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Realistic or Modern I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name! - Superhero\Villain RP

"Find him, remember when you meet him, you are the puppeteer," he said lifting his hand. He played with her before trying to change her into her lizard form.


(Gtg for an hour, you can control Lou if you want)
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(Gtg for an hour, you can control Lou if you want)
(Nah I'll wait)


I nod in understandment before I feel my lizard form take kver. In seconds I have tail,scales,stronger venom,the whole Shazam. I look throughout the house... it might take hours but secretly there was a text send before she was controlled to Hibiki 'kd,strings,hel' is what was on there before she was taken over
Yappi said:
(Nah I'll wait)

I nod in understandment before I feel my lizard form take kver. In seconds I have tail,scales,stronger venom,the whole Shazam. I look throughout the house... it might take hours but secretly there was a text send before she was controlled to Hibiki 'kd,strings,hel' is what was on there before she was taken over
Hibiki would receive a strange text from Harmony. He had a feeling she was in trouble and would look to Jon. "I gotta go, I have to do something," he would then sense Harmony using Ultimate Kuuga. With enough speed he would head over to her location.

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Valentina slid up again, the water now just above her chest. She stretched, and a few cracking sounds could be heard.

"Ahhh yes. I..." She leaned forward, baring her rather impressive fangs. "I am a VAAAAMPIRE! Well, half of a vampire anyway." There was a small smile on her face and she leaned back. "Or... At least, half of something CLOSE to a vampire. I don't know who my dad was, so... S'not something I confirm. And it's not something my mom wants to talk about. So for simplicity's sake—I'ma vamp." Valentina winked.

YoungX said:
Hibiki would receive a strange text from Harmony. He had a feeling she was in trouble and would look to Jon. "I gotta go, I have to do something," he would then sense Harmony using Ultimate Kuuga. With enough speed he would head over to her location.

All he would sense would be particles, she has a trick to block his sensing and the puppeteer is taking full advantage. He would come across her apartment that she left, though there is little in the way of traceable though Harmony did leave her backpack pocket dimension
Yappi said:
All he would sense would be particles, she has a trick to block his sensing and the puppeteer is taking full advantage. He would come across her apartment that she left, though there is little in the way of traceable though Harmony did leave her backpack pocket dimension
Hibiki would arrive to fine no one else at the apartment. He would find the backpack, and thought to himself. Perhaps there was something in the backpack? He would open it and check.
YoungX said:
Hibiki would arrive to fine no one else at the apartment. He would find the backpack, and thought to himself. Perhaps there was something in the backpack? He would open it and check.

He would find a while small universe in there, 25X bigger than his training dimension. It would have antuiqe weapons, her life savings,and well alot in general. There were no clues in here but it wonders if Harmony made a deal with someone 'satan' for a example
Dr. Starling and GLASS

Starling's eyes began to spark and glow as he advanced on the boy with the phone. His voice descended into a low growl. "Hand over the girl, or else." Starling walked over to a car. He crushed the bumper with ease as he lifted the entire vehicle with one arm. "The girl. Now."

Starling rolled his eyes and dropped the car with a loud noise at the noise of an antimatter rifle powering up. "What?" He turned incredulously to the shaking GLASS officer.
"F-FREEZE!" Starling turned to the elderly woman and the teenage boy the with the camera. "¿Quieres un video para llevar a casa?" Starling dashed up to the officer and put a palm on his helmet. As the rifle fired and ripped through Starling's left side, Starling delivered an attack of his own. The officer began vaporizing on the spot, Starling's eyes fueling the electricity. The officer let out a horrifying scream, which was quickly muffled by Starling tearing through the helmet, covering the man's mouth. The fried man fell to his knees, dropping dead and leaking fresh, red blood from his mouth as he fell in front of the woman, the teenage boy, and the man, as well as the girl. Starling's attack was designed to be gruesome as possible, yet it was potent enough to block the GLASS officer's shatter mechanism. "Which one of you is next?" Starling stepped forward, his eyes still glowing.


Kirsty and Brendan

"God DAMN KIRSTIN!" Brendan was laughing as he and three other GLASS officers, covered in soot and coughing, stepped out of a lead-osmium lined bomb shelter room. "You dented the walls of the shelter!" Kirsty smiled at Brendan sheepishly. "I know. Don't piss me off next time." Kirsty poked an officer on the helmet where his nose should be before disappearing in a black, red, and blue blur. Brendan sighed and teleported back to the carrier with his crew. "Alright, running low on energy. Let's fuel up guys."

(Open for interact: PHONE CALLS ONLY)


I rocked it on the destruction tests! I smiled as I whipped through Sanfield, landing in my favorite alcohol joint. I slid over to the bartender. "Excuuuse me sir do you have any vodka with...more vodka?" The bartender shook his head and signaled me to the door. I simply smiled at him. "Kid, you're too young to even be in this plaaaaaa...." I chuckled as his voice slowed down, and I sped up. I ran behind the counter, throwing various bottles into the air. They seemed suspended as I slammed fifty dollars on the shelf, grabbed two bottles, and put the rest of them back. I ran out the door and leapt over a car, and stood across the street. Jeez. That was a good workout too. Bartender, you haven't finished your sentence... "...ace please get out of my bar. Wait...what?" The bartender was baffled and saw the fifty dollars on the counter, then whipped his head to me, standing across the street. He looked back at the money and shrugged. I walked away, drinking from my vodka bottle.

