In Character Chat





"Fame changes a lot of things, but it can't change a lightbulb."

It seemed that almost as soon as Eva had stepped foot outside of the bar she was being called to stay by some divine alcohol god. Or maybe that was just the intercom; she was pretty tipsy and they seemed like one and the same right now. The person on the intercom was talking about guilds or something. She wasn't exactly sure what that meant. Eva guessed it was like being in a sorority. She let out a wry laugh upon hearing that her guild was called 'Cocytus'. "God these people know me well," she joked to Layla, frowning when she found out the pair would not be in the same guild. "I guess we have to part ways for now babe." She pouted, giving her blonde friend a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, "but we totally have to hang out and scope out some guys together okay?" With a smile and a wink, she stepped back inside, clutching her purse in one hand as she approached the people who had just arrived, taking a stool beside the girl whom she swore she had just seen in the bar a few minutes ago.

Eva smiled a friendly smile at the girl as she took her seat on the stool. "Back again so soon?" Turning her attention to the guy who was also with them she addressed them both. "Guessing you're both in Cocytus too. I'm Eva DioGua-" She stopped herself, realising she almost introduced herself by her stage name, a habit that came quite naturally to her now. "Malone, Eva Malone."

guild: Cocytus | location: the bar | scenario: Hittin' the bar....again
with: Layla ms marigold ms marigold (formerly) Maddox stellar.nova stellar.nova and Ivy AnimeGenork AnimeGenork (currently) | mentions:





"We accept the love we think we deserve."

Talk of guilds vaguely interested the quiet and introspective Gareth. He had stuck relatively close to the talkative Kenny, not saying much as was normal for Gareth. He wondered how his personality had been assessed by the people reading his essay. As far as he was concerned he certainly was not the most interesting person in the world. He was not especially smart, nor sociable and he certainly did not think of himself as leader material. Apparently his guild was Phlegethon, a bit of a mouthful to say in all honesty. He grinned at Kenny as he announced that they were stuck with each other. Gareth was rather pleased how that had worked out. He did not feel like having to speak to an entirely different group of people all over again and at least he knew the over excited guy now.

Gareth looked around at the other people on the upper deck as they arrived, getting a handle on them almost instantly. One of the girls seemed incredibly energetic and joyful, a rarity to see these days, especially in Croydon where he was born and raised. The other two girls seemed fairly neutral, the redhead in particular looking very unimpressed. No one had made an attempt to introduce one another, and feeling that this would make the ordeal even more awkward he decided he would initiate, inwardly cringing at his sudden initiative.

Approaching everyone with a self-effacing awkwardness he spoke. "Alright there? I suppose you lot are all in Phlegethon too. I'm Gareth. Thought I might as well break the ice a know?" He sounded endearingly apologetic as he spoke, as though he probably should have just kept his mouth shut. Gareth found himself shooting a fleeting glance at Kenny as if for some sort of reassurance.

guild: Phlegethon | location: the upper deck | scenario: awkward intros
with: Kenny, Jacqueline AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Dulci Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire and Clodagh stellar.nova stellar.nova | mentions:

▼ keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground ▼

reincarnation: perseus | guild: oceanus | location: dining hall | scenario: ceaselessly distracted | With: Will , Galen , Avril , Tobias , Francesca , Camille | Mentions: <
Sébastien Emmanuel Proulx was restless. He was not bored nor apprehensive - just restive. The only time the boy could sit still was when he read - or slept. He would habitually fidget. Seb was sat at the dining table whilst he tapped his fork on the rim of his empty plate. He was not fully conscious of the tapping nor did he realise that he had become a mild annoyance to William, the boy he was adjacent to.

'Seb,' Will said warningly, 'That's the fourth time you've started doin' that.'

Sébastien paused. He looked over at Will and took a moment to process what the boy had said. While Seb could understand a fair amount of the English language - Will's accent could be hard to decipher. 'Doing what?...oh,' the french boy glanced down at the silverware in his hand. 'Sorry,' he apologised with a sheepish smile and placed the fork down.

William Lloyd had been the only person Sébastien had spoken to on the ship. He was a decent guy , although he had initially appeared apprehensive. It was evident that Will was ambivalent about leaving Wales and his family. Contrary to Will , however , was Seb. He was remarkably less perturbed and believed that attending Parthena Olympia University could be an adventure. Any place that was far away from his 'father' appealed to him regardless.

The boy could not completely focus as the crewman at the microphone read out the list. He had a tendency to 'zone out' inadvertently. His attention fluctuated. One moment he would be listening , then the next he was subconsciously staring at the bird out the window. In spite of not listening attentively a name did catch his interest - 'Magdalena Novak.'

The name initially felt as insignificant to him as the rest - though it had piqued his attentiveness. Sébastien could not fathom why until he recalled Camille , Camille Novak. It was rare that Seb would ever refer to her by her first name : 'Magdalena.'

Sébastien furrowed his brow , now unsure that he had even heard the name at all. 'Will, did you hear - ?...never mind.' he sighed and leant back in his seat. The notion that he had gone mad was more likely than Camille being on this ship. He figured it would be best not to be so hopeful.

Sébastien had been sorted into the Guild 'Oceanus' alongside Will. The pair both rose from their table as to seat themselves closer to those who remained in the Dining Room. Seb , being the uncoordinated long-limbed person he was , almost tripped over a chair leg in the process. By this point he had prematurely accepted that he would not be regarded as 'cool' amongst his peers - although it was not something that particularly concerned him.

Subsequent to nearly being murdered by a chair leg , he caught up to Will who had sat down. The other boy patted the seat beside him as the people who accompanied them began to discuss how a leader would be selected - though Seb was not listening. His attention had been caught by someone else. He remained standing as he stared in the direction of a petite brunette woman. He frowned , attempting to comprehend the image before him. 'Camille...?' Seb tilted his head slightly ; perplexed. He was not accustomed to seeing her without her blonde hair. The only part of him which prevented him from running up and hugging her then and there was that ounce of doubt - it was also the only part of him which kept his heart from exploding inside his chest.


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stellar.nova stellar.nova
AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
PixieDust PixieDust
deer deer


✧ expectation is the root of all heartache ✧

reincarnation: medusa | guild: lethe | location: dining hall > gardens | scenario: what is a 'lethe' ? | With: maddox (prev.) arte & castiel (curr.) | Mentions: <
Mette was not familiar with the English word 'guild' - though nor was she dense. It was clear that they were being divided up , although she would not pretend she knew what a 'phlegethon' or a 'cocytus' was. 'styx' she vaguely recognised. She listened as the crewman read down the register , pairing pupil's names with the foreign words. Mette was mildly dissatisfied when Dax was sorted in to 'cocytus' and she was assigned 'lethe.' She had an interest in him , however did not expect them to be together.

Her attention to the crewman abated once she had heard her name. Mette moved to retrieve her napkin from her lap , yet flinched once Dax jumped in his seat. The girl instinctively seized her glass of water , startled by the sudden jolt. She was not perturbed by those who looked their way - the only slight concern she held was reserved for Dax. She failed to recognise what would make him react so strange.

'It's fine,' Mette assured after he had apologised. She studied his change in behaviour with a raised brow , puzzled. The one thing that was clear , however , was that his attention had been diverted. Something or someone significant had caught his interest. Mette understood that she should not have felt irked , however she was tinged with jealousy. Absurd? She was aware.

'Catch ya later?'

The blonde met his charming grin with a slight smile , 'Catch ya later,' she repeated , finding some amusement in the unfamiliar phrasing.

Lethe was required to congregate in the Gardens and upon her entrance , Mette experienced mild apprehension. She was reminded of her family's Greenhouse. The girl absolutely loathed her growing irrational fear. She could not help but visualise a petrified member of her family hidden behind the flora. Ridiculous? She knew , yet could not deter the thought. It made her feel ill.

Mette attempted to subdue the senseless thought as she approached the two men who were already there. She did not speak up , however greeted one with a brief smile as she met his gaze. The other was seemingly engrossed by the flora.


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stellar.nova stellar.nova
Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire
AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

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"Silence isn't empty, it's full of answers."

Ivy had been pleasant company and though he could not strike up a conversation with her, he had appreciated her patience and willingness to accommodate his muteness. It was rare for others to be quite so understanding and if he ever became comfortable enough around her to do so he would be sure to tell her of his gratitude. Now however an announcement was being made by a crewman of which guild he would be in. Ilya did not pretend to understand the unfamiliar English word but he did grasp that he had to meet the other members in the garden area. After nodding a goodbye to Ivy who had called him a knight, causing him to smile at her, Ilya made his way with the help of directions, to a beautiful botanical area where the others were. He made no effort to attract attention and deliberately stood slightly away from them all with a neutral expression that probably made him look sinister. He stood admiring the plants and acting as though the others did not exist. He had never been the sociable type anyway and very much enjoyed the silence he was interpreting.

guild: Lethe | location: the gardens | scenario: silent introductions
with: Castiel AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Mette mxlly mxlly Arte Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire and Katy stellar.nova stellar.nova | mentions
: Ivy AnimeGenork AnimeGenork


reincarnation: themis | guild: phlegethon | location: dining hall > deck | scenario: introductions | With: Kenny , Jacqueline , Dulci , Clodagh , Gareth | Mentions: Jae Sun , Xavier
Inna Ahn possessed a phlegmatic disposition. She sat relaxed in the dining room chair , one leg crossed over the other. The woman had positioned her chair on a slight angle , directed toward the crewman. 'Ace Lovett, Guild Oceanus. Adrian Galanis, Guild Phlegethon.......' Inna sat patiently as he begun to read the list - she appeared particularly nonchalant. She was not the least bit concerned with which 'guild' she would be assigned. There was more than one familiar individual on the ship , however she did not require their company for comfort.

Inna leisurely traced her index finger around the rim of her glass , barely reacting when her name was read out. Contrastingly , the brunette raised a brow when the name 'Jae Sun Kim' was announced soon after her own. Unlike a few other people , she was yet to pass him and was sincerely surprised to hear his name - if he was indeed the Jaesun she knew. It was rare that Inna was left surprised , yet then hearing the name 'Xavier Lee' subsequent to 'Jae Sun Kim' had thrown her. She furrowed her brow and had a brief glance over her shoulder. She was not displeased , only baffled that she would already be familiar with a few of her fellow pupils.

The woman did not dwell on the subject. Once they had been excused and directed to their specific guild location , Inna swiftly proceeded to the upper deck. Regardless of the fast pace at which she walked , Inna maintained her grace. Chin up , shoulders back. In addition to appearing poised , walking with purpose also assisted when she wanted people to move out of her way. She could not stand a slow walker.

In spite of leaving the Dining room promptly , Inna was not the first one there. She arrived a moment before a brown-haired boy proceeded to 'break the Ice' with his tense introduction. It was highly apparent that he was regretful of his choice to speak up. She was both mildly entertained and sympathetic. Inna briefly eyed the boy as she strode past him , a smirk appearing on her face. 'I don't think anyone here will bite.' she remarked , stopping by the railing and leaning her hip against it. 'I'm Inna.'


