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Realistic or Modern ☠ሮኬኤዳራገቹ'ነ ዲዐይቺያራኢሂ ዦሀᎆፐ☠ [ignore post count]


New Member

ሮኬኤዳራገቹ'ነ ዲዐይቺያራኢሂ ዦሀᎆፐ

Hello all! Charlie here. I'm currently on a quest for some roleplay partners.

Don't be scared, come in and introduce yourself! I don't bite, promise. So, a

bit about me. I am a 20 year old Female, born on October 15, 1996. I have been

roleplaying since I was about... 9 or 10 years old. Not very many hiatuses to

factor into the timeline there so... Yeah. Now, I never said I was good at 9 or

10... Just that I started on this crappy little site that has since died down.

I assure you, it was incoherent one liners and crappy, angst ridden romances

that, on this day, I'd bang my head against a wall if I saw. Yeah... That bad.

My skills got better as I got older, joined Gaia where I received harsh lectures

about my terrible writing and then left abruptly to find a place where I could

have my skills nurtured. Now, I'm a semi lit to lit roleplayer. I am not perfect

when it comes to spelling and grammar. Quite frankly, I can be lazy and just not

care about most spelling errors. Like, For example, if I'm typing and I happen to

spell "And" as "Nd", I mean... It's a finger slip. I either didn't notice or just...

Yup. Too lazy. This isn't often, only when I am tired.

For conversation's sake, I am a fan of Supernatural. If you know my name from other

sites, well strike up a conversation with me! I am also a fan of Gotham, and anime

called NANA, a horror movie addict, and an aspiring pixel artist. Not good at that

yet either. Lol!

Anyhow. Favorite color is mint green, coming close second seafoam green, and

then your usual black, white, blue, a few shades of grey here and there.

Favorite candybar is... Hm... I don't really have one. Love chocoalte. So...

Favorite kind of food is Thai, Chinese, and pizza&wings.

I live in Canada, so as someone of legal drinking age here, my favorite drink is

a candy apple martini. YUUUMMMM!

Ah... I figure that's a bit to determin if you think we'd get along OOC, right?

Feel free to ask my a random question if you want to.

Now, On to what I am looking for, hm?

Ⴖჩჰ ႯႣႮ ႴჩႨჰიშ Ⴃჩ Ⴔტჰ

So, the question you all want answered now is, What does Charlie want in a partner?

Well, you'd be happy to find that I am a VERY simple woman.

*Edit* Must be at least 16+. It's uncomfortable and weird to roleplay with

people who are close to a decade younger than me.

I wish for no less that one paragraph of relevent content. Which means, don't

fluff it with meaningless details. If you truly can't think of anything to post, then

I will accept 3-4 liners. I mean, sometimes, Shit happens. Let's just be honest.

I, myself, can write anywhere from one to ten paragraphs depending on what I am given,

and what the current situation calls for. I ask for the same. Give me quality, what you

deem necessary. But don't kill me with one liners.

Spelling, grammar, puctuation... As long as I can understand you, you're in the clear.

I need you to Actively respond to the roleplay.

If not the roleplay, than an OOC


This is a detail I can not stress enough. If you don't respond to me for a

3 day period with no warning, and you've been replying to others on here,

I will assume you no longer wish to do the roleplay. Not to mention I will list

names in a personal note to know not to even consider a roleplay with you again.

I don't deal with childish crap like that. Speak the hell up!

DO NOT ASSUME I WILL PLAY THE MALE FOR YOU! I can't stand this. This is a HUGE

pet peeve for me. And let me tell you why. Even though I can play males, I don't

want to feel as if I have no other choice. Because, here's the thing. If your character

annoys the high and holy hell out of me, imagine how my character feels. They don't

want to have to drop their crap to always save your damsel. They don't want to deal

with that dumb passive aggressive crap. And in general, there are just female characters

that ALWAYS rub me the wrong way. Always. And if you happen to have one like that,

it's very likely that no romance will evolve. And no, I won't force it at all.

