is very analytical and intellectual like Felix, but he shows it much more in the pain he causes others. Unlike Felix, however, he is often serious and cynical.

Inventory: A shadow blade and lots of egotism

Faction: Shadow Army (leader)

Powers/Abilities: Same powers as Felix, however he uses the creating a shadow thing much, much more.

Goal: Total Domination (MUAHAHAHA)

Name: Maxwell Teller

35 (I can't remember his original age, so here you go.)

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has a chiseled chin and minor stubble. He has brown hair that spikes off to the side, and has dark white skin.

History: Max didn't ask for any of this: He worked with the DUP for awhile, tracking down conduits. He himself was a conduit, but he didn't know it. One day, he realized what he was doing was wrong (he never told anyone HOW he figured that out) And defected, keeping with him the DUP radios. Later he raided the First Sons tech vault and stole nanobots which he uses as his primary weapon.

One night he was searching for the demon and stumbled across Jacob, and the rest is history. He got sucked up into all the chaos, and has been trying to keep everyone together since. One thing special about him is he is the last surviving person to get a Shadow taken and live (He doesn't count Jacob as still alive.) His shadow is Nil, and strangely they are both Allied with a mysterious man named Null, who he hasn't seen in awhile.

Personality: Max is often serious, but he enjoys a good laugh here and there. One thing about him that he never thought would be important is his sexuality. As he is homosexual, he is immune to Sapphire's seductive powers, and is usually tasked with keeping guards when she's out. Something that being in the FFA brought out was his paternal instincts. He has never had a kid, but always wanted one, and has become like a father in his eyes to Felix and Shard, trying to make sure they are happy. He fails at this, but he tries as best he can.

Inventory: Nanobots and a DUP radio.

Faction: FFA

Powers/Abilities: He has all passive powers. Increased reflexes, strength, senses, you know the drill.

Goal: Peace. Just... peace.

And last but not least:

Name: Nil

About a week, or 35, whichever you prefer.

Gender: Male

Appearance: Same as Max.

History: Once he was a shadow of Max, but during a fight he was set free by Shadow. At the beginning he served Shadow as almost a slave, but as he became his own person, while he still loyally served Shadow, he began to think and feel. Mostly he went around killing reapers and taking their weapons for the army. Once the numbers got big enough, he started training the soldiers.

Eventually he became friends with a conduit named Hayabusa. He lied in order to get Hayabusa to join them, but he soon found the truth and left. Nil felt something strange that day: sadness. Other than that, he helps shadow and has vowed to create a world of shadows.

Personality: Nil is the opposite of Max. Nil likes to bounce around, move, and crack jokes. In fact, he's more like Felix than Max.

Inventory: A pistol and katana... just incase

Faction: Shadow Army

Powers/Abilities: He has no powers, and nothing special... not yet anyways.

Goal: He strives to serve Shadow and create a world governed by him.
Name: Xavier Callaghan

Age: 22

Gender: Male


Xavier has blond hair and blue eyes, and wears a blue collared, buttoned shirt(like the one above), and jeans, usually. He is never seen without a laptop and other devices, and always has an umbrella handy. He also puts on a scarf and a pea coat when it gets cold.


Xavier was a gamer, and coder, before the explosion that rocked the world around him. Due to his refusal to accept his becoming of a conduit, he kept it a secret, until his father joined the Militia. He proceeded to run away, out of fear, but before he left the district, a shootout occurred between the Militia and the Mercenaries, where he watched his father die.

After that, he jumped around from district to district, and had found solace from the Unification district, stealing food and water rations and bypassing securities with his power. He spent his time practicing parkour on rooftops, seeking electricity to charge his devices, or people-watching. Unfortunately, he did not spend a lot of time around people, and failed to pick up word quickly on any upcoming shootouts, events, or news, since he did not stick around long enough to learn it, and simply, did not care enough.

At present however, he has been sired by Zabuza, and has joined in on the conflict between Zabuza, Shadow, and Felix.

Personality: Xavier enjoys technology and gaming, and can often be found on his laptop(my precious). In fact, he was on his way to grad school for a computer science degree, before the explosion. Despite his normally cheerful and playful attitude, he has several regrets, predominantly his distance from his father(his only family since the divorce when he was 8). He can be easily embarrassed, flustered, or angered. He was, initially, satisfied with being alone after his father's death, but began to grow lonely, and sought company in Zabuza, the conduit he had watched, and joined. Despite his grudge against Zabuza for siring him, he is beginning to warm up to Zabuza's gang. He is not fond of being a conduit, but is glad, at the very least, that it has helped him out of tight spots, and has proved useful.


  • Laptop
  • Samsung Smartphone
  • Umbrella
  • Knapsack(Contains jacket scarf, and a water bottle)

Faction: He's one of Zabuza's sires.


Code(similar to video)

Xavier has shown the ability to execute commands using code from his devices, which is why he can bypass the technologically advanced securities of the DUP and the First Sons. Despite the inadaptibility of his power, he can still be strong in combat by conjuring walls of polygons and firing pixelated volleys from his phone. His power can only affect devices in his sight, and his code can only control inanimate objects to a crude extent, and is not at strong at manipulating matter as their respective conduits. His power is also reliant on the charge of his devices, and is powerless when they run out of battery, or are destroyed.

