[IDEA] Pen & Paper Sci-Fi RP?

Now,let's see if I can get this posted without my browser crashing out.

First off,Kaze,there won't be a signup for a while. I need to plan out the entire campaign,and that will only be after compiling a complete beastiary and armoury,followed by a complete Perks list and Traits list. I have barebones character creation here for the sole purpose of testing.

Now,for V.I's...

Combat Platform Initial S.P.E.C.I.A.L.


P: 4/10

E: 10/10

C: 0/10 (For the record,the lowest any SPECIAL can go otherwise is 1)

I: 3/10

A: 5/10

L: 5/10

Combat Platform Initial Skills

Ballistic Weapons,Energy Weapons,Explosives,Melee Weapons and Unarmed Combat:
All start at 50/100,plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. bonuses.

Negotiator: Starts at,and STAYS at 0/100,no bonuses of any kind,ever. Again,otherwise the lowest a skill can drop is 1/100. No one likes talking to a robot.

Computer Science: 25/100,plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. bonuses.

All other skills: S.P.E.C.I.A.L. determined,starting at 5/100.

Reconnaissance Platform Initial S.P.E.C.I.A.L.


P: 10/10

E: 3/10

C: 0/10

I: 5/10

A: 8/10

L: 5/10

Reconnaissance Platform Initial Skills

Burglary and Stealth:
50/100,plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. bonuses.

Negotiator: 0/100,no bonuses allowed.

Computer Science: 30/100,plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. bonuses.

All other skills: 5/100,plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. bonuses.

Support Platform Initial S.P.E.C.I.A.L.


P: 8/10

E: 3/10

C: 0/10

I: 10/10

A: 2/10

L: 7/10 (Gambler bot,HO!)

Support Platform Initial Skills

Medical,Handyman and Computer Science:
50/100,plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. bonuses.

Negotiator: 0/100,no bonuses allowed.

All other skills: 5/100,plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. bonuses.

I purposely designed V.I's to be overspecialized. Also,as a side note,all player characters must have two legs,two arms,a head,torso,set of eyes,and a groin,as those are the targetable locations on humanoid targets...And for simplicity's sake,we're all playing humanoids. Furthermore,successful attacks on robotic parts are instant crits if the damage type is Electrical. V.I's,being robots are particularly vulnerable to enemies with Arc weapons.
I'll make the Human Test Dummy.

Name: Janus Santangelo

Race: Human

Age: 43

Sex: Male

Appearance: Optional for now. All you need to know is that he's human.

Level: 1

S: 5/10

P: 8/10

E: 5/10

C: 3/10

I: 5/10

A: 8/10

L: 6/10

Ballistic Weapons: 31/100

Energy Weapons: 31/100

Melee Weapons: 13/100

Unarmed Combat: 13/100

Explosives: 16/100

Stealth: 31/100

Medical: 13/100

Handyman: 16/100

Computer Science: 13/100

Negotiator: 11/100

Burglary: 16/100

Survivalist: 13/100

Health: 33/33

Current Armour: Yet to be implamented

Traits: Yet to be implamented

Perks: None

Crit Chance: 11%

Action Points: 9/9

Wallet: $246

Inventory: To be implamented
Name: Tom Test


Level: 1

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Appearance: testing.

Health: 58

Crit Chance: 9.

Action Points: 9/9




Inventory: Natural Claws, Natural Fangs, Tund Gland

Wallet: 65 * 8 = 520


Strength: 9/20

Perception: 9/20

Endurance: 9/20

Charisma: 5/20

Intelligence: 3/20

Agility: 8/20

Luck: 8/20


Ballistic Weapons: 17/100

Energy Weapons: 18/100

Melee Weapons: 33/100

Unarmed Combat: 33/100

Explosives: 18/100

Stealth: 17/100

Medical: 11/100

Handyman: 18/100

Computer Science: 11/100

Negotiator: 14/100

Burglary: 18/100

Survivalist: 33/100
Name: Nelrynt

Race: Xynoid

Age: 40

Sex: Male

Appearance: View attachment 8402 (Rough look, minus the spikes and color and can actually stand up like a human)

Level: 1

S: 6/10

P: 7/10

E: 6/10

C: 5/10

I: 7/10

A: 5/10

L: 5/10

Primary Skills

-Ballistic Weapons: 27/100. Governed by Agility.

-Energy Weapons: 14/100 Governed by Perception.