Reincarnation: Hephaestus|| Guild: Lethe || Scenario: Shy Beginnings || Location: Dining Room---Gardens || With: Castiel AnimeGenork AnimeGenork , Mette mxlly mxlly , Arte Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire , Katy stellar.nova stellar.nova , and Ilya PixieDust PixieDust


"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how."

When Mateo left the house that morning, there was no big sendoff. The local band didn't come out and play him a song farewell, his neighborhood didn't organize a huge choreography number in his honor, the elderly women, who were oh-so-fond of him didn't shower him with gifts, baked goods, or kisses, his many lovers did not beg him to stay.... It was just him; utterly alone in the house that he despised, maybe that's why he hopped town as quick as he did.
The boat was big (he was pretty sure the proper word was yacht, or something) and was filled with too many luxury items for him to find comfort amongst. Still, he was curious and poked his head into each room he came across while walking on each level. He saw people talking, cooking, and even shoving others into the ocean; he thought it best not to intrude or make things worse, so on he went. Not entirely read to socialize just yet, Mateo decided the best course of action was to find an unoccupied room and waste some time there for a while. After a moment, of making small flower out of metal scraps he had sitting in his pocket, Mateo saw a drunk young woman walking past the door he was in giggling about "the dining hall," more than a little concerned, he exited the room and jogged to catch up with her asking her a few simple questions to gauge just how inebriated she was.

What Mateo came to find out was that her name was Cameron, she was 21, she really liked the song ABC, she did not know how to walk in heels very well, she was headed to the dining hall to see her best friends, and she immensely drunk. He offered to walk with her to the dining hall, not wanting to leave the young woman alone and find that she had wandered onto the deck and toppled into the ocean, or had passed out somewhere, but she refused his offer for help. Mateo tried to convince her otherwise, but even in her drunken state, she remained firm in her response, telling him that she was fine. Not wanting to upset her, Mateo agreed and stepped back. The girl seemed to appreciate what Mateo did very much, because she planted a kiss right on his lips before she headed on her way. A little stunned, but still wanting to make sure the girl would be alright, Mateo followed her through the halls until he found that she had successfully reached the dining hall. Hearing that they were going to be serving food soon, Mateo opted to stick around, sitting down at a table and resuming his flower crafting as he waited.

Mateo had made about 5 miniature flowers by the time the meal was served. Having a passion for cooking, Mateo appreciated the salmon meal very much, especially since high-quality food like this was not something he would eat on a regular basis. A part of him wanted to ask how they had prepared their lemon sauce, but he decided inquiries about the meal could be asked later because right after the meal, it was time for everyone to meet their guildmates, something that made him a bit apprehensive when they mentioned choosing a leader, but curious nonetheless.

After everyone had been sorted, Mateo headed to the gardens to meet the rest of his guildmates. When he arrived the was already 5 others there and he smiled widely at them.
"Olá, I'm Mateo. It's nice to meet you all," Mateo glanced at each of his guildmates who were already present, noting that most of them weren't really making an attempt to talk to each other. Well, that's no way to start out meeting, especially if we're going to work together as a team, he thought with a twinge of disappointment towards how things were going so far. "So, where are you all from? I am from Brazil."

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It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more.....

The pain in his head subsided after sometime. Truly a walk sometimes fixes everything. That and probably the salty sea air. He actually stayed at the deck for a couple of minutes before retreating inside the air-conditioned quarters of the boat. Though as much as he would like to stay in his room, Claude somehow felt restless, and instead of going back he turned around and walk someplace else. He passed by the mess hall, and the ballroom area. He heard voices inside, even a soft melody of the piano. Claude also passed by the game room alongside with the bar. Tempting as it is to join in with the others, he wasn't exactly sure if he'll fit in. Not wanting to stick out like sore thumb and the weird kid, he went on his way. Series of doors and hallways greeted him, until finally he smelled something good. Something scrumptious and mouthwatering. The kitchen.

Name: Claude Gabriel Silvestri
Reincarnation: Thanatos ; God of Death
Guild: Cocytus
Location: Dining hall >> Bar
Scenario: New beginnings.... again.
Mentions: ---

Claude loves to cook. He's not bad at baking as well. Aside from their family business, sometimes cooking also serves as father and son bonding moment. Panna cotta with raspberry coulis was the first dish his dad taught him to make. It was actually a dessert, and he was told that it was his late mother's favorite. His oldman often joke at him that dessert is one of the ways to a woman's heart. That it was the same dish that he used to woo his mother before. So far, Claude haven't tested that theory yet. For one, he's not sure if he can ask a girl he fancies and lastly, he's just too damn shy to actually ask. His father once said that he'll know that she's the right girl when you want to cook any complicated dish everyday day for her. Patience and passion. Two of the things a person needs to have in love. Along with timing, Claude's father usually adds.

Ricotta gnocchi is Claude favorite food. It was the food his dad used to make when he was sick and out with the flu. It was a very simple dish, yet the flavor and the texture of the ingredients are just sublime and wonderful.

Claude watched the cooks prepared their meal from the tiny window. He initially thought that they were going to tell him to get lost, but one of the cooks smiled at him and that made him stay. A couple of them pass by and greeted him. Just by watching them, he got ideas on how to prepare the meal. It was for a couple of minutes, but for Claude, the time went by just quickly. He got too fascinated by what he was watching that he didn't know it was done, not until one of the servers told him to proceed to the dining area where they're going to eat.

Their meal was good. The meat, sauce and veggies blended in together perfectly. The salmon was actually perfect. He’s not exactly used in eating such luxurious food but Claude was itching to try and cook it for his dad.

Clinking of silverwares, whispers and laughter filled the dining area but Claude remained quiet. He was seated with other students who were busy finishing their meal. A beautiful blonde girl was sitting on his right. She's definitely striking without even trying to look good. Her clothing were modest and girly. Not too flashy nor too showy. She was fiddling with her camera and was trying to keep a low profile. Their eyes met once and both of them blush, Claude looked away instantly while the girl looked down again on her camera. Beside the beautiful girl was a brown haired boy with an unruly hair. He had this playful smirk like he knows a deadly secret, his eyes were gleaming as he twirled a bread knife on his hand perfectly. On his left was a guy with a striking blue eyes, he was talking quietly with a girl beside him. Claude easily deduced that they’re brother and sister. Their eyes were the dead giveaway. While a pale brunette girl was beside them. She had her eyes on her cup most of the time,and her finger, tracing the lip of the cup. A teabag was in the saucer in front of her and her food was left untouched. Claude offered a small smile and it was reciprocated with a small acknowledgement coming from her before her chocolate brown eyes drifted back to the cup she was holding. Beside her is another girl with a dark hair. She was perky and always smiling who introduced herself as Vasilisa earlier. Her English were good but she still has this accent at the tip of her tongue when she’s talking rapidly. She was the most calm and the most out going in their little group, well, aside from the blond guy who was talking animatedly towards her who introduced himself as Alex. The guy was clearly flirting with her while he was sketching something on his napkin. From Claude's point of view, it was a portrait. It was actually the girl and for a sketch on a napkin, the portrait was pretty good. Alex, like the girl Vasilisa was all smile. Heck, he was even chirpier than her and he talks and move like they've known each other for a long time. He exudes confidence that Claude wishes he possesses. He was silently observing them when the blond guy looked up from his drawing and noticed that Claude was looking at him, he was about to flash an apologetic smile when Alex winked at him while flashing a sly and amused smile. Claude, for the second time around, blushed and looked away.

He was definitely thankful when a man walked in and gather the attention of the crowd. Again, the mysterious 'Headmistress N' was mentioned. And instead of gaining answers, Claude has more questions than before. Knowing that his questions won't be answered until they arrive on the island, he focused on the list that was mentioned by the man.

His seatmates acknowledge the guilds that they were assigned to, one by one they stood up. The blond guy was still grinning and when for the second time their eyes met. Claude felt that he's going to explode from embarrassment. He knew to himself that he'll do anything just to have that kind of confidence.

"You're Cocytus too, right?" The perky dark haired girl suddenly approached him with a smile. "Care to walk with me? I'm Vasilisa by the way, you can call me Lisa. Sorry, I didn’t catch your name." She immediately added while slinging her bag on her side.

"Cl—Claude Gabriel Silvestri." He said quietly and rather formally out of the sudden.
"Claude Gabriel...” Vasilisa smiled, "Gabby. Is it okay if I call you Gabby?"
It was a first time a girl approached him and wasn’t weirded out, it was probably the reason why he just nodded in response.

"Perfect." Vasilisa giggled before clinging her hands on his arm, "Let's go, Gabby. We don't wanna be late.”

“Hmm…” Vasilisa chimed in after stepping inside the bar. “No one’s here yet, huh….”
Claude glanced around and just like what she said, the room is quite empty except for the barman. “Oh well, fancy a drink?” Vasilisa smiled.
Not wanting to be rude, Claude followed the girl to the bar and sat on the stool beside her.

“One dirty martini please…” Vasilisa smiled at the barman, who nodded in return. The girl looked at her side, “What about you?”

“Oh….” Claude looked at the bottles at the back of the bar and finding nothing familiar. He knows a little about wine but he can’t seem to see where they are stocking them. “A glass of Venica Ronco if you have.” The barman nodded and started preparing their drinks.

“A wine guy…” Vasilisa beamed at him, “cute, quiet and classy. Харесвам те.

Claude just smiled and shook his head a little, “Don’t mind me…” the barkeep returned with her glass of martini along with his wine. Claude took his glass and just stared at the content while Vasilisa took it by the stem and raise it “Nazdrave…”

Claude just smiled and clinked his wine glass with hers. He tried to say it, but his tongue was having a bit of a trouble and both of them laugh. She took a sip while he just stared again on his glass.

“I wish they arrive already.” Vasilisa sighed, a slight frown was on her face while she was tapping her fingers on the table absently. “Sure, waiting is fun. But I’m dying to know what’s going to happen to us next.”

“Yeah, I agree.” Claude just said quietly when in reality, he is getting anxious every minute of waiting for no particular reason.

Ella Kirkpatrick - Urania

”In the grand scheme of the universe we’re completely insignificant so you might as well do whatever you want.”

Guild: Oceanus | Location: Dining Room | Scenario: Guilds | With: Axelle; Francesca PixieDust PixieDust | Mentions: | Outfit: here
Ella’s stomach emitted a growl and she checked her watch to see that it was indeed lunch time. She slid from the barstool with a parting remark of, “One cannot live by alcohol alone, trust me, I’ve tried.”
Stopping by the kitchen to find Axelle already one step ahead of her stomach she made her way to the dining room. As they served themselves food an announcement began.
“Teams?” Ella raised her eyebrows at Axelle. “Why do I feel like I’m about to be on an episode of the Amazing Race?”
“Well, we are going to an island, so fingers crossed.” Axelle grinned wryly back. “Also, what kinda name is Cocytus?”
“They’re all rivers in Hades.” Ella replied. She admired N’s commitment to his whole Greek mythology theme but it was kind of starting to weird her out.
“Metal.” She commented. “It sucks that we’re not in the same team, but just so you know, my team is gonna kick your team’s ass.”
“You don’t even know what the competition is yet.” Ella laughed.
“And yet I’m sure.” Axelle threw back, with a wave over her shoulder as she headed back to the game room, heavy plate of food in hand. Ella shook her head fondly and and made her way confidently over to the table at which the other members of her guild had chosen to assemble. A conversation on how to choose a leader had just begun and Ella considered whether she would be interested in the position. Still undecided, a pretty, petite girl caught her attention by speaking and Ella treated her to a small, slightly mischievous smile.
“While that’s a good point, it’s likely going to be rather more difficult to define leadership criteria when we don’t even know what that person has to lead us in. For all we know they’re about to make us duel to the death.” She quipped. “Ella Kirkpatrick, by the way.” She surveyed the rest of the circle with an appraising eye. She had never held any particular desire to lead a group, preferring instead to work behind the scenes as she believed that was where things were really decided in any case.

