
Dahak said:
Kyeudo said:
If an Infernal could convince Autochthon to teach his Charms and if that Infernal was Craft specialized to the max and if he could figure out the processes upon which Exaltation was founded and could gather the needed materials, including the Essence from beings as transcendantly powerful as the Celestial Incarnae and the Elemental Dragons, then yes, he could probably make new Exaltations. Each of those ifs is a huge story in itself.
You missed surviving having Autochthon removing the unapproved aftermarket add-ons from the Infernal's Exaltation Shard. I can't see Autochthon being in favour of the Yozi's modchipping or anyone who would want such a shard.
Assuming he doesn't find it fascinating, of course.
Chaka said:
Dahak said:
Kyeudo said:
If an Infernal could convince Autochthon to teach his Charms and if that Infernal was Craft specialized to the max and if he could figure out the processes upon which Exaltation was founded and could gather the needed materials, including the Essence from beings as transcendantly powerful as the Celestial Incarnae and the Elemental Dragons, then yes, he could probably make new Exaltations. Each of those ifs is a huge story in itself.
You missed surviving having Autochthon removing the unapproved aftermarket add-ons from the Infernal's Exaltation Shard. I can't see Autochthon being in favour of the Yozi's modchipping or anyone who would want such a shard.
Assuming he doesn't find it fascinating, of course.
Given that his own Exalted don't function along the lines of the Infernal Exalted, and are less powerful than just about all the other Celestial Exalted, it's unlikely Autochton would look too positively on an Infernal coming to emulate him. He might be fascinated (I can't really see him not being fascinated), but I'd imagine he'd be horrified just as much. At least, that's my take on it.
It's going to take more motes and Willpower' date=' but even an Essence 3 Solar can pretty handily outcraft the Unconquered Sun, unless you deliberately ignore one of the two main aspects of what makes artificing hard (namely, that it is time-consuming).[/quote']
How does that work? A Solar is only as awesome as he is because he can draw on Sol Invictus's Charm set.
What lead you to assume that Solars (or Lunars or Sidereals) use their patron's Charms? Thats Infernal schtick.
Flagg said:
Spirits use Spirit Charms.
Normal spirits use spirit Charms. The most powerful beings statted out using those rules are no stronger than a Second Circle Demon. Every spirit that has been statted that is more powerful than that uses completely custom Charms.

My theory on what Lunars, Solars, and Sidereals are has always been that they are humans gifted with the Charms of the Incarnae. They channel the same type of Essence as their patron, they use it to accomplish the same effects, so why wouldn't they have the same Charms?
Kyeudo said:
Normal spirits use spirit Charms. The most powerful beings statted out using those rules are no stronger than a Second Circle Demon. Every spirit that has been statted that is more powerful than that uses completely custom Charms.
This is not true. The Unconquered Sun, arguably the most powerful spirit in existence, uses Spirit Charms.
Flagg said:
This is not true. The Unconquered Sun, arguably the most powerful spirit in existence, uses Spirit Charms.
In which case the designers screwed up royally.
Kyeudo said:
Flagg said:
This is not true. The Unconquered Sun, arguably the most powerful spirit in existence, uses Spirit Charms.
In which case the designers screwed up royally.
Because they didn't follow your vision? Ok.

The Incarna have unique personal spirit charms, as well as using many all encompassing charms other spirits have. What we heard prior to Glories pointed us away from the Incarna using the same charms as Exalted, not towards that idea.
Sol has his own special charms that no one else can learn that make him super perfect. He, however, still is a spirit and uses spirit charms.
Kyeudo said:
Flagg said:
This is not true. The Unconquered Sun, arguably the most powerful spirit in existence, uses Spirit Charms.
In which case the designers screwed up royally.
The unique personal Charms of individual spirits are still spirit Charms.
Since you apparently haven't even read about the Sun's Charms secondhand up until now, it's hard to take you seriously when you say that they suck.
The unique personal Charms of individual spirits are still spirit Charms.
Since you apparently haven't even read about the Sun's Charms secondhand up until now, it's hard to take you seriously when you say that they suck.
I don't have even secondhand information about the Sun's Charms in the books I own. If he does have custom Charms, then maybe they haven't botched him just yet, but I'll have to get the book to see, and its not at the top of my shopping list.
strawberryleaves said:
How would one go about crafting something on the level of Terrestrial Exaltations, anyway? Celestial Exaltations are numbered and limited, while the number of Terrestrial Exaltations apparently have no limit other than that based on the population pool of potential Exalted.
I'm not sure where exactly, but I believe that in the Dragon-Blooded book (possibly another) it said that the original dragon-bloods for each aspect were so different from one another that it was like they were all different species united by a common goal/purpose. Add that to the fact that the dragon-bloods today aren't real dragon-bloods, but the result of the originals' rampant libidos and the solar deliberative being ok with cross breeding, it's possible that Autochthon just decided to create a few species to serve them to save time and effort.
terrormortus said:
I'm not sure where exactly, but I believe that in the Dragon-Blooded book (possibly another) it said that the original dragon-bloods for each aspect were so different from one another that it was like they were all different species united by a common goal/purpose. Add that to the fact that the dragon-bloods today aren't real dragon-bloods, but the result of the originals' rampant libidos and the solar deliberative being ok with cross breeding, it's possible that Autochthon just decided to create a few species to serve them to save time and effort.
It doesn't say they used to be, it says they still are almost five different races.
Thanqol said:
terrormortus said:
I'm not sure where exactly, but I believe that in the Dragon-Blooded book (possibly another) it said that the original dragon-bloods for each aspect were so different from one another that it was like they were all different species united by a common goal/purpose. Add that to the fact that the dragon-bloods today aren't real dragon-bloods, but the result of the originals' rampant libidos and the solar deliberative being ok with cross breeding, it's possible that Autochthon just decided to create a few species to serve them to save time and effort.
It doesn't say they used to be, it says they still are almost five different races.
Sounds right. Still the point remains that Autochthon couldn't make a genetic exaltation shard. Though for some reason I'm getting the feeling that Gaia may have been responsible for the dragon-bloods, make more sense for her to have created them as well. Still immortality in exalted is kind of hard to achieve. Spirits get it as part of being a spirit but everything else you have to work for. The ways are common but considering that some of the ways are getting a level four hearth stone, using a first age artifact and a spirit's help, or working for the bloated remains of the primordial masters of creation. So immortality some people get it but everyone else has to move mountains just to to get an idea of how to do it.
terrormortus said:
Sounds right. Still the point remains that Autochthon couldn't make a genetic exaltation shard. Though for some reason I'm getting the feeling that Gaia may have been responsible for the dragon-bloods, make more sense for her to have created them as well.
Well, yeah. I think it pretty explicitly says that Dragon Blooded are the children of Gaia.
Thanqol said:
terrormortus said:
Sounds right. Still the point remains that Autochthon couldn't make a genetic exaltation shard. Though for some reason I'm getting the feeling that Gaia may have been responsible for the dragon-bloods, make more sense for her to have created them as well.
Well, yeah. I think it pretty explicitly says that Dragon Blooded are the children of Gaia.
Grandchildren actually.
While it's simplistic—and calling it just that can remove a certain mysticism that all Exaltations should probably retain—Dragon-Blooded Exaltation is pretty much exactly a "genetic Exaltation."