(Open for interaction)
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Yappi said:
He would find a while small universe in there, 25X bigger than his training dimension. It would have antuiqe weapons, her life savings,and well alot in general. There were no clues in here but it wonders if Harmony made a deal with someone 'satan' for a example
"Huh. Interesting, but it probably won't help me." He closed the backpack up, and would wear it on himself. For now he would try and find out her location. That's when he had a great idea. He would take out his phone, and would send a text message to Harmony. It would be blank though. Using his electricity, he would plan on transmitting it through the phone lines. From there he would use it to trace his text message that would be sent to Harmony. He would send it and hoped that it worked.
YoungX said:
"Huh. Interesting, but it probably won't help me." He closed the backpack up, and would wear it on himself. For now he would try and find out her location. That's when he had a great idea. He would take out his phone, and would send a text message to Harmony. It would be blank though. Using his electricity, he would plan on transmitting it through the phone lines. From there he would use it to trace his text message that would be sent to Harmony. He would send it and hoped that it worked.

Her phone would be far away,the puppeteer threw it far away.
Yappi said:
Her phone would be far away,the puppeteer threw it far away.
Seems the plan would be useless, but he still had one more ace up his sleeve. He would proceed to call Brendan.

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"My subcommanders are trackable through anything. I am pinpointing her location now." Brendan hit tabs and buttons, finding that she wasn't on the physical space. "Her suit is almost unreachable. It's in a different frequency than physical space. She's in another dimension." Brendan signaled two officers. He then turned to them. "It's time to bring out the red matter drive." He turned back to Hibiki. "We're going to go and get to her fast. Thank you for this notification. Anything else?"

JPax42 said:
"My subcommanders are trackable through anything. I am pinpointing her location now." Brendan hit tabs and buttons, finding that she wasn't on the physical space. "Her suit is almost unreachable. It's in a different frequency than physical space. She's in another dimension." Brendan signaled two officers. He then turned to them. "It's time to bring out the red matter drive." He turned back to Hibiki. "We're going to go and get to her fast. Thank you for this notification. Anything else?"

"Hmm... I believe in her text she mentioned strings. I'm not sure what it means, but strings might be an important keyword."
rosehearted said:
Valentina slid up again, the water now just above her chest. She stretched, and a few cracking sounds could be heard.
"Ahhh yes. I..." She leaned forward, baring her rather impressive fangs. "I am a VAAAAMPIRE! Well, half of a vampire anyway." There was a small smile on her face and she leaned back. "Or... At least, half of something CLOSE to a vampire. I don't know who my dad was, so... S'not something I confirm. And it's not something my mom wants to talk about. So for simplicity's sake—I'ma vamp." Valentina winked.

Siren eyed her fangs and said, "Ooohhh nice. Sharp, pointy, but not too big. I have met a few vampires a few times over the years, and have always been slightly jealous of their teeth When I do not focus when becoming human mine look more like this." She bared her teeth and her jaw elongated and changed slightly. Then her canines expanded pushing aside her other teeth as they grew into three inch snake fangs that extended out of the corner of her mouth and down to her jaw. Then a droplet formed on the tip of one of her fangs and dripped into the pool. She looked down as the red liquid started spreading through the pool. She looked down at it and giggled, "Oh that's not good. It shouldn't harm either of us, but you might want to get out, because for both of us the poison will have a narc-" She broke off into a fit of giggles, and then choked out through laughter, "I forgot how nice that felt! I have not added my venom to a bath in a long time!" She is grinning hugely, her eyes are sparkling, and she looks warm. The red venom is spreading through the bath slowly, and getting less concentrated. (Wheee chaos begins :D . This venom is incredibly dangerous to humans but to a half vampire it would be more like a strong drug. It essentially causes giddiness and some brain fuzziness. Your character can avoid it of course but giddy Siren will probably try to pull her in, and then Siren will probably want to go look at shiny things.)
Anthony Reeve "I think everyone's okay. You, ma'am, are you alright?" he'd say in a tired yet calming voice. He'd shake his body and blow a quick whew, as he'd put on gloves and rub the bullet in the wall. Suddenly, his powers kicked in. The gun was SIG, Pro, and the man who shot the gun was.. dead? No bloodstream, no heartbeat, yet, it moved. It was creepy. He'd snap out of his retrocognition, and get a minor headache. "Uhm.. Who do you think that guy was?"