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psyche ; phlegethon


location; the upper deck
scenario; new people!
mentions; -
tags; clo stellar.nova stellar.nova , gareth PixieDust PixieDust , dulci Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire , kenny, jackie AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

the soul is the truth of who we are

Dani had followed Clo to the dining hall, and the first thing she'd noticed about her new acquaintance was how quiet she was. She hadn't struck Dani as the quiet type, but she seemed more interested in listening than speaking. Dani tried her best to fill the silence, but once the two had seated to eat, she herself too fell silent, quietly eating and enjoying the food. Some of the desserts reminded of her the kinds she made, and she made a note to see if she might be able to seek out the cook and share recipes.

The girl only glanced up when she heard the voice of the crewman, glancing up to watch him. She listened intently, and read the name of the guild she'd been sorted into in her head once more. Phlegethon. She wondered amiably which part of her personality the guild meant, but shot Clo a shy smile when she found herself to be in the same guild as Clo. Nominate a leader, huh? Dani didn't think she would be cut out to be one, but it'd be nice to meet her fellow guild members first. The upper deck, he'd said, right? She was about to open her mouth to suggest she and Clo make a move, but the redhead beat her to it, standing up first and smoothing out her clothes, heading for the door. Dani wondered if Clo meant for her to follow, but she did anyways. Staying close to her, thoughts of the type of people she'd meet floated through her mind. People like her? Maybe!

When they arrived, she gave the few there a once-over, offering a few shy smiles here and there. They seemed nice. Hopefully. Clo seemed uninterested in making friends, and seemed to only be observing them for the time being. Suddenly, a guy spoke up, and Dani's green eyes flicked to him. Break the ice, huh? He introduced himself as Gareth, and his tone revealed a tint of regret that made Dani smile warmly at him, in hopes of comfort. His introduction did prompt another girl to speak, though. "I don't think anyone here will bite. I'm Inna." She was very pretty. "Nice to meet you all, I'm Danielle, but just Dani's fine too." She did a mental headcount, and then added curiously, "There are others that aren't here yet, right?"

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Valerie Aspen Blanchard
Reincarnation: eris, goddess of chaos, strife, discord
Guild: styx
Location: dining room - game room
Scenario: "we'll see each other again"
With: [formerly] katya
[currently] phil, cami, oliver
Mentions: maddox
Tags: stellar.nova stellar.nova , Athens Athens , AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

"They broke the wrong parts of me.
They broke my wings and forgot I had claws."

As she and her Katya reached the dining room, Val stood at the door, slightly stunned, but also slightly. . .disgusted. Her eyes wandered around, taking in the extravagance of the place once more as she willed her eyes to not bleed. Not only was the boat they were on magnanimous, but also every part of the ship was so pleasing to the eyes.

In another life, Val would have perhaps appreciated the magnificence of the opportunity she was given to even be apart of something so profound that she and the many others on board, were being treated like kings and queens. However, it was all-too fake, even for her taste. It only reminded her of the lessons her father had taught her- to only take what you need and to never be greedy. However, even just thinking about that made her scoff to herself. What a lying dick of a father.

Shaking off those memories, Val tightened her grip on Katya unconsciously. She was main reason she is even alive today. "It's so . . boring. These walls and layout. Big ew. Nothing screams. . well . . fun . . just. . blargh. I think we need a touch of "pizzaz" somewhere on the walls, don't you think?" Val inquired, not looking for an answer, just merely stating her distaste for the lack of creativity as her tone displayed disappointment. Her hands were itching to take some spray paint to start adding some "life" or individuality to the place.

But, deciding to let her slight animosity towards the setting roll off of her like waves, Val turned her attention back to the most important person at hand: her Katya. If it was any other time, Val would have caused some sort of trouble by now.

Despite the fact that the room was filled with so many people, the room was quieter than expected. It only made her feel more compelled to start something, anything, to liven up the place a bit more. However, Val decided to not bother with any unnecessary necessities as she felt like the world was in her hands again since Katya was back.

Soon the both of them found a spot and sat there as Val chattered away to her childhood friend. It felt so. . relieving to be in the comforts of someone she had missed so much. Life had just been a passing glance, nothing worth noting or mentioning since they were apart. There was one person, but even then, that didn't last too long until she fucked it up.

The lunch portion was. . . incredible and although she had enjoyed the food somewhat as her palate hummed in satisfaction, she was craving something else. A little sweet she enjoyed as a child: pastila. Just thinking about the sweet taste of that pasted fruit amped her spirits as she smiled at Katya. But, of course, all good things come to an end as the crewman made his appearance and started speaking, breaking apart the nice, calming atmosphere she allowed herself to take.

As the crewman spoke, she had zoned in and out, not really listening to him, as she quietly sung a lullaby, one she and Katya both heard as a child, a sort of secret pact between the two of them. Val only perked up when Katya's name was called as she remembered the "guild" Katya was being placed in: Lethe. Soon, as the names started to drone out of her ears, she was only slapped back to the subject at hand at hearing the name she never thought she'd hear or come in contact with again. Maddox Davis, Coctyus. Val didn't make any movements or showed any emotions to the name, she was slightly frozen as if her breathing stopped for a few seconds. Mad Bird? In what devil's name is he doing here? But what about ---? Deciding to drop the thought, the only person that was able to hold her back from hissing a fit was right next to her. She couldn't actively out seek him, not after the mess she made with the Davis family but regardless, she ignored the slight ache in her heart as she leaned her head ontop of Katya's sighing.

Soon, it was her turn, but it seemed life liked to blow shit in her face as she was separated by Katya and placed into another guild: Styx. Furrowing her brows, Val lowly growled at that, wanting to jump up from her seat to demand the "higher ups" to switch her to be with Katya. Hell, if they want to play hard ball. Then it shall happen. Life loved separating the both of them, didn't they? Star crossed lovers they were indeed. With an aggressive sigh at instructions, Val rolled her eyes scoffing, "Teamwork? This sounds like a concentration camp! Being sectioned off based on those criteria!" Val muttered under her breath angrily. "I doubt those people can handle me, I swear disruption is going to occur the minute I walk in the room and it'll be glorious. And it'll be all their fault!" she finished as another low growl escaped her lips.

But at hearing Katya's soft and calming voice, Val looked over at her, her eyes softening as she nudged Katya, grinning, "Of course not because I'll be walking you halfway. Plus, since when was I someone who followed the rules? You'll see me sneaking over often, don't worry, Katya. I promise we will see each other again." At those words, Val nodded reassuringly, determined to make the truth of her words as she never broke her promises, especially towards her Katya.

Standing up from her seat, Val extended her hands, smiling softly at her childhood friend, signaling her to take it. Once she did, Val tightly intertwined her fingers into Katya's grinning, "Shall we head off now? I am positive you'll fit in with your team and may even find a friend or two. Of course, not as great as I am. But, someone you'll warm up to, Katya. I came here for a reason: to fight back against my forsaken father, and I know you have yours too. We will still be in the same place and you know where to find me and I know where to find you. I always will. You know that, right? It'll be okay. I'll jump through vines and fire for you." At those words, Val winked and laughed before making sure she stayed glued to Katya for the remainder of the time they had left together until they parted.

It was time. And soon, Val sighed, moving Katya to face her directly before she leaned in and placed a small peck on Katya's forehead. "Go on. You have my number and I know how to reach you. I always find a way. It isn't goodbye, never. I'll see you again. Just make sure you take care of yourself okay? You know how I get when you don't." She stated, her tone displaying concern but also reassurance. But before Katya left, Val enveloped her into another big and warm hug, hugging her for a few more more minutes. She hated saying goodbye to her, even more so separating from her again. But, Val felt compelled to see what the hell is going and she knew Katya was also here for a reason too. They both were.

Once she couldn't see Katya's silhouette anymore, as she continued waving towards her, seeing her off, Val soon walked in the other direction towards the gaming room. What other games are these people playing? Oh the joy! She liked games Soon she reached the game room, a flashback occurring in her head as she remembered the moment she had reunited with her Katya. A small smile made its way on her lips as she sighed before entering the room. Her long, bright red hair swayed side by side as she made herself known to the three others in the room. She took notice of how the two of the girls inside were close together, reminding her just a few moments before when she was with Katya. Shaking her head, her eyes wandered to the boy that had his nose stuck in his book. With a raised brow, she spoke to him, "All these games and you decide to read?" She questioned, her tone was even, not one full of malice but curiosity. Soon her attention went to the girls, "Name's Valerie. But call me that and well, let's not find out. I'm known as Val." Val said, shrugging her shoulder before her hands laced around the control of one of the games. "So, team leaders huh?" A tone of displeasure escaped her lips as she snickered slightly, "Oh boy, I wonder what kind of person would step up to the plate. If they can handle all of us." Val turned around and grinned mischievously at all three them.
coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
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Magdalena Camille Novak
Reincarnation: euterpe, muse of music and melancholic poetry
Guild: oceanus
Location: dining room
Scenario: "sebby?! i must be dreaming!"
With: will and sebby
Mentions: avril, galen, tobias, francesca
Tags: AnimeGenork AnimeGenork , stellar.nova stellar.nova , PixieDust PixieDust , mxlly mxlly

"One good thing about music is that when it hits you, you feel no pain."

Moving her head side to side, Magdalena happily ate her salmon, grinning to herself as the scrumptious food made it's way to her palate. With each bite she took, a small squeal escaped her lips as she wiggled around in her chair, happily enjoying her food. It had been so long since she sat down and fully ate a full course meal. Magdalena was a little bit disappointed when she had found herself getting lost on the ship when she was trying to find where the music came from, but with the food in front of her, it sort of made up for it.

With another bite, Magdalena contently hummed to herself, feeling a little whimsical as she felt like freely spinning around from the delectable, nutritious food she was allowed to indulge in. As she finished her meal, Magdalena got up from her seat and made sure to place her used utensil and plate in the bucket and respective area to be washed and dried. She always had a habit of picking up after herself, maybe it was because she had so many catering or rather waitressing jobs, it became second nature to her to clean her area.

As she made her way around the dining room, so many loud clinks and noises were heard as her ears picked up quickly on the sounds around her. The room had nice acoustics and this only made her feet unconsciously tap against the floors, picking up on the rhythm of the movements inside the room. Magdalena almost felt like a conductor as her fingers twiddled against her sides, wanting to flow within the melody. Some may look at her oddly considering she was standing slightly in the middle of the room, bopping her head and moving her fingers as if she was playing a musical instrument, but Magdalena was oblivious to the stares as a light smile displayed on her lips.

