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Realistic or Modern I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name! - Superhero\Villain RP

2 smiled and went to the pizza place with Hibiki and Kirsty, he smiled and went to get a pizza. He sat at a table and ate "So how long have you been in the city Hibiki," he asked taking another slice of pizza.

@YoungX @JPax42
Yappi said:
I walk in and go to the back, I talk to the owner and in 5 minutes we have a 3 course meal incoming to our table (by talk she means threaten with a spoon) "You like?" I say looking at the meal fit for royalty
"Awesome...Thanks for the meal,Harmony" He smile and though *This day was awesome...I hope to always remember it.*
2 though about it "About a week maybe, I haven't been here long. I lived in a small town close to the sea, we left after the...incident," he said before getting another slice. 2 leaned back and put his feet on the table, trying to remember about what happened to the past.

@YoungX @JPax42
NickTonCutter said:
"Awesome...Thanks for the meal,Harmony" He smile and though *This day was awesome...I hope to always remember it.*

"No problem" I say before standing up "I'll meet you back at your place, I have a few things to do" I say hugging and kissing Nick making sure not to poison him before teleporting away. I look for Kristy (remember she has no knowledge of Harmony and Nick)


I looked to 2 and Hibiki as I scarfed three slices of pizza down.

(@Yappi @YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock so I have to go get fisted by my friend in real life, cya in two hours. Just say that Kirsty is going through a destruction ability test with Brendan if anyone asks)
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When the two believed they were done they split.

Peace looked at Hibiki "Sup! Well it has been nice since people are very heroish," she said with a laugh, picking her teeth with a dagger.

Threat sat up and looked at Peace "People here a very kind. We thank people like you for helping us out, like how you bought the pizza for us," he said giving a warm smile.


I run into the parlor, "hey is Hibiki here?" I say looking for once... sane,happy, and fulfilled, looking less like a weapon and like a person.
Threat nodded "Well we are neutral as well, it is due to us being split into the calm and wild part of the original." He saw Harmony and waved "Hi Harm!" He said looking back at Hibiki.

Peace gave a lazy wave to Harmony then looked at Threat "I'm the CALM one here," she said with a laugh.

@YoungX @Yappi
Anthony Reeve Anthony walked into the parlor, asking for a cup of coffee. Nothing new was happening, everything was being handled by those superheroes. He didn't like them much, but he was grateful they were helping the cops out. "Thanks for the coffee, Elena. You should really get a boyfriend, you look great today," he'd say, winking, and leaving the counter with his mug in his hand. He'd sit down next to the table of a couple oddballs. "Huh. Wonder what they do for a living,"
Erbrin said:
Anthony walked into the parlor, asking for a cup of coffee. Nothing new was happening, everything was being handled by those superheroes. He didn't like them much, but he was grateful they were helping the cops out. "Thanks for the coffee, Elena. You should really get a boyfriend, you look great today," he'd say, winking, and leaving the counter with his mug in his hand. He'd sit down next to the table of a couple oddballs. "Huh. Wonder what they do for a living,"
(I'm already liking this guy :) )
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Yappi said:
I run into the parlor, "hey is Hibiki here?" I say looking for once... sane,happy, and fulfilled, looking less like a weapon and like a person.@YoungX
"I'm right here. Hey there," he says to Harmony. "Do you need something?"

Ally sighed and said "Well crap hes gones! Now how am i suppose to find that guy and make him a laughing stock" he then grinned evily and ran off to his house.
Anthony Reeve He'd notice the two leave, and he saw this as an opportunity. He'd walk up to the two left. He'd awkwardly smile and greet himself. "Hi, I'm Anthony. I just wanted to introduce myself. I just got transferred from Rushland to here. I'm a new cop around here, but I wanted to ask; do you guys know anyone eerie or creepy or strange?" he'd say, with a shifting voice tone from happy to serious.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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I go up to him in a private area and speak "You know Nick right?" I say scratching my neck

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