[IDEA] Pen & Paper Sci-Fi RP?


Four Thousand Club
So,while I was flinging boxes into the trailers,I got to thinking. Pen & Paper RPG is a GREAT way to have fun,while roleplaying and keeping things balanced. It forces everyone to work as a team,and it's always great to go back to the roots of RPing and my favourite genre of video game,Action-RPG. For the uninitiated,a Pen & Paper (Herafter abbreviated to P&P) RPG is a tabletop roleplaying game,with stats and inventory being kept track of by the individual players on character sheets and pieces of scrap paper,all manually updated,generally with pencils,while permanent things with pen. Hence the term Pen & Paper. Noteworthy P&P RPG's include Dungeons & Dragons,Pathfinder,Dark Heresy and Exalted.

My P&P RP will take place here on the site,obviously. Now,I will be borrowing (Read,stealing and modifying) a fair chunk of Fallout's system,with the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system,Perks,Traits,Action Points,and a wide array of different skills which can be improved upon per level up. The RP will not be set in the Fallout universe,but I did choose sci-fi because of the versatility it allows. Before I go any further with this,I need to know if people will be interested and if they will stay for the long haul. This RP will take time to set up,and I plan on making it run for a fair bit. I'm banking on a party of four to five people.

Also,irony of ironies,I have zero experience in P&P RPG. But that won't stop me from making this one if people are interested.
For plot,I'll see if I can wrangle Heartsteal on board for that. I'm generally quite...Bad with plot. As for setting,it's going to be sci-fi,but I want to avoid post-apocalyptic. Maybe the frontier of human expansion,or maybe a criminal underworld. If it;'s the latter,that'll push it well into cyberpunk.
Sounds interesting I might join depending on what the story itself will be.
Its somthing like DMing a Pathfinder or DnD game over the net and forums? I maybe understanding you intention wrong by thinking like this. sounds like a fun thought. ^^
It's exactly like htatg,actually Rica. I'll be DMing,pulling the strings,and guiding you along the plotted line,with plenty of challenge involved. Nothing like winning with the last bullet you own with one health left!
It'll be more like Dark Heresy with the d100 being the primary die,and it will be in a sci-fi environment. But,hey,variety rocks.
It's for people who aren't lazy like me.... Still great idea. I haven't seen anyone done something of the sort effectively.
I am very interested in this. I have no experience in p&p but would like to get into it. I think it has a lot of potential. I had a similar idea involving the GM posting a map of the surroundings and letting the players chose the rout they wish to take. The GM would have placed certain traps of foes to over come along the way that may or may not be shown on the map. This could be further extended to have players play on a google excel and google doc page. The excel sheet would act as a game board while people role played in the doc, or on this sight. Idk if this would help you or not, just wanted to pass it a long.

I have a few sci-fi ideas if you are still looking for them. Like them or hate them. I don't mind:

1. Humans have colonized a few planets. Recently a planet that is very similar to earth has been discovered. Probes have been sent and the images they have collected are stunning. Not only is there life, but there is civilization. A research team is sent to make contact with these strange new beings.

2. A bounty hunter rp that is similar to Cow Boy Bebop or Men in Black. (Not as fond if this one).

3. After centuries of expansion into outer space the Galactic Federation has grown too big and the government has grown to corrupt for peace to be sustained. War has broken out and the galaxy is in turmoil. This rp would be divided between space battles and planet assault and conquering campaigns. Doing statistics for these battles would be very complex but could be really fun if structured right. It might work better if players controlled their own nation rather then a single person. This would end up being hugely complicated, but could be the most fun in my opinion.
I already have a guy for story and such. I'm bouncing ideas off of a pen & paper veteran,Heartsteal22. Currently,I've hammered down a multiracial party on one of the borderworlds,the frontier of galactic expansion. And there's a bit of an...Evacuation going on. It's a Fuster Cluck. A veritable shitstorm. And that's only the beginning. As far as "gameplay" goes,there will be variety. I'm taking great pains to ensure that any concievable build will be a benefiet at almost all times. For example,armour will play a significant role in combat,but most weapons have an armour piercing option,and for those that don't have the option,they're naturally armour-piercing anyways. And there will be several "silly" weapons. Silly in either scope,design,practicality,or all-round "WTF!?" garnering. Ever seen a rocket make 31 explosions? That'll be in this. Among other simply silly things.