Other (Optional):

Xavier has a weaker physique, and can easily lose when it becomes a battle of physical strength and endurance.

Xavier is currently debating about his sexual orientations and can be seen talking to himself on rooftops sometimes.

Goal: To find a group, have some adventure, play some games, restore the internet.
Name: Vladimir Tepes

Age. 26

Gender: Male


History: Vladimir grew up in a very hateful household with grieving and pain. When he was young, his mother died and his father found only one solution to the problem. Women and alcohol. His father would come gone with different women every night always drunk. When they awoke, his father would beat him. Vlad dealt with that for years. He had no friends in school and wasn't good at anything except for being quiet and reserved. Until his sophomore year in high school, he came home late because he didnt want to go home. His father was waiting for him and when Vlad entered his house, his father attacked him. Vlad didnt know what to do do he ran away mere seconds before a blast came from the center of the city. That's all that Vlad remembers. Well all that he tells anyone. No one knows if that is even true. He had joined the Freedom Fighters for some time to live somewhere but he quickly outwitted them and took over their home. He now is trying to take over the world to let him better society.

Personality: Vlad is a incredibly intelligent man who thinks 500 steps ahead of everyone else. He has perfect strategies and finds a way to get what he wants. He also acts like a child sometimes to trick others.

Faction: The Vlad-pires

Inventory: None

Powers: Hemokinesis. No controlling others. No death inducement. No making blood. Has to draw blood from someone to control it. Vampire Physiology. He looks like that ^ but his nails are super sharp and his eyes are crimson. He is incredibly strong and fast.

Goal: Better society with him on top.

Name: Dante Magmus

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-29_21-44-6.jpeg.9543657bdc09a567c7380ac3d92dde62.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38065" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-29_21-44-6.jpeg.9543657bdc09a567c7380ac3d92dde62.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: He lost his memory when he died and was sired. ((I'm too lazy to type a lot right now so... Do I even have to? :P ))

Personality: He's an asshole that does whatever the f*ck he wants. He doesn't care if it's just or not, but unfortunately he does like Zabuza and obeys him... Because he has to...

Inventory: Switchblade.

Faction: The Sired

Powers/Abilities: Lavakinesis. He can control earth and fire as well as being able to mix the two to make, lava! :D

Goal: To make his master happy. :D


Name: Shadow Dante

Age: Few hours

Gender: Male

Appearance: Same as Dante

History: He was stolen from Dante and when he awoke in Shadow's office, he rampaged and left, killing anyone that crossed his path.

Personality: Same as Dante, but he is aggressive.. Really aggressive.

Inventory: -

Faction: Himself

Powers/Abilities: Lavakinesis as well as being extra strong due to the Shadow-ified thing. Not sure what it's called.

Goal: He doesn't know. He just does what he wants.



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Jacob Smith








Jacob was a normal child at birth until his 16 birthday. A month after he received his drivers permit, Jacobs friends convinced him to go with them for a night on the town. He tried to give them multiple excuses to exclude him from they're plans, but they relentless and he eventually joined him. That night, they were victim to a horrible accident. Jacob was driving down the road when the two in the backseat got into a fuss. He turned around to break them up and when he turned back to face the road, he was blinded by a flash of light. That was he last thing he remembered before he awoke in the wreckage. He saw people that were either dying or dead, the charred remains of those who died in the explosion. Then... he saw his friends. Looks of horrors frozen on their face. He began to cry but he fought to keep his thoughts on survival. Nothing on his body hurt but he didn't want o take the chance of hurting himself. He gingerly rose up .As soon as he stood, he was lost in a sea of smoke. Smoke was forcing itself down his throat, seeping into his eyes and up his nostrils. When it all ended he fell onto his knees and was nearly begging for mercy. He didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, figures burst through the clouds of smoke. The paramedics had been alerted of the wreck and were surprised to see that someone had survived. Jacob was held in the hospital for two weeks before the nurses and doctors were absolutely sure he was okay. When he was released he was rushed home by his parents and interrogated. They wouldn't stop asking questions but they let him loose after five minutes. He then immediately went to his computer and began to research what had happened to him while he was in the wreckage. He was close to concluding it to being a figment of his imagination until he found a Wikipedia document describing a man named Cole McGrath. The same thing that had happened to him...... Had happened to this Cole character. He laid back in his seat and took in the situation. That was three years ago.....

Three Years Later

Jacob now stands on a rooftop, staring down at a city in peril. Bodies lie everywhere. People get gunned down, becoming limp, lifeless corpses. The ones that try to fight back are beaten and abused. Before they die they say their prayers, and then their world fades to black. Jacob becomes tired of looking and jumps from his perch on the roof, landing on a man close to killing a women. The man struggles to get Jacob of him but Jacob grabs his face and drowns his cries and shouts to his comrades with smoke. Not enough to kill him. Just to incapacitate him. He turns to his stunned friends who's expressions change to stunned panic to blind rage. This is Jacobs first year in New York and he has already made a huge impact on the local gangs. But not enough. He planned on saving as many people as possible before he died. New York.... was just his first stop. However, he didn't get far with his plans before his friend, his only friend, killed him. He awoke in a dark room, a figure staring at him from the shadows. It turned out to be Zabuza, who had broughthim back to life, only to turn him into the first solider in his army. Since then, Jacob has reluctantly obeyed everyone one of Zabuza's orders. But something is begining to seem different about him.


