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Realistic or Modern I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name! - Superhero\Villain RP

Rhosvyn said:

"Please accept my apology but you will not be able to come... I mean not to insult you but my home is a place of divinity, I am sorry to say that being in the place itself may endanger you greatly" Yukari said saddened, she had hoped it did not come to this as it may make Harmony angry but there was nothing that could be done. "However I plan to visit some others to persuade them to join our cause, you are free to come with me there if you wish, however I will have to ask you to remain in one of my force fields for the time being."


"I will simply go to the White House and take it for you, meet you there" I say grabbing my scythe and teleporting away to the White House before promptly starting to kill anyone there. I look under the table and find 2 revolvers... ancient engravings. Words of power. Not nearly as powerful as the Black Rose but still holds immense power, I decide to name them.... 'Deaths Touch' and 'Deaths Kiss'. I put them in my holsters, they won't kill a god but they will punch through most armor. (Deaths touch is a 8 shot .38 revolver as is Deaths kiss. What makes them special is the fact the shots detonate and can hurt demons,undead and humans alike. Showing none are free from Deaths grasp) @MrEvilMexican
(Black Rose can kill Harmony in one shot. xD Right now, Faust has all of C'thulhu's power, as well as the other Old Gods. You're pretty much toast.)

Faust would swing the Scepter of C'thulhu at Harmony, hitting her in the back. Despite her current state as 'Grim Reaper' it would still do immense damage. Why isn't it Death herself. What do you think you're doing with powerful revolvers like those? He asked coldly. Harmony would not be able to see any emtion in him whatsoever. And he would emit a similar aura to C'thulhu.

MrEvilMexican said:
(Black Rose can kill Harmony in one shot. xD Right now, Faust has all of C'thulhu's power, as well as the other Old Gods. You're pretty much toast.)
Faust would swing the Scepter of C'thulhu at Harmony, hitting her in the back. Despite her current state as 'Grim Reaper' it would still do immense damage. Why isn't it Death herself. What do you think you're doing with powerful revolvers like those? He asked coldly. Harmony would not be able to see any emtion in him whatsoever. And he would emit a similar aura to C'thulhu.

(Can i burn the book ? :3 @MrEvilMexican )

"No wait!!" Yukari called out to Harmony as she teleported away... this angered her greatly, she hated when things were out of her control. You will live to regret that she thought to herself before closing her world off from Earth, she returned to her shrine to continue her planning. There was not much she could do other than hope Harmony was as powerful as she was confident. Even if she was supposedly the Grim Reapress Yukari knew that it would be a struggle and that was the reason she had put so much time into this... If she ruins the whole plan I will have her head! Yukari was practically screaming inside but managed to compose herself once she returned to the shrine, her shrine always filled her with peace.
Ray walked out of her basement again, she didn't see the man from earlier so she believed he had left. She walked out again and sat in the park, she looked around and saw no one. Frowning she kicked her legs on a bench and leaned back, watching the bugs fly by her face.

Boom! went into a bathroom and became Scott, he walked back into the city. He tucked one hand in his pocket while the other held onto a camera. "I need to find something interesting in this city," he said with a sigh, sitting down near a fountain and looking around.

(Open for interaction)
Scott heard a noise, he put away his camera and heard a 'Meow' come from it. "Hey! Mittens how di-never mind, let's go," he said putting the cat over his shoulder and going into the alley. He took out his phone and turned on the light, he saw a child. "Hey ki-" he froze and dropped his phone seeing the body. "What the he-" quickly he got his camera and snapped a photo.

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MrEvilMexican said:
(Black Rose can kill Harmony in one shot. xD Right now, Faust has all of C'thulhu's power, as well as the other Old Gods. You're pretty much toast.)
Faust would swing the Scepter of C'thulhu at Harmony, hitting her in the back. Despite her current state as 'Grim Reaper' it would still do immense damage. Why isn't it Death herself. What do you think you're doing with powerful revolvers like those? He asked coldly. Harmony would not be able to see any emtion in him whatsoever. And he would emit a similar aura to C'thulhu.