We can double, triple, quadruple. I don't care. I can play up to 8 characters

at once. But I never guarantee that a character will like yours.

This isn't just a straight relationship I am referring to, it's also lesbian, gay...

Friggin triad relationships. Whatever.

I dislike the idea of pregnancy in roleplays without discussion. If I think it will

make the plot better, or contribute somehow, I'll do it. Otherwise, I am just

not a person who likes kids in roleplays.

I only roleplay PMs. I just can't get into the forums on here. However, I will

try doing this is you absolutely insist. But I am more likely to respond quickly to PMs.

I reserve the right to add to/change these as I see fit.

ሠኩኣፖ ገ ሮዶእህቹ




Craving in that order.

Royalty Themed [Plot in mind for this]

Hunters [Supernatural like]


Beautiful People [Plot in mind for this]





Rival/Rival's family member








Sibling/Sibling [platonic or otherwise]

sheltered person/Unsheltered person


Musician/Producer [yes please]

Multiple character Celebrity Supernatural creature RP [Plot for this]

Feel free to suggest whatever you'd like.

I will not do a Zombie/living roleplay. EWE.

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Heyo! I would love to do either a Hunters RP or I'd like to hear the Beautiful People plot. Also, I love your name! :)  
Heyo! I would love to do either a Hunters RP or I'd like to hear the Beautiful People plot. Also, I love your name! :)  

Yay! Of course. I can PM you with the ideas, if you'd like? Much easier to keep up with, for me at least.  And thank you. Charlie is possibly one of the most recent characters close to the Winchesters that I so adore. Aside from Jodie, bobby, Ya know... All the others. 
Yay! Of course. I can PM you with the ideas, if you'd like? Much easier to keep up with, for me at least.  And thank you. Charlie is possibly one of the most recent characters close to the Winchesters that I so adore. Aside from Jodie, bobby, Ya know... All the others. 

Yeah, you could PM me the ideas. I love Charlie so much. Her personality is just so fun and unique, although Bobby is my favorite. 
Yeah, you could PM me the ideas. I love Charlie so much. Her personality is just so fun and unique, although Bobby is my favorite. 

Oh, for sure! Bobby was the most important person in the Brother's lives for such a long time... I can't imagine what it'd be like if Bobby never existed in the show. It'd definitely leave a hole. Personally, after Bobby, Jodie is my favorite.

I was sooo upset about when Bobby died because Jodie and him were starting to have a thing, and I wanted to see Bobby be happy even if it was momentary... -_- So much for that! And then Charlie had people, finally. Like an actual family with the brothers, and then she ends up dying. I seriously hope she's brought back! I really think the dynamic between her and the Winchester brothers just kinda leveled the playing field. I loved that there was a strong female joining the cast, finally.  Ugh... Frustration... Sending the PM now!
(I'm watching Moe Anime.)

I read it, and I will say this bluntly. *clears throat*

I am a twenty-three year old, homosexual cis-male who likes to say numbers in words. Born and living in the Philippines, and have roleplayed when I joined this site. Surprisingly, ako may good grammar sa English. I'm usually a funny guy, and do a lot of chars on one roleplay. I roleplayed, well, since I launched my account. I can have a lack of enthusiasm when the RP is too long. I can be bland with my chars, blame my lack of Character Making Development for that. I LOVE video games. I spend 89.99 fuckin' dollars on Persona Five for Pete's sake! I edit. And that's for being rushy. Favorite color is orange, and blue and green are close seconds. Favorit food is... Idfk. I like all foods. Even brocolli.

MxM, and can we do seke?

I procrastinate on 1x1's, but just please give me a chance. I'm not that creative, to be honest. I am also paranoid this will not work out. I RP on a phone, and I have ten hours of work, and eight hours of sleep. Eighteen hours of unavailability + Potential Time Zone Problems = Gonna be a huge disaster. I write ½ to 5 paragraphs with this.

  • Characters: I once had nine paragraphs with just four chars. I thought it was achievement. If I did have like I don't know, eight chars, I will go insane. Except I will go mentally insane and my eyeballs will be burnt.