However, she was brought out of her daze when someone's voice came on the microphone. The sound from the mic was abrupt and it pierced Magdalena's ears. Her brows furrowed in pain as she winced slightly, hoping her ear drums would stop ringing. Tapping her ears lightly as she leaned her head to one side after another, letting her ears adjust to the mic's resonating sound and the crewman's voice, Magdalena sighed softly when her hearing came back. But, when the crewman read the leader from their Headmaster N about teamwork and them being placed into six different guilds depending on their personality and written essay, Magdalena gulped nervously.

Magdalena quickly found an empty spot and sat there, slightly shaking from the nerves that soon resonated in her mind, body, and soul. T-teamwork. . .? T-team leaders. . ? It wasn't as if Magdalena wasn't a "people-person" but rather she was used to being freely accustomed to going with the flow. Being placed in a guild and having her being relied on as a member only made her that much more nervous as she felt trapped from the responsibilities and being relied on. She knew she wasn't a reliable person as she always felt quickly overwhelmed in situations that calls for her attention, but, she wasn't the type to leave someone without helping them first. However, she could never stay in one place for so long because of her habit of running away.

Since Magdalena was so lost in thought, she missed most of everyone's names until the crewman called her own name and told her the guild she was placed in: Oceanus. Her heart practically leaped out of her chest as she started to shake feeling as if she was thrown to the wolves. She tried breathing in and out as she willed herself to calm down. It's not going to be bad. It's all a part of being part of a university! This is what you wanted, to be able to try a normal life style without moving around so much. Think of Nigel and how proud he would be! At those words, Magdalena slowly calmed herself down, taking deep breaths in and out. However, it took so long for her to calm down that she missed the rest of the remaining names as she noticed everyone moving to their respective places.

Blinking back the surprise, Magdalena stood up from her seat, looking around as she waited to see who was in her guild. Would they like her? Would she get along with them? So many thoughts flashed through her head once more as she tried to find some sort of sound within the movements of footwork to lessen the nerves in side, but to no avail. However, one by one her guildmates appeared and one by one, they started to greet each other.

A wide smile appeared on her face as she looked between the two girls and the two boys: Avril, Francesa, Galen, and Tobias. With genuine smile, Magdalena waved, moving slightly closer to the group, "I'm Magdalena! It's quite nice to meet you all! It is my first time being a part of something, so I am unsure how to go about it. However, seeing as there are some great ideas on choosing a team leader, I believe I don't mind who it is as long as everyone equally agrees on said person?" Magdalena said, trying to input her own thoughts but also hoping she was at least helping, somewhat. But, before she could nervously break down at questioning everything she said, she heard a voice in the faint distance. He was near her, practically even across from her if she turned around. She zoned in on the person's voice, it was filled with unsureness but also surprise? However, the word he spoke, her name. . a name only one person who knows of it and ever calls her by that name, Camille, was none other than. . Sebby!?

Whipping her head around as her hair moved swiftly across her face, practically hitting her head with her now, long, sandy brown her, her eyes widened immensely. It was him! "Sebby!" She screamed out loudly with overbearing joy and excitement. Without much of a second thought, she ran towards him, practically jumping and tackling onto him like a koala bear, hugging him tightly. Her arms wrapped around his hand while her legs wrapped around his waist as she squealed out of sheer happiness at seeing one person she knew and honestly really, really missed. From the amount of sheer glee, her dialect changed as she began speaking in her native tongue as she hugged Sebby. She spoke in Czech, rambling and saying words from "oh my gosh" to "it's you" and "i can't believe you're here". She hated having to leave him behind, but it was what she had to do.

Leaning back from her hug, but not necessarily letting go of him, Magdalena ended up lightly hitting his shoulders, "W-why are you here? No, I mean, it's so great to see you again! I really. . I didn't know we'd meet again! Of course. . I wanted to but. .- Why didn't you tell me you were going to a university?" She questioned, not out of disappointment, but out of curiosity as she tilted her head to the side, not able to unwind her wide smile. Magdalena completely had forgotten her nervousness from before and even realizing that her guild mates were all around them. She honestly just focused on the person in front of her and that was Sebastian Proulx.
coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
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Beauty is the opposite of perfection— it’s about confidence, charisma and character…

The start of her day was perfect. The sun is shining bright outside, the sky is cloudless blue. The sea creatures are not even shy that once or twice Isabelle saw dolphins leaping from the deep blue showcasing their slender bodies. She never wasted any second and took shot after shot and ending up having the perfect postcard worthy picture. It brought a jubilant smile on her face.

Lunch came and Isabelle was alone again, there were others with her on the table but she already exhausted her confidence when she played the piano a while ago so the blonde ended up sorting through her camera quietly and looking at every photos she took that morning. The blonde was pretty oblivious to her surroundings, especially if she has her camera out. It’s like she’s got her own little world, her perspective was all that matters. As an aspiring Wildlife photographer, Isabelle has a knack of taking photos of the world around her. Animals or scenic view, she’s your gal. She actually feels confident around them, like there was no need to hide who she is. She can work quietly and happily. Isabelle is easily contented as long as her camera is with her. It was like her armor.

Name: Isabelle Delilah Travis
Reincarnation: Helen of Troy; The Beauty that Launched a Thousand ships.
Guild: Lethe
Location: Dining hall >> Garden
Scenario: Hide!
Mentions: Castiel, AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Galen, stellar.nova stellar.nova Ilya, PixieDust PixieDust Mateo, @theweirdphilospher Mette@mxlly

But just because she likes to take photos of the world and not the people in it doesn’t mean that she’s not good at taking portraits. As a matter of fact, she quite excellent at it as well. Her mom told her once that she sees a lot by looking through it, like it was another set of eyes and she actually feels that it’s true. People can fake their reactions, they can flash a smile and act like they’re happy but the next shot was always the deal breaker. The candid ones. The times where the people don’t know they were being photograph, that’s the time they reveal something else.

And because of the ambiance and excitement, she can’t help but to take photos that day. Preserving the suspense, excitement and the experience eternally.

There she was, checking her photos when she suddenly come across something. No… it was someone she knew way back. During her internship one summer ago in some magazine company, she had a chance to work with others. She was one of the photographers that was hired by the management to help with their piece that month. It was a good gig, not only that she’s an intern in some prestigious magazine company, it was actually paid as well. And because of that internship, she met no other than the rockstar Ace Lovett himself.

She could feel her hands turned clammy and cold while her face felt like they were burning. Isabelle pressed in the zoom button, making sure that it wasn’t just one of those instances that she was wrong. The girl was hoping that she was mistaken since she was downright rude and practically snarled at the singer just as soon as after she was done taking the photographs that was needed. She reacted unprofessionally during the shoot by walking out, not to mention that she called him a ‘pompous and arrogant bastard’ outloud and right on his face. She remembered how jittery and how anxious she was for at least a month after that photo-shoot. Isabelle was jumpy at every ring of their phone, half expecting that it was Ace and he was finally gonna report her behavior. Thank the gods that it didn’t happen. Isabelle wanted to call and apologize but what she said was true. He was being pompous and arrogant though she didn’t need to tell that to him. That encounter was one of her cringe worthy experience, and every time she remembers, she wanted the Earth to just swallow her whole out of shame and embarrassment.

She was glad that it was the last time she saw him. And boy, was she dead wrong.

Isabelle was only half listening when a man suddenly came in to bring more updates. This time it was because of some guilds and that they were being sorted. He called them one by one and it was all the confirmation that she needed. She heard the name loud and clear. Ace Lovett. It was even the first name that was mentioned. She wanted to turn her head, maybe it was another Ace, but she’s got the other proof in her hand.

As soon as the crowd started to disperse, she stood up and kept her head down while she dashes out of the dining area like a scared bunny. With the help from the crew, Isabelle managed to arrive at the botanical garden. There were at least a couple of people there, stepping inside, Isabelle only managed to flash a small shy smile before walking towards the corner and busied herself again by taking a couple pictures of the variety flowers around her just to ease her frazzled heart.

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☼ be somebody who makes everyone feel like a somebody ☼

reincarnation: hyperion | guild: cocytus | location: dining hall > bar | scenario: introductions | with: ivy , dax , eva , claude , vasilisa | mentions: gal
'All right. See ya later, Cocytus boy.'

Jules shook his head with a slight smile, entertained. Galilahi. She was spirited, that was certain. As she walked away, almost in a hop, he felt both great amusement and deep admiration for her. The vivacious woman had distracted him from the sickening feeling that had been eating him up inside, if only for lunch. The unwelcome feeling had then promptly returned once his name had been read from the register. Hugo - only his family called him by that name. He had been 'Jules' amongst his peers ever since his first year of elementary school.

The boy struggled to detach himself from the memory of his family. The thought of his mamãe and papai only brought hesitance, tinged with guilt. He missed both them and Lagos, his home. He longed to return. Recalling the warmth of the Lagos sand underneath his bare feet and the smell of the familiar ocean air - it only made his heart ache. He had not been home in over a year, and that year was spent with his drunkard uncle, Paulo.

At the thought of his uncle, Jules heaved a sigh. He rose from his seat and ran a hand back through his hair; a half-hearted attempted at 'fixing it' since Gal had tousled it upon her departure. He proceeded to exit the Dining room and was directed towards the Bar. It was rare that Jules was ever found at a bar. It was not somewhere he typically went for his own leisure. His uncle, however, was there too often and Jules felt as though he was responsible for getting him home.

Entering the room, he gave the others a brief nod of acknowledgement before taking his own seat. 'Olá,' he greeted them with a smile, 'I am Jules.'


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AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
stellar.nova stellar.nova
PixieDust PixieDust
diwa diwa

Coleson McKinney
a.k.a. Adonis
Guild: Acheron II Scenario: Like Looking in a Mirror II Location: Dining Room > Lounge II With: Gal mxlly mxlly Skylie AnimeGenork AnimeGenork II Mentions: n/a II Outfit: This

Really, the least his friends could do was see him off. Sighing, Coleson picked up his suitcase and headed downstairs. He’d been living in an apartment above the bar he tended at the request of the owner, a man who, Cole couldn’t help but notice, clearly had a thing for him. Too bad they probably wouldn’t get to spend a night together now, but then, Cole’s frosty behavior in a possible morning after would cost him his room. Trying idea, that.

Today was the day Cole would set out for this university. Apparently, the form of transportation would be a ship of sorts. He had no idea what this vessel would look like, or even if he’d be escorted. All he knew was that he had to say goodbye to someone before he left.