Serious at times, although he is extremely friendly.






The Sired


Lawful Good


Smoke Manipulation: Jacob has the ability to manipulate most sources of smoke and can even store it inside of himself for later use. He can also turn into a ball of smoke for quick transport (of himself or others.).

Other: Jacob has trust issues.


To kill Zabuza once he regains his freedom. No matter the cost.


Name: Victor 'Bloodshed' McGrath








A normal child before the blast, Victor's life was filled with amazement. His parents treated him with love and compassion and were always trying to keep him happy. Then the blast happened. During that time Victor and his parents had been oblivious to what was going on around them. Weeks after the blast, Victor had woken up in a sea of his parents blood. He suddenly felt a sudden wave of hunger wash over him. It was strange though. As if he didn't want anything other than the flesh of those around him. He ran out of his house and pounced into the first he saw, digging his teeth into their throat. After that, he discovered his powers in a battle with another conduit. He decided that instead of being a good do-er, he would use them for his own nefarious reasons. Soon, The First Son's followed his trail of carnage, enlisting him as one of their soldiers and test subjects. He worked as a soldier for awhile, rising through ranks, before he became the leader of The First Son's.


At times Victor can be quite friendly at times, although he can turn into a cold-blooded killer at times.


Director of The First Son's


IPhone, Calling Card (For his own purposes), Dagger.

Faction:The First Son's

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Powers/Abilities: Bone Manipulation: Due to the blast Victor can cause his bone's to soften and become malleable, offering the possibility of many new shapes and forms for them. However, the bigger the object the more pain it causes to Victor.

Healing Factor: Whenever Victor eat's flesh or stay's out of combat, his body automatically heals itself.

Other: Victor prefers the taste of flesh more than blood.


To find, torture, and MAYBE kill Zabuza. Also, to spread the control of The First Son's.





I was born in a test tube with no way to tell the days from the nights. Unknown.


Male. That, I know.

Appearance (Images are Allowed):



I don't remember much... I know that I lived in a large tube filled with water most of my life. I assumed that is where I was born for a point in time but was later proved wrong . One day my master set me free and 'disciplined' me. After that, I was made search for conduits and capture them. But mostly, I was used to eliminate the stronger ones. There was one woman.. A scientist I think. She was extremely nice. I hate to admit it, but for a year we dated. Enough of my personal life. Soon, my masters made a terrible mistake. They let me loose on New York and lost control of me. I had found a safe way to extract the GPS chip that lay embedded into my skull. Ever since then, the DUP has been searching for me. And I have eluded them ever since. Imbeciles. I recently met up with a group of heroes. I have decided to stay with them... for now. Hopefull their smarter than Shadow when it comes to lying to me.


I assume I'm quiet tolerable, nice even, when I'm in a good mood. However, I become enraged if insulted.

Occupation (Optional):

I don't have one.

Inventory (Optional):

A katana I received for combat, an earpiece, two shurikens and kunai.

Faction (Optional):

I once belonged to the DUP as an one man Elimination Unit. Two days ago, I was tricked into working with Shadow before learning he had lied to me about pretty much everything. I then met the group that Shadow proclaimed as 'dangerous'. So, I guess them

Alignment (Optional):



I am a master of illusion. I use my abilities to fool a person's optical sense's. I was also trained to focus my body on one attribute, be that agility, strength, or perception, I have a strong will power, and my final ability is something I call Natural Sight. It allows me to see through anything, be that a blizzard or intense fog, like it wasn't even there.

Other (Optional):

People say I am easy to manipulate, but I disagree. I also HATE being lied to.


To stay alive.
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Name: Three

Age: A week

Gender: Female

Appearance:She has brown hair with white skin. Chocolate brown eyes. She is tall compared to most women, but not that much bigger. Average weight. She is often considered to be pretty, but as stated before she doesn’t like that being mentioned.

History:Before she turned, her name was [Redacted]. She worked as a [Redacted] at a sandwhich shop. Once she learned her powers, she used them to try and destroy the DUP. After a particularly large fight, she was injured and tired. She attempted to walk back home, before she was grabbed by a shadowy man in an alleyway and killed.

Personality:Three is very serious, disciplined, and loyal. She respects Shadow and will take anything he says, but anyone else is fair game. She can be violent, and is very skilled with weaponry. She also takes compliments about her abilities, but loaths when someone compliments he appearance, as she feels like that is a distraction.

Inventory:A sword, machine gun, and water canisters

Faction: Shadows

Powers/Abilities: Hydrokinesis.

Goal: Serving Shadow

James Carter






James has brown hair with light blue eyes. He is usually seen wearing blue Denim jean's and a red hood.