I wish that was the case, and I will give you a choice. You can do a trans if you want. As long I feel OK, I'm good. I can make chars that can be tsun, I can make chars that really have people triggered. I am sorry if you hate me by my preferences, but hey, at least I tried to do another 1x1. BTW: Here are my pairings.

# 1. Fandom
## 1.1 Persona
### 1.1.1 *Minato* x Junpei
### 1.1.2 *Minato* x Akihiko
### 1.1.3 Minato x OC
### 1.1.4 Yu x *Yosuke*
### 1.1.5 Yu x *Kanji*
### 1.1.6 Yu x OC
### 1.1.7 Yu x *Minato*
## 1.2 Free!
### 1.2.1 *Makoto* x Rin
### 1.2.2 *Makoto* x Haru
### 1.2.3 Rei x Nagisa
### 1.2.4 *Rin* x Nitori
### 1.2.5 Makoto x OC
## 1.3 DMMd
### 1.3.1 Aoba x Noiz
### 1.3.2 Aoba x *Clear*
### 1.3.3 Aoba x *Ren*
### 1.3.4 Aoba x Koujaku
### 1.3.5 Trip x Virus
## 1.4 Marvel
### 1.4.1 Captain America x *Iron Man*
### 1.4.2 Deadpool x Spiderman
## 1.5 Danganronpa
### 1.5.1 Makoto x Hajime
### 1.5.2 Hajime x Komeda
## 1.6 Future Diary
### Akise Aru x Yukiteru Amano
## 1.7 Overwatch
### 1.7.1 McCree x Hanzo
### 1.7.2 Genji x Zenyatta
### 1.7.3 Reaper x Soldier76
# 2. Fantasy
## 2.1 Human
### 2.1.1 Mage x Knight
### 2.1.2 *Prince* x Criminal
## 2.2 Non-Human
### 2.2.1 *Werewolf* x Vampire
### 2.2.2 Vampire x Human
### 2.2.3 *Werewolf* x Human
### 2.2.4 Human x Demon
### 2.2.5 Human x *Angel*
### 2.2.6 Demon x *Angel*
### 2.2.7 Mermaid x *Human*
### 2.2.8 Spirit x Human
# 3. Modern
## 3.1 *Tutor* x Student
## 3.2 College student x College student
## 3.3 RPer x RPer
## 3.4 *Rich person* x Homeless person
## 3.5 Neko x *Master*
## 3.6 *Popular kid* x Outcast
## 3.7 *Boss* x Intern
## 3.8 Policeman x Serial Killer
## 3.9 Delinquent x *Student Council President*
## 3.10 Best Friend x Best Friend
## 3.11 Coach x *Trainer*
## 3.12 *Yandere* x Senpai
## 3.13 *Hitman* x Target

Ignore the hashes. I use WriterPlus. I'm a peasant. The *asterisks* are what I like.
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I'm interested! If you don't mind roleplaying with someone that's 13/14 years old, but I swear I'm not that bad! I think... XD

 I am super interested in your Witch x Werewolf plot, and I have a few ideas in mind. Can you shoot me at PM if you're still available?
I am curious about a few things like your requested length, plot themes and settings, and other things as well. If you don't mind pm-ing, say about your preferred ideas, maybe we can go from there. So yes I'm interested but lets get the ball started.
Hello, if you're still looking for partners I'm interested in RPing with you. I've really been craving something medieval if that's something you'd be interested.  
Hello there. I made itt though you whole thing without my eyes bleeding kill me lol and I'm defiantly intrested in the two following:



I can play male and female roles for either so if you want we can do so ~<3
Hello- Hello! If you're still interested I'm rather keen on looking into / discussing a few potential plots with you to see what may stick? Perhaps? More specifically the Reaper/Angel or the Royalty Themed one. In the F// pairing because WELL. I don't have nearly enough Femme in my life, now do I?
Or the uh Incest/Twincest. Because that panders to my decrepit little heart, bless you.

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