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Realistic or Modern I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name! - Superhero\Villain RP

Yappi said:
(Depends, what does she stand for? And where could I start to interact?)
(Yukari has very ambiguous goals, right now she is trying to take the city over for herself but they tend to change often. However she lies to people quite a lot too so Harmony may not get the truth from her. And Yukari would likely have to confront Harmony as Harmony would likely have no idea who she is and the chances of meeting her would be very very low. Yukari has been watching Sanfield for quite some time and has kept up on the recent events because of scheming so she likely knows of Harmony and other powerful people.)
AugustineVampire said:
( Gtg , night guys c: *When it comes to me I might get back here in 3 hours which is 4am xD )
(Cya later. I'll let Django do some things for now then and come back. xD )

Django, feeling bored, decides to head out for a bit. He left a note on the fridge saying, "I'll be back. Feeling bored," and would get out in the rain. He wondered what he should do in the rain, but he didn't care about the water. For now would just look around the city as his own pace for a bit. Still the new memory shard he just obtained gave him some insight on a few things. "Hmm... Looks like I was fighting off against a group of people or something. I'm not sure what they are, but hey whatever." He continued to walk around the city, and would gladly head back to Nina after he was finished.

[Open for Interaction]
Rhosvyn said:
(Yukari has very ambiguous goals, right now she is trying to take the city over for herself but they tend to change often. However she lies to people quite a lot too so Harmony may not get the truth from her. And Yukari would likely have to confront Harmony as Harmony would likely have no idea who she is and the chances of meeting her would be very very low. Yukari has been watching Sanfield for quite some time and has kept up on the recent events because of scheming so she likely knows of Harmony and other powerful people.)

i teleport away to a graveyard, I fall asleep standing up (you can approach her whenever ready)


"Ok you 3 are up, do something amazing!" I say opening the cage to let them out to the performing field
Peace lifted her finger and moved the supplies to the cage. She leaned back "There are your supplies," she said before realizing something and grabbed something from the pile. Her whiskey flask as she drank and enjoyed herself laughing.

Threat went on the top of the cage and paced around. "Hi! How's it down there," he said to Kirsty holding a laugh. He leaned back, laying down on the ceiling.

Yappi said:
i teleport away to a graveyard, I fall asleep standing up (you can approach her whenever ready)


"Ok you 3 are up, do something amazing!" I say opening the cage to let them out to the performing field
"I've been here for about 2 months, probably more. I don't keep track of time much anymore."

Valentina huffed, almost wanting to not tell him anything. But then she thought it made sense. After all, she'd been sticking to minor work instead of battling big bads. Plus she had left her supersuit, which she appeared in the news with, at home.

"I'm Duchess Rose. If you want to know more about me, search up my fanclub on the net. Apparently I have one, but I didn't check it out yet."

"A fan...Club?" Ben scratch his head "Well,my name is Ben Stalks..." he sigh "I got so much money that i'm getting bored too easily!If only i could be young again!" he then look back at Rose "Well sorry to bother you with my though...Let's go back at the subject.Well,if you are a heroes since two month at Sanfield,i guess you must hide your mission,right?"

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Upon returning to the shrine Yukari noticed that a person who she had been keeping an eye on was now isolated, she smiled on the inside realising this was her chance so once everything was set in order at the shrine she left as quick as she could. She had been in her own world more and more lately, but it would be more than worth it once it was over. In front of Harmony the world ripped open and a large dark red eye looked out at her, Yukari was aware of the girls powers and did not wish to risk startling her, so as extra precaution she created a forcefield that would hopefully prevent Harmony from reaching through.

Yukari spoke in a soft, almost kind voice to Harmony
"Hello there, I have had my eyes on you for quite some time... It is nice that I have this opportunity to finally meet you. I hope you will listen to what I have to say."

Rhosvyn said:

Upon returning to the shrine Yukari noticed that a person who she had been keeping an eye on was now isolated, she smiled on the inside realising this was her chance so once everything was set in order at the shrine she left as quick as she could. She had been in her own world more and more lately, but it would be more than worth it once it was over. In front of Harmony the world ripped open and a large dark red eye looked out at her, Yukari was aware of the girls powers and did not wish to risk startling her, so as extra precaution she created a forcefield that would hopefully prevent Harmony from reaching through.

Yukari spoke in a soft, almost kind voice to Harmony
"Hello there, I have had my eyes on you for quite some time... It is nice that I have this opportunity to finally meet you. I hope you will listen to what I have to say."


Small red dots form in my skeletal eyes as I wake up, I walk over and keep a calm composure "I will listen" I say keeping my scythe loose in my hand. Leaning on it as I talk
"Ben Stalks... Pretty sure I've heard of you before!" She followed the news very loosely. From what she could remember, he wasn't to be trusted, and so Valentina's guard was now up.

"Sometimes. It's nice to keep my crime fighting separate from my personal life... Now that I think about it. Shame I can't show off my face on the regular... I usually wear a helmet."

