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Fantasy In Fighting Monsters


Dialectical Hermeticist
See the Freelancer. She is a woman much like any other who one night declared ‘enough is enough.’ She picked up the spear her grandfather brought back from the war, and went out to face the monster that was stealing children. She is one of the people, and they love her for it.

She is walking the path they know in their hearts to be called ‘Hero’, and they fear her in equal measure; she is like them, but she is no longer one of them. She has slain men as easily as monsters, and often, she sees no difference.

See the Inquisitor. He is a hard man, and has led a hard life. Once, he truly was a man of God, but he has trod upon Hell’s blighted soil and faced its terrible denizens; there can be no loving god in a world where these exist. He keeps in the mind the bigger picture - one village’s sacrifice can save a nation.

A crime against mundane law is of no interest to him, but a convicted criminal makes a fine conscript. To the smallfolk, he is an avatar of wrath and a merciless arbiter of justice. He is merciless, but his idea of justice is something most prefer not to contemplate.

See the Monk. She is a weapon. Every moment since her childhood has honed her to a razor edge. Her blade is an extension of her body. She is a vessel for the wrath of the gods, the protector of the innocent, the doom of the unrighteous.

To the smallfolk, she is an enigma - her gods are strange, and make strange demands. Her dress, and speech, and ways are alien to them, yet she looks like one of their own. She cares not for kings nor coin; only that justice be done, though the heavens may fall.

See the Bloodhunter. He knows suffering better than most. He has been beaten, and tortured, and enslaved. He has been outcast by his own; he has lost his very will to a dread creature of the night. And now he is free.

He is free, and nothing will bind him again. He will hunt down the masters of the night, and eat their still-beating hearts, and make their power his own. He will break the chains of the downtrodden and spit in the face of gods and kings.

To the people, he is a monster and a brute. They will fear him, and at best respect him, but they can never love him nor understand what he has become.

See the Alchemist. He is inheritor to an ancient bloodline of warrior-scholars. He is more than human, but by little enough. The plagues and sicknesses, the poisons and rot that trouble the lives of those around him barely touch him.

He has been taken from his home, and raised among others like him, by others like him, in a tradition stretching back to a lost golden age. He has been educated, and knowledge is the weapon with which he has defeated fear.

And that knowledge makes him fearsome - to the smallfolk he knows arcane secrets and magical rites, and he jealously guards that knowledge. He cannot be a normal man; they have seen him drink their best under the table when they sought to rob him. They have seen him gleefully sort through a dead monsters corpse and take away organs.

And sometimes, he wants to take your children away to become like him.

See the Spiritseer. See her and fear her, for she dares to speak to the gods as equals, and threatens them with destruction. She walks a violent, eldritch path to power - her own power, used as she sees fit. She is cursed from birth to hear the voices of the spirits and lay her flesh upon their ephemera.

She tears out their essence and devours it, and becomes like them. Her eyes burn black and her hair is thick mane like a lion. She runs like the wind and commands the dead. Yet she is needed; when the spirits will not be swayed by sacrifice and prayer, she comes with arrogant stride and brings them to heel.

She is a hole in the Celestial Order and the heavens quake at her footfall. The people despise her and revere her. They dare not raise a spear against her, they fear her too much to welcome her home.

Low-fantasy game of monster hunting and moral ambiguities, in the Crucible: Dark Age setting. Any takers?
I think... This sounds amazing.

You're a very good writer, sir.

I'd like to see this :)
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Also interested, I've been looking for a realistic-feel fantasy RP for a while now. I'm in :D
Also skimmed through the one in your signature, will finish reading it when I get the chance, I'm highly interested in this :D
Question that I don't think was specifically mentioned:

How many specialties is one character allowed per skill? E.g. Someone with an average Academics rating, can they specialize in Law, History and Literature, or are they only allowed one specialization and the other subjects are inherently sub-par?
Alright, finally read through everything, both pages. Any tips on starting up a char sheet, @Grey? Otherwise, I'll be taking the advice in the Document and PM you an Inquisitor charrie for evaluation and perk distribution. :)

Must say, fantastically written. The lore and overall world-picture is superb, you can really feel like each culture could exist and clash with each other. Much kudos, man!

( ^_^ )b
Stickdom said:
Question that I don't think was specifically mentioned:
How many specialties is one character allowed per skill? E.g. Someone with an average Academics rating, can they specialize in Law, History and Literature, or are they only allowed one specialization and the other subjects are inherently sub-par?
I would discourage that at character creation purely because it narrows your focus pretty significantly, but it's totally permissible and characterful.

I haven't yet added it to the document, but you're capped at the rating of your Skill - so to take those three Specialties would require Academics 3. Make sense?

Also, thank you! I am always striving to improve on it. I think you're in the clear to sort out an Inquisitor, but do get the backstory nailed down first if you can - that way I can dispense freebie points.

