[In the Service of the Senate] [IC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

"Of course, I would very much appreciate that," Silvanus replied with a nod of thanks before turning to the waiting area.

He walks on into the chamber and finds himself as seat, amusing himself by watching those around him for the moment. Ever the Magistrate and trickster he was watchful of those present. He leans back in his seat and closes his eyes for the moment to wait.
Magdalene Farandole

An eternity later, but truthfully not more than a minute had passed, before the maid dipped and bowed before Magdalene once more. This time bearing a tray upon which a tall clear glass cup stood. Its filaments of silver decoration adding to the beads of moisture forming on the exterior of the cup, while the golden liquid within hinted at honey sweetness.

"Chrysanthemum tea for my lady," the maid smiled as she offered the cup in her hands for the noble to sip from, if she wished to... or to enjoy in other manners if she wished.

The Azure River of Sword and Song tilts her head a little displeased. The music restraining, the help... unhelpful. Well, she supposed silently to herself, I shall do what I have done for countless millennia. If the music is displeasing to me, then certainly it is displeasing to everyone else. Xytrisae once again glances to the gloomy doll girl and sighs, well may be not everyone. "Listen well to the music that will now play as it breaks free of its bond to play appropriately for those of us who must wait," she says boldly as she sweeps back her black hair from one of her slightly pointed ears. And behold the music begins to alter and she smiles as she lets her own fingers direct the music, she lets the music become more than ambience, she lets it wash over the others giving them the sense that time does indeed fly and waiting could be done with pleasant music that allows its freedom. Music like this makes waiting much shorter she has found. She knows many will love it, she is thrilled by her own thought at this that her purpose has come to bear so early. But then she is easily pleased just as easily as she can be displeased. Swinging in time is the gleaming bell that is tied to her tail's tip by a ribbon, adding its own melodic chiming to mark every place where the bell should chime with the music.

"Oh and look, others have come, they shall be pleased assuredly with my work as well," Xytrisae says to herself noticing Silvanus followed by a Lion headed being, and was that the Lady Essai who brought color with her wherever she went? Truely with Magdalene here as well this Summoning with the Senate would be most, most interesting.


Let the music be free and let it allow the people that listens to it to feel that time is moving faster, to pleasantly shorten the waiting.

Spending WP for an Auto-Suc
Manip+Perform(10, 10, 5, 9, 3, 5, 4, 10, 5, 7, 6, 1, 6) + Stunt (6, 10) 11 Successes

WP 6/6

The soft music shifted, changing from a static creature caged and set to performing circus tricks into something more... wild and alive. Free to roam and delight those who hear it.

No longer was it boring, now it was lovely and entertaining, it ensured that the wait was not so horribly long.



Congrats! You has altered the fantasy with your music and stunt roll. :P

At least the music makes time go by faster or not so impossibly long.

As a fyi, 2 die stunts also provide your choice of 4 motes or 1 willpower recovery.
Contentious Sword kindly accepts the beverage and then looks the servant over smiling to himself slightly, asking himself if he is hungry, in any applicable connotation. Luckily for the maid the brewing commotion of everyone entering distracted him and he dismisses her quickly and politely.

As the music becomes more amiable Quatre turns out to the motley crew that was forming, not speaking or introducing himself, but merely making himself available.
Accepting the offered cup with her own hands, she lightly drinks from the sweet yet refreshing brew, her own dignified movements underlining the beauty which dwelt underneath the roaring waters. She didn't speak much as she appreciated the drink, however in time she did break her silent appreciation for the beverage "How long have you been serving here?" she asked suddenly with no seeming logic or reason for her unexpected inquiry, yet it would be rude not to indulge her strange and unpredictable whims.

The sudden change in music was not entirely unexpected and did not go without some token reaction from her as her previously tense form relaxed in the slightest, the nuance of such were only visible to other warriors of her unfathomable caliber but the truth of the matter is that she could not pretend that there was no relief in the gentle allure of a more pleasant reward to her quickly diminishing reserves of patience.
Magdalene Farandole

"Ah? I have served the senate for two years or so since my graduation from the immaculate order of maids academy," the maid blinked at the question as she answered it.
"Was it always you dream to become a maid?" she asked placidly, holding the cup over her own laps with the distinguished demeanor one would expect of a lady of high breeding and status, though perhaps it was only an act, a small lie to make this conversation more genuine and allow the exchange of words to take place. With the Raksha, such were often hard to comprehend or discern without falling for the creature's own twisted games of light and mirrors.
Magdalene Farandole

