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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)


Kaerri's Man. =)
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Purr Purr if you start a TNMT game, would you consider letting some characters in from Heroes Unlimited or Ninjas and Super Spies? I’m not in possession of those books until they ship out later on this year.

The other option is to buy some of the PDFs. If I did that, what books would I need?
Sherwood Sherwood No and here's why: I am trying to simplify the games I am running.

One reason I feel we are not playing Sharseya is because I goofed and made it too complicated with my desire to transfer Pathfinder to Palladium. I run the risk of repeating my mistake if I choose to allow characters to one universe from two more. Heroes Unlimited incredibly- complicates things.

I also feel that by adding it, we're not really playing the game I want to run!

This is one of the reasons I'm shying away from playing Rifts right now - not only can it quickly become complicated, Rifts characters tend chase power. I would rather instead not to focus so much on power and instead go after more... goodness.

Bookwise, Bud, I think After The Bomb is the way to go because base-TMNT is just plain broken. This is one huge reason Palladium's Sean Roberson is turning the TMNT books into a "revised revision." Roberson stated frequently enough during the kickstarter that he was not changing the game but editing it to provide greater clarity while fixing a lot of the mistakes in the books.

If folks are serious about wanting to play a TMNT game, then I'll have to look into the books first to be sure if After the Bomb is best. If not, we'll have to go with the old TMNT RPG which I guess I'll provide.

But I won't go that far until everyone decides that that's the game we want to play.

One more important thing. Expect house rules. I want there to be a mystical aspect to a TMNT game I run.

Do you remember Big Trouble in Little China?

Well, you may as well call my game "Big Trouble in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" because that's how I imagine I would run it! =)

I would add details here but this is a long enough post. =)
1. Do you want to play a new game or stick with either or both Sharseya and Broadsword? (If we stick either of those games, I will be changing and simplifying them, making them easier to play with less to keep track of.)

2. If you want to play a new game(s), what are you hot for to play long-term? (If I have it, I'll consider it!)

3. If you're in the Sharseya game, please give me your top 3 favorite NPCs (or top 5 if you like - you can write individual names or groups).

4. If you're in the Robotech: Broadsword game, please give me your top 3 favorite NPCs (or top 5 if you like - you can write individual names or groups).

5. For those of you who still remember and enjoy their characters, if we decide to go with a new game(s), do you like the idea of trying to bring one or both of your current Sharseya/Broadsword characters into a new game? (No promises, but I can try!)
1- Yes. (I am both up for a new game, and continuing with either or both. However, I don't recommend your running three games -- fun as that would be for the rest of us! -- because I suspect that would be too much burden for you.)
2 - As you know, TMNT has also been on my mind. ^;3^ Rifts, as well, but only if it would be fun for you -- which it sounds like it would not be. Beyond that... not sure. I'm not a big fan of Exalted either, or Scion for that matter. Tried them years ago because it's what the group I was with wanted, but while I found fun in them, neither are going to be my first choice.
3 - Oh goodness. To help with the decision, I'm going to limit myself to those we met here in RpN-Sharseya: Shalin Riversbane, Bria, and the two Felane (that's a group, right?). Still a tough call, even sneaking in a fourth! I do so love Sharseya and its people.
4 - Professor Stein, the Broo (collectively and individually), and, hmm. Trouble is the third I feel closest to, but this is another hard call because I really like Hitomi, Piper, and Sharp, too, as well as a number of others we haven't interacted with as much. (Stein and Hitomi might be cheating, though, because I got attached to previous incarnations of them first.)

1. We ceased Sharseya only and focused on replacing it with a new game? I can list off the games I have/am willing to run and keep an open mind for more games? The idea here is to focus on one game at a time (thank you, Sil, for the great idea).

2. We continue Robotech: Broadsword with PCs Hercules and Eadric? The option for Sil, Sherwood, and Psychie is there to create all-new (level 1!) characters. Maybe they're Traversers, maybe they're not. Just put the option there and if nothing comes of it, O.K.!. It can't be helped.
1 - OK!
2 - OK! (You texted me about that earlier today, but I'm replying here too so others know.)

One more important thing. Expect house rules.

Do you remember Big Trouble in Little China?