James grew up in a normal household. He went to the same high school as Sphinx and was nearly in all her classes. When ever he was down, Sphinx was always there to cheer him up. They were the greatest of friends, but James always thought they were perfect together. So, on the day before prom, James declared his love for Sphinx by asking her to prom and she gladly accepted. After that, they were always seen together. Even after high school, they still stayed together. James even dropped by the preschool Sphinx worked at. Then the blast happened. Everyone around him turned into 'freaks' as he used to call them. He soon discovered his powers when a conduit tried to kill him. He began to run at lighting speed, leaving a blue streak behind him. For awhile, everyone that saw him called him Sonic. Although the name ignored him, he didn't care. All he wanted was to find his beloved Sphinx, and nothing was gonna stop him.


James is a loving, caring person and always tries to keep his calm. James doesn't seem like it, but he's a comical kind of person. He's always willing to meet new people, and if he doesn't like them, which is a rare event, he'll cover it up with more kindness.







Lightning Speed-

James has the ability to ran faster than any human or conduit he knows, leaving only a blue blur in his trail. However, the blur itself fades away after awhile.


To find Sphinx.
Name: (Your character's name, as well as any alias he goes by)

Brian North

Age: (You're character's age)


Gender: (Male/Female)


Appearance: (What your character looks like. Pictures are fine.)


History: (What all has your character been through?)

Brian had a fairly normal life. He went to university in New York(?) and generally got high grades. When the plague struck, Brian sealed himself in his room with only food, water, and his phone. Brian was doomed to watch the city decay as the plague ate away at the population. When it was finally safe to go outside, Brian went back to his normal life, for the most part. However, one night he was being mugged by a random thug. All the nearby windows suddenly burst, and the thug ran. Brian has been hiding from D.U.P. , hoping they don't find him.

Personality: (How does your character think/act?)

Brian is extroverted, intuitive, intellectual, and perceptive

Inventory: (Whatever your character keeps on them)

Android Phone, Taser

Faction: (Who does your character work for? Optional of course)

None (currently)

Powers/Abilities: (What your Conduit character is capable of)

Brian can manipulate glass to take and shape and propel it toward people or objects. In addition, Brian can create a shield around himself out of glass.

Goal: (What does your character strive for?)

Right now, Brian just wants to live normally.
Name: Lee Sin, The Blind Monk

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.66516216265c61d7cf7c6260832ec20d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.66516216265c61d7cf7c6260832ec20d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Lee was a monk in a Shaolin Temple and he excelled in Kung Fu. He wasn't very known around the temple other than being a very good fighter. He was moved to America because he had "disgraced the Shaolin Way". He refuses to even think about what happened and he never someone asks him what happened he says "I was young and stupid." He had moved to America weeks before the blast and loved on the streets trying to redeem himself from disgracing the Shaolin Way.

Personality: Very monk like. He is righteous and always willing to help out. He is a very friendly and easy to get to know kind of guy. He loves to sacrifice for others less fortunate than himself and will fight people who deserve it only.

Inventory: His blindfolds and the tape on his hands and wrists. And his pants...

Faction: FFA

Powers/Abilities: Precognition and sound manipulation. He is able to see the immediate future when fighting giving him the ability to block or counter any attack coming at him from any direction. He can enhance sound waves to make things louder, or he can make something completely silent by making the sound waves stop. He can also enhance the sound pressure so much that he can actually make physical waves that can damage people or things. He can also shoot balls of sound. (Hehe "balls"). He can also use echolocation.

Goal: Redemption.

Other: Lee was born blind and he has enhanced senses other than sight obviously.



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Name: (Your character's name, as well as any alias he goes by)

Name unknown.

Goes by Slade

Age: (You're character's age)


Gender: (Male/Female)


Appearance: (What your character looks like. Pictures are fine.)


History: no one knows anything about slade other than he's recently arrived and been taking out members of any faction without warning.

Personality: He's cold, dark, ruthless, and possibly a psychopath.

Inventory: (Whatever your character keeps on them) A multitude of arm length blades throughout his clothing.

Faction: (Who does your character work for? Optional of course)none

Powers/Abilities: (What your Conduit character is capable of)

  • Black Pyrokinesis
  • Enhanced capabilities (strength, speed, senses, etc)
  • Organic absorption, he can absorb organic tissue to fuel himself.
  • Advanced cellular regrowth
  • Ocular teleportation, he can teleport anywhere within five feet of someone if eye contact is made.

Goal: (What does your character strive for?) Unknown

Remember this guy from evilboos RP?
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Name: (Your character's name, as well as any alias he goes by)

Blake Eugene Fisher

Age: (You're character's age)


Gender: (Male/Female)


Appearance: (What your character looks like. Pictures are fine.)


History: (What all has your character been through?)

