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"Hmm.." He continued to write. "Confess , and he might forgive you..." He looked at her. "It's not too late..." He smiled, comforting her.
"It is the business of His Will to forgive anyone. We must love all like he does." He smiled. "We do have an institution for rehabilitation..."
"I see..." she said, slightly somber. "I never knew you guys would try "fixing" us. What kind of people do you usually get?" she couldn't help but ask him, she wasn't actually curious, but she would much rather get her mind off her previous outburst. She was acting way out of character and it bothered her. Usually, she wouldn't break down and cry, but now? Now she was confessing her innermost feelings and emotions with complete disregard to what information she gave away. It scared her to no end over how different she was -- what the heck did they do to her? It wasn't like her at all, but she had an inkling of a feeling that God had something to do with this. She could feel the unconditional love that encompassed the premises--even when she was stuck in a place like this. Whatever was causing her to have a mental breakdown, she knew that this jail cell had something to do with this.
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"Well, I am not in charge of that ward, so it's hard to tell. It's like psychiatry. User-patient anonymity, you know ?" He looked at her. "If you confess, I'll make a form for your rehab, and we will go from there..."
She felt a strong, powerful presence within the room. It was wholly unfamiliar and it possessed a feeling of unconditional love and compassion. The female demon felt shocked by the presence, but that emotion soon left her as a sense of calm washed over her.

"Ravine." a voice said, its tone reverberated throughout the recesses of her mind.

"Who...who are you?" she questioned, confused.

"I am the Lord, your creator."

she thought to herself, shocked beyond comprehension. 'What...what does He want from me?'

"I have come here for a reason, my daughter." He said, his voice soft and gentle. His tone possessing a tone of love and affection. The amount of love she experienced right at that very moment made her eyes well up with tears. Two miniature rivers formed and flowed down her cheeks, glistening in the dim lighting of the room.

'Daughter?' she asked herself internally, perplexed by the term of endearment.

"Are you not my daughter?" He asked her, causing the young woman to pause and look up at the ceiling. She soon felt an indescribable feeling of happiness fill the room and completely engulf her. The amount of joy that she felt left her utterly speechless, and soon a feeling of shame and guilt overtook her. She understood that she was unworthy of His grace. Soon dozens of images played out throughout her, none of them good. Every image that appeared before her mind's eye showed her of her entire life -- it showed her every struggle, her every sadness, her anger and frustration. Deep in her heart, she knew she was being judged by the very entity that gave her life.

"Ravine," he said, somber. "What I see disheartens me greatly. I see that in your life you have suffered many wrongdoings. You have suffered from so many pains. You have lived a life devoid of joy and were forced into a life of crime. I understand why you said those words, those words of discontentment, I know deep in your heart you said it out of spite. Your anger overtook you and controlled your every word and action. But I see deep within you that you do not mean it."

"You know how there are far less humans who believe in you?"

The words from her previous rant soon filled her mind, causing her to feel even more guilty and ashamed of her actions.

"You know all those natural disasters, all the crime--arson, rape, murder and child abuse? We've been behind the scenes quietly influencing and orchestrating every event. We know that the more corrupted this world becomes the more people stop believing in God the less power you and your armies have! You grow weaker and weaker every passing moment and soon Satan will reign supreme over the mortal realm. We are the root of all evil. We have all the power and what does your God do? Nothing. If he was so powerful than why did he allow us to even live?"

"I want it known that I forgive you, my daughter. I want you to know that I want you back here with me, my daughter. You have great destiny to fulfill and I will be with you every step of the way..."

Suddenly, as Ravine was enraptured, a mouse crept up to her, squeaking to her, and nuzzling her leg, breaking her out of the trance. "Hey babe..." The mouse spoke, and dark smoke soon followed, with the sounds of bones and flesh breaking and healing. Eventually the smoke was gone, replaced was a tall thin man, with clothes of a mobster In the prohibition era,
Ravine stared at the demon with a look of irritation. The woman slightly enraged by the fact that he had interrupted her conversation with the omnipotent being. "What are you doing here? I thought this was a sealed dimension. And don't call me babe."
"Back doors, Hun." He said, smiling, and looking at her, chuckled. "I can't believe you are here...I was told you were stronger than that...." He scratched his head. "Anywho, we have a new mission for you..."
"Yeah. Neither can I...but they had more than just one angel take me down. I was surrounded by them." she said, slightly disappointed in herself. But she knew her limits and it was obvious that even a demoness as powerful as her, wasn't capable of taking down 10 angels all at once. "So what's this mission you're talking about?" she asked him.
"Infiltration... And you are in the perfect position!" He smiled, cracking his knuckles. "You will destroy them from the inside with this...." He then put a had on her chest, and a magic sigil formed on her chest, and then hid itself. "It will activate when you are in position..." He smiled. "Later, babe..."
Before she had any time to register what had just happened, the demon left. Leaving her with only her thoughts on what would come. She took this moment to fully allow the past event to sink in, and for a while she was stumped on what to believe in. During the entire time the demon was there, she felt uneasy and she knew that even allowing him to be near her had violated the sacred moment she had shared with her Holy Father. She couldn't help but wonder what would happen once that time came--the time when she would end up betraying God and all His creations, but she could feel the Creator's presence once more, calming her frazzled nerves. For a moment, she couldn't help but wonder as to why the demon hadn't been affected by the feeling of unconditional love. But then again, when she first entered this place...it felt dead and cold. The atmosphere felt flat and empty. There was no sign of a Creator once she entered the premises, even though she knew that judging from the amount of angels coming in and out, this was one of the plenty stations that God kept for his angels to rest. It was stationed on earth and was well-hidden from any prying, human eyes. What really bothered her was the fact that the demon had managed to get through a protective zone that was blessed from the Lord. She knew the spells that were cast on this place, she and the other demons had theorized that there was an invisibility spell that would deter anybody from coming near it. It would appear as any other building, and once you entered it, all you would see was an empty building, when in reality it was a miniature pocket dimension that could only be accessed if you knew where to look and could only be accessed by a holy being. Or in this case, a password would be needed to be admitted if you were escorting a prisoner.

