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Realistic or Modern I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name! - Superhero\Villain RP

Ben Stalks

"I'm here...."

A stressful music could be hear in the background

"TO SHOW MY TRUE SORROW TO YOU,and i will from now on do everything you want.Yeah i have done bad things and i understand it.That why i'm now poor and from now on,call me Super Ben." He then leave the area leaving up his phone number


"Ahhh...." Nick would stay silent for a second,and look back to Harmony covering his wounds

"Harmony...May i share you how to dance?" He grab her hands blushing

NickTonCutter said:
Ben Stalks
"I'm here...."

A stressful music could be hear in the background

"TO SHOW MY TRUE SORROW TO YOU,and i will from now on do everything you want.Yeah i have done bad things and i understand it.That why i'm now poor and from now on,call me Super Ben." He then leave the area leaving up his phone number


"Ahhh...." Nick would stay silent for a second,and look back to Harmony covering his wounds

"Harmony...May i share you how to dance?" He grab her hands blushing


"One second" I text Ben 'drop dead' before nodding my head and grabbing his hand
Peace saw the note after a while, she went to the bathroom...or what was left of it. She looked at the mirror then at her hair, she decided to cut it. Peace cut the bangs off and shorten it, after she was done she went back into the main room, staring at Threat.

Threat got up and smiled "Ready for another day," he said walking out, taking out his headphones as he waited for Peace.

Peace nodded and went over "Sure, let's see if anything of excitement will happen," she said going out with him. When they went to the edge they jumped.

Threat flew through the air, he grabbed Peace by the jacket and landed on the ground, fusing into 2.

2 looked around before putting his hands in his pockets, he wiped dust from his jacket and went into the city. He whistled and walked into the city, messing with one of Peace's knives.

(Open for interaction)
Yappi said:
"One second" I text Ben 'drop dead' before nodding my head and grabbing his hand
Nick lead Harmony back into his home

"Before we leave this place for a new one...We shall dance...." Nick smile as he grabbed both of her hands and put on a relaxing music on the background

"That's pretty easy,just follow my feet." Nick start a pretty easy dance with Harmony
NickTonCutter said:
Nick lead Harmony back into his home
"Before we leave this place for a new one...We shall dance...." Nick smile as he grabbed both of her hands and put on a relaxing music on the background

"That's pretty easy,just follow my feet." Nick start a pretty easy dance with Harmony

I dance with him nearly tripping once, a smile glued on my face
NickTonCutter said:
"Do you like it?" Nick keep holding her hands,he keep follow a slow path to adapt to Harmony

"Not my cup of tea but if you like it then I like jt" I say smiling before tripping, I chuckle before getting up
2 smiled and waved at Hibiki "GREAT! I'm dating the subcommander of GLASS and have a home now. How have you been?" He asked still twirling the dagger in the air.

Shammy the Shamrock] [COLOR=#5900b3][B]2 smiled and waved at Hibiki "GREAT! I'm dating the subcommander of GLASS and have a home now. How have you been?" He asked still twirling the dagger in the air.[/B][/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33454-youngx/ said:
"Interesting. I've been alright myself. I'm just wandering around the city as usual, but beyond that I haven't done much recently." It's true. Hibiki was starting to feel a bit bored right now, and he would wander if he would do something else.

@Shammy the Shamrock
2 nodded "I've just been getting drunk, flying, having contest and etc. It has been dull but then again I don't see many villains around, why is that?" He asked, thinking that most had already been taken care off.


"Very special apparently." I smiled at him mildly. "I'm special too." I disappeared from his eyes completely, abandoning the situation.


I ran up to 2 and hugged him, lifting him up a good two feet off the ground. "You're here!!" I threw him at a building, ran up the side, kissed him on the nose in mid air, then grabbed him and landed in front of Hibiki, making a crater and putting 2 down. "Hi."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Yappi said:
"Not my cup of tea but if you like it then I like jt" I say smiling before tripping, I chuckle before getting up
After a while,Nick then put Harmony on his left and right arms and kiss her on the mouth for 5 seconds and then get up her again.

"Do you to want to eat something?" Ask Nick
JPax42 said:
"Very special apparently." I smiled at him mildly. "I'm special too." I disappeared from his eyes completely, abandoning the situation.


I ran up to 2 and hugged him, lifting him up a good two feet off the ground. "You're here!!" I threw him at a building, ran up the side, kissed him on the nose in mid air, then grabbed him and landed in front of Hibiki, making a crater and putting 2 down. "Hi."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
As soon he was about to answer he would witness Kirsty having a sort of lover's activity or something. "Hello Kirsty. Now then as for your question 2, well perhaps some heroes have been doing something. There was this white armored hero that did help against a technical suit. In any case, you two seem to be good right now. I don't know what it's like to be in a relationship, but I do wish you two, rather two/three the best."

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
NickTonCutter said:
After a while,Nick then put Harmony on his left and right arms and kiss her on the mouth for 5 seconds and then get up her again.
"Do you to want to eat something?" Ask Nick

I'm thankful for this human form,otherwise he would drop dead the second he kissed me. "I know this owner for a gourmet restraunt" I say teleporting us both there
YoungX said:
As soon he was about to answer he would witness Kirsty having a sort of lover's activity or something. "Hello Kirsty. Now then as for your question 2, well perhaps some heroes have been doing something. There was this white armored hero that did help against a technical suit. In any case, you two seem to be good right now. I don't know what it's like to be in a relationship, but I do wish you two, rather two/three the best."
@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
(Harmony: Kristy and two seating in a tree....)
Yappi said:
I'm thankful for this human form,otherwise he would drop dead the second he kissed me. "I know this owner for a gourmet restraunt" I say teleporting us both there
Nick look around him,intrigue by the restaurant

"You know how to find nice place sweety." Nick smile waiting for the server to come.
2 smiled "I hope you find someone to love as well. Hey I want to go get pizza, would you two like to join me...or us," he said putting a arm around Kirsty and the other in his pocket. He kissed Kirsty head before looking back at Hibiki.

@JPax42 @YoungX
Kidroleplayer said:
He sighed, and said "Ice Archie, and whats your's?" He then thought " I hope she means super power's or this will be awkward"
(JPax42 Already left the scene. xD . Also you should use the reply so that it can be easier to keep track of whats going on.)

JPax42 said:
"Very special apparently." I smiled at him mildly. "I'm special too." I disappeared from his eyes completely, abandoning the situation.


I ran up to 2 and hugged him, lifting him up a good two feet off the ground. "You're here!!" I threw him at a building, ran up the side, kissed him on the nose in mid air, then grabbed him and landed in front of Hibiki, making a crater and putting 2 down. "Hi."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX

I walk in and go to the back, I talk to the owner and in 5 minutes we have a 3 course meal incoming to our table (by talk she means threaten with a spoon) "You like?" I say looking at the meal fit for royalty

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