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Realistic or Modern I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name! - Superhero\Villain RP

"A field of fluffy rabbit and I'm a vigilante not a police officer" He said grabbing her arms. Well he was an police detective but he was a vigilante right now. Putting them in handcuffs he waits for the police saying "Don't worry they have special prisons for people like you" He says in his dark voice.

SirGrey said:
"A field of fluffy rabbit and I'm a vigilante not a police officer" He said grabbing her arms. Well he was an police detective but he was a vigilante right now. Putting them in handcuffs he waits for the police saying "Don't worry they have special prisons for people like you" He says in his dark voice.
@SirGrey (mind RPing a Psychologist)
Django, for a lack of a better term, felt bored and decided to head on outside. If anything there wasn't much for him to do, so he just wanders around Sanfield. Hopefully he can get the next memory shard location soon, so he can go on another adventure.

[Open for Interaction] (@JPax42 You can talk to Django as Starling (AI) if you want. xD )
"Here is it!The tower is right here !JUSTICE ROAR!" As they come,explosions and screaming could be heard.They could see a crazy guys on the top of the tower slaughtering everyone "Let's go!" Mumen left is bicycle rushing at some guys on the ground "You take off the bad guys!i'm helping those guys!" the elevator was open for Saitama to rush at the top tower.During the time,there would be a music in the elevator




SirGrey said:
"A field of fluffy rabbit and I'm a vigilante not a police officer" He said grabbing her arms. Well he was an police detective but he was a vigilante right now. Putting them in handcuffs he waits for the police saying "Don't worry they have special prisons for people like you" He says in his dark voice.
"People like me?" I didn't understand and asked with a raised eyebrow "I just speeded up a little, what's the big deal?"

I walk into the Psychologist office after calling in a hour ago. I go to the desk "I made a appointment, Harmony Johnson" I say before she nods and tells me to sit and wait

@YoungX @SirGrey @NickTonCutter

(Someone mind RPing the Psychologist)
YoungX said:
Django, for a lack of a better term, felt bored and decided to head on outside. If anything there wasn't much for him to do, so he just wanders around Sanfield. Hopefully he can get the next memory shard location soon, so he can go on another adventure.
[Open for Interaction] (@JPax42 You can talk to Django as Starling (AI) if you want. xD )
AugustineVampire said:
(Hue. I'm sure Hibiki (AI) would just stop him for now. xD Django probably assumes Nina will escape on her own.)

If anything he just walked around Sanfield. He wondered what Kirsty was up to, for some odd reason. Maybe she was enjoying the whole circus career and what not? He decides to pay a visit to the circus and she how she's doing.


Kirsty frowned. "You looked great it's just that porn is scary." Kirsty leapt out the window, still wearing her circus stuff. While it did look highly...er..."exposing" Kirsty didn't care at all.

Kirsty saw that the girl who attempted to free her got arrested, and it would be the least Kirsty could do. However, she stopped caring about Django completely as he was insignificant. She darted over to the prison and waited outside.

@AugustineVampire @YoungX (Kirsty isn't at the circus. She's breaking people out of prison.)
JPax42 said:
Kirsty frowned. "You looked great it's just that porn is scary." Kirsty leapt out the window, still wearing her circus stuff. While it did look highly...er..."exposing" Kirsty didn't care at all.

Kirsty saw that the girl who attempted to free her got arrested, and it would be the least Kirsty could do. However, she stopped caring about Django completely as he was insignificant. She darted over to the prison and waited outside.

@AugustineVampire @YoungX (Kirsty isn't at the circus. She's breaking people out of prison.)
@Shammy the Shamrock
Smoke Spectre/Owen

"I'm not going over the police cars again or the fact you attacked us" The Spectre says in his dark bitter voice. "Besides the nice police can tell you when they get here, which won't be long judging by those sirens". His fear bounced around in his head, not thinking about it made him think about it.

Dr McCoy

Pressing the intercom the distinguished doctor of psychology says "Let her through". He sits back in his char awaiting his patient.

@Yappi @AugustineVampire
SirGrey said:
Smoke Spectre/Owen
"I'm not going over the police cars again or the fact you attacked us" The Spectre says in his dark bitter voice. "Besides the nice police can tell you when they get here, which won't be long judging by those sirens". His fear bounced around in his head, not thinking about it made him think about it.

Dr McCoy

Pressing the intercom the distinguished doctor of psychology says "Let her through". He sits back in his char awaiting his patient.

@Yappi @AugustineVampire

I walk into the room sitting down taking my hoodie off for a blank white T-shirt and sitting "Heya doc, sorry if my appearance scares you"
JPax42 said:
Kirsty frowned. "You looked great it's just that porn is scary." Kirsty leapt out the window, still wearing her circus stuff. While it did look highly...er..."exposing" Kirsty didn't care at all.

Kirsty saw that the girl who attempted to free her got arrested, and it would be the least Kirsty could do. However, she stopped caring about Django completely as he was insignificant. She darted over to the prison and waited outside.

@AugustineVampire @YoungX (Kirsty isn't at the circus. She's breaking people out of prison.)
(I see hue.)

Django would see that she wasn't at the circus, and decides to wonder where she went. It was at this time that Hibiki (AI) would pop on out.

"So your feeling all better now?" Hibiki (AI) would speak up for a bit.

'Yes I am... Look I understand if you still love Nina, but she isn't just going to love you back.'

Django grinned and would say, "That's just life. I'm gonna get her someday just wait and see," he would say as he began to portal hop. "Just you wait and see." From there he would use the Hibiki memory unit to gain his sensing powers to locate Kirsty. It seems she was outside the prison? What on Earth could she be doing there? In any case he decides to portal hop his way to Kirsty.

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SirGrey said:
Smoke Spectre/Owen
"I'm not going over the police cars again or the fact you attacked us" The Spectre says in his dark bitter voice. "Besides the nice police can tell you when they get here, which won't be long judging by those sirens". His fear bounced around in his head, not thinking about it made him think about it.

Dr McCoy

Pressing the intercom the distinguished doctor of psychology says "Let her through". He sits back in his char awaiting his patient.

@Yappi @AugustineVampire
"My psychologist won't be happy to hear this, mister!" I yelled at him "Just kidding, jeez." I whispered. "At least the rooms are nicer."
Salex said:
he would be in the elevator with the music "so whats our plan again?" he asked @NickTonCutter
Mumen look at Saitama "Alright i give them some healing process,the nurse will take care of them." after that,the elevator would open showing Nick with no emotion "Oh,you are that Bald guys from the morning.I guess you must be and allies of the old gods and i must eradicated you?" he say before shooting bullet at Saitama


(The police are coming to take her away)

As the police come to take her away Owen say "Sorry this were we must part, I would say it has been a pleasure but it hasn't". As the police put a powers stopper on her the vigilante darts away. He decide to keep an eye on them until they get to prison. This Nina seems dangerous.


Kirsty could see Django from a mile away. His portals were loud and created terrible strings in her vision. Kirsty, anyways, rolled her eyes and leapt up to the prison roof ever so silently, ignoring Django. She would use her x-ray vision to see for any signs of the woman who tried to free Kirsty from the circus


Dr. Starling AI

"Damn why are we even going to see Kirstin? She just got out of the circus and have you seen what she is wearing?! Django you're gonna seem like a creep. Or maybe she's a slut."

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