Anyone else feel confident enough to get going sometime in the near future?

Feel free to PM me with questions, concerns.
Grey said:
I would discourage that at character creation purely because it narrows your focus pretty significantly, but it's totally permissible and characterful.
I haven't yet added it to the document, but you're capped at the rating of your Skill - so to take those three Specialties would require Academics 3. Make sense?

Also, thank you! I am always striving to improve on it. I think you're in the clear to sort out an Inquisitor, but do get the backstory nailed down first if you can - that way I can dispense freebie points.

Anyone else feel confident enough to get going sometime in the near future?

Feel free to PM me with questions, concerns.
Yeah, makes sense, I figured that it would be something along those lines :) I do have a character backstory in mind, of course, I just happen to have an idea of what skills and specialties would suit her personality and background.

Welp, here I go to write up her story, I'll PM it to you as so as it's done ^_^ keep up the great stuff, Grey!
Can we not put questions here?


  • What level would this be (Novice, intermediate, advanced)
  • According to the text document, they're slayers?
Stickdom said:
her story
Shit, okay, need to make it clear - the Inquisition as it currently exists is a very sexist institution; they don't admit women. I hope that doesn't put you out. They don't represent my views, of course.

Though if your character is trans, there's nothing to stop her entering the Inquisition as long as she keeps it relatively secret. 

TurtleGod said:
Can we not put questions here?

  • What level would this be (Novice, intermediate, advanced)
  • According to the text document, they're slayers?
I would say Intermediate, but for some grappling with the system might be taken as Advanced.

Yes, the collective term for these kinds of people is slayers. Slaying monsters is what they do.
Mm, okay.

Intermediate, but when dealing with the system, maybe Advanced.

Slaying monsters, got it.
Aww, darn... I had contemplated that, actually, and I had a suspicion that she may not be accepted on that term. Ah well, I can make it a guy, no problem, nothing that is inherently female about the story.

Are there any other points that are specific to gender, race, etc. that we should know before starting? :3
Uh, let me think... most of the northern end of the continent is broadly white, but they take national and regional divisions more seriously than racial ones.

In Lama, to the south, are people with darker skin in an equally broad variety. They tend to be divided along familial and religious lines than anything else.

Slavery is a religious institution for some Lamans, and therefore the Northermen are happy to buy Laman slaves and don't struggle too much with the idea of slaves from neighbouring countries.

I think most of the immediately pertinent sexual and gender politics are covered in the respective national chapters, but I may be misremembering.

While the occupation of the characters will be slaying monsters, personal motivations are vital, and depending on the makeup of the party, I may introduce a political element.

EDIT: Just in case it's not covered

- Laman culture has no issues with the idea of two-spirited people; like a male soul in a female body or vice versa, and they have gender role outside male/female. Opinions on sexual orientation are more personal.

- Kelene culture frowns on homosexuality, but it's rarely openly persecuted. They have no concept of non-binary gender or dysmorphia.

- Hrothgaard urban culture is not very tolerant of homosexuality, but in some places they accept the idea of being transgendered interpreted through a supernatural lens.

- Hrothgaard tribal culture has very clearly defined gender roles, and doesn't tolerate... mixing, I guess. They regard a woman who takes on the duties of a man as man, for example, but she'd be shamed for doing anything feminine because to them she is a man.

- The Frontier varies wildly.

- H'kaer has no time for that kind of thing, but the Ministry of Knowledge tries to understand gender and sexual dynamics pragmatically as a way of ensuring their soldiers in the best health mentally and physically.

This can all be as relevant to your character as you like. I personally feel that a trans character could have an extremely valuable and relatable arc in trying to find a magical method to get the body they feel they should have.
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Cool beans, duly noted. I'm re-reading the various local lores as I write up my charrie, just to make it factually accurate.

As far as magic goes, since it appears that the Inquisition is at odds with the Magus community, having an Inquisitor Magus would be contradictory, wouldn't it? Not that I particularly want the magic, I'm just curious if that would be socially acceptable or seen as heresy.
Stickdom said:
Cool beans, duly noted. I'm re-reading the various local lores as I write up my charrie, just to make it factually accurate.
As far as magic goes, since it appears that the Inquisition is at odds with the Magus community, having an Inquisitor Magus would be contradictory, wouldn't it? Not that I particularly want the magic, I'm just curious if that would be socially acceptable or seen as heresy.
That is far too heretical. But a Demon Hunter would be very likely to ally with a Magus because they have a better idea of the bigger picture - a rampaging Demon is a far more pressing issue than a Magus just trying to survive, and that Magus might be helpful. Leads to internal conflicts from time to time.

Also I edited the above post just in case those details weren't clear anywhere (and I'm positive some aren't).

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