The long and short of it is I aim to make a fun,yet challenging experience that allows you to pick any combo of skills and still have a chance at success. Even non-combatants.
If you can squeeze this idea out, I'll ride it for as long as you can keep her running.

that means "yes"
Believe it or not,I have much of gameplay hammered down. I have character generation all ready to go,as well as the flow of combat. All I need is equipment and a few creatures,and we can do a few test rounds of combat,just to see if it works. Just so you know,though,the test creatures will be rather...Hellish. Fast. Strong. And,I'll tell you now,one will ignore armour while the other has a potent venom. I just need to hammer home their stats,and such.
Is it possible for you to post a character skelleton so we can start creating characters? Maybe not even a final product. Just something to give use a point to start thinking from.

Id like to make a character ASAP.

Also, are you going to close it after a certain amount of people join?

Are we able to play a race other than humans?
Alright. This will just be for prototyping,though. To see if things are actually balanced. I don't have a full list of Traits down yet,either,which are part of character creation. However,for testing purposes,they can be left out until later.

Step One: Race Selection

Your race determines you biology (penalties against Medical skill for others unfamiliar with your race's anatomy),which confers bonuses and penalties to your SPECIAL and skills. Your race choices are...

-Human. Humans are a rather bland race,excelling in no particular area as a whole. However,individual humans have displayed an impressive ability to learn and adapt to new and adverse conditions more readily than other races. As such,on level up,humans gain a +3 bonus to learning points per level,but do not naturally excell.

-Virtual Intelligence (V.I). A V.I is an extremely advanced computer program,able to calculate external stimulus in real time and react accordingly. Due to limitations,however,a V.I is incapable of naturally learning,and the chassis of mobile units are custom built for the purpose of the on-board program,meaning that any changes to the chassis must be done by a skilled mechanic. As such,a V.I does not gain experience,and all SPECIAL and Skills are pre-arranged. Improvements are expensive and must be obtained through non-standard means.

V.I platforms are Combat,Recon,and Support. Inquire if you want to know the specifics.

-Xynoid. Xynoids are an alien race native to a lush jungle death world. Their skin lacks pigment,and their pupil almost literally dominates their eyes. Due to the conditions of their world,they have natural low-light vision,and their eyes can light up as a defense mechanism. Biochemically compatible with Humans,Xynoid-Human relationships aren't uncommon. However,all Xynoids suffer from a degenerative muscle condition,mandating the systematic replacement of their limbs as they fail. This,however,cause Xynoid medical science to catapult forward by decades,maybe even centuries ahead of human schedule,as extremely advanced prosthetics are commonplace in Xynoid society. As a whole,Xynoids are more intelligent and have more acute senses than Humans. As such,all Xynoids have a -2 penalty to Endurance and -1 penalty to Strength. +2 bonus to Perception and Intelligence. Natural limbs take constant Trauma unless resting. Natural Low-Light Vision.

-Tundellar: Once Human,now they have become something more. But,at the same time,something less. A Human colonization vessel crashed on a world well beyond the influence of the known galactic powers due to an emergency of an unknown nature. The colonists very quickly learned that the world,dubbed Tundellag,was a death world in nearly every sense of the phrase. They evolved very quickly out of necessity,and regressed socially into a tribal hunter-gatherer society. The planet knew night only once every year,and only for a few minutes at a time,due to the sheer number of stars in the system. Now,very few Tundellar are left,and most are women. Biochemically incompatible with Humans,despite their almost identical appearance,puts a significant damper on the future of the species. As such,Tundellar have DOUBLED SPECIAL caps (20 instead of 10),and have a natural +3 bonus to Luck,Strength,Agility,and Perception. However,they have a natural -3 penalty to Intelligence. Furthermore,every three level ups,a Tundellar gains a single SPECIAL point to allocate. Due to a race-wide technophobia,a Tundellar must resist the urge (80- roll) to destroy machinery or technology that they would otherwise use or interact with.