Sighing, she shook her head a bit, trying to rid herself of the confusing thoughts.

"Ravine...do not worry. I allowed this entity entrance to my dominion. He knows nothing of the plans I have for you and him. As you know it, I am removing the spell he cast on you. He nor his master, Satan, shall have any power here."

Well that was reassuring. She was glad that she wouldn't be the inevitable cause of the destruction of this place.
The Angel walked to his living quarters and smiled. "How peculiar this day is..." He yawned and fell asleep.
Ravine felt exhausted, and she soon felt herself drifting off to sleep.


God looked at world and was saddened by the destructive state the world was in. The omnipotent entity dearly loved all His creations and He grieved over the sin that was present at this very moment. There were many heinous crimes that were committed and many of His human creations did nothing to stop such atrocities. He knew that He had all the power to remove all evil and smite those that had chosen to reject Him and His love. But to do so would remove the very gift He had given to them, and removing their free will wasn't love--it was forced love, and true love would never force someone to do something against their will. It was akin to rape. If he were to remove the very nature that drove His children's lives and force them to follow His will and only His will, what kind of loving Father would He be? Any Father--spiritual or not, would encourage His children to follow their own path--even when said father didn't approve of such actions. He already provided all that they would need for His children to live fruitful lives. He gave them the bible, a guardian angel and several spiritual guides. Yet many did not even know that they even had help available nor did they know that He even cared.

That hurt the most.

But now something came up and something that greatly enraged Him.

Satan had the audacity to send his fallen angels and demons to corrupt His children. He used His own children to spread his lies and deceit. He taught them to harm others, to blind themselves to Him and His love, he even used God's creations to carry out his evil plans. It disgusted Him. He never intended for any of this to happen, and yet things went astray and even when He had all the power, He knew that changing the world would have to be a subtle process. After all, the world was changing and contrary to how dark His world had become, there were hundreds upon thousands of people helping change the world. The world was a much more peaceful place than it used to be. Humans had changed ever since the day His son came. He was grateful that there were many individuals that had chosen the path of love and light. But the God knew that he had to do something again and that was to send another individual to purge this world of all evil.

He looked at the demonic woman that slept inside the darkened cell.


One of the many daughters of Lilith--the daughter of the first woman He had ever created. He knew that this woman would change the world. He had specifically chosen her before even her birth to rid this world of all darkness. He decided that by the morning that he would summon the very angel that interrogated her to go out and send her to more suitable living quarters. From now on, she would be treated as an honoured guest and every angel shall know her purpose in life.
The angel woke up in his room, looking around his area, and sighed, Something about Ravine....go too him in some way... H rubbed his head, and got dressed.
God summoned the angel, asking the man to see Him immediately. He knew what He needed to say was of utmost importance and reserved only for the one that spoke with Ravine. He needed to tell him that he would be in charge of guarding and protecting her, and that he would announce that the 'prisoner' was actually the next chosen one. It would be a shock to many--and for many, blasphemous, even. But he knew of the decision He made and God needed to pick someone--anybody--that could tear Satan from the inside out. He needed someone to help rid of him and his legion of fallen angels and corrupted humans. It would be no easy task and that was way he chose a powerful woman such as Ravine, after all, she was the daughter of one of the most powerful demons ever. Surely she would be able to rid this world of many evils, but first she would need to unlock both her light side and her darker, more sinister nature. It would be no easy task and it would only work under certain conditions. She needed to be protected by all things that would desire to harm her and away from any distractions.
As soon as he opened the door to leave, he saw...him...He looked at Him and all of his glory. Very few got to see him....
"I have an important task for you." He said, letting his words sink in. "I need you to free Ravine from her prison cell and find her a more comfortable place to rest. I want it known that she is no longer a prisoner, but an honoured guest here in my dominion. I want you to guard and protect her with your very life. I want you to go forth and spread the word that I have chosen the One--the being that will free us all from Satan's control over the human realm. That very person is the woman named Ravine."
"Why do you doubt? Did you not hear my words?" he questioned, his voice bellowed throughout the recesses of the angel's mind. "She is the one I have chosen."

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