Blake's parents were extremely abusive to him as a child. It wasn't because they were alcoholics, or because they blamed all their problem's on him. It was because they loved to hurt him more than anything. At night, they would tie him up to their 'Wheel-O-Fun' and beat him with a whip. When the blast happened, Blake's wildest dreams came true. He was given enough power to finally get revenge against all those who wronged him. Every day when his parents left to go to work, Blake would sneak out of his home and practice. One night, his parents attempted to tie him to their wheel but he revolted. That day, the day that Blake fought back, was the day that his parents were the ones hiding in the corner, begging for mercy. That day,,,,, Blake snapped.

Personality: (How does your character think/act?)

Blake is a sadistic, broken teen that shows no remorse for what he does. At times, Blake will act like a sweet innocent child to get what he wants or to get close to someone before he kills them. Blake's personality also worsens when anyone ask's about his parent's or mention's them. However, there qre times when Blake has to draw the line.

Inventory: (Whatever your character keeps on them)

-Assault Rifle


-MP3 player


Faction: (Who does your character work for? Optional of course)


Powers/Abilities: (What your Conduit character is capable of)

Masonry- Blake can control concrete, wood, and other objects that can be used to make houses. While some conduit's that use this ability can use unlimited resources, but Blake is limited to wood, concrete, and most metals. Sometimes, if Blake focuses long enough, he can control the very foundation of a building, causing it to tumble over.

Goal: (What does your character strive for?)

The death of anyone who wrongs him.
Name: Joseph Pendragon

Aliases: Wraith

Age: 34, though his aging process is virtually arrested now (Meaning he possesses eternal life)

Gender: Male


Joseph is a rather handsome individual, with an athletic-muscled physique from much training since his youth, as well as slightly pale skin. He stands at 6'2, and weighs 206 lbs. His hair is mahogany brown. He has distinctively gray-colored eyes, described as possessing little to no warmth in them. In public, one can generally see him wearing business suits. His uniform, when out doing work for the First Sons, is shown below. The mask has a few technological components do to being crafted in one of their laboratories, such as a special sort of vision that enables it to detect surrounding people through walls, as well as has an HUD that can be used to scan objects or people when need be.

History: Joseph was born and raised by a fairly wealthy family in the Big Apple. From his youth, he had quite the interest in technology, and how it can be used for the enhancement of human kind. At some point of his life, when he was an adult, Joseph seemingly 'went off the grid', disappearing for quite a while. During this period of time, Joseph had apparently been recruited into the First Sons for his already extensive knowledge of science. He was present in the creation of the device that would one day trigger the blast. When the blast finally went off, he was gifted with the ability of Self-Particle manipulation. His new assignment being observing the conduits activated by the blast, learning about their abilities, and sending reports of the actions of the new organizations rising in the aftermath of the blast. As well, he aids in kidnapping certain conduits that have been selectively chosen. Going by the codename 'Wraith', using his training and intelligence, he also goes after Anti-Conduit extremist, eliminating those that oppose the expansion of Conduits.

Personality: In the past, Joseph has been called a plethora of things because of his rather distinctive personality, traits, and behavior around others. A visionary, a mastermind, a murderer… there is no doubt that he is indeed each of these things, and much more. His intelligence and cunning has enabled him to accomplish a plethora of tasks in the past. Joseph, in general, seems to maintain characteristically composed and superior demeanor, tinted with slight unpredictability at times. He has proven to be fairly charismatic when he needs to be, and possess a snarky sense of humor. When it comes to a lot of things, he can be pretty outspoken, to the point of being as blunt. One of his most distinctive traits is his sociopathic edge, even amongst those few that he considers allies, to an extent. He will manipulate others without fail, if it works in his favor. He would not hesitate to kill a possible ally if it reaps some sort of benefit, and has even admitted to making contingencies for those he views as a potential enemy. His great understanding of technology and intellect is perhaps the main thing that got him recruited into the First Sons...


  • First-Sons Armored Uniform
  • Dual Ninjatos
  • Compound Bow (Multiple types of arrows)
  • Dual Pistols

Faction: The First Sons


  • Self-Particle Manipulation: Though this ability is only in its beginning stage, Joseph posses the ability to manipulate his own particles. So far, this ability has granted him greatly enhanced physical speed, to an unknown extent. When utilizing this ability, his eyes become scarlet, and he appears to be surrounded by red streaks, similar to electricity. He seems to have some degree of control over the streaks, and can instead make himself appear to be a blur if he wants to. He possesses an enhanced metabolism as well, as to not burn himself out while using this power. However, this ability stills drains him of stamina, and takes a while to recharge. This is one of the reasons he wears his armor, to restrict the extent that he an use his abilities.
  • Eternal Life: When the blast detonated, another ability granted to him was eternal life. This means that he is currently frozen at his current age, and does not have to worry about becoming elderly.

Goal: To gain an even greater understanding of conduits, and to spread the influence of the First Sons. As well, he wishes to begin producing more of the devices that were used to trigger the blast, and start detonating them in other cities. The world alone cannot be trusted to handle the emergence of conduits, thus, it is up to the First Sons to maintain stability... even at the cost of many lives.