Well, you may as well call my game "Big Trouble in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" because that's how I imagine I would run it! =)
Big Trouble in Little China is mucho fun! 10/10 Kaerris recommend. And would probably enjoy a game in a similar vibe. ^D^
I get it. Heroes Unlimited is out, and probably (maybe?) Ninjas and Superspies too. I would like some more details as they come available as to what kind of vibe you want, beyond just the movie reference. Depending on what book(s) you plan on allowing, I might just break down and buy the PDF for them so I have them on hand for my own edification.

So, with the movie influence, does this mean chi combat? If so I’ll have to study that.
Sherwood can tell you I'm pretty good at running memorable games with only two Players.
Forgot to say earlier -- I can also vouch for this. ^;3^ (Different two players, equally -- I think -- memorable.)
I get it. Heroes Unlimited is out, and probably (maybe?) Ninjas and Superspies too. I would like some more details as they come available as to what kind of vibe you want, beyond just the movie reference. Depending on what book(s) you plan on allowing, I might just break down and buy the PDF for them so I have them on hand for my own edification.

So, with the movie influence, does this mean chi combat? If so I’ll have to study that.
To be clear... Heroes Unlimited everything is out. Sorry to you and Psychie who have an interest in it! I feel even a single character from that highly-powerful universe is a little like throwing a Cosmo-knight (super-bad-to-the-bone M.D. champion) into Palladium Fantasy (Palladium's D&D), especially as the campaign goes on and PCs become more powerful. Heroes Unlimited is just on its own scale.

Ninjas & Superspies characters are out. Sorry! Having a 1st level character with the real possibility of 65 Skills (no exaggeration!) plus a Martial Art system is a little much, don'cha know? =)

Don't buy anything just yet please (unless you just want to scratch some itch). I don't know yet so it's unfair of me to ask you. Besides that, who else besides you, me, Psychie, and Kaerri has raised their hand (paw?) in this? I haven't heard from Cap'n, Jay, and Sil on this (correct me if I'm wrong, you three!). I've heard interest in the TMNT series, but NOT the game. At least, not enough to convince me they want to play. That's enough for me not to finalize anything yet.

Here's where things get a little tricky. Ninjas & Superspies Martial Art Systems would be in... but with new and serious limitations! Martial Art Powers too would find their way in, but like magic items in a D&D 5E campaign, they won't be a dime a dozen. Plus, no one has to select a Martial Art System if they don't want one. For example, Hand to Hand: Basic will start with 4 Actions per Round. Most of all, I want martial arts to mean something in any TMNT game I might run. But I'll leave that there for now.

Lastly, I don't see Chi Combat as having taken place in Big Trouble in Little China. For one thing, Chi is invisible. Without spoiling anything in the movie for those who have not had the fun of watching it, I'll just say this - I have never created my own Martial Art Powers for a game before. But I would be rather interested to give it a try in a TMNT game. Some of those powers might be inspired from the movie, other powers from real martial arts as displayed by real martial artists (especially those of the 1970s).

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Gotcha - I'll try and drop any thoughts of those books from my head for this and keep my mind open to what comes up from you. I'll hold off on buying any PDFs for now, and I'll wait for some inspiration for what kind of character I will try and come up with.
Besides that, who else besides you, me, Psychie, and Kaerri has raised their hand (paw?) in this? I haven't heard from Cap'n, Jay, and Sil on this (correct me if I'm wrong, you three!). I've heard interest in the TMNT series, but NOT the game. At least, not enough to convince me they want to play. That's enough for me not to finalize anything yet.
Thus far, I have absolutely no connection to that universe and the game; and I haven't had the time to take a proper look. Hasn't stopped me from playing Robotech, Dr Who and other games - but that's why I haven't been vocal on it. Doesn't mean I'd be in or out - just uninformed for the moment.

I also noticed that there are more characters in Broadsword that'd have to squeeze into the top3 as well... Cera for example. I'll give the character question some more thought, but change my response above to 'conflicted, but certainly interested'.
Gotcha - I'll try and drop any thoughts of those books from my head for this and keep my mind open to what comes up from you. I'll hold off on buying any PDFs for now, and I'll wait for some inspiration for what kind of character I will try and come up with.
I appreciate your enthusiasm as always bud, but maybe wait until the rest of the group has chimed in too? Making a character concept is just fine, but I'd hope you didn't spend any money or undue time on something that we all haven't agreed on.