After picking your race,you must allocate your SPECIAL points if you're not a V.I. You get FIVE points to add to your SPECIAL,but you are free to reduce any of your SPECIAL attributes for more points to distribute to where you want them,at a 1:1 ratio. Your starting SPECIAL,by race,is as follows...


Strength: 5/10

Perception: 5/10

Endurance: 5/10

Charisma: 5/10

Intelligence: 5/10

Agility: 5/10

Luck: 5/10


Strength: 4/10

Perception: 7/10

Endurance: 3/10

Charisma: 5/10

Intelligence: 7/10

Agility: 5/10

Luck: 5/10


Strength: 8/20

Perception: 8/20

Endurance: 8/20

Charisma: 5/20

Intelligence: 2/20

Agility: 8/20

Luck: 8/20

After distributing SPECIAL,you must roll for your starting money. This is calculated by rolling a d100,then multiplying the result by your Luck. To roll a die on the site,you must input the following command,replacinf the angled brackets <> with square brackets [].

<ROLL=Starting money> 1d100 </roll>

So,let's say your luck is 10,because you're odd and think that having buckets of duckets is more important than natural ability,and you rolled an 80. You get $800 to buy your starting equipment with...When I figure that bit out.


Your health is determined by the following equation...

10(S+E)/3,rounded down,with the rounded result multiplied by your level. An example,with 10 Strength and 10 Endurance...

10(10+10)/3 = 10*20/ 3= 200/3 = 66.6 = 66 HP at level one.

Your light load carrying capacity is determined by the following equation...

5((0.5E+S+8)/2),rounded down. Again,10 S and E,your light load would be...

5((0.5*10+10+8)/2) = 5((5+10+8)/2 )= 5(23/2) = 5*11.5 = 57.5 = 57 kilograms.

Your medium load is 1.5 times your light load,and your heavy load is 1.5 times your medium load. You incur penalties for carrying too much,magnifying as you carry more and more.

Your action points determine how much you can do in combat per turn. At the start of your turn,unless penalties are applied,your AP restores. Your AP is calculated as follows...

5+(A/2) rounded down. This means your MINIMUM AP IS FIVE.

Every time you hit in combat,you stand a chance to inflict a critical hit. Critical hits deal double the sum of a weapon's Damage and Trauma,plus your luck. There are two ways to score a crit. The easiest is to simply land a hit on an unwary enemy. The other method is you must roll,on a d100,under the result of the following equation...


The skills available to you are varied. I'll break them down by category.

Primary Skills

These skills are used directly in combat,generally for effective use of weapons.

-Ballistic Weapons. Determines your skill with a weapon that fires solid,(generally) non-explosive projectiles. Effected weapons are Handguns,Scatterguns,Rifles,Miniguns,and Gauss variants of the previous. Governed by Agility.

-Energy Weapons. Determines your skill with a weapon that brings injury to the target via directed energy,such a LASERs and electrical arc weapons. Energy weapons of both varieties come in the same variants as Ballistic weapons,except for Gauss. Governed by Perception.

-Melee Weapons. If it isn't your fists,or a weapon that you punch with,it's a melee weapon,and this skill determines your skill with these weapons. A higher Melee Weapons skill not only increases your chance to hit,but also grants special attacks if advanced enough. Governed by Strength.