-Melee Weapons: 13/100 Governed by Strength.

-Unarmed Weapons: 13/100 Governed by Strength.

-Explosives: 14/100 Governed by Perception.

Secondary Skills

-Stealth: 12/100 Governed by Agility.

-Medical: 29/100 Governed by Intelligence.

Support Skills

These skills hold very little practical purpose in combat. However,outside of combat,they can be extremely useful.

-Handyman: 14/100 Governed by Perception.

-Computer Science: 29/100 Governed by Intelligence.

-Negotiator: 12/100 Governed by Charisma.

-Burglary: 14/100 Governed by Perception.

-Survivalist: 13/100 Governed by Endurance.

Health: 40/40

Current Armour: N/A

Traits: N/A

Perks: Unnatural Limbs - has prosthetic legs to stop him from gaining Trauma from where his legs are.

Crit Chance: 10%

Action Points: 7/7 (7.5)

Light Load: 42 (42.5)

Wallet: 65*5 = $325

Inventory: N/A

(I chose this because
Tundellar was already taken >.>)


{Side Note:

Each skill starts at 5. Add The points from its governing attribute to the Skill.

Then add one point into every skill for every two points of luck (no half-points).

Next, Tag three skills of your choice. Tagged skills instantly gain fifteen points,and will allow you to gain two points for every single learning point invested afterward.}
Might wanna add a name and age. Xynoids have an average lifespan of about 80 years. Also,this is only a future thing,but Xynoid skin is colourless. Black to gray flesh,black eyes that can light up a pretty colour as a defense mechanism. And,as a rule,the older the Xynoid,generally they have more robo limbs,due to the muscle condition.
no, you keep yours Ricia.

@ Riddle - Working on it, you might want to put that in the ruling for i can change that, i was just doing that for basic look not the actual color, i'll make him 40 with Robo-legs if possible.

also i made you a side note on the Character sheet Riddle
Double Posting because i don't know if riddle realized i actually asked a question.

Would my character be allowed robo legs at the age of 40? Also, on Age what do you mean by "V.I. Tundellar", and Do V.I.'s get Tagged Skills?
By 40,it's reasonable for a Xynoid to have two prosthetic limbs. And about the age thing,I said that Tundellar and V.I.'s minimum age is 10,while Humans and Xynoids minimum age is 25. V.I.'s do NOT get tagged skills,as the only purpose to tagging a skill is to improve the skill's growth,which a V.I. cannot do outside of specific circumstances.
ok, I asked on the Minimum age thing because you said "Tundellar and V.I. Tundellar"
next question, for Tundellars, for Resisting Technophobia, do they have to roll between 1-80 to avoid destroying things (this would then mean there is a 20% chance to destroy things) or do they have to roll between 80/81-100 to resist destroying things (this would mean there is an 79/80% chance at destroying things
ok, and usually from what i've seen in most games that have used something like that was you roll that number or lower to succeed (this would make it 80% rather than the 79% it is at currently)
Can't believe I missed it,but Kaze,multiply your roll by your luck to get your starting money.
Yeah, i realized that later after i looked at everyone else's $$$



Humans are a rather bland race,excelling in no particular area as a whole. However, individual humans have displayed an impressive ability to learn and adapt to new and adverse conditions more readily than other races.

Pros: +3 learning points per level

Cons: Is one of the weakest to start but strong in the end because the character relies mostly on skills than their S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Base Stats

S.trength: 5/10

P.erception: 5/10

E.ndurance: 5/10

C.harisma: 5/10

I.ntelligence: 5/10

A.gility: 5/10

L.uck: 5/10

Virtual Intelligence (V.I.)

A V.I is an extremely advanced computer program, able to calculate external stimulus in real time and react accordingly. Due to limitations, however, a V.I is incapable of naturally learning, and the chassis of mobile units are custom built for the purpose of the on-board program, meaning that any changes to the chassis must be done by a skilled mechanic. There are 3 V.I. Types that are commonly made, Combat, Recon, and Support.

Pros: V.I.'s Excel in the area they are Programmed for. a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute can go down to 0 while others are at the minimum of 1 (Any other race has to have a Minimum of 1 in each Attribute's that low)

Cons: Improvements or Replacements are Expensive (It costs 4 times the normal amount) and must be obtained through non standard means (Black Market, etc.)

