[In the Service of the Senate] [IC] Act 01.07: After the battle

Anoth nods "It will be a fitting base to advance the cause of smashing every cult in the ocean farther towards the fallen empresses forsaken isles. But it is, um... shall we say less used? Its former owner didn't use it much, so.."
The miko nodded at that abscently as she took in the vista before her. "It does look impressive though."
Anoth grins "That it does. It'll be a good place.. once I get done fixing it up. Lets go take a closer look."
Drawing near the floating fortress, the scale and size of the structure only emphasizes just how massive it is. There is also the fact that it would serve as a true fortress or perhaps city easily, with small amounts of food being grown in gardens and orchards behind stout walls.

There is also no lack of birds feeding upon the various fruit trees and flowers.

"Oh... it's beautiful." Kushana's reactions certainly seemed to fit what Anoth's opinion of the Fortress.
"A worthy castle for a god." Anoth agrees. "It just lacks... well, people. You're the first... but hopefully not the last."
"Of course, my lord," Kushana nodded as the wandered about the fortress before finding themselves in the shrine. While abandoned, it's clear that it is a shrine to a God. Just one lacking the normal accouterments of such.

Looking about as she wiped the top of benches to see the light layer of dust. "I see, it's going to take some work to get the shrine to befit one of your stature. If... if you do not mind... can I bring some of my sisters and brothers in the Ten Thousand Gods faith to help clean and get the shrine ready for you? They would just help me with cleaning and won't be staying for long."
Anoth smiles "If you need the help to get set up, ask while we are still in this city. It's been a good place, and hopefully will be one again, but I'm not expecting you to do it all yourself."
"Thank you, my lord," With that, Kushana continued her investigation of the shrine before eventually departing from the chancel for the night.
And so Anoth leaves his new Miko to her work with a wish of good luck, and goes to visit the castle cells upon where a kitty and a puppy lie in wait.....
The sidereal anathema was still sulking, after being forced to be paraded around as nothing more than a trophy animal that one has caught, or perhaps an enemy brought low and defeated.

The dragonblooded exalt captured earlier during the battle was still sleeping.
And so Anoth crosses over to the pile of loot by the captured dogblooded and looks through them, looking with the power of a raksha god who wants minions, looking for graces to steal....

(9:21:24 PM) Knucklebones: Happerry, 11d10: 68 [11d10=2,4,5,8,10,9,5,7,5,7,6]
The graces were easy enough to find, after all, it wasn't as if she had a great amount of possessions on her person. Thus did Anoth find himself in possession of a bronze dagger, an amber rod, a tiny chalice of bronze, and a slender crown of silver.

Along with various knickknacks that were important to the dragonblooded.
And so, then, does Anoth Pause of each of them, attuning to his defeated enemies most treasured virtues, before turning to look at the kitty who has been strangely silent and inactive through all this. "Now what to do with you..." he muses.
The sidereal anathema settled for glaring at Anoth, still unable to speak up without permission.
"Oh, and you can talk now as long as you don't start yelling or something." Anoth adds. "Shhh, someone is sleeping!" he explains mockingly.
"There is nothing I have to say to one such as you," The sidereal anathema's voice was low and menacing, despite being the position that she was in. She had seen the plundering of graces and likely hadn't approved. Or it might have been the manner she had been paraded around.
Anoth raises an eyebrow. "So you don't have any vote or desire at all towards your future?"
"You may shape my body, and chain my mind, but I will always resist you," She glared defiantly.
Anoth blinks "Are you really making that challenge in your current position? Gutsy. If nothing else."
Anoth shrugs "Well, if you want to make that challenge in your position and in your oaths, who am I to say no? If you have any graces, hand them over now. Yours or other people's."
"Ah, such a poor poor benighted kitty... I'll have to have some made for you. Won't that be nice?" Anoth says with amusement.
The paling of her face was a good sign the taunt got to her, but still she kept firm her resolve.
"But that's for latter!" Anoth says cheerfully as he hands her two notebooks and a pen. "First you have some writing to do! You are going to list off all the other cults and Anathema you know of, and there locations! But first, in this notebook over here, I want you to write down, in concise detail, your five worst fears, five worst nightmares, 5 biggest hopes, and 5 secrets you most doesn't want to tell anyone. And then write down your least and most favorite foods. You are not to destroy or otherwise render unreadable the notebooks either. Or unfindable. Or all that other stuff that would make me make you write them down again after punishing you."

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