Here, the maid paused in thought before responding in an appropriate and acceptable manner that would hopefully not offend the noble lady. "Before my second breath, my dreams were pedestrian and inconsequential. Of becoming a merchant's wife, supporting my theoretical husband in his enterprise. For now, I have accepted that serving the senate as one of its maids is the highest calling for me."
"I didn't inquire for the acceptable answer. Don't worry about what I want to hear. Show yourself to me, show me your dreams." she smiles quietly, even as the stern but distant mask starts to show cracks, some of her dangerous aura underneath permeating through as if tendrils of despair to coil around her throat and limbs. They've yet to strike at her, to flail her skin and crush her weak and pathetic soul, nothing but a flickering candle against the tremendous tsunami of Magdalene's will and story.

What could she hope to accomplish by flattering her ego, if not seal her own demise? Yet Magdalene again brought her back to this reality of theirs forcefully, desiring something closer to earnest display of intent "Tell me of yourself, if I have asked, that is the least you can hope to do without being hopelessly rude, banal and dull." she glares faintly, letting through the smallest hint of her displeasure. It is enough to shake the foundation of this hallway in which they all stand with tremendous yet unseen force. Still it is keenly felt by way of altogether maddening senses.

Where Magdalene is going with this, none may know but herself.

Perhaps she is merely bored.

Strange distractions for stranger guests yet.
Magdalene Farandole

Quelling beneath the formidable presence and aura much like the spirits and elementals writhed in servitude beneath the creation ruling mandate, the maid inclined her her head in apology. "It was never my dream to be a maid, even if some of the other maids here aspire no higher. It is my dream to one day start my own house much like the dragonblooded noble houses all have a humble beginning."
As the various individuals in the waiting room passed the time with either patience or frustration, there is the beginnings of a commotion from the entrance. The sounds drifting in tell of, if not actual distress, then at least some small amount of misfortune for the cleaning staff...

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry about that. My apologies. *thump* Do excuse me, I didn't see you there. Oh, could you tell me how to get to room... oh nevermind I see it now. *splash* So sorry! Should I...? No? If you say so. I'll just be on my- *crack* Ah! I have it! I have it! Whew... Close call there... And here I am."

The doors opened to allow in The Cyan Nassak, his gemstone skin reflecting light from the various lamps and such as he handed off a decently expensive vase to someone just out of sight. "... really should do with some added bracing on that stand, I would think. Regardless, have a pleasant day, sir."

With that he strode into the room, the crystals of his single wing chiming softly against the edge of the door before it closed behind him. He paused for a moment to look back at those present and staring at him. Bowing slightly, he edged to the side to head for one of the refreshment tables.
"And what of success? Do you even know why you desire this? Do you know your Heart?" she appears somewhat amused by the nothing, chuckling softly as if she'd seen countless noble houses rise and fall without so much as a splash on the tapestry of merciless history "Small dreamers are as castles of sand before the mighty ocean, constantly threatened to be crushed by the endless tidal waves, leaving nothing of interest or meaning behind but a blank slate for another fool to build their own little palace of cards on a foggy morning." she stares at her intently, smirking widely and with rather deliberate cruelty states "Your dreams are tiny." she holds out her hand "Would you like to see my dream?" she asks rather earnestly.

For one of the Raksha to share part of their own self, that was rather unusual. But then again...

I am the Beast that hungers

This cruel world which devours

I am the Monster that thirsts

This great cosmos of predation

I am the Goddess of bloody Rebirth

The ashen spring of every graveyard

I am the eternity between every story

The unspoken immortality of tales

I am the legend of frenzied consumption

Feast from my towering silver dreams

They are mighty and great and awesome

Stand breathless in their thick shadow

From samsara dance, emerges new face

- The Twelth Verse of Nishkriya

The Cyan Nassak

From the various kya~aaahs from the hallway leading out of the Senate freehold, it's clear that The Cyan Nassak has had... quite an impact upon the maids with his entrance. One that they were scrambling to rectify.