Some folks (like Cap'n) haven't had their say yet. I'd like to hear further from just about everyone.
Thus far, I have absolutely no connection to that universe and the game; and I haven't had the time to take a proper look. Hasn't stopped me from playing Robotech, Dr Who and other games - but that's why I haven't been vocal on it. Doesn't mean I'd be in or out - just uninformed for the moment.
Let me know if you'd like me to give a big post into what's in my head? I can try if that would help folks on the fence decide.

Also, don't let my thoughts ever turn you off from playing a game like Rifts. In capable hands, like Psychie's and Sherwood's, it's a good game and PCs chase the right things (help people, have teamwork, try to make the world a better place), but in most of the games I've been hearing from other Game Masters I hang with, it often becomes that chase for power where last level's best stuff is now this level's garbage. Rifts can go both ways fast so I recommend you choose your GM and table wisely. =)

I also noticed that there are more characters in Broadsword that'd have to squeeze into the top3 as well... Cera for example. I'll give the character question some more thought, but change my response above to 'conflicted, but certainly interested'.
Like I said, you're welcome to make a Top 5! Or if you like, hang back and see how it goes if Cap'n and Kaerri both decide to go for it. If they do, and you see that you like it, welcome in! =)
Like I said, you're welcome to make a Top 5!
There's no point - adding Cera and Jerry in means that Mack is right at the edge, and if I make a top6 someone else belongs there as well. You write too many characters too well.
Let me know if you'd like me to give a big post into what's in my head? I can try if that would help folks on the fence decide.
If others feel like that's the best choice, I'll naturally sneak in and take in the general vibe and ideas - no need to make it a big post for my sake.
I haven't heard from Cap'n, Jay, and Sil on this...
For me, the main things I'm concerned about are:
  1. How easy is it going to be to learn the system?
  2. What's character creation going to be like?
  3. How suitable is the system for play by post?
  4. Do I have the time and headspace necessary to participate right now?
For me, the main things I'm concerned about are:
  1. How easy is it going to be to learn the system?
  2. What's character creation going to be like?
  3. How suitable is the system for play by post?
  4. Do I have the time and headspace necessary to participate right now?
jaydude jaydude
1. My first thought is, "If you can handle a system like Exalted or Avatar, then Palladium is not going to be difficult for you. There is a learning curve, but not like in either of those games, especially Exalted."

2. TMNT/After The Bomb has "frontloaded" characters (PCs that can do quite a lot at 1st level, but don't necessarily become gods down the road as it is in Exalted). Being frontloaded, PCs have a lot of important decisions to make ("Do I want to play a human?" "How about a mutant animal?" "What kinds of skills do I want to select from what's available?" "Do I want martial arts?"). With those decisions come a lot of basic math. Once done, you have a character that you probably know well and that's always a plus. Also, I think gameplay is straightforward (unlike, say, Exalted or HERO: Champions) and I find it quite a bit more fun and complex than D&D/Pathfinder when playing play-by-post (there's a little more math, but I can do more and having those options is good).

3. Robotech: Broadsword is a Palladium game that I've been running since 2016. I feel Palladium translates pretty well to play-by-post or I wouldn't use it or be a Player in games with it. It also helps to have players who also know the system (most of whom are in The Gang). =)

4. You probably have already guessed this, but that's up to you, good Jay! =)

On that note, let me say this to everyone. Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon I love playing with you gals and guys, but if you don't have the time? If these games are getting in the way of your Real Life instead of adding to them? Don't play - Real Life Always Comes First. I mean it! I know you all to be responsible players, but I don't feel like I'm being a responsible GM if I leave that unmentioned.

Despite my best efforts to hope you'll play, turn me down in a heartbeat if you don't feel it's right. The Real World has its demands on us and we must meet them before gaming. I'll miss you greatly if you don't play, but I will fully understand and respect your decision. =)
Because that's the way this Purr rolls, mah homies! Ha ha! =)

Sounds like a system I might be interested in, actually. Also: Mutant animals - in two sentences, what's possible, and what isn't? What should, and shouldn't I think of when reading that?

