[In the Service of the Senate] [IC] Act 01.07: After the battle


Ze Hamster of Lurkdom
Returning to the shrine, the victorious Anoth is greeted by the the shrine maiden Kushana. The fox eared fire aspect bowed low as she welcomed him once more to the shrine before guiding him to his chambers.

"Is there anything else you desire tonight, my lord?" Her smile certainly seemed friendly as the Serpent against the Waves made himself at home in the freehold chamber.
And so Anoth smiles at her. "While these Lodgings are more then adequate, I must profess to being.. somewhat drained from the conflict yesterday." He admits as he gives her a subtle glance over. Well, she doesn't seem to be wearing a collar and tags, but does she have some other sign of being someone's miko? "Something to pick me up would be enjoyed.. though if someone else has already asked you for company it is not an urgent thing. After all, the anathema did just get stepped on... I'm not likely to get into another fight like that the next day now."
There doesn't appear to be any of the subtle marks of the fox maiden being fed on by Raksha. At least not more than something quick and easy for some easy mote recovery.

Certainly, no hidden or not so hidden essence signature upon her virtues or willpower.

Kushana wasn't a personal priestess to any other individual god. "Ah, of course, my lord. I apologize for not thinking. I would be honored to serve you in that manner."

She blushed and curtsied. "How would you like to ravish my virtue or willpower?"
And Anoth gives a daring grin and steals one of her hands. "How about with a kiss?" he murmurs as he gives it a gentlemanly smooch on the back as the light gleams off his armor, so glorious does it gleam under the shine....

(1:49:32 PM) Happerry: 5d10 +3 succs

(1:49:35 PM) Knucklebones: Happerry, +3 succs: 35 [5d10=8,4,10,8,5]

(1:54:20 PM) Happerry: 2 gossamer
The kiss produces a blush from Kushana even as the surroundings was more ominous and scary to her from the ravishing of her valor. She was used to the ravishing from a God and thus knew which one had been supped upped.

"My lord, you do me honor. F.... far too much honor."
Anoth shrugs "Service should be rewarded... and that is far more pleasant a way then many an other for a ravishment."
"Indeed," her blush only grew stronger at the comment about serving him.

It's obvious that Kushana's faith was pure and she took great joy in being supped upon as Anoth had. But then, it wasn't exactly rare to find such devotion in the worshippers and priesthood of the Ten Thousand Faith, or any of the faiths that paid homage to an individual God.
Anoth nods. "And I try to reward it. I deal with enough idiocy whenever I run into cults. Ah well, I suppose anyone who knew what they are doing knows better, but still, you can only take being attacked with a fish so many times before it stops being amusing..."
"Attacked by a fish, my lord?" The shrine maiden certainly seemed interested in this tale. Not that there wasn't a store behind such, after all... who would attack a Raksha noble with a fish?
"The foolish moon mad they served told them to do it so it could 'ambush' me, and then switched out before its minions could get it. Rinse and repeat every time I catch up with it. Still haven't managed to nail the thing down. She.. or he, never managed to nail that down, seemed to switch... hopefully there is only one, was very good at running away." Anoth explains with an eye roll. "Same damn trick on its cultists every time, too..."
"Oh my..." The miko blinked as she thought about it. "One supposes that it would get tiring after a while."
"I mean, one time? That was amusing... Ten times? That's just insulting. And Boring." Anoth says with a roll of his eyes. "Someday its going to run out of places to run away to... and then I can show it just what I think of it."
"I'm certain that the moon mad's punishment will be legendary," the Miko nodded in appreciation of Anoth's righteous fury.
Anoth shrugs "I'm sure I'll think of something to thank it for its efforts... just haven't really thought up anything.. well, as equally annoying."
She nodded at Anoth's shrug, the fox ears looking more canine than an actual fox, but then that was the hall-mark of her lineage. "It is a shame that I can not be there to see you punish that anathema."
Anoth hums. "Well.. that may be possible in fact. I recently came upon a certain Chancel.. that, well, I have plans for. A nice little castle to place down right in the middle of a pirate riven ocean to serve as a... more fixed base then I have had before. It will, of course, need a shrine of its own, and therefor need those who can.. well, what use a shrine with no one in it?"
"That... that is true, milord," the fox miko nodded. "If... it isn't too forward, I would be happy to serve as your personal priestess."

Her hopeful look directed at Anoth indicated that she really did want to do so. That his words had served to convince her of the righteous of serving him.
Anoth hums "If you are to so offer... well, how can I say no? I'm not sure of how exciting it will be, but then, who is until they actually start a project, eh? Not that the castle is up yet. I only just claimed it when I was asked to take a look at the cults around here. Still, I can say that you will probably for fill that position with skill and pride."
A strong blush graces her face now as she curtesies lowly to Anoth, as of a priestess to the God she serves personally. "I, Kushana of house Lisara, shall serve as your priestess, oh lord of lords. Please take care of this humble dragonblooded."
And so Anoth reaches out, and puts a finger on her forehead, and on that forehead, and on the back of Kushana's hands, grows a pair of two headed snakes, crossing over each other and shifting as they form a square, each head pointed outwards and ready to strike. "I'll certainly do my best." He agrees.
With those glamour markings, it was clear that Kushana now belonged to Anoth, the Serpent that Walks. Even as it faded from sight, it would be easy enough to see, or have Kushana make them visible with but the merest of concentration and essence expenditure.
And so, as Anoth removes his finger, he does ask his Miko "Would you like to see the shrine in the Chancel I have acquired now? It hasn't been used in.. well, a while."
"But of course!" She nodded eagerly. What shrine maiden wouldn't like having a shrine or seeing it for that matter?
Anoth then says, with a smile and a wave of his arm "Follow me then, to The Fortress Shrine Under The Red Star."

Stepping into the manifested gateway, Kushana's gasp of amazement was certainly gratifying. Even if not unexpected.

"It's a lot bigger on the inside."

A statement that was certainly true, given that the door opened up upon a hill, of green grass, that floated over an endless expanse of white clouds as if hanging high in the heavens over Creation.

A path led from it to a floating fortress, filled with an expanse of trees, buildings, "small" lakes and waterfalls.

While high above the sky glowed the various hues of blue and black, the moon and stars easily seen, while the sun was nowhere in sight. In the distance, above the fortress could be seen a dim twinkling crimson star. Faint and irrelevant

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