[In the Service of the Senate] [IC] Act 01.07: After the battle

Despite hating being made to do so, the sidereal anathema had no choice. Well... she had no choice if she didn't want to suffer the full force of breaking the oath that bound her for now.

And so, Crimson Scorpion was made to diverge the location of the anathema she knew. Most of whom were located here and there in the West on various islands, but a few were in the south. Thankfully, none were upon the shores of the Blessed Isle.

The information on the cults that she knew was... worryingly large. Even if they were also located on islands controlled by other anathema.
And so while the crimson one is writing out things she would prefer not to be known, Anoth turns to the sleeping puppy who's Graces he now owns. It's time to get to work! Shaping time is now for the castle's new guard dog. And so Anoth reaches out with hands that twist the air, using her very own graces as tools to reshape her very being....

Perhaps if she had been awake, Seibaa could have resisted the shaping done to her mind, body and soul. Or perhaps, even awake, her struggles would have been futile.

The abhorrent black jade armor fell apart even as their former wear's body shifted and changed. It would no longer be needed, nor would it be... possible to fit the armor on the dragonblooded's current body shape with its aggressive curves over its former petite shape.

The greenness of her eyes shone brighter as fur formed over her feet, shins and over her forearms and her nails lengthened into claws. The tail that popped up from her tail point was almost an absent minded gesture.

Still, the physical changes were nothing compared to the mental ones. Where once she sought honor and chivalry and its revival, now she saw her duty in the form of being the best and most loyal guard dog. Certainly, there was nothing wrong with that... hadn't her most distant ancestress, Lisara, being the guard dog of the Gods of the Realm in ferreting out dangers and chasing after such?

But for a Raksha such as Anoth, there could be said to be a certain joy and pleasure to shape one such as Seibaa, for she was a throwback to the ancient days. before That Day. Before the Scalet Empress's fall. Before the Usurpation. Perhaps even before the Primordial War.

Her breeding, as accounted by such in those days, was immaculate. Her body untainted by the wyld or by any mutations forged by exalted sciences. Her thoughts clarity had a certain romantic slant, but true in its devotion to bringing about a better day.

Now, she was a guard dog of the Raksha. Her kind's most dreadful and yet... unknown enemy.
And so it is that Anoth Pulls out her new uniform, with its form fitting fabric that would be called a bikini by some, with a probably decorational small silk collar, a pair of armored knee length boots and gauntlets to help a swordswomen's grip.

And so with that layed down in front of her, he reaches out and starts to give her a nice ear scratchy to wake her up.
Given the mental changes made to her, the ear scratches proved effective in awakening her.

The awakening process was slow and steady, and started with a light idly scratching away as if she was nothing more than a mere bitch, then came the wagging of a tail, the whimpering whine...

And soon, she was awake... blinking away the dirt in her eyes from the forced sleep. Her head tilted as she looked at Anoth, even if her body showed its excitement from the ear scratches. "Lo... Ma.... Master Anoth?"

Her voice was low and uncertain, quite unlike the valiant warrior who had faced an overwhelming enemy. This time, she wasn't certain. Stood not upon a high moral ground.
And Anoth smiles at her and continues the ear scratchies. "And how are you this fine morning my girl?" He asks as she groggily awakens.
"I... I'm great, Master Anoth," She didn't quite whimper at the continuous scratching of her ears, twitch her legs as if needing to scratch or run or something. "But I had a bad bad dream."
"A bad dream?" Anoth asks as he keeps up the good girls scratching. "How horrible. Do tell me. I hear that makes it better."
"Really?" Her ears perked up at the notion. "I dreamt I was a bad doggie, who was fighting master because a bad thema made me."
Anoth sighs as he scratches her ears, giving her nice petting as they talked. "I'm afraid my pet, that that was no a dream. A very bad anathema tried to use you against me, but I rescued you from that nasty fate and slew the mean anathema. You were a good girl though... in the end, when you remembered who you were fighting and let me keep you from being forced to do what the bad person said."
"Th... thank you, master," The newly adjusted dragonblooded nodded in gratitude. Was this pleasure and bliss at remaking an enemy what those ancient worthies had experienced at the end of That Day after they remade Creation into one more suiting to their desires? With the dragonblooded beholded to them?
Anoth smiles "It was my pleasure to rescue such a good girl from an unworthy master and see about giving her a real castle to guard." He tells her as he rests his hand on her head like the pet she is. "But we really should see about finding you a real kennel instead of this bad girl cage you had to be kept in while I pulled the bad anathema's influence out of you..."
"Okay!" The air aspect didn't mind what could have been considered a dreadful insult, the steady hand on her head. That was the crown of her thoughts, for someone to place their hand there, was to symbolize ownership and of one's relative position as of an animal.

With that she shook her body before getting up... on all fours, to stretch before walking alongside Anoth. Forgetting about her jade armor.
Anoth smiles down on his guard dog, but does speak up to remind her. "You probably want to bring your armor and diaklave along my girl... much less forget your collar."
"Ahhh that's right!" She twirled around, her tail wagging as she want to fetch the daiklave and armor... which led to a moment of confusion as she tried to put on the jade armor that didn't fit now.

Which then led to a moment of surprise to finding her "breeding" quite improved... some might say "immaculately" so...

"Oh! Master! M... my breeding? Did Master fix my blood and make me better?"
"In fact I did. It was an opportunity offered when I fixed up what that mean anathema had done to you, and for such a good girl, why not?" Anoth responds. "And I brought you some better fitting new armor too..." He says as he points
She looked with confusion as she poked at the cloth component. "But that's just... cloth, right? The arm and leg armor isn't that much protection... or is it divine magic?"
Anoth smiles "It's Gossamer armor. It'll do the job... and looks much better on you then the old stuff."
With the trust that could only come from long devotion or perhaps being shaped into such, the dragonblooded warrior dressed in the "armor". If such could be called that. Mere fabric protected her body, while her arms and legs were covered with dream wrought steel.

With the collar around her neck and the daiklave sheathed on her back, Seibaa happily trailed after Anoth on all fours again.
And so Anoth again rests his hand on her head to guide her, and leads her out past the sulking kitty who gets s glimpse of a possible fate for herself as they go down farther into the depths of the castle, down to the kennels that the commoners are fixing up....
Compared to the dungeons, the kennels had but a few differences... such as the fact that there were no bars and locks. Merely little beds within miniature houses. If by beds, one meant beds that a small group of rather friendly humans could snuggle in, and by miniature houses being four walls and a roof of the finest marble and possessing windows upon 3 of them and a open door in the 4th...

Certainly finer than what animals might expect.
After careful examination with a concentration that could be considered adorable, the dragonblooded was soon settled into a kennel of her choice. One that had easy access to the exterior and the diffused light that shone from the heavens.
And so Anoth sees her settled in. "A very nice choice my dear. The Commoners will see you settled in... but right now I need to go check up on that naughty kitty back in the cells. Why don't you just wait here for a bit until I can get done with the bad girl? We're in a city right now, so there shouldn't be anyone here besides the commoners and the Miko's cleaning crew..."
"Of course, master!" She saluted while crouching down, displaying her newly ample talents once more. "Thank you master for making me better bred!"

And thus did Seibaa settle into her kennel, placing her daiklaive against one of the inner walls before lying in the "small" bed and examining the changes to her body.

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