V.I. - Combat

S.trength: 10/10

P.erception: 4/10

E.ndurance: 9/10

C.harisma: 0/10

I.ntelligence: 3/10

A.gility: 5/10

L.uck: 5/10

Initial Skills at start

Ballistic Weapons: 50/100 Plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute bonus.

Energy Weapons: 50/100 Plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute bonus.

Explosives: 50/100 Plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute bonus.

Melee Weapons: 50/100 Plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute bonus.

Unarmed Combat: 50/100 Plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute bonus.

Negotiator: 0/100 This cannot be changed with Attributes or bonuses ever. No one likes talking to a Robot.

Computer Science: 25/100 Plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute bonus.

- All other skills start at 5/100 and also get their S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute's bonus added to them.

V.I. - Recon

S.trength: 3/10

P.erception: 10/10

E.ndurance: 3/10

C.harisma: 0/10

I.ntelligence: 5/10

A.gility: 10/10

L.uck: 5/10

Initial Skills at start

Burglary: 50/100 Plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute bonus.

Stealth: 50/100 Plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute bonus.

Negotiator: 0/100 This cannot be changed with Attributes or bonuses ever. No one likes talking to a Robot.

Computer Science: 30/100 Plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute bonus.

- All other skills start at 5/100 and also get their S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute's bonus added to them.

V.I. - Support

S.trength: 3/10

P.erception: 9/10

E.ndurance: 3/10

C.harisma: 0/10

I.ntelligence: 10/10

A.gility: 2/10

L.uck: 9/10

Initial Skills at start

Computer Science: 50/100 Plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute bonus.

Medical: 50/100 Plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute bonus.

Handyman: 50/100 Plus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute bonus.

Negotiator: 0/100 This cannot be changed with Attributes or bonuses ever. No one likes talking to a Robot.

- All other skills start at 5/100 and also get their S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute's bonus added to them.


Xynoids are an alien race native to a lush jungle death world. Their skin lacks pigment, and their pupil almost literally dominates their eyes. Due to the conditions of their world, they have natural low-light vision, and their eyes can light up as a defense mechanism. Biochemically compatible with Humans, Xynoid-Human relationships aren't uncommon. However, all Xynoids suffer from a degenerative muscle condition, mandating the systematic replacement of their limbs as they fail. This however, caused Xynoid medical science to catapult forward by decades, maybe even centuries ahead of human schedule, as extremely advanced prosthetics are commonplace in Xynoid society. As a whole, Xynoids are more intelligent and have more acute senses than Humans. They Usually live up to about 80 Years of age.

Pros: +2 to Perception (P) & Intelligence (I), Low-light Vision

Cons: -2 to Endurance (E) & -1 to Strength (S), Natural Limbs take constant Trauma unless resting.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Base Stats (with added Pros & Cons)

S.trength: 4/10

P.erception: 7/10

E.ndurance: 3/10

C.harisma: 5/10

I.ntelligence: 7/10

A.gility: 5/10

L.uck: 5/10


Once Human, now they have become something more. But, at the same time, something less. A Human colonization vessel crashed on a world well beyond the influence of the known galactic powers due to an emergency of an unknown nature. The colonists very quickly learned that the world, dubbed Tundellag, was a death world in nearly every sense of the phrase. They evolved very quickly out of necessity, and regressed socially into a tribal hunter-gatherer society. The planet knew night only once every year, and only for a few minutes at a time, due to the sheer number of stars in the system. Now, very few Tundellar are left, and most are women. Biochemically incompatible with Humans, despite their almost identical appearance, puts a significant damper on the future of the species. Defense mechanism: "Tund Gland" In under a minute, it can drop a rampaging rhino, hippo, AND African elephant. It's generally used as a suicide medium to render their flesh inedible to whatever would kill them.

Pros: Doubled SPECIAL cap (20 instead of 10); +3 to Strength (S), Agility (A) & Perception (P); +2 to Luck (L); Every 3 levels (4th, 7th, 10th, etc.) add 1 SPECIAL point to allocate; Natural claws and fangs (Counts as Unarmed weapons); Defense mechanism: Organ in body called "Tund Gland" can easily and non-lethally be ripped out, it kills the ingester once it reaches the stomach

Cons: -3 to Intelligence (I); Resist Technophobia (Roll 1-75), this resists the urge to destroy technology/machinery that could have been helpful; Defense mechanism: Each Tundellar only gets one so it doesn't grow back & removing it more-or-less cripples the torso.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Base Stats (with added Pros & Cons)

S.trength: 8/20

P.erception: 8/20

E.ndurance: 8/20

C.harisma: 5/20

I.ntelligence: 2/20

A.gility: 8/20

L.uck: 7/20


Distributing S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Points

After picking your race, you must allocate your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points if you're not a V.I. You get 5 points to add to your S.P.E.C.I.A.L., but you are free to reduce any of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes for more points to distribute to where you want them, at a 1:1 ratio. You cannot alter them after Creating your Character.