And no worries, feels like my life needs more, not less, rping at the moment. Not too much, but I'll be able to handle one or two games, I believe.

Also: Was in the mood for a bit of Broadsword-writing - it's been a while. Figured I'd just put it here in case someone wants to give it a read.
For once, there is peace. Just the illusion, of course - out there, people are still struggling, and dying. Such is the world, for now, until it changes for the better. But here... there's none of that for a little while.

Just the quiet humming of the engines that never ceases. The other, less distinct sounds that kept her awake at first and now barely raise to her attention. And above her the night sky beyond spotless glass, untouched by mankind's and the war's pollution. A million stars, trying - and failing - to light up the darkness in-between. A pointless struggle, just like so much, these days - until the point where it, hopefully, all comes together and matters. Just like a countless cuts eventually turn a piece of wood into a figurine.

Not that she'd know anything much about woodcraft. Always been one to do the thinking, until that didn't save the world.

But what does, these days... the Broadsword, or nothing. No pressure, eh? No pressure at all.

Funny how that works. When you walk across the ocean floor, or conquer the sky in a Logan for the first time... When you visit ruined cities of old, or glimpse the future, returned to the present... You dream to change the world for the better.

And then, when you're finally in a position to do so, and not just act as if... Then sometimes, all you wish is to be elsewhere instead. To be home in relative safety, without the weight of millions of lives on your shoulders. Without the stars starting down at you as if to witness mankind's last desperate breaths.

Not today. Never if she can help it, though the odds say she won't. But line up enough unlikely events in a row, and the impossible doesn't seem too unlikely anymore at all.

And heck, unlikely pretty much sums up her life. The guitar next to her is proof of that. An instrument from one who traveled the stars, returned to earth from the actual future. And now in her hand as she gently picks up its weight. One hand pushes a strand of blonde her back behind her ear - the ponytail never holds them all at bay. Then, she starts to play.

A well-familiar melody from easier days, yet hardly following a steady rhythm. Mankind is flawed, and she's out of practice. No chance to tackle the former, no way to change the latter other than to hang on in there. Slowly but surely, her fingers remember what the mind almost thought forgotten.

She's missed that. To just fight her own expectations, and not the entire world. Like back then, in Stockholm - a lifetime ago. Just different. There are the sounds of the future, quietly chiming in. The promise that change might be possible, underway. And a million stars, watching, perhaps in wait for a miracle this universe has never seen. Not the butchered song, obviously, or the endless doubts, but the deeds of those around her. Defy the odds a million times, and even out there, with all the options, there won't be a second stubborn struggle quite like mankind's.
Ooh! RP post ftom Sil! There's something I'm looking forward to reading!

As for mutant animals, give me time to give you a thorough answer that question deserves?

One more thing, especially for Jay since you seem interested. jaydude jaydude This time around I would like to make the character creation process a bit more involved. I would like the characters to be a family at the start of the game. Not just friends, but family.

It doesn't mean you're siblings, maybe you're cousins, it doesn't mean you're even blood-related but a Family of the Soul. That's the foundation I want to start from.

Like maybe you are all from outside New York and are trying to find a beloved family member in the Big Apple.
Purr Purr Like Sherwood has said, I will need more info on the game that is percolating in that head of yours before I decide to commit, one way or the other. I do look forward to hearing what’s what.
This time around I would like to make the character creation process a bit more involved. I would like the characters to be a family at the start of the game. Not just friends, but family.

It doesn't mean you're siblings, maybe you're cousins, it doesn't mean you're even blood-related but a Family of the Soul. That's the foundation I want to start from.
Yeah, this definitely works for me.
Purr Purr Like Sherwood has said, I will need more info on the game that is percolating in that head of yours before I decide to commit, one way or the other. I do look forward to hearing what’s what.
What can I answer for you? Tell me what you're wondering about.
Since we are family, does this mean we are all human or mutant animals? Or is it more along the lines of ‘they are the family I picked, not what I was born to’?
Also: Mutant animals - in two sentences, what's possible, and what isn't? What should, and shouldn't I think of when reading that?
1. What is: Anthropomorphic modern-day animals with all of their nature-given abilities usually between 1 and 5 meters in height most often accompanied by human-level intelligence, speech, hands, education, physical and emotional capabilities, and Alignments.

