In need of...Campaign!

Jakk has many names for peeps. And your English is fine! No worries there. Just be wary of Jakk, he bites ;P
Smitty, short for Submitter...

And I'll have you know that I have all my own choppers.

Jealous ass bitches...
Well, I've read almost all ressources you given me, and slept a bit less the few past days! :P

Many thanks to you all, and congratulation for the forgotten tomb, I'll surely use it as the start of my campaign, modified with my own ideas. Wordman, you really made a great job as the format is easy to read and access as reference.

It gave me the basis for starting an epic campaign, as before epic come initiation! :P

I'll keep you informed of modifications/advancement of my player,  if you're interested.

Ghorghor said:
Wordman, you really made a great job as the format is easy to read and access as reference.
Thanks. That was the design goal of Forgotten Suns. I wish more people would use the Encounter Pages concept. It'd be way easier to mix and match stuff.
Stillborn said:
Maybe you need to pimp it out more. This is the first I've heard of it.
Very true. If there's one thing I don't do enough of on this site is pimp my own stuff. That would require actual effort, however. I'm contemplating some sort of site to assemble pages, but don't yet have the will.

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