-Unarmed Weapons: If it's inflicting harm with your limbs,then it's unarmed combat. Unarmed Weapons provide more effective means of striking with your limbs. A higher skill means a better hitrate,and more advanced and effective techniques at higher levels. Governed by Strength.

-Explosives: Does it go "BOOM!"? Then it's an Explosive. Skill determines hitrate of these weapons. A miss could very well blow YOU up. Governed by Perception.

Secondary Skills

These skills can directly help in combat,but have other applications as well.

-Stealth. Your ability to remain unseen or unnoticed by others. A higher skill means a lower chance of detection. Governed by Agility.

-Medical. Sometimes,you get shot. Or stabbed. Or exploded. You get the picture. This skill allows you to administer first-aid effectively,or even surgery. Governed by Intelligence.

Support Skills

These skills hold very little practical purpose in combat. However,outside of combat,they can be extremely useful.

-Handyman. A general knowledge on how mechanical objects work,and how to fix 'em. A must for DIY nuts. Governed by Perception.

-Computer Science. A Handyman,but for computers and other similar high technology. Governed by Intelligence.

-Negotiator. Your ability to influence people to your whim,wheather it's for selling swag or gaining information or avoiding a fight altogether. Governed by Charisma.

-Burglary. Locks and alarms generally protect the best equipment that isn't in use at the moment. This skill determines your success in disabling and bypassing such obstacles. Governed by Perception.

-Survivalist. Determines your ability to survive with bare minimum,and what you can scrounge up. General outdoorsmans-y knowledge included. Governed by Endurance.

Each skill starts at 5. Add as many points to each skill as you have points in it's governing attribute,then one point into every skill for every two points of luck (no half-points). Next,you Tag three skills of your choice. Tagged skills instantly gain fifteen points,and gain two points for every single learning point invested.


Remember,any characters you make now will be for testing purposes before we begin the actual campaign. So,the skeleton.



Age: Keep it reasonable! Minimum age of 25 for everyone but Tundellar and V.I. Tundellar can be as young as 10,while V.I can be any age younger than 75.

Gender: Male or female. Even V.I's identify themselves by a gender,for the sake of the squishies around them.

Appearance: For now,this is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. Appearance doesn't mean squat for testing.

SPECIAL: List your SPECIAL attributes,in the order I have them in.

Skills: Copy the list from above,and highlight your Tagged skills in Red.

HP: Presented in a Current/Natural Maximum format.

Armour: Not implamented yet,but keep this heading in.

Traits: Same as above.

Perks: You're not getting any,so keep this blank,but keep it in.

Crit Chance: Make note of your crit chance here.

Action Points: Presented in a Current/Natural Maximum format.

Wallet: How much money you have.

Inventory: A list of the items you're carrying.

I'm Game Rid, i haven't "Played" in a While... Considering all D&D games i try to do on here decide to die quicker than Bacteria does.
What are you expecting out of this role play? Will the final product be combat oriented, or do you want there to be emphasis on character interaction and personality development? Will you lead us down a plot line or do will you create obstacles based on the direction the characters decide to go? Either way it sounds fun and I am interested staying for the long haul.

I am interested in the V.I. but I am a little unsure about what you mean by "no natural learning". I believe that a reaction to external stimuli constitutes as learning. Could I have some more info on them?
This would be a pen and paper first,like D&D,Pathfinder,Exalted,or Dark Heresy. I'll be expecting you to RP,but the primary gameplay will be done with dice rolls,both in and out of combat Furthermore,a pen & paper CANNOT under any circumstances work without a plotted line created by the GM,although I will encourage character development and intercharacter relationships...So long as they don't get sexual or completely dominate the scene.

About the V.I's,it means that they do not gain experience,meaning it cannot level up normally. Reacting to external stimuli is simply so the V.I can precieve the world and react to it,otherwise known as "reaction". You can react without learning. As a computer program,it cannot grow without a user initiating an upgrade,which must come from an external source. Do you want their pre-defined stats?

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