In need of...Campaign!


One Time Luck
Hi all,

I plan to launch an Exalted campaign in a few weeks, I have motivated players, and I am motivated...

However, I have one major problem...I'm lacking time to prepare my campaign, mostly for personal and professional reason.

I've a bunch of idea for my campaign, but as you surely know, it create a coherent and addictive story, with great plots, in media res epic events, nice (And vengeful) NPCs, ...

I just wanted to know if anyone out of here have created a campagin, has it in a written format, and could share it with me... :P

Should I found what I'm looking for, I promise one thing...some resume of great story events, as every group act and react differently.

I really hope, someone out here will answer my prayer...

May the Unconquered Sun bless you all,


You can't be serious...

I mean...


You could do a few things one is to get someone to do the champaign for you, the other is to pay a visit to various champaigns for OTHER rpgs... like D&D/AD&D and such... and modify it to suit your needs.


You could do what I do...

Take a single image/concept/idea as a start and then roll with it.

For example...

This is what I started off for my latest champaign, a group of solars havng dreams of the ursuption... waking up on an airship as they head off to do some mission from the Solar Deliberate.

A simple enough mission, hold the city of Zarlath... keep it safe.

Only... they're looking at an army of fae that is almost a million strong, after being swelled up with human recruits.

They have a few talons of soldiers, an air carrier (kireeki class skytreme), two Manta-class support, to support the 3 dragons of soldiers stationed in the city of Zarlath.

Now... can anyone say Battle of Alamo, or one of the many assorted battles to hold a location against overwhelming forces? only in Exalted-vision? With desperate actions taken by both sides, one to protect the city, the other to take it.

With a time frame, before the FULL might of the Solar Empire comes crashing down on the faerie forces?

Yeah... I don't have a full out plot written for it. Beyond a few ideas of what is going to happen when/if the characters do certain things.

As a ST, you HAVE to be ready to improvise... and improvisation with an eye on your general plot can mean alot.


OOC - it's AFTER the battle and such, that things get REALLY interesting... after all, they can and should win it. What with them being solars... however, the degree of that victory will determine how the post-battle plot goes.
Rather than start off with a huge campaign idea, why not go for the easier route?

Start off small--an introduction story. Something small, to get their feet wet. To introduce them to each other, and sort of get the setting down the way you want.  

Take notes. Lots of notes.  Of their Backgrounds. Their back stories.  Start weaving in consequences from their actions, and bring in things from their "pasts" as well as a few odd bits and pieces.  You have an idea for a villain? Weave in hints of things brewing.  You don't need details yet, just a random sort of encounter will do.  You can retcon a reason for it later.  Let the PCs take the fore and let them come up with reasons for the event.  Let them start chasing down leads.  Hints at a cache of First Age goodies.  Rumors of the Dragon Kings in Rathess.  Slave revolts a brewing, and it looks like an old acquaintance has been taken as a slave, and may be involved in the rebellion. Hook in your PCs with ties from their "pasts" and build your campaign from there.

You can introduce other elements as you have more time, and your PCs are getting more acclimated to the world and their place in it.  Seemingly random encounters can be linked with the Art of the Retcon.

I don't mind helping a brother out, and I'll be glad to discuss some ideas, but asking folks to build you a whole campaign, or borrow an old one like an Old Skoolio D&D Module...that's fucked up man.  

You don't have time to prep for a game, then maybe you don't have time to play the game.  Seriously.  If you're not willing to put in the time to make a story for your players, then what are you doing picking up the screen and dice in the first place?  It's not like it takes a huge investment of time to jot some ideas down, and take some notes.
Well well well...I think I just don't explain correctly the problem...

Idea, I've got plenty of them. I have a campaign idea (not only one, hopefully! :P ), events idea, characters and epic action in store. No problem for that...

But I'm usually very impro-oriented, which usually give good results, but this approach lack one thing I want to introduce...a plot...a big epic plot...Something which will always have avaialble secrets to reveal, to make my players think beyond first glance, beyond what seems to be...and that they'll maybe partly miss!

I have idea, but this sort of campaign, not based on impro (Well, I'm ready for it, and there'll be impro, but my campaign will not be a impro campaign...I don't want to).

I'm not here to get advice on how I can do without a written campaign, as I can handle my players his way...

I just want to offer them something different...a colorful epic adventure with other than just mighty fights and deep and complex story plot.

When I was younger, I had time to prepare and write down my campaigns, but it's not the case anymore. I succeed freeing one evening every month to play Exalted, 4 hours a month, not big, but my player are happy with that.

