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Realistic or Modern I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name! - Superhero\Villain RP

AugustineVampire said:
"Hey!" she yelled, avoiding the bullets. "I said I give up, alright? You can handcuff me, psycho." I shouted.
SirGrey said:
Owen landed saying "Well you aren't really the best representation of street racers". He then looked to Django or rather Hibiki and following his instructions ensnared her in his smoke.


"I understand that you give up, but I hadn't forgotten what you did to Django. So why should I trust you now?"

Nick sigh before getting up again "My clothes!" Nick smirk raising up the Necronomicon "I keep you with me.From now on,i need some fun!"

After that,Nick transform his phone into a bike,rushing toward a Business tower,before reaching the entry he explode the whole first stage before jumping and getting on the top of the tower.But this time,the news were recording the scene...

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YoungX said:
"I understand that you give up, but I hadn't forgotten what you did to Django. So why should I trust you now?"
"Who said you can trust me? Are you THAT stupid? Of course you can't trust me, clarifying the facts for you, bud."

SirGrey said:
Owen landed saying "Well you aren't really the best representation of street racers". He then looked to Django or rather Hibiki and following his instructions ensnared her in his smoke.


"So, officer, where are we off to in our magical trip to Rainbow City now?" She said in sarcastic excitement ( xD )
(How does she even--)

James sighed and walked away. "Well, I'd better get back. I'll be late for my colleagues' sacred donut eating ritual. (Lunch Break)." He handcuffed Nina and handed her to Hibiki. "Seeya. I hope you have it under control."



Salex said:
"you're more heroic than me, me? im just gonna hang around here fighting crime as i heard this place has a high superhuman crime rate... and also the second reason being good bargain sales here" he said as he walked out @NickTonCutter
"Well it was good to meet you again Saitama.Hope to see you soon as possible!" he then check up his phone "It seem a crazy guys is attacking a business tower..." he turn back at Saitama "Wanna go for a ride???" he say excited


Aidrian stood in the rubble of the building he crashed into, nobody was there to stop him so the thing had been levelled completely, yet this was not even close to fulfilling the extent of his rage, once more he let out a robotic screech as what seemed to be some sort of launcher was taken off of his back, Aidrian fired it towards the building directly in front of him now and a rocket shot out and exploded against the building causing rubble once more to fly everywhere. He noticed that his men were starting to descend from the plane, each-other them equipped with assault rifles and explosives. They surrounded Aidrian and seemed to uses the rubble that he had created as cover and even set up some sentry's only about 20 of them had joined Aidrian, the rest had continued towards another location on the plane...

(Open for Interaction I suppose? I sort of passed out lmao.).
AugustineVampire said:
"Who said you can trust me? Are you THAT stupid? Of course you can't trust me, clarifying the facts for you, bud."
"So, officer, where are we off to in our magical trip to Rainbow City now?" She said in sarcastic excitement ( xD )
MrEvilMexican said:
(How does she even--)
James sighed and walked away. "Well, I'd better get back. I'll be late for my colleagues' sacred donut eating ritual. (Lunch Break)." He handcuffed Nina and handed her to Hibiki. "Seeya. I hope you have it under control."



Hibiki (AI) would transform back into his normal state and would let the detective handle things from her. "I don't understand it. Why? You said your a hero," he was certainly different from the real Hibiki. There was certainly more emotion to him. "You were the one who wanted to rescue people even though you didn't know them. The one who lectured Django on that. So I ask you... what the HELL is your problem?" There was certainly a hint of anger in his voice.

@AugustineVampire @SirGrey
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"He can kill me in one shot, all I have is 2 magical revolvers and my scythe" I look at the number the detective gave me
YoungX said:
Hibiki (AI) would transform back into his normal state and would let the detective handle things from her. "I don't understand it. Why? You said your a hero," he was certainly different from the real Hibiki. There was certainly more emotion to him. "You were the one who wanted to rescue people even though you didn't know them. The one who lectured Django on that. So I ask you... what the HELL is your problem?" There was certainly a hint of anger in his voice.
@AugustineVampire @SirGrey
She remained silent, only giving him a light shrug, "Meh." she responded, "maybe it's because of my parents, my powers, who knows? I could be crazy, don't send me to a spooky maniac house though."