Alignment: Lawful Evil
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Name:Fred Saerson



Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/anime5.jpg.ccf87288c6e7a10099b6aa67025438f2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38600" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/anime5.jpg.ccf87288c6e7a10099b6aa67025438f2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History:Fred is dedicated to the reapers and will do anything for the reapers was orphaned after getting the powers and the reapers saved him so he will do anything for the reapers was once captured by the DUP and escaped and found out that most of the reapers were dead so now he holds a grudge against the DUP

Personality:Acts funny infront of his friends and gets serious very easily blames the DUP for everything and gets angry easily and doesnt smile at all

Inventory:His fathers ring,A phone,A gun

Faction:The Reapers

Powers/Abilities:Can play with anyones mind in anyway can input new memories too

Goal:Destroy the DUP and Avenge all the dead reapers



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[/Character Sheet\]

Name: Akumu Kyofu

Titles: Nightmare Sorcerer, Terror Conduit, Reaper Messiah (Not the literal faction)

Age: ???

Gender: Male



History: No one really knows what Akumu was before the blast, or even if Akumu was his real name (Which it wasn't). He himself seems to possess no memory of his life before the blast, and only cares about what his actions will do to affect the present. Thus far, it seems that he has been on quite the killing spree, particularly throughout the neon district. Some speculate that he was a member of the Reapers, before they were all taken out by some unknown force, of course. However, if you ask him, he would more than likely say that he merely exist to aid along the utter mayhem that the blast had created...

Personality: From several encounters and stories of him, Akumu has been described as a homicidal maniac, with a mad belief of the supposed 'natural order' of things. His twisted beliefs and philosophies not his only distinctive traits. His enjoyment of using mental assaults and great proficiency at instilling terror in others is highly peculiar. Like many other conduits, he possesses a severe hatred of factions such as the Militia or the DUP, for different reasons, however. He believes them to be holding the world back from its better purpose, and that conduits were meant to flourish. He possesses a complete disregard for those he must kill or harm to achieve his goals. His sadistic characteristics and chaotic ideals are what makes him quite a threat.

Inventory: Lantern, Athame

Faction: Rogue


  • Conduit Physiology: As a conduit, Akumu is naturally slightly stronger, faster, and more durable then the average human. One can't go as far as to call him superhuman or metahuman, however.
  • Illusion Manipulation: His only ability, the Nightmare Sorcerer possesses the power of manipulating illusions, a power that certainly goes well with his personality. With it, he not only has the ability to create illusions that himself and others can see, but he can go as far as to plant illusions in the minds of others if need be. One of his main ways of killing is overloading one's mind with illusions, such as literally scaring people to death with illusions. He can even drive one insane. However, the main drawback to this ability is with enough focus or willpower, one can block the illusions from their mind, and even see through the illusions he might create around himself.


Goal: Chaos. That is the basis of Akumu's philosophy. That conduits were en evolutionary jump, symbolizing how government organizations restricting this 'new age' will be torn down, and that he himself is the messiah that will give way to this chaos. In his mind, a world of chaos is a free world, a better world, a better age for all within it.
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Reposted. Edits wouldn't show up.

Name: Avalon

Age: unknown

Gender: male


without the soard

History: Before the blast Avalon was named Jake Haron. He was a standard officer of the NYPD, one of New York's finest. On that day he was patrolling the street where it happened. The blast threw him through three buildings and he was found afterward in a coma.

He has just recently returned from his coma. He finds himself disgusted with New York's current state and seeking to aid in anything to improve it for everyone.

Personality: Avalon holds tightly to his ideals of good and evil and seeks to make sure justice remains possible in this world.

Inventory: n/a

Faction: FFA

Powers/Abilities: Light manipulation.

Goal: To make sure New York and the world becomes a place where all can live equally.
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Name: Daniel Smith

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Appearance: White hair that is spiked up on the top, bright blue eyes, pale white skin

History: Once the blast hit, Daniel didn't understand his powers. In fact, for a while he didn't even know he had any. He would just feel random breezes hitting him and other people, often very strong. However, they became more and more powerful. Workplace items blown away in his office, people being thrown around by gusts of wind. After he ended up blowing people off a high balcony when he lost control, he realized his powers. Since then, he wants to find a way to help people, to redeem all the chaos he's caused (which is much more in his head than it really is.)

Personality: Daniel is shy, and often feels bad about his powers, since they aren't as strong as most other conduits. However, he is a gentle soul and wishes to help the good people of the earth. He is also very nervous, and freaks out about undeserving things.

Inventory: A ball and a bag... he doesn't know why either.


Powers/Abilities:Aerokineses (Yes, I realize this guy isn't strong, but that's what I'm going for: to show not all conduits are powerful)

Goal: To help people
[/Character Sheet\]

Name: Scarlet Aminda Katastrofa, goes by Kat due to her necklace printed with "Katastrofa"

Age: 24

Gender: Female



History: Scarlet lived as an only child with her father raising her. Him being the black sheep of the family, from moving to America (New York no less), made it so that she had no connections with the rest of her family. When she was ten she received a few letters from her cousins, that was all she had of their existence. Scarlet's father was never home, working so many jobs to support them it wasn't exactly an option for him. She became isolated from the world, even in her school being neither popular nor bullied. By high school she started getting more attention due to her beauty. At this time all her bottled up emotions and years of isolation lead her down a hopeless path, with 'a bad crowd'.