The cemetery was empty, as to be expected on an early morning. Cole had memorized the path to his mom’s headstone over the years. Past the heart-shaped stone of a young child, behind the one that has a new toy train resting on its ledges… Ah. Cole stopped and stared down at the stone in front of him, his face blank as he read the name. Annalise McKinney. When he closed his eyes, the epitaph below it burned into his mind: Love will keep you alive in others’ memories. Memories flashed by him of nights when his mother would come home late, exhausted, only to smile at him when he flew out of his room to greet her. If only he’d known how hard she’d been working then, how she’d hated her job but could find nothing else…

For the first time in years, Cole felt tears sliding down his face as he murmured, “I’m sorry, Mom. I’m sorry. I miss you so much.” He took a shaky breath and continued, “I’m leaving Philly, Mom, but I wanted to at least say goodbye to you. I won’t be able to visit for a while.” Crouching down, he set down the anemone flower he’d been keeping in a vase in his room. A last gift for the mother he’d thought he’d known.

~ ~ ~

Damn, the ship was big. Cole couldn’t help but wonder if this was some sort of overcompensation for a bunch of teenagers, but that made him think of Farquad’s castle in Shrek, and he started snickering. Ah, adult jokes were the best. He didn’t get to have too much fun, though, as he was called down to the dining room with the rest of the apparently invisible occupants.

He let out a low whistle as he entered the dining room, thoroughly impressed. If this was just what the ship was like, what the hell did the university itself look like? Cole didn’t know if he really wanted to know. Shrugging, he sat down at a random table, noting that the only other occupant was a girl with light brown hair. He raised his eyebrows at her somewhat disheveled appearance, but he didn’t comment. If he did, she’d probably ask why he was wearing eyeliner—or “guyliner,” as he loved to call it. Thank you, Colin O’Donoghue.

The lunch was superb, but at this point, Cole expected nothing less. N’s address via crewman was rather unremarkable to him, for he found himself rather unimpressed with the mystery so far. Unless N turned out to be God Himself, he’d probably retain this listless opinion of them. Then his name was called and his thoughts drifted to this idea of guilds. Whatever Acheron meant, it sounded badass. So he got up and drifted out of the room toward the lounge.

Two lovely ladies had beat him there. One seemed rather lively as she grinned at the other girl, a blond with a clear aura of Stay the fuck away from me. Alright, then. He would. Never let it be said that Coleson McKinney didn’t respect a lady’s wishes. But they were supposed to talk as a group, so Cole drifted over to the brunette, glancing cautiously at the blond. However, he froze as soon as the blond’s icy blue eyes shot over to him. Though her eyes quickly returned out the window, he found himself rooted to the spot.

It had been like looking at a mirror.

Whatever this girl had gone through, she’d seen enough shit to be done with life. Unfortunately, unlike him, she wasn’t hiding it. Her jaded demeanor spoke volumes to Cole, and he was heavily disturbed by this realization. With a swallow, his eyes went down the brunette, his expression firmly under control.

“It appears I have something in common with both of you,” he remarked casually, grinning slightly. “Quite a team we’ve got so far, unless the others are just taking their merry time. I’m Coleson, by the way, but please, call me Cole. My real name’s far too formal for my taste.”

All the while, Cole avoided having to look at the blond again, for fear of what he might see in the depths of her eyes. Without knowing why, he knew he wanted to protect her, to befriend her, but he wasn’t sure if she would let him.

And so far, it was tearing him apart.
Naomi Bernasconi
a.k.a. Hypnos
Guild: Lethe II Scenario: Don't Fall Asleep, Don't Fall Asleep... II Location: Dining Room > Garden II With: Castiel AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Isabelle diwa diwa Katy stellar.nova stellar.nova Arte Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire Mette mxlly mxlly Ilya PixieDust PixieDust Mateo Athens Athens II Mentions: n/aII Outfit: This

Not surprisingly, it had been hard to rouse Naomi the morning she had to leave. Her brother finally jumped on top of her, and she shot up in bed, her hand instinctively reaching for the strange poppy flower mark on her clavicle. Looking down, she saw her thirteen-year-old brother giggling at her feet and decided she was alright.

They bustled downstairs, Naomi, or Nomika, coming more slowly, only to stop in the doorway to the kitchen when she saw her parents’ faces. Looking up at her, Nomika saw the tears on her mother’s face and the nervous frown on her father’s. She couldn’t decide if they were sad or relieved to see her go, or if they worried about her leaving home.

Her doubts were immediately squashed as they stood up and took her into their embrace, followed by her brother. Nomika didn’t say anything, and neither did they, and for once, she let herself cry. Crying made her feel tired, but so did everything else.

All she knew was that she wouldn’t see her family for years.

~ ~ ~

Instead of attempting to socialize, Nomika found her room on the ship and slept. She wasn’t going to risk falling asleep in the middle of a conversation or passing out in a hallway. No, she’d much rather just cling to her teddy bear and forget the world for a few hours. At least it kept her lingering addiction at bay for a while. God, she hated that it was still there.

She was roused by an announcement calling all the passengers to the dining room, and, rubbing her eyes, Nomika got up reluctantly and stumbled out into the hallway. Yawning every few seconds, she managed to find her way to the dining room, pausing only to make sure she didn’t look like some sort of wild animal.

Sitting down at a lone table, Nomika bit her lip and cast her eyes downward, making sure not to look up, even when the blond boy with the eyeliner sat across from her. They didn’t say anything throughout the meal, and boy, was she ever so glad he didn’t. However, she felt herself drifting off as she tried to eat the salmon, only to shoot up in her seat, glancing around to see if anyone had noticed. Dammit, that was close.

Soon, the meal was over, and to Nomika’s dismay, they were addressed by a crewman. They had to meet with their assigned guild to choose a leader. Did they really expect Nomika to be social?! She felt herself shrinking into her chair as the names of the people around her were read off. The boy got up and left, thank goodness, but then she heard her name and one word: Lethe.

Wait. That sounded familiar. But why? She reached up and scratched the mark on her clavicle, her mind working slowly to figure out why she knew the name. Had it been in a book…? Maybe. Shrugging off the train of thought, she stood up and made her way out of the dining room to go to the gardens, which she was already dreading. If she knew gardens, they’d be relaxing, thus the risk of her falling asleep was greater.

Oh dear. As she entered the garden, she saw a smattering of people gathered there, composed of three girls, all blond, and four boys, three of which were dark-haired. She felt rather left out in the few seconds she’d been here, until she realized nobody was specifically mingling. One of the boys was smiling at the flowers while another seemed to isolate himself. The third boy seemed lost in his thoughts, but she thought she saw one of the blond girls glance at him. Another of the girls held a camera. Nomika gulped nervously and drifted to her own little corner, stiffening when she heard someone speak.

It was one of the boys, and his face seemed somewhat kind, not that Nomika could aptly judge these things. Her stomach writhed nonetheless, and her chest felt tight. Every second was another her narcolepsy could strike, and she really didn’t feel quite up to chatter. But, she supposed she’d play along for now.

Folding her arms in front of her like she was cold (which rarely happened to her) and seemingly shrinking into herself, she murmured, “I’m Naomi, but I go by Nomika. I’m from Switzerland.” She made sure to speak in careful English, as it was her second language. She much preferred German, or even French, but no matter. It seemed the only way to understand everybody was to speak English.

Realizing she’d been the first to respond to the boy, she squeaked the tiniest bit and ducked her head, refusing to look up at anyone, even the black-haired boy admiring the flowers, who shot her a kind smile.
"Oh this is so exciting! Going off to Greece to go to school. I'm jealous, you know. I mean. I'm lucky enough that Baba is letting me wait to get married,! 'Anaha muthirat jiddaan!" A squeal followed the Arabic words conveying the girl's excitement before she popped up and off of his bed, making her way to the suitcase that he was standing in front of. Without asking, she started filing through its contents. "Don't forget your thiab dakhilia. You know that is something you would regret!" Her voice took on a sing-songy quality as she danced her way to he dresser to pull out more pairs of underwear. He would be embarrassed if he wasn't used to it, honestly. "Really, Dijaj you should be more organized! Or didn't Ramidha raise you better?" They both laughed at that.

To Omar, it did seem like his oldest sister had raised them all. His mother was...never affectionate enough. But Ramidha sure was, overly so. Smothering in fact. "Will you stop nagging me Bata I haven't even finished yet. If I didn't know better I would say you've been around Ramidha and Sabil too much. Too uptight."

"You take that back! I'm nothing like them! I'm the cool sister." Omar rolled his eyes, but he couldn't deny it was the truth. Growing up, despite being two years apart, he and Nashmia had been inseparable. The black sheep of the family. Nashmia was too masculine to marry off...too sporty and powerful. Omar was too...sensitive. He had learned no trade, merely content to spend his days painting or sketching. Somehow, they had found comfort in each other's company. Of course, their nicknames for each other were a bit ridiculous. Dijaj meaning chicken and Bata meaning duck. But they used them regardless.

Suddenly, Nashmia sobered up, her usual cheerful smile disappearing from her face. "How I wish I could come with you. I am going to miss you so much. I will text you every day! I won't let you forget that I am here living miserably with Baba and Basar while you are away soaking up the sun on some island in Greece!" Omar said nothing, merely hugged her, and that was enough.

Omar hadn't left the dining room since breakfast. He liked the atmosphere of the room, so he had sat there, pulled out his sketchbook, and drew what was around him. His favorite drawing was one of the Indian girl who had been outside the dining room for quite a while now. He had drawn her as the Egyptian Goddess Bastet, goddess of cats. Her features were marvelous for the sketch, really. Her anxiety looking much like Bastet confronting Seth.

Before he had realized it, people had filed in and they were preparing to eat. Off to his right were a guy and a girl who seemed rather invested in each other, on his left, a girl with very large hair sat talking animatedly to a guy who seemed to be of some Spanish or Latin descent. The food was served. The chicken was absolutely scrumptious and Omar's only qualm was that it nowhere near compared to Ramidha's cooking at home. Still, he could not complain.

He had to admit he was quite surprised they would be separated into guilds. But when he began to hear the names, he smiled appreciatively. He had to hand it to the mysterious N. Not many would know enough to pay homage to the rivers of the Greek Underworld. He was unsurprised to find himself in Lethe, and was quite happy to make his way to the gardens. After all, he hadn't stretched his legs in a while.

His luck, it seemed he had approached just as introductions were beginning. "tab masayikI'm Omar Hadid. I'm from Egypt. It is such a pleasure to meet you all!" He took a seat on a large boulder on the edge of the garden and looked at all of his peers with a smile. "It appears that we are of Lethe. The River of Memories."


Omar Hadid

Guild -- Lethe
Mood -- Amused and Satisfied
Location -- Dining Room -> Gardens
Wearing -- tba

Castiel AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Naomi AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Isabelle diwa diwa
Arte Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire
Ilya PixieDust PixieDust
Mateo Athens Athens
Mette mxlly mxlly
Katy stellar.nova stellar.nova

Coding by stellar.nova stellar.nova

Theresa Eleanor al-Basrah
Reincarnation: polyhymnia, muse of sacred hymns
Guild: styx
Location: dining room - game room
Scenario: "meet and greet"
With: philomena, cameron, oliver, valerie
Tags: stellar.nova stellar.nova , Athens Athens , AnimeGenork AnimeGenork , deer deer

"Not to have felt pain is to not have been human."