I get knocked to the side, I feel the aura and I immediatly nope out teleporting feet away breathing heavily.... my pupils were a different color, one I haven't seen. That color was orange, It was fear. My cloak was ripped showing my skeletal body as I desperately charge my long range teleport "Faust..." I say scrambling to the mayor's desk for where Genji kept the black rose.
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The girl's head snapped up to look at the young man as he snapped a pic. Her eyes were as red as the blood staining her shirt. Her black hair was long, greasy and wild, with dried blood in it. She also smelt pretty bad.

Despite looking like a wild animal, there was a certain cold intelligence in her eye. The girl slowly stood to her feet.

@Shammy the Shamrock

(Maria is absolutely disgusting)
NickTonCutter said:
Ben enter in the car,leaving his hat and start to drive.They were driving in a really peaceful area...Nobody could be hear around,not even a sound. "By the ways,what do you like to drink and eat if that too much too ask?" he smile
(Sorry didn't see this reply.)

Valentina stared out the window of the car. "Anything is fine; I have a pretty big appetite so I'm not picky."

Blood is the tastiest thing though, Valentina thought to herself, and she covered her mouth with her hand to suppress a giggle.

Refusing to move Scott stood still, if anything he could cause a explosion again. "What are you?" He asked the small child, his hands shaking on his side. Mittens jumped off his shoulder and growled. Walking up it simply stared at the young child with yellow glowing eyes, believing her to have food from the way she smelt. Scott looked at his cat "Mittens! What the hell are you doing!" He said through closed teeth keeping an eye on the girl.

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"Hungry. That's what I am." Maria ripped am arm off of the man she had been feasting on. He was a thick, fleshy guy, so she figured that part would last a good while for her.

She aimed at the ground beside Scott and fired a stream of blazing hot blood from her hand as a warning. "I need to go now."

@Shammy the Shamrock

Ben "Alright." After 10 minutes,they arrived at a peaceful place,almost too good to be in Sanfield.He then leave the cars and open up the cars door to Valentina and open up the doors of the restaurant,he order a table for two persons and take a sit,waiting for Valentina to come.



Nick look deeply at Harmony "Hey,what with your eyes?" Nick say worried,holding her shoulders

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He didn't move but instead walked right in front, he whistled for Mittens to stand back. With a snap of his fingers he caused a medium size explosion around him. He then walked past her and caused another with the man she was feasting on, making it vaporize into a blood stain. He glared at her before slowly walking out of the alley, examining the picture of her.


Kirsty spun around rapidly with the materials. Within five minutes she was wearing a circus attire. She still hadn't put her clothes back on; rather she simply draped the metallic strings over her stomach around from a band around the base of her chest. Her face had glitter running along the sides of her nose and the outside of eyes, outlining her face veins and forehead.

Kirsty also had a headband around her head, a small purple stone in the middle of it, glowing in synchronicity with her eyes. "Ta da! I look like something Egyptian." Kirsty was really thinking about Ringmaster. Ringmaster made her do it. No, Ringmaster showed her how to live her life. "Peace, Threat? I made stuff for you too." Kirsty pointed to the top bars of the cage. Two sets of circus stuff was hanging from there ready to be worn. "Here's more glitter if you want."

@Shammy the Shamrock
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NickTonCutter said:
Ben "Alright." After 10 minutes,they arrived at a peaceful place,almost too good to be in Sanfield.He then leave the cars and open up the cars door to Valentina and open up the doors of the restaurant,he order a table for two persons and take a sit,waiting for Valentina to come.



Nick look deeply at Harmony "Hey,what with your eyes?" Nick say worried,holding her shoulders


I'd be silent as it starts to unnaturally snow around this area "Faust has succumbed to Cithulu, he can kill me. That scares me" I say my eyes turning a even deeper shade of orange.

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