AugustineVampire said:
She remained silent, only giving him a light shrug, "Meh." she responded, "maybe it's because of my parents, my powers, who knows? I could be crazy, don't send me to a spooky maniac house though."
Hibiki (AI) had enough of this crap. He walked up to her and gave her a pretty strong bitch slap. "You... You think this is something to be casual about? You... YOUR UNBELIEVABLE!" He would leave off through portals and would let the detective handle this.

@AugustineVampire @SirGrey (Yep more AI character development. xD And a bitch slap.)
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YoungX said:
Hibiki (AI) had enough of this crap. He walked up to her and gave her a pretty strong bitch slap. "You... You think this is something to be casual about? You... YOUR UNBELIEVABLE!" He would leave off through portals and would let the detective handle this.
@AugustineVampire @SirGrey (Yep more AI character development. xD And a bitch slap.)
"Well damn, that's no way to treat a lady." I replied apathetically. "Now, are all there super-cops are gone?" She asked them with a smile, looking if the cops with the powers or whatever are gone.
Yappi said:
"He can kill me in one shot, all I have is 2 magical revolvers and my scythe" I look at the number the detective gave me
"Well, we're all screwed then." Sirius says before creating a portal and walking back to his house.

NickTonCutter said:
"Well it was good to meet you again Saitama.Hope to see you soon as possible!" he then check up his phone "It seem a crazy guys is attacking a business tower..." he turn back at Saitama "Wanna go for a ride???" he say excited
"yeah sure!" he said @NickTonCutter
SirGrey said:
The detective sighed at his colleagues. "Coming quietly?" He asked as he approached her. He mostly kept quiet during the other twos yelling.
"Serving time in a normal prison will be delightful." She rolled her eyes, changing into her normal form. "What's your greatest fear, officer?" Nina asked the cop who was with her.
Hibiki (AI) would be traveling back to his old apartment. He decided that Django shouldn't be near her and would buy back the old apartment. At least the place was alright. He brought the stuff back and would continue to live here. It was then that Django resumed control of his body. Normally he would be annoyed by this, but he wouldn't really blame it on Hibiki (AI).

"Well hot damn. Didn't expect you of all people to go loose," he said as the would take a bottle of soda from the fridge. Hibiki (AI) would stay silent for a bit and would go back into the memory unit. "Well no one's perfect you know," and would rest up on the couch to relax. He had plenty of thoughts on his mind, but it didn't seem to matter right now. That didn't mean he was gonna give up on getting the girl of course. But for now he would wait until the next memory shard could be located.
Rhosvyn said:

Aidrian stood in the rubble of the building he crashed into, nobody was there to stop him so the thing had been levelled completely, yet this was not even close to fulfilling the extent of his rage, once more he let out a robotic screech as what seemed to be some sort of launcher was taken off of his back, Aidrian fired it towards the building directly in front of him now and a rocket shot out and exploded against the building causing rubble once more to fly everywhere. He noticed that his men were starting to descend from the plane, each-other them equipped with assault rifles and explosives. They surrounded Aidrian and seemed to uses the rubble that he had created as cover and even set up some sentry's only about 20 of them had joined Aidrian, the rest had continued towards another location on the plane...

(Open for Interaction I suppose? I sort of passed out lmao.).
@Everyone (Yeah we could use interaction with this. xD )
Mumen nod before getting outside,taking Saitama into the rain in the direction of the business tower.


During this time,Nick had explode 20% of the tower already

@Salex (Shit coming)

NickTonCutter said:
Mumen nod before getting outside,taking Saitama into the rain in the direction of the business tower.

During this time,Nick had explode 20% of the tower already

@Salex (Shit coming)
(the perfect gif xD )

"damn the rain's cold, how far is the tower?" he asked @NickTonCutter

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