Also, to be clear, Gaia's involvement in the War was letting it happen and boffing Luna. She allowed her component souls the Five Elemental Dragons to empower the Terrestrials.
Um, I apologize for resurrecting this thread, but I just realized that nobody ever weighed in on my original question, whether or not they think that beings outside of fate could grant a Sidereal immortality. The thread almost immediately went off on a tangent. So... any ideas?
Aasharu said:
So, immortality in Exalted is rare, but not unheard of. You have Gems of Immortality, which halt aging, while the Verdigris Circlet confers true immortality, including nigh-indestructibility. Abyssals are agelessly immortal, while Sidereals are fated to die after a few thousand years, no exceptions. And then you have the Mask of Winters offering immortality as a prize for a martial arts competition...
Anyways, I suppose my question is on the Sidereals, in particular. While a Sidereal is fated to die, and no force in Creation can change that, what about things from outside Creation, such as the Yozis, the Neverborn, powerful Fair Folk, or even unknown Primordials? Would the Verdigris Circlet, itself an artifact of the Yozis, be capable of granting a Sidereal immortality? How about the Mask of Winters "prize," and, furthermore, how would the Mask of Winters grant immortality? People's thoughts and opinions on these random musings?
• The Gem of Immortality is bad. While it's not without its weakness, it sort of handily squashes any serious search for immorality, altering any such story from "seek a way to become immortal" to "seek a way to protect my precious gem." Lame.
• The Verdigris Circlet is also pretty lame, honestly. It cuts off a lot of avenues of conflict for an extremely cheap price with a weakness about on par with the Gem of Immorality. Its healing power is way too good and combines poorly with "Can act while Incapacitated, Dying or even dead" effects. Its weaknesses do not make up for this. It gets worse if the wearer is a high order Solar with Wyld Cauldron Technology (i.e., protoshinmaic vortex).

• The Mask of Winters' "immortality" is probably existence as a ghostly slave until such time as he destroys you for his own purpose or whim. This probably comes after a nice looking lead-up where he casts some "immortality" spell on you and has you serve him (if you're tractable enough); upon dying, you learn that it's that necromancy that ensures you become a ghost, or some greater spell that does that plus some extras to make you a better servant for a Deathlord.

• The Yozis and similarly titanic powers should certainly be able to grant immortality as part of one deal or another, most likely through the Investiture. Once you fall firmly under Hell's power, Heaven's plans have no firm grip on you.
I'm still not sold on the idea of Abysals being ageless. Does it actually say that? I got the impression that nobody really knew, because all Abysals are so young.

Same for Infernals.

IMO, if something from outside Fate could grant you immortality, it'd probably be at the cost of cutting you off from Fate. Which causes all sort of issues, but that's what you get for dealing w/ the devil.
Eternal Life

Other Exalted have their lives extended to a greater or lesser degree, but the Chosen of the Neverborn can live forever - if they are not slain. The cold stasis of death forever traps their bodies at the age of Exaltation, making dethknights the only "immortal" type of Exalted.
Life expectancy of Infernals

Question: What is the life expectancy of Green Sun Princes

and Akumas?

Answer: Akuma typically age as the beings from which they

were spawned do, though exceptions do exist. Sacrificing one’s

soul to dark powers for an extended life is a staple of myth and

fiction, after all. As for the Green Sun Princes... well, let’s just

say they have an interesting destiny to look forward to if they

can survive long enough to seize it.
Aasharu said:
Life expectancy of Infernals

Question: What is the life expectancy of Green Sun Princes

and Akumas?

Answer: Akuma typically age as the beings from which they

were spawned do, though exceptions do exist. Sacrificing one’s

soul to dark powers for an extended life is a staple of myth and

fiction, after all. As for the Green Sun Princes... well, let’s just

say they have an interesting destiny to look forward to if they

can survive long enough to seize it.
They seriously answered an erratta question with an open ended/ambiguous statement? Why bother answering at all?

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