"Would my lord desire anything today?" The maid, that appeared out of... well, it wasn't nowhere... more as if eh had been concealed by the non-existent breeze in the waiting area, seemed happy to serve him. And she was one of the more senior maids there, and who had to dealt with him when he did come to the senate to rise issues with regards finding Yu-Shan... despite the fact that it was gone.
Magdalene Farandole

"Ah... that... that would not be necessary, unless my lady feels like honoring me with your dreams," The maid swallowed dryly, as if aware of the awful and dreadful danger that awaited her there. For the Ringmaster of the Nightmare Circus dealt in fear, nightmares and fates best unimagined.
"Aaah, Miss Asakura! How lovely it is to see you again." He bowed to the maid, a smile upon his lips. "I do hope everything has been well since we last met. That one man... what was his name...? Oh, I forget, but he was rather disheveled and harried-looking when I departed. Something about too much stress I think it was?"

The Cyan Nassak shrugged, wing chiming with the motion. "Regardless, yes, a nice glass of something would be appreciated. Something... that vermilion drink, I would say. I believe I had it back when I was to meet about the proposed idea of checking to see if the bottom of the Circle Sea might have some fragments that may have landed after everything." He frowned for a moment... "Or was that the sinopia? Carnelian?"

He shrugged again. "Whichever it was, if you still have it. I should likely report my arrival to the receptionist regardless, just to make sure things... which is to say myself... are accounted for on time." He bowed again and turned to head for the desk.
The Cyan Nassak

With a nod, the maid vanished once more as attention is taken off her for the merest of moments. To get The Cyan Nassak his requested drink of 'something'.

"Ah yes, welcome Lord Cyan Nassak, are you here for the invitation from the chancellor or..." A cool look with a raised eyebrow was directed at the gem-skinned raksha noble.
"Please, Lord 'The Cyan Nassak' if you would. And yes, I have arrived in response to the invitation. Although if you think it would be possible for me to speak with the chancellor on the topic of..." he trailed off hopefully.
The Cyan Nassak

"I'm afraid that I would not be able to do more than pass on your request, beyond that one must simply wait with regards such subject matters," the secretary nodded in reply and gestured at the waiting area. "But please feel free to wait over there. I'll come and get you when the chancellor is done with the senate deliberations."
"Of course, of course..." Having received similar answers in the past, he barely put any further thought to it. "I'll leave you to your duties then, Miss. Pleasure seeing you again!" He turned, the lowest-hanging crystal on his wing just barely clearing the items on the desk as he made his way back to one of the chairs in the main area of the waiting hall.
Essai stood serene, eyes flitting shut for a moment. And another. And another. Steadily, the clock drummed on, clicking and twisting, a redundant metronome, as second by second dripped into ether. She was relishing the silence- even such a..dull environment had a unique hue to it. Quietly, she clasped her shard in her hands- as if making a prayer- before pocketing it. Even such a languid, pale-grey-blue hue was worth storing.

Turning around, she caught a new figure in her shadow. A doll of some sort, how peculiar. Kneeling, she simply smiled to the tool of the puppeteer. How exquisitely it was made; surely the tapestry of terror this Lady Magdalene wove was utterly...exquisite.

Finally, as the music seemed to pick up, she noticed the maid next to her. "Oh, no thank you, dear. I'm quite well for right now." She then turned over to a random chair, slowly making her way to take a seat. Idly, she watched some more figures walk in...Maybe a newcomer would catch her fancy.
The Cyan Nassak

Upon return to the waiting table, the oh so familiar maid was there on hand, so to speak with but a single fluted glass of vermilion liquid on a silver tray. "My lord, your transcendent fire liquor."

The beads of condensation on the exterior of the glass spoke of its coldness, while the fragrance of cinnamon and assorted spices brought to mind the scent of fire dust as it heated under the sun upon the slopes of southern dunes.

"As you wish, my lady," the maid nodded and curtsy before backing away and fading from as the raksha noble's dismissal of her was noted.
"Ah, thank you, Miss Asakura. I'm sure that whether or not this is what I had meant, it will be delightful." He took the glass and settled into one of the chairs. Taking a sip of the drink, he 'hmm'-ed at the taste. "Yes, quite nice. My complements to yourself and the sommelier."

Eventually, in the mysterious way that it moved, it was time... and those summoned by the chancellor had the secretary by their side. Looking about revealed a number of individuals who likely were also summoned for similar purposes... all of whom had the secretary standing by their side, who was also still at her desk...

"This way, please. Oh, Hero of the Realm, the chancellor of the senate will now see you."

Looking at the clock revealed that it was exactly noon. Not a moment before, nor a moment after.

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