Ben notice her guards "Well you are a Heroes acting in the dark,so.By the way you shouldn't be scare by me,i have change a lot since i meet someone named Hibiki.He unfortunately...Died." he sigh and smile "What are you planning to do after?" as he keep walking,his hands still in his pocket,sucking a Popsicle.

Hibiki died? Valentina didn't stop walking, but you could hear the grunts of the guys she was holding as her fingers dug into their sides.

"That's sad man, I didn't know that." She wondered how he had died, but not for long as the Sanfield police department headquarters was up ahead. From there two policemen would shove he two offenders into a police cruiser where it would deliver them to the local precinct.

"I'm not doing anything tonight."

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Yukari was very pleased to hear what Harmony said, She can make a very powerful ally she thought before she responded, "Good, because I think you will find interest in what I have to say." Yukari purposefully left a slight pause in between her sentences so that Harmony would listen carefully "It seems this city has had some... rather unfortunate events lately, I think you could play a part in helping Sanfield start a new... all you have to do is keep the so called "heroes" occupied while the rest of my men take care of the pesky White House that has been established."

"Hibiki was really a good guys...I even help him clearing his though,i guess he is happier now." he wait some seconds before talking again "Hibiki is still alive but in another dimension...He is preserving the balance,but not here anymore..." He open up a cigarette with his lighter

"Are you up for eating at a restaurant?Sanfield have been quite troublesome so i guess a little rest is always good." he smile,finishing his Popsicle,throwing it into a bin,starting to take the cigarette and smoke it.

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Rhosvyn said:

Yukari was very pleased to hear what Harmony said, She can make a very powerful ally she thought before she responded, "Good, because I think you will find interest in what I have to say." Yukari purposefully left a slight pause in between her sentences so that Harmony would listen carefully "It seems this city has had some... rather unfortunate events lately, I think you could play a part in helping Sanfield start a new... all you have to do is keep the so called "heroes" occupied while the rest of my men take care of the pesky White House that has been established."


"Why don't we just overpower them? I work better fighting, I may have been trained assassin but it's not my strong suit" I say before teleporting out of the force field "It's not a matter of who will stop us, I am simply a party that works for who ever wished"
"Didn't know him too well, but he was really nice when I last talked to him. At least his soul didn't evaporate." Valentina laughed dryly, but the look of amusement soon turned to one of mild annoyance.

"Go to a restaurant? With you?" Valentina snickered. "Sure, if you paid me," she said sarcastically.

Ben would notice that Valentina was sad about Hibiki.He didn't want to rub salt in the wound so he change the subject.

"I don't care if i have too pay,i just want to stop my boredom." he smile "By the way my cars is not too far.So,you accept?" he keep smoking waiting for Valentina answer.

(Lol Valentina was sad for all of a second X3)

"Sure. There's a bunch of other ways you could've cured your boredom though if you thought hard enough," she said the last part under her breath with a snort.

"I guess I don't have anything better to do."


"I truly admire your confidence Harmony, if you feel that you are able to overpower those "heroes" then do so, that only makes things easier for us." Yukari said in response, perhaps I shouldn't have given them the benefit of the doubt Harmony seems capable of destroying the lot of them. "Taking that into consideration I shall reform my plan, although that will have to take some time and discussion with my men... So do you have anything left to say before I leave you be? And just so you know I will signal when the plan will be triggered, when you see it you will know."

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Rhosvyn said:

"I truly admire your confidence Harmony, if you feel that you are able to overpower those "heroes" then do so, that only makes things easier for us." Yukari said in response, perhaps I shouldn't have given them the benefit of the doubt Harmony seems capable of destroying the lot of them. "Taking that into consideration I shall reform my plan, although that will have to take some time and discussion with my men... So do you have anything left to say before I leave you be? And just so you know I will signal when the plan will be triggered, when you see it you will know."


"I'll come with you... I have little else to do" I say lowering my hood to show my skeletal features. There are plates of bones on the legs,arms and cheeks
Ben scratch his hair and though *What does she mean by cured my boredom?* he then talk back looking at her "Alright." A cars appear in front of them "Take a seat,if you want to drive then go ahead.Or i can drive if you want." he wait for her answer as he finish his cigarette and put it on a bin.


"Please accept my apology but you will not be able to come... I mean not to insult you but my home is a place of divinity, I am sorry to say that being in the place itself may endanger you greatly" Yukari said saddened, she had hoped it did not come to this as it may make Harmony angry but there was nothing that could be done. "However I plan to visit some others to persuade them to join our cause, you are free to come with me there if you wish, however I will have to ask you to remain in one of my force fields for the time being."

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Ben enter in the car,leaving his hat and start to drive.They were driving in a really peaceful area...Nobody could be hear around,not even a sound. "By the ways,what do you like to drink and eat if that too much too ask?" he smile


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