Tugging on her necklace, a nervous habit she had since she was young, Theresa looked around the room, not touching her food as she anxiously waited to arrive at the University. It had been almost a day since she left her family. Worry crossed her features as she wondered what her mother and father were thinking. Were they angry? It was, after all, sudden, and, not once had she told them of the letter she received or even the words that started to appear on her arm. Although her arm held no blemishes, it was odd to her that sometimes when she read, words would appear, swirling and coiling around her arm like a snake, but then disappear as quick as it came.

Nevertheless, Theresa continued tugging on her necklace, her mind drifting off to Sari, her collie, and Calico, her light brown, trustworthy stallion. If there was another thing she missed aside from her parents, it would be Sari and Calico. She loved riding Calico, especially when any worries she had would disappear for that brief moment. Sari, at times, would go along with them for a ride, and it was truly a blessing. The idea of going on an island and going to school made her nervous but excited for the opportunity to meet new people around her age. It had been awhile since she was able to enjoy herself, especially without the fear of being caught or looking over her shoulders. She was going to be on an island with others around her age. Finally, she would be able to anew doing something she actually wanted.

But, what is it like? She wondered to herself, her thoughts drifting again, To feel the sand between your toes and to hear the waves of the water? It was foreign to her, but she knew, she wouldn't allow chance of a life time to experience such a thing to pass her by. Theresa was honestly, truly, boggled at the idea of even being on the boat as she was much used to airplanes and walking, which is why she decided to sit herself nearest to the window of the dining room. Her eyes gazed outside the window, looking straight ahead at the vast, blue waters. She made a mental note to feel the fresh air again at sea before they docked on the island.

Soon a voice came from a microphone and Theresa's attention went straight to the crewman. She listened attentively and carefully to every word he was said, wanting to make sure she heard Headmistress N's addressed letter to them. Her eyes furrowed slightly, listening to the guild names. They were surely unique and it only made her much more curious. Once the crewman finished reading the letter from the Headmistress, Theresa silently thanked the woman, grateful for her invitation to inviting her. Yet, at the same time, quite wary. It was suspicious as to how the woman showed her her deepest desire as she didn't even know she had it in her. It. . was frightening, but . . sort of relieving to know that maybe, perhaps, her wishing for her desire to happen, may just not be far-fetched after all.

She was curious as to how classes would work since it had been a while since she was actually in school, learning other subject aside from art and other "life" lessons. Nevertheless, Theresa slowly got up from her seat and followed the crowd, hoping to find the game room. After a few minutes, Theresa managed to find the appointed meeting spot only to see four people already situated in the room. Her eyes widened at the different games as she had never seen so many in her life.
She was curious as a cat when she walked in, surveying each game, wondering how each one worked. "Wow.. . . ." She said breathlessly, "This is pretty. . .cool. . I have never been in a game room before." Theresa finished, her voice just barely above a whisper, before her attention went towards the bright red-haired girl who spoke, quite boldly.

Blinking back her surprise, Theresa remained silent for a little, taking in her now guild mate's appearance and posture. It was honestly nerve wrecking and she wondered if she would get along with them. Just by looking at the four before her, Theresa felt as if she would be in for some interesting encounters. Turning to what looked to be an air hockey table, Theresa placed her hand on the pucks, inspecting it out of curiosity before putting it down, preparing to introduce herself. Her eyes went towards the quite sultry red-head once more, then towards a magnetic dark-haired female that was close to a beautiful brunette, and lastly, a younger quite shy-looking male that had a book in his hand. Nodding towards them as briefly made eye contact with them, she began speaking, "Hello, I'm Theresa. It's nice to meet everyone. Perhaps when everyone is here, we can decide on the team leader? Should we decide by maybe using one of these game equipment as a test to see who's capable?"
coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
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Dilara Aylin Canaan
Reincarnation: cassandra
Guild: lethe
Location: dining room - garden
Scenario: "just don't"
With: katy, mette, mateo, llya, arte, isabelle, naomi, castiel, omar
Tags: stellar.nova stellar.nova , mxlly mxlly , Athens Athens , Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire , diwa diwa , AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
"If I was meant to be controlled, I would have came with a remote."

Staring at the finished bottle of Raki in front of her, Dilara sighed loudly. Her eyes roamed around the dining room in hopes of finding a small bar, but to no avail. The only bar she saw was a salad bar and that only made her scrunch up her nose in disgust. Contemplating to leave the dining room, Dilara watched as practically the whole entire university decided to come filing in like obedient children to get in line for lunch.

Another heavy sigh escaped her lips as she wanted to leave the crowded area. Dilara was regretting every moment and every second she was on this forsaken boat. If she was anywhere but here, she could be spending Daddy Dearest's bank, only in hopes to make him go bankrupt. She believed she was putting a dent in his wallet, but it seemed she still had a long way to go. Like how much more does she need to give away or even attempt to spend for the money in His filthy name to die down? Was he winning the campaign? Taking out her phone, Dilara scrolled through the news section, her eyes narrowed. A small "tch" escaped her lips as she reached for her glass only for her to realize it was empty.

It was in that moment that she felt like a child throwing a tantrum as she practically tipped the glass and swiped it swiftly to the ground, not caring that it fell. She was angry and bitter. The man couldn't win the election. Prime Minister? Are you kidding me? How in the world can he take care of a whole country when he can't even finish his personal business correctly? To be frank, her? Dilara didn't care if she had gotten stares from others from the loud crash, that only made her give a death glare to them all. Her mouth formed a thin smile. Her face wasn't reddened, her nostrils didn't flare, she was just beyond stoic and devoid of any emotion aside from the stare she gave those who looked her way. It was the first time, but she wished she was back home and she was honestly ready to expose his lies. But, the only person who was ever able to stop her was Gerald. He was the only reason why she came here in the first place. She owed it to him and. . . her.

Her mood took another sour turn when someone came on the mic and spoke directly towards everyone in the area. A headache became apparent in her head as she looked towards the crewman. A scoff of disbelief escaped her lips as she listened to the "roll call", the guild names, and the location of where to meet these so-called "teammates". Dilara wasn't a rebel, but she didn't take kindly to authorities. She rarely trusted them anymore, or rather people in general. So, did they really expect her to play nice with others and "make friends"?

Reluctantly getting up from her spot, Dilara slowly made her way to the gardens. Once she was just right outside the area, Dilara frowned. Everything inside looked too. . . enclosed together. Where were the windows? She needed the windows. Looking around, Dilara just walked around the others, deciding to stay behind the masses as she made her way towards the window. Her eyes scanned at the people whom she supposedly needed to get along with. Her eyes went towards the three blondes, one exhumed a proper and elegance to her stance, the second one seemed secretive yet a someone to not underestimate, and the last one. . she seemed . . what's the word? A girl who would make guys weak in the knees. Dilara couldn't find the word, but didn't bother to trudge through her memories to look for it.

However, once she thought of memories, ironically, the one from Egypt, Omar spoke of memories. Furrowing her brows, Dilara never smiled nor gave way to her thoughts. "What good is memory when it does nothing but taunt you?" Nevertheless, her eyes looked towards the other three males, one who seemed engrossed in floras, the other seemingly wanting to make small talk, and lastly, the other one that she didn't really ponder on. Lastly, her eyes went towards the slightly red-haired girl, but even then had no comments about her either. Honestly, as long as everyone left her alone and leave her be, things would be at least tolerable. But, there was one thing for certain, she hated crowds
coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
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Alois had enjoyed eating alone. A couple seats to his right sat a pretty Indian girl, but she didn't much seem in the mood to make conversation, so he kept his lips sealed. Besides, children should be seen and not heard at the table and all that. No, he wasn't a child anymore. But the rule still applied at home with his father.

Of course, his sister was an exception. They often spoke of how her day went, and she would talk on endlessly. Still, Alois supposed it was better to listen to her babble on than to sit in excruciating silence as his father and mother easily avoided speaking to each other. It was amazing to watch really. His father's eyes never left his plate, and his mother's roamed the artwork on the walls. He was convinced she had the three Monet paintings completely memorized.

He didn't really eat either, finding his appetite nonexistent. Perhaps he had overeaten at breakfast. Of course, that wasn't true, he had eaten hardly anything. Still, his nerves were shot, so he couldn't imagine filling his stomach. Still, he took just enough bites to seem appreciative.

Before he knew it, the crewman was reading his list. Luckily, he was on the top of the list. As the list droned on, he began to hear a pounding in his ears. His leg started bouncing up and down. He could no longer hear what the crewman was saying. His eyes stared down at his plate, his heart was racing, and he was finding it increasingly difficult to breathe. Suddenly, he stood up. The Indian girl a couple seats down looked at him sharply and grabbed her glass with a rather pissy look on her face. But she wasn't the only one who looked at him. Plenty of people were. He had stood up so soon that it had drawn a lot of attention. Which made it worse.

He tried to pass it off with a nervous laugh, but as soon as other people started to stand and make their way out of the dining room, he raced out along with the crowd and made his way to one of the male restrooms. He went into a stall and pressed his back up against the cool stall door. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on his breathing. He was able to control it, but only just, so he dug into his pocket and found the Xanax he carried on him. He took one, swallowed it, and again tried to control his breathing.

A tentative hand reached up to rub his face, he pulled it away because it was wet. His first assumption was tears but he knew he hadn't been crying. It must be sweet. With a derisive sigh, he exited the stall and moved to the sink to splash cold water on his face. Once he knew he could function properly, he made his way to the lounge, though he knew he was running a bit behind. Once there, he found two girls. Although they seemed more intimidating than other girls he had dealt with, he was still relieved. That is until he noticed the guy. So, trying not to pull any attention to himself, he slipped into a chair far away from the others and sat immediately. Looking down at his lap, his leg bouncing up and down.


Alois Novak

Guild -- Acheron
Mood -- Perplexed
Location -- Dining Hall -> Lounge
Wearing -- tba

Skylie AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Cole AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Gal mxlly mxlly

Coding by stellar.nova stellar.nova
"Late at night you called my name. But things, lately, they aren't the same. It's such a shame. It's such a shame." A long sigh escaped numb lips as calloused fingers slid along the strings of an acoustic guitar. His bright eyes studied the wood grain, trying to find something to focus on since he couldn't focus on the lyrics. He'd never found it this hard to write a song before. He supposed it was the subject of the lyrics. Cosette.

A soft thunk sounded as the wooden instrument hit his carpeted floor. He stared at it, feeling no remorse for letting it fall. Flopping back on the bed, he chose to study the spackled ceiling instead. He had finished packing a few days back. He was waiting for his cab to take him to the airport where he'd be flying first class. It wasn't complimentary of the University. No, he could afford it. Of course, he was the great Ace Lovett, lead-singer and heartthrob. Asshole extraordinaire. Not that he wanted to be, but that's what everyone had to believe. His band Ace of Hearts was known around the world, and subject to many fans, old and young alike. But a great many of his fans were girls. Well, they were a bunch of good looking men, he supposed. And he was a southern guy. Something about that drove girls wild for some reason. He could understand. He wanted to settle down with a little southern belle one day. He couldn't spare the room to judge.