In terms of looks, think Planet of the Apes-style mixing of human and animal or non-transformable werewolves fixed in the werewolf-form only.

2. What isn't: No Godzillas, King Kongs, Incredible Hulks, Spider-men/women, X-men-style Wolverines, Creatures from the Black Lagoon, Smurfs, The Things, Mars Attacks, or My Little Ponies.

3. What should be: anthropomorphic animals that act much like humans, each with individual personalities, goals, quirks, and backgrounds.

4. What shouldn't be (but probably is this on some level with your enemies): maniacal bloodlust, mating habits, going into heat, killing for the sake of killing or to protect territory, truly mindless behavior.

Whew! How's that for 1-2 sentence amswers, Silanon Silanon ? Heh!
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Since we are family, does this mean we are all human or mutant animals? Or is it more along the lines of ‘they are the family I picked, not what I was born to’?
1. Like I said, being blood-related is not a requirement. I mean that on a scientific level; you don't have to be the same species at all. After all, family is in the heart.

That said, I want to make clear that TMNT has a really cool rule I like!

If you choose the same animal type, background, and upbringing (and martial arts style if any), that pack, when together, will have a decisive skill advantage over those that don't.

When the four turtles are together they are effectively three experience levels higher! Their combat bonuses and skill bonuses are adjusted accordingly every time.

This is one of the reasons the Turtles are such a powerful pack when together. You guys would be welcome to take this or not use this as you like.

Or is it more along the lines of ‘they are the family I picked, not what I was born to’?
If I had my way I would have you guys as a "Family of the Heart," much in the same way that Casey and April and Splinter and the Turtles are very different but they clearly have a dear family bond and are all the stronger together for it.

More questions?
Whew! How's that for 1-2 sentence amswers, Silanon Silanon ? Heh!
Awesome, thanks - that gives me a much better idea of what I might be signing up for. Just meant to make it clear that I'm only looking for a brief idea for now, and that's exactly what I got.

I do find the species requirement for that bonus slightly irritating, honestly. I can see some logic behind it, but I wouldn't have thought it'd be such an incentive to not go for diversity there. There's probably no such rule promoting diversity in species instead, right? Feels interesting from a design-perspective. Unless, of course, species come with a clear focus in skills and such, i. e. going for the same species means everyone being incredibly bad at this one thing.
I was not aware of the bonus you could get by being the same species like that. Very interesting.

I recall a Champions gave where the premise was a SEAL type team that was made of all mutant animals like the Dog Boys from Rifts and the other animal references you made. There was a pack of velociraptors with sub machine guns and hand grenades running around with a mutant rhino as the big guns of the group and a penguin with mental powers as team support. It was a lot of fun.
Unless, of course, species come with a clear focus in skills and such, i. e. going for the same species means everyone being incredibly bad at this one thing.
Skills and species are completely separate! Again using the Turtles as an example, each of them has the same educational background but some of their skill choices vary widely, while they are all trained ninjas. =)

Being Turtles, of course, their ability to fly is rather limited, right? But those shells on their backs have saved them from terrible harm a great number of times. The species that one chooses tends to focus on the physical advantages and limitations of said species. =)
I was not aware of the bonus you could get by being the same species like that. Very interesting.
Details Matter. Remember, Bud, it isn't just the same species - it's the same education, same background, and same martial system if they're all martial artists, and the same species. =)

That team bonus really blew me away when I first learned about it. You're 1st level by yourself but you're effectively 5th level in skill when 6 of you are together? That's huge!

Now that doesn't mean you get to choose new skills; it just means the skills that you have are temporarily improved. Everyone's Prowl goes from 40% to 60%. Everyone's 1st level in Sankukai Karate is 5th.

Just don't make the mistake of thinking you have to be clones. It's education, not skill choices. It's background, not Alignment or Attributes. It's same species, but not sex. =)

Edit: Also, I'm adding all these details not because I want for you to do it - that's your decision - I want you to know that the option is there and what it means.

There was another team bonus that applied to Attributes in TMNT but I don't think I'll be using that here. I want to focus on story and characters.
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