Example: instead of the Human's Base stats all at 5, he wants to have Strength at 7 and Luck at 4 and Agility at 4 while the others are at 5 for his Base stats. He then adds 1 to Strength, 1 to Intelligence, and 3 to Charisma in high hopes of being a really charming and sly dog.


Determining Starting Money

After distributing S.P.E.C.I.A.L., you must roll for your starting money. This is calculated by rolling a d100, then multiplying the result by your Luck.

Example: So, let's say your luck is 10, because you're odd and think that having buckets of duckets is more important than natural ability, and you rolled an 80. You get $800 to buy your starting equipment with.


Determining Health, Load Capacity, Money, Action Points and Chances to Crit.

To determine Health: Start by adding your Strength attribute and your Endurance attribute. Next, multiply that number by 10 and then divide the product by 3. round it down to the nearest whole number. however, once you get to level 2+, you times the number in the Tenths place by the Level you are at. {Equation: 10(S+E)/3}

To determine Light load: Start by Multiplying your Endurance Attribute by 0.5, add your Strength attribute and add 8 to the product, divide the sum by 2, then multiply the quotient by 5. Round it down to the nearest whole number. however, once you get to level 2+, you times the number in the Tenths place by the Level you are at. {Equation: 5((0.5E+S+8)/2}

To determine Medium Load: Multiply your Light load by 2; Having a Medium Load means you suffer a -2 to attack.

To determine Encumbrance: Multiply your Light load by 3; having Encumbrance means you move half your speed and suffer -5 to attack.

To determine Starting Money: Roll 1d100 and then multiply the Roll by your Luck

To determine Initial Action points (AP): divide your Agility attribute by 2 and then add 5. The minimum AP you could get is 5. You do not gain anymore AP until you gain a Perk, Trait or something else that adds to your AP total. {Equation: A/2+5}

To determine Chance to Crit.: Add 5 to your Luck Attribute. this says what percentage you get for a chance to do maximum damage.

Example: a character has a 5 in Luck, this means his Chance to crit is at 10%. What this means is that every time he does an attack, on a roll of a d100 if they roll between 91-100 they will Crit.



Primary Skills

These skills are used directly in combat, generally for effective use of weapons.

- Ballistic Weapons: Determines your skill with a weapon that fires solid, (generally) non-explosive projectiles. Effected weapons are Handguns, Scatterguns, Rifles, Miniguns, and Gauss variants of the previous. Governed by Agility.

- Energy Weapons: Determines your skill with a weapon that brings injury to the target via directed energy, such a LASERs and electrical arc weapons. Energy weapons of both varieties come in the same variants as Ballistic weapons,except for Gauss. Governed by Perception.

- Melee Weapons: If it isn't your fists, or a weapon that you punch with, it's a melee weapon, and this skill determines your skill with these weapons. A higher Melee Weapons skill not only increases your chance to hit, but also grants special attacks if advanced enough. Governed by Strength.

- Unarmed Weapons: If it's inflicting harm with your limbs, then it's unarmed combat. Unarmed Weapons provide more effective means of striking with your limbs. A higher skill means a better hit-rate, and more advanced and effective techniques at higher levels. Governed by Strength.

- Explosives: Does it go "BOOM!"? Then it's an Explosive. Skill determines hit-rate of these weapons. A miss could very well blow YOU up. Governed by Perception.

Secondary Skills

These skills can directly help in combat,but have other applications as well.

- Stealth: Your ability to remain unseen or unnoticed by others. A higher skill means a lower chance of detection. Governed by Agility.

- Medical: Sometimes,you get shot. Or stabbed. Or exploded. You get the picture. This skill allows you to administer first-aid effectively,or even surgery. Governed by Intelligence.

Support Skills

These skills hold very little practical purpose in combat. However,outside of combat,they can be extremely useful.

- Handyman: A general knowledge on how mechanical objects work,and how to fix 'em. A must for DIY nuts. Governed by Perception.