A hesitant knock sounded at the door. "Come on in." His deep southern drawl sounded out. It was easy enough to hide when he was singing, but when he was just speaking, it showed itself more than anything else. Hell. It was the only thing he could claim as his own at all times. His agent had originally attempted to coach it out of him, but it hadn't worked. It stuck like glue, just like the Sugarland song. He watched the light stretch across his ceiling as the door was opened. Only when it stopped did he allow his eyes to shift to the door. "Hi, Momma."

His mother smiled a small, sad smile. "I heard you playin. It sounds good. I miss hearin your softer stuff." They exchanged a knowing glance before she came and sat on the edge of his bed. "Cosette would have loved it."

"Yeah. I know. But if she was hearin it, it wouldn't be as sad."

"Yeah. I know."

They say in silence for a long while, the only sound in the room caused by the rotating of the ceiling fan and the sound of cicadas outside his window.

"You know, Momma, Sissy would be awful proud of you. She would be glad to know you're holdin it together." All the satisfaction he needed was the genuine smile that touched his Momma's face.

Interesting. He had thought more people would recognize him. But maybe since this boat was more international than normal, it could be expected. Still, he had still expected at least one girl to come screaming at him for his autograph. It hadn't happened.

He sat there pondering that through dinner. It was good food, he wasn't gonna deny that. Still, he could kill for a steak right about now. Still, he supposed no one could make a steak like Texas could. Real shame, that.

It wasn't until his name was read off the list for guild assignments that he heard a murmur flicker across the masses in the dining hall. He couldn't stop the grin from spreading across his face. Finding publicity here wasn't going to be hard. His eyes scanned the room to see if he would find anyone that had reacted. Sure enough, he found one, but her reaction wasn't what he expected. He analyzed her, wondering just what she could possibly have against him. She was pretty. Blonde. Seemed just like the type of girl that would be fawning all over him. And yet, she seemed familiar. It wasn't until his eyes landed on the camera she held in her hands that he realized who she was. Isabelle Travis. The girl who took his pictures for that magazine. The one he treated like shit to the point where she walked out on him. He couldn't help but chuckle at the memory. After all, he had a weakness for spitfires.

Soon after, it was all done. All names were read off, and he stood, wandering over to where he supposed his group was gathering. He arrived just as the curly haired, freckled guy and the French girl sat down. But he remained silent, listening to everyone else before he decided to make his mark as key asshole. He found his opening as soon as a flighty looking girl whisked into the room and practically attacked one of the guys in a hug. He raised his brow as they interacted. "Yo! Romeo and Juliet. We get that this is a reunion an all, but can you calm your hormones and sit your happy asses down so we can get on with it? Thanks."He didn't bother to wait for a response before he looked around at the rest of them. "Just in case you all aren't aware. I'm Ace. Ace Lovett from the band Ace of Hearts. It's a pleasure for you to meet me."

A scoff sounded from one of the guys and Ace zeroed in on him. The one that introduced himself as Galen.

"Oh are we gonna have an issue? Because frankly I don't find your derision leadership material. Hope you weren't thinking of going up for the vote. That'd be a real shame."

Freckled was irritated, that much was clear when his jaw visibly flexed. "Actually, yes, your assumption was correct. I do intend on applying for candidacy. As I was going to say before, in response to Francesca's musings, I think the best course of action would be for those who are interested in running for candidacy to list their attributes." He began to dig through his messenger bag and pulled out a couple journals and some pencils. "I have plenty of materials should those that are voting choose to take notes. When it comes down to it, everyone who isn't running can anonymously vote by writing the candidate of their choice on a slip of paper and handing it in. Votes can be counted with everyone present. Winner gets the position. Simple."

Ace hated the smug smile that spread across the guys face. "Oh, but who voted for you to lead us at this point. Because I don't recall doing so."

The guy met Ace's gaze with the same amount of derision that he felt. "It doesn't matter. So long as others agree. If they don't, then we can happily find another method that would likely never work as well."

Ace said nothing, deciding that he had done enough damage....for this round.


Ace Lovett

Guild -- Oceanus
Mood -- Snarky
Location -- Dining Hall
Wearing -- tba

Galen stellar.nova stellar.nova
Avril AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Tobias AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Francesca PixieDust PixieDust
Sebastian mxlly mxlly
Will mxlly mxlly
Ella ms marigold ms marigold
Magdalena deer deer
Isabelle diwa diwa

Coding by stellar.nova stellar.nova
my apologies if everyone gets a new notification that they's been tagged! I just got so excited with twinkle's code that I had to use it, lol



melete; muse of contemplation and meditation



Jessamine Rose sat in her personal library, cross-legged on the hardwood floor as she slipped novels into purses and suitcases. A majority of her luggage consisted of books and clothes, the two things that were most important to her: knowledge and the illusion that was fashion. It seemed silly to crowd her belongings with books she had read several times, but the act of following the words on the pages was therapeutic and it was a compulsion she couldn’t resist. One of her many “quirks” as her mother would say.
Jessa,” her mother cooed form the doorway. “Do you truly need to bring so many?”

Jessa thought the term “many” was merely subjective. “Yes,” she responded without looking in her mother’s direction

The word “need” can also be subjective, she noted silently. In truth, she didn’t need them to survive, but there was no other item she would rather take along. It calmed her, after all, so perhaps they were more than just a desire, but less than a necessity.

She continued to sort the leather-bound books from the paperbacks. To have them intermingle would be an assault on her senses once she unpacked, too much inconsistent texture. So she thought it would be best to avoid the situation entirely and simply sort them beforehand. Keeping things in order helped maintain a harmonious mind; too much disarray and Jessa would surely find herself in a panic.

“May I help you at least?” her mother asked. The sound of her heels clacked against the floors and Jessa counted the amount of steps she took. One, two. Three, four. Five. Six. Seven. Now her mother was standing above her, though Jessa still did not look up. “Please?”

Jessa tapped her fingers against the surface of a book, thinking. “Yes.”

She rarely let anyone help her, for she always felt she functioned best on her own, but she had been taught that accepting assistance when offered was the polite thing to do. It was almost as equally well-mannered to have been the one to present the notion of aid in the first place.

It was mostly clear to Jessa that her mother was making an attempt to spend as much time with her daughter before her impending departure. And while Jessa did not quite know how to express such feelings, she was grateful for it. She had always been close with both of her parents, but her mother especially, for she was the one that always helped Jessa to truly understand the world. She taught her, not just the logistics, but the enigma that was mankind, as well.

]As her mother kneeled beside her, happily organizing volumes into their appropriate cases, Jessa timidly moved into her, placing her head on her mother’s shoulder. She released a sigh and gently squeezed her hand.

“Thank you, mum,” she muttered. And her mother squeezed back.

“Of course, my darling.”

In that moment, Jessa had never felt such a strong desire to remain at home with her parents. It was all that she had ever known and the idea of leaving that terrified her. Nevertheless, she knew that if she kept herself behind the walls of her family’s London penthouse, she would never learn anything beyond the teachings of books she had read several times before. And that would be more terrifying than new experiences she would ultimately face on her journey.

Besides, the acceptance letter addressed by none other than the mysterious “N” piqued her curiosity and she itched to find the answers to the questions the invite had raised.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
After the initial process of bidding her parents farewell, and the subsequent tears that followed, Jessa had wandered the ship, admiring its impressive size and the luxurious faculties it possessed. She had never been aboard a ship before, so it made sense that she would want to explore. She trailed a single finger against the exterior of the walls as she walked, fascinated with the texture. A few other passengers watched as she did so and Jessa’s body stiffened. It was odd to touch things for so long, she supposed, so she let her hands fall back to her sides. She averted her gaze and continued forward, scratching at the fabric of her designer jeans.

She wasn’t ready to socialize, at least not yet. She was nearly certain people weren’t ready to engage with her quite yet, either.

Jessa went through the remainder of the day, enjoying the view of the ocean and meditating over the calmness of the current and the revitalizing scent of the sea air. At least until the time of the banquet, at which she had reluctantly seated herself beside a man named “Tomás”. He had a pleasant voice and a rather charming demeanor, though she found him too be far too casual. She found herself enjoying his company only for the rhythm of his speech. He had mentioned that he hailed form Argentina, so there was no doubt that his exotic accent was going to catch the attention of many.

They were finally separated when a presenter had announced each student’s respective “guild”, a term that made Jessa quirk an eyebrow. Nevertheless, she relented and followed the speaker’s directions. It appeared that she was sorted in the Oceanus guild, so she was to remain in the dining hall. Basking in momentary solitude after Tomás had gone off to meet with his own guild, Jessa sipped what was left of her wine.

Realizing her group was finally convening, she lifted herself from her chair and sighed, mentally preparing herself for whatever interactions she was expected to engage in. As she drew near, she had gotten the impression that she had stepped in hostile territory. In fact, she was certain once she heard two boys in a slight altercation: someone who had called himself “Ace Lovett” and a boy who seemed to be vying for the position of the group’s leader. It seemed she was supposed to know who Ace Lovett was, but truthfully she had never heard of him.

Jessa blinked. She had no clue how to go about this, though that would hardly stop her from trying.

“I think his proposition is both fair and efficient, actually,” she stated as a matter of fact. Her eyes flicked in Galen’s direction as she indicated with a nod that he had been the one to whom she was referring. She scanned the rest of her peers, though she was sure not to let her eyes linger on anyone for too long. Her attentions turned to Ace with a look of consideration, keeping her voice calm and steady as she spoke: “Do you object because you, yourself, would prefer the leader’s position? From the characteristics you’ve displayed before us, it seems you do not possess a disposition that it compatible with that kind of responsibility. You do display a dominant personality, which would be befitting of some leaders, I suppose. However, I do not imagine that an almost dictatorship such as that is something to aspire to.” Realizing she may have spoken out of turn, she self-consciously clasped her hands in front of her and sighed. She couldn’t help herself, clearly.

“Uh, my apologies,” she acknowledged, her eyes returning to her peers. It was always customary to introduce oneself before engaging in conversation, after all. “My name is Jessamine Rose, by the way. I’d greatly appreciate it, however, if you could just call me ‘Jessa’. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

]A subtle smile graced her lips as she regarded her fellow members of Guild Oceanus.

guild: oceanus | wearing: Cute Sophisticate | location: home (london) --> dining room | scenario: meet & greet | with: Ace, Galen, Avril, Tobias, Francesca, Sebastian, Will, Ella, & Magdalena | tags: stellar.nova stellar.nova AnimeGenork AnimeGenork PixieDust PixieDust mxlly mxlly deer deer

coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
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✫ little girls with dreams become women with vision ✫

reincarnation: hera | guild: acheron | location: dining hall > lounge room | scenario: introductions | With: skylie , galilahi , coleson , alois | Mentions: dilara , castiel
Lunch had exceeded Hadara's expectation. The woman was not accustomed to such a high-quality meal. The salmon was sublime and brunette appreciated not being required to prepare the meal herself. It was a rare occurrence as she did prepare virtually every meal in her home in Madrid. It was unfortunate that her aunt was so highly untrustworthy in the kitchen. One fire should have been enough.

