Indescribable (Closed)

Never knew wolves could get lost. Let alone ones of shadow and nightmare decent. 'Shut up, we're not lost.' And yer adopted father taught you tracking skills! Malvo snarled quietly, huffing as he gently gripped his horse's reins and led him out of the shadows - looking to the group in front of him one last time.

@Aaron775, @CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Shiro kurogane
Kirara nodded in agreement with Masaru. She was tired too.

Kuro nodded to both Doni and Masaru. "then we'll be leaving." She said and grabbed Doni by the arm and half-dragged him away.

@JayJin @Aaron775 @Comet @WMBuggle1 @CERBERUS177

[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]Cristina laid on her back, hands folded resting on her stomach. Not sure what to talk about she let out a sigh, looking up at the stars.

Rei watched Cristina for a moment before crawling over and laying down beside her. She let stared up at the stars as well.
Comet said:
(I dunno what to do with Mia.. xD )
(Sleep. Time skip if everyone's okay with it.)

Aaron775 said:
Doni couldn't argue with kuro so he just looked at the ground."Alright, but can we go, I'm tired of being around this group it's kind of making me sick." He looked at masaru. "I will see you and your group again soon." @Shiro kurogane @JayJin
Masaru looked to the boy once more. "Until then, goodbye." He didn't care what the boy did.
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[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Rei watched Cristina for a moment before crawling over and laying down beside her. She let stared up at the stars as well.

Cristina just continued to look up as she felt sleep overtake her. Falling asleep right next to Rei. (Yee, Timeskip)
Mounting his horse, Malvo huffed. Nearly turning to try and head back to his own group, he hesitated before choosing to head in the direction of the village - figuring they would meet back there.

(I wouldn't mind a time skip.)
Doni walked with kuro in the forest, he remained silent throughout the walk, half because he was afraid of her and half because he knew what she'd say. (Ok)
Mia Mia woke up, laying back down on the grass and curled up in a ball. Her antlers had morning dew on them. Making them shine in the morning sun. She sat up and stretched, yawning.

Her energy came back, a good nights rest bringing it. She smiled, looking at the sleeping bodies beside her before getting up and going into the forest. She shifted into her deer form, her nose and ears more sensitive in that form.

She quickly went to a tree and touched her head to it. Fruit started to grow down towards her, peaches, oranges, some berries, everything sweet. She went back to her human form, picking some of the fruit and carrying it back to the others.

She went pretty far out to find the tree that was good enough for her nature powers, but she reached the group with no trouble.
@JayJin @CERBERUS177 @Shiro kurogane
Doni finally broke his silence. "To be honest with you since I don't have a home I often sleep here in the forest, so we can sleep here if that's okay with you." He laid down against a tree and looked at her to see what she'd do. @Shiro kurogane
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JayJin said:
Masaru and Nicholas laid down on the soft grass and passed out.
@Shiro kurogane @Aaron775 @Comet @WMBuggle1 @CERBERUS177

(Whenever you guys want to.)
Kirara laid next to Masaru, with a bit of air between them and fell asleep. She ended up wrapping her tails around herself to make it see like she was sleeping in a bed.

Aaron775 said:
Doni finally broke his silence. "To be honest with you since I don't have a home I often sleep here in the forest, so we can sleep here if that's okay with you." He laid down against a tree and looked at her to see what she'd do. @Shiro kurogane
"sleeping in the woods or anywhere. It doesn't matter since I've slept everywhere at lest once." Kuro answered, giving a yawn and laying against the same tree as Doni. But on the otherside.

[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]Cristina just continued to look up as she felt sleep overtake her. Falling asleep right next to Rei. (Yee, Timeskip)

Rei eventually fell asleep, her head resting next to Cristina's.

(Timeskip, also, I'm off for the night)
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](I guess when we all wake up it'll be morning in character too)

(Yup, so goodnight everyone.)
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](It's morning! It's morning! It's morniiiing~!)

(No! Also, I'll be gone for a while stilll)

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