[In the Service of the Senate] [OOC thread] Ye Olde Out of Character Thread...

But artifacts can be stolen, or broken... and if that happens to your grace... :lol:

Still, you can do so. And a number of Raksha do do so.
Bonus XP +20 on 20/06/2010 for completion of charactersheets

magnificentmomo / Contentious Sword IV, Lance of Many, or Quatre

Bonus XP +20 on 20/06/2010 for extra fluff

Shadow Red Claws / Nellens Kiato

So some more xp is provided, the exra xp are treated as if given before the start of the game and may be spend for such OR they could be saved up for later.

Also, for those with incomplete charactersheets, please, please say when they're done. Because with tags like WIP on them, I will assume that they're still incomplete.

Also, please do list what bonus points and XPs were spent on.


Those waiting...

Castellan Artagnan

Contentious Sword

Magdalene Farandole


Silvanus Zeitgeist

High Lord Advocate of Truth and Justice

Lady Essai

Those yet to show up...

The Cyan Nassak

Nellens Kiato
I'm gonna cry. Last night I had a nice post all lined up for Xytrisae. Rolled it... and thought I saved it somewhere as time grew late and I wanted it to be free of grevious sleep caused errors. >< Now I have to see how to hunt down my roll through Invisible and ... and... rewrite the entire postie xD
Well there. I recover, but no where at the same level it was at. Ah well ^^ At least I found the roll. I didn't realize Invisible castle was so useful xD
Good good... :lol:

And yes, die rollers with way of recovering dice rolls is always good for online games.
Just because I am still feeling out the character and have yet to really catch my inspiration doesn't mean I should maintain radio silence right?

I will hit my stride soon, trust me. Until then I will merely participate.
The Cyan Nassak is now down, sheet, history, appearance, et al.

Sorry it took a while ^_^ ;;;
Bonus XP +20 on 21/06/2010 for completion of charactersheets

Gulup / The Cyan Nassak

Now go post in the IC thread... 8)

"Greetings, hairless monkeys! Ciara Nami here, I hope you lot don't mind me cutting in and breaking some 4th walls as you say." :D

Oh dear gods...

Haku... you have no one to blame but yourself. Or at least I'm certainly not taking any form of responsibility for this...
You brought her here.

I'm just trying to run a little damage control.


Which now that I think of it goes against my earlier "keeping out of it" resolution... but... *shrugs*

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