Lifting the remaining piece of salmon to her lips, Hadara almost dropped her fork. The sound of shattering glass broke the chatter of some of the room's occupants. Hadara instinctively glanced over to the origin of the noise. Lowering her fork, she caught vision of a blonde woman. She did not appear embarrassed - rather unfazed. It had been Hadara's initial thought to personally go over and offer her assistance in cleaning up the mess - her mind had disregarded the memory of the staff. However, the voice of the crewman sounded though the microphone before she could rise from her chair.

'Good afternoon, passengers...'

Hadara directed her attention to the speaking crewman. She cast a single fleeting glance back over a the woman, though returned to look at the staff member with the hope that the glass had been dealt with. Broken glass tended to evoke worry in Hadara - predominantly because she has had to raise multiple high - spirited and reckless children that held no concern for the wellbeing of their own feet.

'Hadara Riese, Acheron...'

Hadara tilted her head and looked over at Castiel. She gave a sad smile. He had been wonderful dining company. It was quite a shame that he would not join her in Acheron. 'Adiós,' she briefly waved her hand as the man rose from his chair. Hadara remained seated as everyone begun to exit and was ushered in the direction where their guild was to congregate.

Subsequent to the passing of the crowd, Hadara rose from her chair and retrieved her sunglasses from the dining table. She slid them onto her head, pushing her dark hair away from her face. 'Thank you,' she smiled warmly as she passed the staff member who directed her toward the lounge room. Granted, Hadara already knew the route to the lounge.

'Quite a team we've got so far, unless the others are taking their merry time...'

Hadara arrived at the lounge in time to overhear the introduction of a man named Coleson. The woman rolled her eyes in a playful manner, her smile remaining as she approached the group. 'I was taking my 'merry time' and for that, I apologise,' Hadara declared, very light-hearted. Once she had reached the group of four, she paused to briefly assess her company. Three were gathered closely (however the blonde woman did appear particularly disinterested) and one of the men had taken a seat further away. Hadara furrowed her brow, concerned. She could sense a disconnection. The current dynamic of the small group was - discouraging. Although, Hadara did not believe it was of significant concern yet - not everyone could connect upon first introduction.

'well, I am assuming this is not all of us,' the woman glanced around briefly, not yet having taken a seat. She was positioned a slight distance from both the group and the man who was sat alone. 'perhaps we can discuss the leader situation once we are certain everyone is here, hm?'


click to expand


deer deer
AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
stellar.nova stellar.nova


reincarnation of achilles



Tomás's eight year old cousin crawled into his lap to squeeze his cheeks roughly. Her deep brown eyes, partially covered by a mess of onyx curls, bore into his like tiny chocolate fires. He couldn't help, but laugh at her disheveled appearance, though this was clearly not the reaction his little cousin had wanted, for she squeezed even harder.

"Adalina, what are you doing?" he started. He was laughing, but he couldn't deny the flash of pain that colored his face. "Dios mío, why?"

With mustered patience, Tomás wrapped his hands over her wrists and gently put them to her sides. "Can you talk to me please?" Living amongst women--his madre, his tía Camila, and little Adalina--he had learned how to diffuse most altercations, especially those that were bereft of sense.

He tapped the tip of her button nose with his index finger and she moved to playfully bite him.

"Diabla," he quipped with a chuckle.

Adalina scowled in response. "I don't want you to go, Tomy."

A white grin spread across his features and he mussed her hair, before tipping her chin upwards with a curled index finger. "Ah, so that's what this is about."

He knew that out of everyone, she would be the most affected by his impending departure. In fact, that was why he had spent a majority of the day with her, taking her to the beach, explores the stores, and picking up ice cream along the way. Now, they were settled back in their home, seated on the couch of their living room.

He could hear the sounds of his tía vacuuming the carpet on the second floor and his madre on the phone with her cousin, probably discussing a means of transportation to get Tomás where he needed to be. Naturally, it was his job to continue keeping watch of Adalina.

"You know that I have to go, Addy," he cooed.

She rolled her eyes and crawled off his lap, choosing instead to be seated beside him. Despite her tiny frame, even she sank in the corner of the worn couch.

"Whatever," she mumbled.

Tomás sighed and placed a large hand atop her head. "I'll be back. You know I will."

"Yeah, I know," she droned. "Because you 'promise' and you 'never go back on promises'."

He burst out laughing at that one and shook his head. "That predictable, am I?"

Adalina smirked. "Yup."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tomás's departure had gone smoother than he could ever have imagined. Adalina, while begrudgingly, had been mostly agreeable, giving him hugs and kissing before seeing him off. His aunt's goodbye had been curt in comparison, though he had never known his tía to be especially expressive. His mother, however, had sobbed, though Tomás knew it was not without cause. She had already lost one of her sons before and now, she was temporarily losing another. For a nurturer like Teresa Aruna, it was undoubtedly an emotional assault. Being the ever indulgent son that he was, he let her hold him for as long as she pleased. He smoothed her unruly hair in the process to calm her down, though he was certain any form of comfort was naught but a detriment.

However, once he had actually boarded the boat to embark on the journey to his new university, he longed for any kind of familiarity. In most social situations, Tomás was always extremely adaptable and ever-charming. Though, he found himself at a loss as he perused the interior of the ship. There were many luxuries for him to check out, though he found himself more inclined to lean against the rails and watch the land disappear from the horizion, only to leave the unpredictable sea in its wake. It gave him memories of having sailed with his father and brother more than a decade ago, though he quickly shook the thought away. Neither of those people were in his life anymore; one by choice and the latter by death.

He only pulled himself from the boat's edge when summoned to the dining room for dinner, where was found himself seated beside an English girl named, Jessa, who seemed to have very little to say, though her eyes were taking in nearly everything. The two, he hoped, enjoyed one another's company until a speaker separated the student population by guild assignment.

"Tomás Aruna, Phlegethon..."

Tomás found the names ridiculous and he couldn't help, but smirk. He would, however, relent and go to wherever he was directed and in this case, he was to report to the upper deck.

As he approached the specified location, his eyes perused the rather motley crew before him. He had thought based on the guild associations that they would be sorted based on similar personalities, though he was certain he had never stumbled upon a group of more diverse people. He couldn't help, but note the many attractive faces amongst the group, which he greatly appreciated.

He grinned, his white teeth bright against his tanned skin. "So these are the members of the Phlegethon Guild... I suppose if there are to be introductions... my name is Tomás Aruna, and it is a pleasure to meet you. Realmente."

guild: phlegethon | wearing: Sexy Chic | location: home (buenos aires)-->onboard-->dining room-->upper deck | scenario: prefacing & introductions galore | with: dulci, jackie, kendrick, clodagh, gareth, inna, & dani | mentions: N/A | tags: Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire AnimeGenork AnimeGenork stellar.nova stellar.nova PixieDust PixieDust mxlly mxlly Uxie Uxie

coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
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[ Morpheus ]
Elsbeth Marie
The thought of being away from the comfort of family was leaving Elsbeth in a terribly nervous wreck.
She had barely survived the week long camping trip in middle school, finding being away from home a daunting experience, yet she hadn't backed out of her choice to go to Parthena Olympia University yet. Or rather, her parents were insisting she go. Maybe it was for her own sake, to gain a sense of independence and confidence. She couldn't count on her family for everything forever, Elsbeth knew that well enough but it was not enough to calm her buzzing nerves. In fact, they were only becoming worse and worse as the time to leave grew closer.
The ride to the port was a nervous one, with Elsbeth in the back with her little sister and brother. A consistent tapping on her thigh and quiet staring out the window. Now, she would have been wanting to turn around and go home, yet she didn't utter a word for she knew of her parents' response. She'd gone for the entrance exam, received the acceptance letter from the mysterious headmaster, and was already packed and heading for the port. It wasn't right to wimp out now. And besides, her parents wouldn't let her.

Just go for it head on.

Elsbeth bit her lip. They had made it to their destination the car's engine was turned off, the click of doors opening flowing. It was then that she slowly unclipped her seat belt and climbed out of the vehicle. For sure, the her vision was getting blurry with oncoming tears, but she tried to fight them back, at least that was until her little sister caught her in a hug.

"Oh dear, I didn't it would be like this," Elsbeth stuttered, trying the wipe the tears away as she caught glimpse of the soft looks from her mother and father.

"But, we can write every week, right?!" Her sister inquired and Elsbeth nodded with a crack of a smile.

"Only letters, huh?" Elsbeth let out a soft laugh as she went to hug her parents. Surely, she would miss her family, almost anyone would. "I'll do my best!"

"You take care now, don't get too homesick," her mother was shedding a few tears too, and her father only hugged her tighter. Elsbeth would miss them, nothing could stop her from missing them. But, she knew this could be and would be her future, going off to this university.


It had certainly been an emotional farewell as Elsbeth parted from her family, making her way onto the boat and waving the goodbye for one last time. She would see them again in no time, or at least that's what she told herself.

Taking a look around as soon as she made in on board, Elsbeth was certainly impressed with all the fine details about the decor. She adjusted the bag strap over her shoulder and walked down the hall, finding herself in the dining room after catching glimpse of the time and a fair warning from her empty stomach.

As soon as she entered the room, she was greeted by the sight of many other. Her nerves took another leap as Elsbeth submitted to her shy nature overcoming. She hoped to make many new friends here for her time at the university to be a pleasant one, and yet, she knew not how to make a friend, always settling for the 'only talk when spoken to' option. Nonetheless, she grabbed anything she could find and gave a smile to anyone she passed, sitting on the end of a table, anywhere that had a seat, enjoying her meal in silence.

If she had come to decide to attempt conversation with someone, she would have had bitten her lip at the lost chance as a man interrupted, stepping to the front as he announced a message relayed from the headmaster. Elsbeth listened intently, she always did, but that did not mean she was entirely interested in what was said. However, perhaps a jolt of excitement sparked in her at the mention of being filed into a group.

That was great news! A group meant she could make friends easier, meant she didn't have to approach anyone out of the blue, with no specified reason. Being in a group meant that she would have to communicate with the members. The smile on Elsbeth's face grew, and she rose to her feet with jolly air about her.

Coctyus, hm?

Elsbeth thought before she repeated her guild name in a whisper to herself as she headed for the bar. The others must have gone before her as she was getting rid of her dirty plate, or perhaps they were still in the dinning room because she hadn't seen anyone heading the same way yet.

Clasping her hands together and squeezing, she let out a soft sigh, rehearsing the way she would introduce herself in her head. She always did, but never could do it the way she had thought to. One way or another, it wouldn't be the same.

Finally arriving at the bar, she hesitantly opened the door and stepped inside, finding the other already there and sitting around. Elsbeth cracked a shy smile, avoiding any instant direct eye contact. Perhaps eye contact only made Elsbeth feeling nervous.

"Oh, hello. I'm Elsbeth Marie," she introduced herself, at least trying to be polite and not shy away too much, yet her voice was wavering, "You are all also apart of this so called Cocytus guild, right?" She hoped that was the case and she hadn't misheard or gone to the wrong place.


( hidden scroll )​
> Tags
> Notes
[ I hope this post is good enough. ]
[ Soz if I got tags wrong ]
[ But finally got at least one post up! Woo ]​
Guild: Cocytus | Location: Home > boat, bar | Scenario: Introductions | With: Ivy , Maddox , Eva , Claude, Jules​

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