It wasn't clear if she was doing it out of teen angst or any other real reason. But she basically went the whole nine yards of bad things to do. Drugs, dropping out of school, sex with practical strangers, theft and other violences. She never really liked any of it, going through the motions but it was just like in the rest of her life. Lucky for her she never managed to get addicted to any heavy drugs, they felt emptying for her. More than anything she got addicted to sleeping pills.

During the time Scarlet became pregnant twice during this, both times she panic and did nothing. But both of them miscarried, she died a little more both times. Only aggravating her depression.

By nineteen Scarlet so badly wanted to get out of what she was in, but didn't know how. Nowhere to go, no one to turn to. At that point she hadn't seen her father in two years and she couldn't bring herself to turn back to him. Scarlet managed to get a job at the library, and a shit apartment.

After a few months of living on her own, hardly scraping by and managing to evade her old 'friends', she met a man. Jake Haron. The best man she had ever met. Scarlet loved him, and surprising to her, he loved her back. The relationship moved in an odd fast pace, they two moved into his house after only 4 months. Scarlet found it amazing that Jake managed to deal with all her little quirks. How she triple checked that all the windows and doors were shut and locked each night, how she seemed so sweet and sensitive cooing at babies and puppies but things that would make most people cringe would fail to affect her, how she had a bottle of sleeping pills on her nightstand but never touched them, even how she couldn't be startled because just a surprise hug from behind could cause her to go ballistic. He put up with everything, even not prying into her mysterious past. Though she could tell he was curious.

Scarlet and Jake were perfect for one another. It didn't take a second thought when he asked her to marry him.

But on that day the two of them, and everyone in New York, was quite unlucky. A blast hitting many. She lived through it, but with a complete memory wipe. She tries hard to get her memory back while also trying to survive.

Personality: Scarlet is a quiet loner, she cares for other people but it is hard to come out of her shell. Scarlet is selfless, and while having a complete memory wipe with nothing to loss she wouldn't mind sacrificing herself for someone else.

Inventory: A nearly full water bottle, half a pack of cigarettes, and a ring from the proposal that is the only link to her past.

Faction: N/A

Powers/Abilities: Shape shifting (You're welcome Soard, or whatever your user is on this site.)

Goal: Regaining her memory, and basic survival.
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Name: Dax Phanton

Age: 15

Gender: Male


other eye is a turquoise blue

History: Before he got his powers, Dax was a normal, but shy high school student. he had a couple of friends, minimal relationships, and even joined a couple of clubs, but when the blast hit, he tried to retain his humanity but he fell apart. He didn't know what to do with his powers. He ended up unintentionally killing people with their own dreams. He later dispelled all fear from his body and defeated his own nightmares where they stood. He currently wanders the city to find a purpose that he can use his new powers to achieve.

Personality: Dax is a neutral guy who is silent most of the time, and only speaks when necessary. He can be very intellectual and comical at times, but maintains a strong, fearful matter how many times anyone tries, his will cannot be broken.


  • pillow(for sleeping of course. Dreamers gotta dream too.)
  • headphones
  • phone
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    one of his skills involves martial arts. he wears these gauntlets in combat sometimes.

Faction: Dax is a neutral guy who doesn't really have a preference on good or bad as long as he gets a thrill out of it, therefore, he joins any faction he chooses.

Powers/Abilities: Dreamscaping( dream manipulation) All bulleted powers are a part of dreamscaping. Dax's power allows him to go into other peoples dreams while they're sleeping and control them. He can also take their nightmares and make them into a living reality by choice. Also, if he kills you in your dream, you die in real life. If he dies in someone's dream, he also dies in real life.

  • Subconsious manifestation- Takes your dreams/ nightmares and makes them come alive.(he control this decision in case someone dreams about the apocalypse or something lol.) also called reality warping.
  • if Dax is touched while he is in somebody's dream, the person who touched him is also transported into the dream.
  • Dreamscape walking - Dax can go into any dream or nightmare as long as the person if sleeping. He cannot control daydreams or the person's dreams if they are awake.
  • When Dax sees a person's nightmare or dream, he can only use it against that same person, no one else. But when he uses it, he is in absolute control of his dreams.

Goal: Fun! I love battling, even if people say I'm a bit crazy for that.
Name: He lacks a name of his own now and simply goes by who he looks like. But he tends to go by shift when not working.

Age: 19

Gender: (Male


He looks how he prefers. But while not working this has become a favorite.


History: Before the blast he was a street rat. A messenger, just a nobody. Addicted to drugs, lost cause, soon to be dead. When the blast hit that all changed. He went from a street urchin to one of the richest men in New York. He has multiple criminal and government contacts.

Personality: He acts as he needs. His power gives him the ability to read a person's emotional state (not mind) and act in the most compatible way.

Inventory:The only permanent thing is his cigarettes.

Faction: All and None.


shape shifting

empathic reading

Heightened physical condition.

Heightened senses.