- Computer Science: A Handyman,but for computers and other similar high technology. Governed by Intelligence.

- Negotiator: Your ability to influence people to your whim, whether it's for selling swag or gaining information or avoiding a fight altogether. Governed by Charisma.

- Burglary: Locks and alarms generally protect the best equipment that isn't in use at the moment. This skill determines your success in disabling and bypassing such obstacles. Governed by Perception.

- Survivalist: Determines your ability to survive with bare minimum,and what you can scrounge up. General outdoorsmans-y knowledge included. Governed by Endurance.

To determine how much you have in a Skill: Every skill has a max of 100 and each skill starts at 5. Add the Governing attribute to the 5 for a total, then add 1 point to each skill per 2 Points in the Luck Attribute. Next, Tag 3 Skills of your choice unless a race states otherwise. Tagged skills instantly gain fifteen points to their current total, and will allow you to gain two points for every single learning point invested afterward.








Age: Keep it reasonable! Minimum age of 25 for everyone but Tundellar and V.I. Tundellar can be as young as 10,while V.I can be any age younger than 75.

Gender: Male or female. Even V.I's identify themselves by a gender,for the sake of the squishies around them.

Appearance: For now,this is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. Appearance doesn't mean squat for testing.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: List your SPECIAL attributes,in the order I have them in.








Copy the list from above,and highlight your Tagged skills in Red.

HP: Presented in a Current/Natural Maximum format.

Armour: Not implamented yet,but keep this heading in.

Traits: Same as above.

Perks: You're not getting any,so keep this blank,but keep it in.

Crit Chance: Make note of your crit chance here.

Action Points: Presented in a Current/Natural Maximum format.

Wallet: How much money you have.

Inventory:A list of the items you're carrying.


V1.2: Added Natural Weapons and Defense Mechanism to Tundellar, added sections for later Perks & Traits

V1.1: Changed the Con on Humans, changed luck to +2 and the Roll you need to get to Resist Technophobia on Tundellar, changed the AP system to how it should actually be.

V1.0: The Whole Post
That's actually quite handy,Kaze. However,I want Action Points to be very tight,and should only see an increase in maximum AP by way of temporary combat stims or perks,which can be a painful choice. Can you imagine how devestating someone with a gattling gun can be at level 30 by your method? Also,Tundellar are supposed to be naturally lucky; It's my way of explaining how they aren't extinct yet,as Tundellag is,bar none,the most lethal "habitable" planet in all fiction. Finally,the con for Humans is the fact that they have no obvious upside at the get-go. Humans ar average,and must adapt to become badass through skill. I actually had a firm race-role association in mind when I determined their stats.

Human - The jack knife. They can do a bit of everything,but generally not as well as more specialized people without a lot of work.

Xynoid - Rear line support. Their SPECIAL lends them more towards support roles such as computer science,surgery,and recon than combat.

V.I. - Overspecialized elite. I purposely made the V.I.'s extremely powerful at the start,but only in their specialized fields. Everything else needs someone to cover them.

Tundellar - The fighter. Evolution on Tundellag reduced their social skills to nigh non-existant,as far as the rest of galactic society is concerned,but their bodies have evoled considerably,too,making them the most physically capable rational race known.

I won't lie; Combat will exist in this,but I'll try to give diplomatic and/or sneaky options,too. Beware a Tundellar with a spear in the shadows.

Also,as a side-note,Tundellar have natural claws and fangs,which are Unarmed weapons. They also have an organ called the Tund Gland. Easily and non-lethally ripped out,it kills the ingester once it reaches the stomach. However,each Tundellar only gets one,and it doesn't grow back. In under a minute,it can drop a rampaging rhino,hippo,AND african elephant. It's generally used as a suicide medium to render their flesh inedible to whatever would kill them. Removing it more-or-less cripples the torso.
I want to play, but don't know much about P&P RPG. So please let me know if you can accept me and when we're going to start.
well, as far as i know, riddle is still working on getting the Traits, perks, and Equipment all dealt with. so i would say either keep tabs on this or send him a PM asking if you cann be accepted.
Gentleman, I have updated my own character. Because changing my luck would be far more of a pain in my butt then changing my intelligence, I did just that. I -1 point from my intelligence. Because I put 1 point into my intelligence, I just took that point and put it into luck to replace the point that got taken away. I don't think this explanation made in sense, but that's what I did haha...

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