I want to take them higher, I want to offer them something new...I don't ask for a D&D module, doesn't care about DMT (Door-Monster-Treasure) without any plot (Most of the time...), I just wanted to see if someone out here has his own campaign in an electronic format, as I'll be able to use it as guideline/plot for my own campaign. I don't ask someone to write down something, just to share something they already have...

I'm not here to be judged on what I ask, not here to receive advice on how I can run without a campaign or make my own as an impro campaign, or to know I can base everything on their background...I already know that, and even if everything you said was good advices, it was not the purpose of my request...

Anyway, thanks for your answers, and I hope I was clearer in the current message about what I'm looking for...

Well well well...time to go to bed for me...dreaming I get a bunch of answers for tomorrow!

Have a good night!
*sniffs the air* Epic you say? Awesome, says I.

Hmm, electronic format? Good luck, but we can give you ideas, threads even.
Well, as the ladies like to say, "There's Mr. Right and Mr. Right Now."

You can have a big epic adventure but you don't have to start out with it right away.  Usually, it's better if you start off with a few little adventures so you can get used to your players and your players can get used to you, and for the Circle to mesh well together.  What's the point to writing a great epic adventure that takes into account the detailed and developed plot history of the characters the players have when 3 sessions into it they decide to abandon that character because it wasn't working out like they thought it would?  That means you'll have to rewrite your epic to take that into account and rewrite it for every character that the players make until they each find one they're comfortable with in your game.  That's extra and unneeded work on your part.  So at first run little adentures, which you can improvise or gain inspiration from the 1001 Exalted 2E Encounters thread and let the troupe settle into themselves and after that you can come up with the great epic adventure to wow us all.
Not what he's looking for.

Smitty here wants someone to pony up their bestest and brightest, so he can rip it, ru-N-improve it, and not do a lot of work, hoping that someone else will do the hard part and come up a grand theme for him.

And it sounds like he's not even going to give a reach around for the effort.  

Or rather, for posting up their own campaigns.

Smitty, you might want to check out The Exalted Wiki as they might have what you're looking for.  And they'll probably give you a lot less snark for your trouble as well.
Forgotten Suns... I remember that...

Ghorghor, not to sound mean or rude... I would suggest going for that or for Return to the Tomb of 5 Corners, or may be... The Temple of the Serpent Queen! (which came out back when Exalted was young).

We can't give you more help, seriously.

I adapt my champaigns... which means that it's customized to the point where if someone else takes ahold of it and fires it up... they have to pretty much shoe-horn and railroad their players if they want to follow along in the footsteps of my players.

Because that's whay players do... they do unexpected things.

You can have a massive chapaign, brilliantly designed, but your players could do something incredibly brilliant or insane and end up breaking the champaign.

As Mr Gump said "shit happens."
Nope. Not drunk, just testy.

Smitty is new here, so perhaps I should be a little more forgiving, but what he's looking for is for someone else to do his work for him.  And maybe he's not a native-English speaker, so I'm just misreading it, but the initial couple of posts just rubbed me the wrong way. And still do.  

The Wiki will have what he's looking for.  And maybe be more his speed.
The wiki won't have what he wants...

they'd be nicer about it... but he won't find what he wants here or anywhere else...
I thought there were a couple of members there who posted up their campaign logs, as well as a couple of scenarios.

Could be wrong though.

But you're right, they'll be nicer about it.
I know WW is very big on giving STs the tools they need to make their own campaign, but I would like it if they would also publish them.  Not everybody has the time to write up a detailed plotline, what with work, family and friends, and Exalted is geared more for older audiences who may not have the time.  Also, they're starting to right scenarios for nWoD so maybe they will for Exalted once they put out all the informational books and need to publish something, perhaps a collection of scenarios that take place in the five corners of Creation and has a scenario for every type of Exalted in each book and possibly connected to each other.  I think that would be pretty nifty.
alohahaha said:
I know WW is very big on giving STs the tools they need to make their own campaign, but I would like it if they would also publish them.
Uh... Time of Tumult?

I think WW did this pretty well with the three campaigns in The Autochthonians. I would have liked to see that sort of stuff in the Fair Folk book instead of the mountain folk stuff.
wordman said:
I would have liked to see that sort of stuff in the Fair Folk book instead of the mountain folk stuff.
I'd rather have seen that stuff in the Fair Folk book instead of the Fair Folk stuff, since I find the latter completely unusable.

Thanks for all your answers...

I'll get to the point below, but I just wanted to clarify some little things...I'm not English native speaker, and I think/hope I write in a comprehensive way, which shoul be the case, as some people understand me! :P

As alohahaha said, I lack the time to prepare something big, something I want to give to my players. I'm not sure you really want details about my current life planning, but I can assure you I can't give up any more hour of sleep to prepare my campaign. However, I still want to play rpg, and run a campaign, as my players do.