Increase regeneration (weaker then the demons)

Goal: Survival.
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Flux Rand

"Flux Rand. I know, stupid. Stop laughing."



"18. Don't even think about it, you freak.



"100% Female. Why?"


Flux wears three brass rings on each arm, a black belly shirt that gives a perfect view of her cleavage, black biker boots, and pair of tight black pants. The rings, however, aren't just an accessory. can use her powers to gather heat and store it in the rings, for use as a weapon of sorts, as a heat source, or even a light source if enough heat is stored in them.

"I wear what I wear how I wanna wear it. And I gotta say, I rock what I wear."


Flux had a normal life before the blast and it hasn't changed much, with the exception of her powers. Flux's parents weren't around much, leaving her alone for most situations. Either way, Flux wasn't home much either, mostly going out to parties and such with her friends. One day, Flux's parents never came home. She quickly found out that her parents had skipped town and left Flux on her own. Being the girl that she was, his didn't bother her. At the age of 15, she found a job as a waitress at a nearby diner and worked there for about two years before she was fired. They supposedly caught her breaking into the diner one night. Afterwards, she didn't know what to do. Then the Blast happened. In her small town on the coast, they didn't have many connections to the outside world so the sight of Corrupted and Conduits was shocking to them. Flux joined a group of protesters, asking for the military to flush the conduits out. She was completely shocked to know that she had the Conduit Gene. The D.U.P rushed into the town three days after the military's failed attempts to contain the situation. Flux locked her self in her home, which was above a gas station, and cried. When the D.U.P broke down her door she climbed out the window and onto to the stairs to see that three D.U.P transport vehicles were blocking the entrance to her home. She freaked out an accidentally blew up a gas pump, setting off a chain reaction that lead to her waking up unconscious in an alley way. She quickly climbed to her feet, grabbed some new clothes and started to run. She caught a plane to New York, where she's been living ever since.

"Sad story, boo hoo, I don't like to talk about it."


Flux is a rebellious young girl with an attitude problem, mostly leading to her starting a fight with most people she meets. She hates to be by herself and loves to be the center of attention. She is quickly able to adapt to most situations and most people. Flux also is quite seductive, mostly coming on to girls giving any guys around her hints of her sexuality. Anyone who makes a wrong move against her better get ready for a boot to where the sun don't shine. She also has a very short fuse and anything that anyone says to her might provoke her.

"What are you staring at? My face is up here you-"





-Duffel Bag

-A fresh supply of clothes


-Art Supplies (Pencils, Pens, Colored Pencils, etc.



"What can I say. I don't like to be held down by a group."


Pyrokinesis- Flux has the ability to create and control any fire around her and, unlike most fire controlling Conduits, Flux can control heat and contain it in ONLY in the brass rings on her arms. Also, the heat from her rings won't burn her and the fire that she controls can't hurt her either.

"Burn, bitch, burn!"

Phoenix- Flux has a temporary transformation where she grows fiery wings, her eyes turn an orange like color, and her flames become hotter. This form, however, quickly drains her energy.

"Can you take the heat?!"


Excitement, adventure, happiness!

"Bottom line, I wanna have FUN! Maybe a little romance...."

Name: Xander

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance (Images are Allowed):


Biography: A seventeen year old boy who is forced to live with grandparents after his parents divorce, and neither are deemed fit to maintain custody. He was walking home from school when the blast happened, and was put into a coma for eleven days until he awoke in an empty hospital, five hundred miles North of his home. His goal is to traverse down to his hometown and find his grandparents.

Personality: Immensely Bipolar; Very interested with fire

Occupation (Optional): Works at local video joint(Up until the blast)

Inventory (Optional):

  • Matches
  • Lighter
  • Swiss Army Knife
  • Wallet- 47 Dollars, ID, Condoms, Gift Card to video game store, and a receipt from P.F Changs
  • Green Flannel

Faction (Optional):

Alignment (Optional):


  • The ability to Turn into Solid Steel. Can be used as a tank for other Conduits. Also is much stronger when in Steel Form. He only responds to Varkoven when in steel form.

Other (Optional): Has occasional seizures due to mild epilepsy.

Goal: Xander hates being a conduit and wishes to find a cure for himself to t
Name: (Your character's name, as well as any alias he goes by)

Kane Abernathy


The Puppet Master

Age: (You're character's age)


Gender: (Male/Female)


Appearance: (What your character looks like. Pictures are fine.)


History: (What all has your character been through?)

Kane, before the blast, was a devout puppeteer and great fan of the theatre. He attended every play he could manage and had an assortment of puppets.

After the blast it kane cracked. The blast broke his mind, drove him insane, and even worse, revealed the conduit gene.

Kane has been mostly reclusive until now, attempting to salvage his sanity.

Personality: (How does your character think/act?)

Erratic, insane, blood thirsty. Kane has essentially went off the deep end.

Inventory: (Whatever your character keeps on them)

Nothing but his mask.

Faction: (Who does your character work for? Optional of course)


Powers/Abilities: (What your Conduit character is capable of)

Golem Creation

psychic shield

Goal: (What does your character strive for?)

Take over the city and bring the reapers back to power.
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