[Image Thread] Portraits of those gone... [Walking with the Darkness]


So... the Green Lady likes to play with ribbons, hummm?
She has a repressed bondage kink that she's trying to let out.
she reminds me of the spider demons in Monkey: Journey to the West, saw it in Manchester UK in the opening week awesome stage circus/opera/martial art-ness, good music (from Damon Alban of Blur and Gorillaz) and the stage design and animations were extremely cool, by Jamie Hewlett (of Tank Girl and Gorillaz fame)




http://www.siouxwire.com/2007/05/damon- ... opera.html
As Cyl mentioned it...


According to the legend, these are the corpses of father and son that spanked the mother of the family. The mother, upon her death, cursed them, saying that the earth will never swallow their bodies. Since then, they've been preserved:



The text reads something like "We bones that here lie, wait for yours", but it rhymes in Portuguese.

Oh hey, your Blood Pearl picture is from Steve Argyle. He does a lot of art for a card game I play (L5R, the game that exact image comes from, actually). He also does are for another game by the same company and DnD now as well. Probably other things, but his work is all amazing. Here's a couple more faves:

First, another shot of Chuda Ruri (Blood Pearl):


Crazy badass abyssal:


Abyssal hot chick/killing machine:


Probably the most badass thing you will ever see:


Abyssal fae-type girl:


The power of the Void:


The bigtime bad guy in L5R, he fits right in:


Raisa in dancing attire. Via Disguise of a New Face? :twisted:

c/o Sammi_chan

EDIT: That was a good costume, but bad face. The expression doesn't really fit her.

This is more like it.


c/o cookiemonster-of-war
If we ever need to spend a fair amount of time at sea, we need one of these...


Arthur, go build one. :twisted:
Stiches could probably jury-rig that.

First you feed a bunch of mortals to a giant turtle. Then you kill the turtle. And then you animate it with your anima. Easy, no?
Noticed a link and figured I'd play around with it. :D

Though my rendition of Stiches looks noticably like Scar (from FMA).

Figured I might as well get some rendition of Rasheel up. Used tektek as well.

Couldn't get the third arm of course, but here he is with Talons and Wings from Hybrid Body Rearrangement.
Just to get some blips on my radar on this game:

- coyotekin / fhg still on

- Arthur / Nobble / Gulup still on

Recently we have lost: Juk / Haku / Tome seem to have been swallowed by the mouth of the Void :(

If at least Tome doesn't pop up in the week what do you say we fight a little bit more (up to T60 tops) and then storytell the battle ('cause if I've lost 3 players, you've lost 2 warmachines, things are going sour...) and meet with the rest of the guys in Nexus pretty soon to keep the story going on ?
The Dark Emissary<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_02/veiled2_jpg_rZd_73161.jpg.cb7a76c979141159e0c8de94043cc168.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23450" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_02/veiled2_jpg_rZd_73161.jpg.cb7a76c979141159e0c8de94043cc168.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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