And yes I want someone to make the hard part for me, it's true...well, not really, in fact, as I ask if someone has already something available.

I've a hard time to understand why the hell it seems so disturbing, abnormal or something like that to ask if someone has something available. There are so many campaigns/adventures for so many rpgs, fan contribution, or even editor official work.

For Exalted, except Time of Tumult (Which I own), there's nothing (WW is not the best as publishing scenarii... :( )...

I was a bit disapointed to found nothing like that in the submission section. Maybe a lot more work than creating a npc or a charm, but it could also be a submission, no?

Well, I'll check the given links, hoping I'll found what I'm looking for...thanks again!

Players and characters are all different.  what works for one crew, isn't going to work for another.  And, we're a snarky bunch of bastards.  

There are a couple of folks who post up their campaign logs, most of us tend to work with seeds, wing it, or just keep copious notes on our own.

Uploading a bunch of material, and making it coherent for someone else takes work--and like yourself, we all have lives that include things other than Exalted. Even CW has toned down the Post-Torrent that got him his Elemental Dragon status in record time.

Adventure seeds, and tools are one thing. But it's like going to a carpenter and asking them if you can borrow their tools, their shop, and maybe some plans, and if it wouldn't be too much trouble, some materials as well to build a bookcase for their mother, and would you mind just holding the board here, and here, and could you finish this up for me, because I got to got to the store...

You're asking folks to build you a campaign, entire, and while you might just be looking something to get your own juices flowing, it's sort of presumptuous to ask folks to do all the work for your players--who we don't know, and we all sort of pride ourselves on crafting tales for players and characters.  

Yes, campaigns are a LOT more work than sharing NPCs and Charms.

I take back the carpenter analogy.  It's more like walking into someone's kitchen, out of the blue, and asking someone to give you a hand with a dinner, from start to finish.  Appetizers, salad, dinner, and desserts, and ask for help with the place settings, the lights, the music, and could you borrow their equipment and kitchen, recipes, and food from the 'fridge as well. All for people that your host doesn't know, and then cart the whole kit and kaboodle away to set up in your own place.  

There are some folks who might offer to share their own experiences, and help folks with some good advice, but what you're asking is a whole lot of work, and that's something that most of us are balancing as well.  

Good luck with it and all, but that's not what we do here.  You're welcome to use the resources, and we'll share our experience and tools that have worked for us in the past, but most of us are already balancing a lot in our lives, and the effort to upload a HUGE chunk of our lives in a handy format for someone who is too lazy or unable to do so for's almost a slap in the face, considering the amount of work that we put into our campaigns.

We all have lives too.  And somehow we manage to work it out so that we can give 100% to our players.  And when you roll in and ask to half ass it for your own player...

I got pretty early that you weren't a native speaker, and perhaps culturally this isn't a big deal back home--which is where?--but around here, it was a wee bit presumptuous.  At least with the attitude that you dripped into your posts--and that may be just a simple misread on my part because of the non-native writer status, but it came off presumptuous, and I don't think I was the only one who picked that up.

Good luck with that though.  If we're not too snarky and nasty for you, we'll see you around.
Ghorghor said:
I've a hard time to understand why the hell it seems so disturbing, abnormal or something like that to ask if someone has something available.
It's not. Someone took away Jakk's binky, and now he's cranky.

You're asking folks to build you a campaign
No he isn't. Read the original post again. He's asking: if you've built a campaign and already have it in written format, could you share it with me, please?

If you assume the first two are already done, as the original poster does, and you are someone that has already done the first two, the burden on you to provide him access to it is significantly less than that needed to write the amount of crap you've posted bitching at him.
You're both right. I am a wee bit cranky today as well.  I will blame general lack of sleep and some union issues, but let me tender my apologies to Smitty.
Don't worry, be happy! :P

No offense, I could even understand you if I was asking what you think I'm asking...but hopefully, I'm not asking that! :P

Anyway, I'm from Belgium, I speak French and (I hope) my English is at least understandable! :)

One question...why calling me it some kind of slang word?

After checking the links, I'm pretty sure I could make something I and my players will like with campaigns logs...anymore available? It's always fun to read others campaigns' logs, and it gives me more and more idea, with a plot line.

If I take some campaign logs to use for my own campaign, the first thing I'll do is to congratulate the original author, and if he's interested, I'll also give him feedback and even campaigns logs (depending on available time... :P ). In my own opinion, I'll be flattered (Not sure of this word...let's say proud) if someone use something I created...And if this happens, I'll at least sped a bit of my spare time to thanks the author by giving him pieces of my campaigns, if it interest him...

Thanks again, and if someone has anything else like that, I'd be happy to put an eye on it!

Have a good night...


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