"Strings...hmm." Brendan searched up many things on dimensional strings, psychological strings, physical strings, and temporal strings. "That could mean one of fours things. She could be strung between dimensions, in a dimension, actually be trapped in strings, or trapped in time. That I cannot handle. But I will see what I can do." Brendan waited for anything else Hibiki had to say. He stood in the center of his room, turning off the lights. He began bending the gravity. Nobody would observe this, but he himself felt time slow as he became a sink for gravitation sources. He pulled out a red matter device and began tracking her location...

@YoungX (@Yappi prepare for interaction)

(@Erbrin UHH JUNGKOOK ø_ø)
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JPax42 said:
"Strings...hmm." Brendan searched up many things on dimensional strings, psychological strings, physical strings, and temporal strings. "That could mean one of fours things. She could be strung between dimensions, in a dimension, actually be trapped in strings, or trapped in time. That I cannot handle. But I will see what I can do." Brendan waited for anything else Hibiki had to say. He stood in the center of his room, turning off the lights. He began bending the gravity. Nobody would observe this, but he himself felt time slow as he became a sink for gravitation sources. He pulled out a red matter device and began tracking her location...

@YoungX (@Yappi prepare for interaction)

(@Erbrin UHH JUNGKOOK ø_ø)
"All right then. I'll be taking my leave then," he then hangs up and decides to leave the backpack. She'll most likely come-back here anyhow. He then heads out into the city once more.

(Open for interaction)
JPax42 said:
Dr. Starling and GLASS
Starling's eyes began to spark and glow as he advanced on the boy with the phone. His voice descended into a low growl. "Hand over the girl, or else." Starling walked over to a car. He crushed the bumper with ease as he lifted the entire vehicle with one arm. "The girl. Now."

Starling rolled his eyes and dropped the car with a loud noise at the noise of an antimatter rifle powering up. "What?" He turned incredulously to the shaking GLASS officer.
"F-FREEZE!" Starling turned to the elderly woman and the teenage boy the with the camera. "¿Quieres un video para llevar a casa?" Starling dashed up to the officer and put a palm on his helmet. As the rifle fired and ripped through Starling's left side, Starling delivered an attack of his own. The officer began vaporizing on the spot, Starling's eyes fueling the electricity. The officer let out a horrifying scream, which was quickly muffled by Starling tearing through the helmet, covering the man's mouth. The fried man fell to his knees, dropping dead and leaking fresh, red blood from his mouth as he fell in front of the woman, the teenage boy, and the man, as well as the girl. Starling's attack was designed to be gruesome as possible, yet it was potent enough to block the GLASS officer's shatter mechanism. "Which one of you is next?" Starling stepped forward, his eyes still glowing.


Kirsty and Brendan

"God DAMN KIRSTIN!" Brendan was laughing as he and three other GLASS officers, covered in soot and coughing, stepped out of a lead-osmium lined bomb shelter room. "You dented the walls of the shelter!" Kirsty smiled at Brendan sheepishly. "I know. Don't piss me off next time." Kirsty poked an officer on the helmet where his nose should be before disappearing in a black, red, and blue blur. Brendan sighed and teleported back to the carrier with his crew. "Alright, running low on energy. Let's fuel up guys."

(Open for interact: PHONE CALLS ONLY)


I rocked it on the destruction tests! I smiled as I whipped through Sanfield, landing in my favorite alcohol joint. I slid over to the bartender. "Excuuuse me sir do you have any vodka with...more vodka?" The bartender shook his head and signaled me to the door. I simply smiled at him. "Kid, you're too young to even be in this plaaaaaa...." I chuckled as his voice slowed down, and I sped up. I ran behind the counter, throwing various bottles into the air. They seemed suspended as I slammed fifty dollars on the shelf, grabbed two bottles, and put the rest of them back. I ran out the door and leapt over a car, and stood across the street. Jeez. That was a good workout too. Bartender, you haven't finished your sentence... "...ace please get out of my bar. Wait...what?" The bartender was baffled and saw the fifty dollars on the counter, then whipped his head to me, standing across the street. He looked back at the money and shrugged. I walked away, drinking from my vodka bottle.

(Open for interaction)
Hibiki then would the run into Kirsty holding a vodka bottle. "Hi Kirsty. How are you doing right now?"


I looked over to the bar and smirked. "Off duty. See? No GLASS stuff.." I looked down. "Shit. I'm still wearing the jumpsuit aren't I." I quickly stroked the side of the jumpsuit and it shattered into pieces. I was just wearing a low cut t-shirt and shorts after that, which seemingly materialized after the shattering. "Better. What's going on with you? I heard someone got their hands on the ASS MOLE."

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JPax42 said:
I looked over to the bar and smirked. "Off duty. See? No GLASS stuff.." I looked down. "Shit. I'm still wearing the jumpsuit aren't I." I quickly stroked the side of the jumpsuit and it shattered into pieces. I was just wearing a low cut t-shirt and shorts after that, which seemingly materialized after the shattering. "Better. What's going on with you? I heard someone got their hands on the ass mole."

"The what?" He would then realize it was the suit they gave him, but no one has to know that. "Well in any case, you have anything to do? I could tag along if you like."

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